He is a naval hero whose influence in the navy is unparalleled. He has been a legendary navy since time immemorial and has been shaped into a hero in the hearts of civilians at sea.

So Straw Hat Luffy and his gang have a pass.

Straw Hat Luffy cannot move.

In fact, it is the same reason.

Such an analogy.

Straw Hat Luffy and his group are the same as the Celestial Dragons. Relying on the power behind them and strong backers, they act unscrupulously and recklessly, never using their brains or considering the consequences.

But Straw Hat Luffy admits that he is not a good person, but a pirate, who yearns for freedom and unrestraint.

At least not hypocritical.

Ren, Little Sati, Domino, and Shiliu of the Rain were secretly sent out of the Impel Down City.

Come out into the world.

"General Ren."

Yuzhiliu asked curiously: "Do you have any plans?"

"Plan? Of course there is, but first we need to call everyone."

"Call everyone together? General Ren is talking about the force he formed?"

Is that necessary?

Yu Zhiliu believes that no one understands Ren's power better than himself.

"Of course it's necessary. I don't want to be besieged again."

Ren grinned and said: "The sea is not just powerful enough to do whatever it wants. It also needs people and sophistication, strong, reliable, and trustworthy helpers and subordinates, just like you. I need to gather them all."

Yu Zhiliu was stunned.

He had never heard of such a thing. Renn had secretly developed his own power, and it had grown to such a large scale that even the Navy Headquarters and the World Government were not aware of it. How ambitious was this?

I really followed the right person.

Yuzhiliu held the thunderstorm in his hand, and couldn't help exuding a bloodthirsty and cruel aura.

"Collect the breath on your body."

"Where are we going next?"

Shiru of the Rain put away his bloodthirsty aura.

"Go to the Chambord Islands first."


Yu Zhiliu said puzzledly.

"I'd like a drink."

Ren made a drinking gesture with his hands and played with the taste with a smile.

Chapter 15 15, Xia Qi: "Leili is not here, he sold himself out."

There are many powerful beings alone on the sea.

The most prominent among them.

The most famous ones.

Barrett, who believes in being strong alone.

Ryder, who always keeps to himself.

Challenge the invincible Renne.


But they.

Barrett was consumed by the Demon-Slaying Order, and was defeated by the Sengoku and Garp forces.

Ryder was under siege and was consumed by a group of navy and navy strong men in turn. He was like a white beard on top of the war. He had fought against various navy strong men one after another. Even in this situation, he was forced to surrender to the former navy. Marshal Gang Kong has achieved an impressive record.

It's a huge win compared to Barrett.

And Ren was even more exaggerated. First, he singled out Sora in a duel, and then monopolized the five major forces of the Sengoku Navy: Garp, Akainu, Kizaru, and Aokiji. During this period, the Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters and the alternate Admiral took turns to consume their physical strength.

Finally lost.

Although Renn could not take away any of the five powerful forces at that time, if he really wanted to kill him, the naval general would definitely suffer heavy casualties.

Only he didn't.

Hold on.

He didn't attack the weak ones, wanting to see his own limits. The targets he attacked were all Garp, Sengoku, Akainu, Kizaru, and Aokiji.

Can't beat it.


Renn believes that he can beat the so-called one-on-one duel between the four emperors, "Hundred Beasts" Kaido, on land, sea and air.

He beat the Yonko, who was at the peak of his strength and courage, until he called him daddy.

But the sea is not a one-man battle that can be arbitrary. It requires a background, connections, and strong partners.

on the sea.

"This boy named Straw Hat Luffy is really brave. Breaking the Judiciary Island is really like what a villain would do."

Yu Zhiliu looked at the recent news papers and said with a sinister smile.


Ren noticed Newsbird who had been reluctant to leave and showed fear, and ordered.

Yuzhi Xiliu immediately retracted her ferocious smile.

He honestly touched his body but couldn't find any money. He looked at Ren with an embarrassed and helpless expression.


No money.

Upon seeing this, little Sadie took out a hundred beli, worth two chubs, from her body in disgust and paid it to Newsbird.

Newsbirds who do their job get paid.

Then he quickly flew away.

He was afraid that Ame no Shiru, a terrible buyer, would chop himself with a knife.

of course.

If Hiromu Amame really kills this news bird, he will definitely be blacklisted. By then, all the news birds in the sea will fly around him in advance, and don't even think about getting any recent news or the latest news.

When the news bird flew high into the sky, it showed a grateful expression to Ren and Little Sadie.

Then, it flew into the distance.

"What a smart bird."

Domino said with curious eyes.

Renn can understand people like Domino who stay in Impel Down City all year round and have little contact with the outside world. They will have a strong interest in novel and interesting things.

Once upon a time, I was also full of curiosity about the world.

Even if I have watched this anime before.

But personal experience is much more complicated than in anime. It is a completely different experience.

The creatures in this world are very smart.

Newsbird is one of them.

Specially used for delivering newspapers, it has extremely high intelligence and can express emotions, fear, gratitude, happiness, etc.

The same goes for phone bugs.

An animal that can be used for communication. It looks like a snail, with spots or stripes on its body or a solid color. There is a walkie-talkie or button on the top of the shell. It will sleep when it is not connected, and wake up when it is connected, and emits "Bulu Bulu". "The phone bug's mouth will move like the speaker's mouth during the call, and some people's emotions can understand human speech.

The most interesting thing is that when the phone is answered, the bug's expression will be exactly the same as the phone bug's owner.


The most interesting thing for Ren was to call Kizaru.

moxi moxi~

a few days later.

Ren, Shiliu of the Rain, Little Sati, and Domino arrived at a small island.

Domino enters the island to buy supplies.

Little Sadie was so tired that she lay in bed and didn't want to get up.

Renn lit a cigarette.

He was lying on the railing of the boat.

Looking at the sea.

Yu Zhixiliu went to the island and robbed some hooligans and gangsters with the purpose of grabbing money. Rather than owing the hundred beli to little Sadie, he thought it would be better to pay it back as soon as possible.

We can't delay it until the news spreads. People on the sea will think that Tangtang Yu Zhiliu doesn't even have a hundred beli and can't afford it.

"This banana tastes really good. It's big and thick."

Ren was eating his favorite banana. A pound of banana cost more than 300 beli, which is about the price of six Choppers.

Chopper currently has a bounty of fifty beli.

It can rise to [-] Baileys in the future.

Purchase completed.

They hurried to the next stop.

After another period of time.

Arrive in Chambord Islands.

It is an island with a developed economy and tourism industry, and slave auctions are open to the public. It is an island of sin and absurdity, and it is not far from the naval headquarters.

Not far.

This is like the closer Tang Seng and his group get to the West, the more monsters there are and the more powerful the monsters become.

The Shampoo Islands are made up of 79 trees

Nos. 1 to 29 are illegal areas such as human trafficking shops.

Numbers 30 to 39 are amusement parks.

No. 40 to 49 is a tourist area, and there are souvenirs for sale.

Nos. 50 to 59 are shipyards with coating craftsmen.

No. 60 to 69 are the access areas for the navy and the government.

70 to 79 are places like Hotel Street.

"The Shampoo Islands... hope not to encounter the Celestial Dragons."

Yu Zhiliu frowned.

He didn't want to meet the Celestial Dragons, and he didn't want to offend the Celestial Dragons and be hunted down by the admiral.

Just kneeling down to the Celestial Dragons is unacceptable.

"Dragon people?"

"It's been a while since I've heard of this stupid pig-like creature."

Ren said casually.

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