"Who has the stronger aura, me or Ren?"

Gang Gukong's whole body's aura was condensed to its peak, and a powerful aura suddenly erupted, and he asked curiously.


The green bull didn't answer.

Needless to say?

"Just watch this battle quietly. It will be a pretty exciting battle."

Sengoku commented.

The center of the battle.

The two face each other.

"I don't know how strong I have become yet, Garp, you are a good test punching bag."

Renn smiled.

"As expected, I still can't accept the fact that you killed Ace. You obviously care about Ace very much."

Garp gritted his teeth unconvinced, his blood boiling. The powerful internal organs in his body were like a furnace, providing powerful and terrifying power. The muscles in his body tightened, twisted, and expanded. His whole body was beaten in a circle, and his clothes were broken and exposed. Under the clothes, there are strong and powerful muscles and a dark and shiny domineering look that can reflect light.

"I won't be happy if I don't punch you!"

Garp jumped up and waved his iron fist, the space was distorted, and strong sonic booms spread in all directions. The amazing domineering power covered the entire area, blocking all other roads to Renn, leaving only a ring for the two of them to fight. .

At this moment, the naval hero who has fought all over the world with his iron fist is fully engaged in his state. He treats Ren as Rocks, the most terrifying opponent ever, and fights with the belief that he will die.


Ren used Qi to fly in the sky, and the powerful Qi in his body condensed on his fist. He punched downwards and hit Garp's head, and Garp also hit Ren's head. The consequence of this was that the two of them would fight again. Fist to fist at a time.

boom! ! ! ! !

This time, Garp hit the ground at an unimaginable speed, going back and forth from where he came. He hit the ground hard and made a big hole. The vibrations spread throughout the Holy Land of Mariejoia, including those living in the depths. All the Celestial Dragons felt the violent vibration. Many Celestial Dragons who were extremely noble on the sea fell to the ground and could not get up.

Both sides watching the battle were shocked.

This outcome is too obvious. Garp will lose. There is no surprise. The gap between Ren and Garp is obvious. The gap in strength between the two is too huge.

Feeling that his iron fists were bloody and bloody, Garp gritted his teeth and crawled out of the ruins. He looked up at Ren, who was looking down at him, very unwillingly.

"I should be the one who is unhappy. I was the navy that was tricked by you. Because the superiors were looking for someone to take the blame, the responsibility for dereliction of duty fell on me. Although Zefa helped me shoulder it, But in the Navy, many of my contemporaries looked at me like I was a murderer."

"The reason is that those innocent pregnant women and children who died are all on my head. I admit that I have some responsibility, but the one who gave the order was the World Government, the one who took action was the navy, and the one who took the action privately was you, a recognized person. Navy hero.”

"Why is it just because I took the blame? Everyone seemed to place all the responsibility on me as a matter of course."

Ren recalled the scenes in the past. It was thanks to Zefa that he did not turn black. However, the anger in his heart has continued from then to now. When he has no strength, he can only endure it. Whoever has the bigger fist is justified.

We can't implicate Zefa who helped.

That would go against his principles as a human being.

"I've long seen you unhappy!"

"It looks like your little group is unhappy!"

Renn accelerated his fall from the sky, hit the ground, and punched one after another.

Garp couldn't say anything to refute.

He could only throw punch after punch until his fist was smashed to pieces, all the phalanges inside were broken, and blood spurted out of his mouth.

Zefa's eyes dimmed.

This kind of thing is very common. If there is a problem on the top, it must be the bottom that jacks up the cylinder. If the bottom can't hold it, the end will definitely not be good. I valued Renn back then and took the initiative to help deal with this matter.

What he didn't know was that Renn had never rebelled against the navy, which was largely due to Zefa.

What he regrets is not being able to save Zefa's family.

"Stop, don't fight again!"

Warring States rushed out worriedly and persuaded, "Give me some face."

Renn didn't stop.

He has seen through the routines of the navy's top brass, and they will give him a face if nothing happens, while the people below him work desperately to survive, which becomes a game of housekeeping.

Beat up Garp

No one can stop it.

After seeing Ren's strength and power.

The Warring States Period was worried about the division of the navy.

I already regretted recommending Qingzhi to become the navy marshal.

During this period of time, he thought a lot, and his hair had turned gray from worry, but Garp wanted Aoki to become the next marshal of the navy, which was really troublesome.


Aoki sighed and activated his fruit ability. The ice spread from his feet to where he stopped near Ren, making him unable to move forward.

"Ren, please stop."

Seeing that it was a group fight, Green Bull felt that his opportunity had come, so he went to work and released a powerful momentum. The surrounding area turned into a forest, and he transformed into a forest giant, controlling countless vines to cooperate with Garp.

Interfering on the side.

The ability of this fruit may be weaker in single combat.

But cooperate with other opponents.

Play cooperatively.

Get twice the result with half the effort.

"Red Earl, help me keep an eye on this outsider Cyborg Kong. You don't need to do anything to others."

Ren gave an instruction.

The fist fell on Garp again.

As a member of the D clan, Garp has a strong vitality, bloodline and a physique that is as strong as a weakling. He is the nightmare of all pirates on the sea, and is called a mad dog by countless pirates.

But now this physique not only did not help Garp, but made Garp the most useful sandbag.







Cyborg Kong couldn't stand it anymore, he crushed the ground under his feet, his body was wrapped in domineering energy, as if covered with a layer of armor, and he rushed over.

"You'd better not go there."

The Red Earl reminded: "I don't mind beating you once, in front of everyone present, in the holy land you protect, Mariejoia. I will beat you until you have teeth all over the floor."

Cyborg Kong was provoked in this way, and his shame and desire for revenge were activated. He was completely furious, abandoned Ren, and started a battle with the Red Earl in the Holy Land of Mariejoia.

"I've long disliked you, but now you can give me a chance and see if I don't beat you to death!"

Ren was riding on Garp, holding Garp's neck with one hand, and clenching his other hand into a fist. He fell on Garp mercilessly, beating him to a bloody pulp.

But he still retained the last measure of propriety.

Before dealing with the four emperors of the new world, let's not deal with the problems of the navy and the world government.

If only there was an unknown opportunity.

He wouldn't mind getting rid of Cap.

The battle was a one-sided one.

Chat group.

Yakumo Purple: "@雷恩, maintain your integrity in front of the new members, your authority, your authority is gone when you open your mouth like this!"

Wu Liuqi: "Too strong! How could there be such a powerful person? I can't believe it...Brother Renne is so strong! It seems that I can live peacefully in my own world in the future!"

Yakumo Purple: "@五六七, haven't you seen the previous video records? There is another thing. When group members go to the world of other group members, their strength will be limited and they will not be able to exert their own strength. They can only follow The ceiling of your world is almost the same, and that feels very bad.”

Yakumo Purple hates the feeling that her strength is limited everywhere. If it weren't for the game in the world of Rikka, she wouldn't go there.If Gensokyo wasn't allowed to go to the human world at will, she would really like to stay in the human world for a while.

Wu Liuqi: "I have watched all the videos sent to me by Brother Ren. There are many things to do in the future. I am so worried. I am a bully buying offal and have to fight so many powerful people, as well as the leader, Qing. Feng, Chiya, Plum Blossom Hero..."

Yakumo Murasaki: "Let me analyze it for you. That Qingfeng is just unhappy because you took the cabbage he raised. I use my many years of experience to guarantee that this Qingfeng definitely has an experience similar to Plum Blossom Thirteen. Thirteen will be raised as a daughter.”

Mo He: "That Qingfeng seems to be a person with a lot of stories. He has his own purpose, a strong plan, and the ability to act. You should be considered an accident. He probably doesn't want Plum Blossom Thirteen to come into contact with you, for fear of being exposed. You are implicated. None of you Shadow Assassins are efficient, especially you, the Shadow Assassin who is being hunted by the Assassin's League."

Most of the members of the chat group are quite bored. Basically, they have all watched part of Wu Liuqi's experience. The main reason is that Wu Liuqi is not defensive at all and is willing to let the group members see it.

All group members gave Wu Liuqi some benefits to some extent.

Wu Liuqi: "So that's it, what should I do?"

Yakumo Purple: "As long as you don't provoke Plum Blossom Thirteen, Qingfeng will not notice you, and there will be no way to use you as a pawn. And Plum Blossom Hero and Plum Blossom Thirteen have a bad relationship."

Mo He: "As long as you don't provoke Plum Blossom Thirteen, Qingfeng will handle the matter of Plum Blossom Hero. If successful, he will personally take Plum Blossom Thirteen to deal with Plum Blossom Thirteen's matter." , you don’t have to worry about it.”

Yakumo Purple: "As long as you don't provoke the Plum Blossom Thirteen, they won't find you. You can wait until you are much stronger than them before going out."

Wu Liuqi: "Do you want me to give up on Miss Mei? Impossible! Absolutely impossible! Don't even think about it! I have to work hard to practice the Thunder Technique! Lei Shi said that I won't be easily killed!"

Leishi: "..."

Why are all these people motivated by women?

Wu Liuqi began to practice the Thunder Technique with all his strength, eating the flesh of the Sea King species while practicing. He wanted to become strong enough to protect anyone, and then repay the group members and the group leader.

Chapter 127 Chapter 125, In the name of Marshal, I send troops to make peace

"so comfortable."

Renn let go of Garp who was only breathing.

Feel comfortable.

"Xiaxiaxiaxia... Take your people and get out of here."

Moria walked over, picked up Garp who was only breathing, and threw him heavily in the direction of Sengoku and other navy officials.


Warring States took a deep breath. After checking Garp's physical condition, he was relieved to find that Garp still had one breath left and would not die. He knew very well how special Garp's physique and bloodline were.

As long as there is still one breath left, it will not die, and it will soon be resurrected with full health and full of vitality.


Renn glanced at the white-haired Sengoku. This naval marshal had worried his whole life about Garp's various actions, and had also worked hard for the justice of the navy his whole life.

Compared to Garp who is not even willing to take responsibility.

The Warring States Period is more worthy of respect.

But Sengoku's behavior was stupid.

The older generation supports each other, gives each other face, and engages in too many worldly things, but they are unable to come up with a complete solution, and they do not have the ability to truly change everything.

As a result, the battle between their navy and pirates often became a game of house.

The small group with the Navy Triangle as its core indulged Garp too much.

The lower-level navy suffered numerous casualties, but the upper-level navy felt relieved halfway through the fight. They had enjoyed the fight, so they gave each other a face and stopped fighting.

Isn't this just playing house?

In the battle between Garp and the Roger Pirates, countless low-level marines were killed or injured. I wonder if Garp cared about these low-level marines at all.

I'm afraid I haven't thought about it at all.

Because in Garp's heart, Roger is much more important than the lives of the low-level marines, and Roger's children are much more important than the children of civilians.

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