"It is developing very fast, but it retains a lot of characteristics." Ren lamented, "I don't know how much will be left in the future."

"With the development of science and technology, some things will definitely be eliminated. It's not that they are bad, but they are not suitable for this era." Klein has been in this world and feels the most.

The other members of the chat group all acted in their own world. He stayed in this world and looked at these still pictures. He was shocked. After a while, he started to learn various knowledge.

There is no concept of time in this world. It may be because this world was created by Cheng Xin, or it may be because Big Big Wolf's illogical science and technology created a helmet that allows all group members to go to their own world. Time stops.

After staying in this world for who knows how long, Klein was still thinking wildly at first. All he could think about were novels about time standing still, TV shows...mostly about lucky people who were not serious.

"Won't you feel bored in this world?" Ren was curious.

Klein thought about his experience in this world and replied: "It was boring, and I even had mental problems for a while. Fortunately, after the transformation, my brain became more flexible, but I don't want to have that kind of experience again. , but other worlds are also static, so it’s better to stay in this somewhat familiar world.”

Renn chatted with Klein about the Three-Body World and Klein's experience in this world.

"Do you plan to start the Tarot Club first, or do you want me to send you to a suitable world to experience first?" Ren asked.

"Start the Tarot session first."

I need to solve the problems of that world. If I can solve that world perfectly, I can almost become a traveler like Ren and travel in various worlds... Klein is reluctant to let go of everything he has in his own world and not deal with it. Okay, don't worry.

At the beginning, in the pirate world, Ren was like this. If the pirate world was not changed into a world where all the seas were unified, he would not be able to rest assured and he would not be able to travel everywhere like now.

"I decided to drag Leonard and Hugh into the Tarot Society, that vampire, and the Star Admiral... put them aside for the time being. I don't have that ability yet."

"After watching the TV series about myself, no matter how much I dislike my Tarot Club, I still decided to recruit the original members..." Renn smiled and thought to himself: "Future Tarot Club members will be recruited as soon as possible. , they will also grow up at the fastest speed..."

Chapter 197 Chapter 195, Missing Amon

"I have a question for you."

Before leaving, Klein turned his head and looked at Ren, "Do you think the goddess of the night is good?"


Ren was stunned, "Your question is a bit complicated. It's difficult to judge simply by whether it's good or bad. If you're looking for a temporary ally, whether it's the goddess of the night, Adam... they're all very good, forget about Amon. "

I agree... Klein felt that what Ren said was reasonable and asked:

"I want to know your evaluation and understanding of the goddess of the night."

"This..." Ren saw Klein's curious eyes and guessed that Klein, who had watched his TV series, was making some guesses in his mind. Just as Amon was clearly arranged by Adam, he was also clearly arranged by the goddess of the night. .

In the end, Klein's victory over Amon may not be a hymn to mankind. It may also be the goddess of the night. Adam and the others teamed up to make a game. No matter what the final result is, Klein and the two people behind Amon will guide the most suitable result.

Because this result affects the world.

After staying in the pirate world for many years, Renn knows that strength is very important, and power is also very important. Otherwise, no matter how powerful you are, you cannot suppress the entire sea by yourself. It is best not to challenge the order and rules of the world by seeking death.

Im, the sixth child, backed by the World Government, has been working behind the scenes for more than 800 years without showing up. The reason is that he is worried that the power of the entire sea will unite to form an alliance to crusade against the World Government.

At that time, the world government will only end up with the same fate as the once huge kingdom.

At that time, the World Government just found a reason to kill the huge kingdom and bury the historical truth of the year. The World Government was composed of twenty royal families. In order to become orthodox and a recognized force in the sea, they had no choice but to declare that no one could do it. To the highest throne, the Throne of Sky, that is just a symbol.

Im didn't dare to sit on it blatantly. Their world government was worried that Quan Dahai would use this reason to attack them. After all, they also usurped the throne.

Klein must also be worried about the future destiny and the future of the world. Finding some allies and cultivating a group of local talents will help him better fight against the future destiny, so as not to fight alone. In the end, his spirit collapse.

In such a weird world, knowing too much, being on the front line, and not having teammates to help is really very likely to cause collapse. When you become a god, you will basically gradually lose your humanity and only retain your divinity.

Speaking of which, none of the gods in this world are actually kind-hearted. The Goddess of the Night is closely related to Klein. The readers who watched her have a good impression of her, and her humanity is maintained quite well.

But it has nothing to do with kindness, and it is even a proper old Yin coin. The biggest winner is that he only treats Klein as a chess piece, not as an abandoned piece.This has a lot to do with Him retaining his humanity and remembering old feelings.

Just like Adam made clear arrangements for Amon, the goddess of the night made clear arrangements for Klein.

After watching the TV series, Renn's inner thought was: "A world where only God of War and George III and many civilians were injured have been achieved."

Of course, in this desperate and weird world, if the goddess of the night has no ability at all, and is instead a Mary Sue, it is impossible to become the goddess of the night. She must be shady and shady.

The goddess of the night is the sixth of the six.

Renn didn't think there was anything wrong with the Goddess of the Night. Ordinary people would more or less have a favorable impression and admiration for the Goddess of the Night after seeing this world view and the story about Klein. Some people carefully observed the life of the Goddess of the Night and delved into the stories behind it. It can be discovered that the goddess of the night is a true deity.

Some people will be disgusted by this, and some will be more sympathetic to the goddess of the night.

Combined with the world view of this world.

Lane falls into the latter category.

He always believed that it was ridiculous to use human beings to measure the quality of gods.Gods are gods after all. They cannot be measured by the good and evil of humans, but generally from the perspective of the protagonist or humans.

The ancient sun god's view of sacrificing the few to save the many is an unsolvable proposition. It makes sense no matter how you say it, but the few who were sacrificed must say MMP!

The goddess of the night...because of the Zangwill incident...cooperating with Adam...Many people died because of the goddess of the night. How to say it? I can only say that ordinary people are not that important. Necessary sacrifices are for the better. to survive.

If this world doesn't do this.

It will face the same fate as the Trisolaran world. Humanity may be completely wiped out, or there may be only a character similar to the Holy Mother Cheng Xin, who said righteously, "I am working for all mankind. All mankind deserves to die. Only I didn't deserve to die, it was all humanity that kidnapped me, I didn't want to be in that position...'.

Thinking about it this way, the things the Night Goddess and the Ancient Sun God did each made sense.

The human condition in this world is compared to the three-body world.

It’s time to have some fun.

At least there is no Holy Mother Cheng Xin.

There is the most powerful sixth goddess of the night.

There was Adam who was extremely wise and unfathomable.


They did not keep saying that they were for mankind, nor did they put any moral label on themselves.

They are the gods who stand out from thousands of people.

They will only do what they should do, for themselves and for the survival of this world.

Only Amon should be beaten.

Human beings should not expect anything from gods.

Gods and mortals are two different species.

They are affected by divinity.

This is the reason why Ren gave up divinity. If it is divinity, the soul of the sun god Nika Luffy he killed in the world of Four Seas Returned to One was affected by divinity. It was Luffy, and even more so that year. of Joey Boy.

The goddess of the night is not as scary as Cheng Xin in the Trisolaran world, but if we really want to evaluate it, the goddess of the night is hard to distinguish between good and evil. Where the things she does should be ruthless, she is not merciless at all, and her actions will not let anyone let her down. People have too much evil feelings, and Cheng Xin's sense of good and evil is the highest moral standard in the world of sissy.

From the perspective of Ren, a person who was not born in the world of sissies, that disgusting moral code is supported by the majority of people in that world of sissies. If it were changed to any world where sissies are not the mainstream, it would never be possible to occupy the majority. .

He told Klein truthfully what he was thinking.

"You don't need to pay too much attention to what I say. Just know it yourself. Sometimes you talk too much and think too much, and most of the time you may not be able to do it."

You are too down-to-earth... Klein smiled. After listening to Ren's evaluation and understanding, he had a deeper understanding of the goddess of the night. Next time, he would ask Ye Fan how they evaluated the goddess of the night.

But no matter how they evaluate her, based on the level of the members of the chat group, their evaluation of the goddess of the night will not be low.

Three-body, mysterious.

It’s also a desperate world.

Various outstanding beings also appeared in both worlds, including the goddess of the night, Adam, and Russell in Mystery... and Luo Ji and Zhang Beihai in Three-Body...

The only difference is that Mystery has itself.

The three bodies have Chengxin.

I am more confident in changing my destiny in the future. No matter what I do, even if I mess up, I can't do worse than Cheng Xin... Although Cheng Xin strives to achieve her own goals for the sake of all mankind, she and I are not the same Humanoid, I am the Fool... Klein felt much more relaxed, and the muscles on his face became much softer.

"There will be a meeting soon." The corner of Ren's mouth raised slightly, "I will help you cheat, and the members of the chat group are your backers. Tom will take action at critical moments, and you know your future destiny, how fast you can collect and digest magic potions. It will be much faster than in the original work, and your Tarot Club members will definitely gather together in the shortest time."

"What do you want to say?" Klein was confused and wondered.

"I would say it would be better to reveal the faces of the members of the Tarot Society and just keep it a secret. I think it would be more interesting."

Ren has already done what this world should do. It can be said that the future destiny has basically been arranged. Whether it is Adam, the goddess of the night... they are all on the chessboard, and Klein is on the main line of his own destiny. No matter what, you won't lose.

The most noteworthy thing is that the TV series about Klein is not the end of this world, but no matter how many more, Lane believes that he will grow up faster than the original, have stronger Tarot skills, and that Klein will handle everything.

If it doesn't work, the goddess of the night will end up. If it doesn't work, Ren will send Adam, there will always be a way...

Like Ye Fan's world.

He has no idea to deal with it yet, because he doesn't know how to deal with it. The "Zhetian Trilogy" was pulled too high when he arrived at the Holy Ruins. Renn thought that he was an existence barely above the level of a single universe, so he just gave food to him. It's better not to go.

But if he can grow up in the future, it wouldn't be a bad idea to open a plateau dungeon with Ye Fan, Huangtian Emperor and the others.

ah!this?Revealing the faces of Tarot Club members towards each other... You are sure you don't want to eavesdrop on their thoughts. Alas, I really don't know how big of a stir this Tarot Club will cause after it starts... Klein thought for a moment , is there any big problem? He has not lost his vest, so Ren can do this kind of thing as he pleases.

He can also take the opportunity to listen to the thoughts of Tarot Club members with different fate lines... This Tarot Club is very interesting to think about!Although Klein was a little speechless about his Tarot Club when he learned the truth at first, no matter how speechless he was, it was all created by him, and the members of the Tarot Club were very cooperative with him.

"As long as you're happy." Klein said in a relaxed tone.

"I miss Amon a little bit."

Klein: "???"

Why do you miss that thing?After watching the TV series about myself, I wished that Amon was as far away as possible. I have a phobia of Amon. Adam is obviously stronger, but Amon... is so disgusting!

"You seem to have some objections to Amon." Ren felt disgusted and his eyes fell on Klein. Do you know how fun the yandere royal sister Amon is?Do you know how funny it is when Amon collapses?

you do not know any think!

"You are biased against Amon, but there is Adam beside me. He is also a mythical creature. What do you think of it?"

The blond angel is big and white. No normal man can resist the charm of the female version of Adam... Klein replied: "I can understand why you accepted Adam. After all, as one of the gods, Adam is relatively normal. .”





"You checked the time dozens of times today. What's wrong?" Xio saw that something was seriously wrong with his friend Forsi, and asked worriedly: "Are you short of money? I still have some here."

Hugh is so nice... Forsi sighed.

Although she is indeed short of money, the upcoming Tarot Club is the most important thing compared to money. The last time she attended a Tarot Club, it was her first time to participate, and she actually heard secrets of that level.

Even more excited than Xio are 'Justice' Audrey, 'Sun' Derrick, and 'The Hanged Man' Alger. The three of them will join Tarot for a while, like 'Sun' Derrick is one of those who often Anyone who has been teased can feel the importance of this Tarot session, not to mention the smart Audrey 'Justice', and the 'Hanged Man' Alger who is good at brainstorming and has rich experience.



Lane and Klein entered the fog almost at the same time, and other Tarot Club members entered one after another, all showing their true appearance to other members.

this is not me? !Maybe it's Tom's ability, but it's okay. He has a vest, and he is his clone. Unknown to him, the main body is still waiting for Ren's main body to help, so he doesn't need to hide it.

He can also maintain deeper communication with Leonard and become comrades-in-arms. If nothing happens, he can ask Leonard to download a dungeon together... Klein thought a lot when he saw the 'world' displayed in his true appearance.

"Good afternoon~Mr. Fool."

After saying hello, Audrey observed the changes in Tarot this time, and noticed that she could see the true appearance of all members of the Tarot Society except Mr. Fool.

This discovery shocked her so much that she quickly covered her face with her hands.

"Why did I come in again?"

Before the original Tarot Society members could recover from the shock, Xiao Jiu looked around and expressed doubts. However, after seeing Ren, he sat obediently in his seat, lying on the long bronze table and waiting for the meeting to end.

Klein told me that there will be important changes this time. Does this change mean that we can see each other's true appearance?It's really scary... Leonard, who entered the Tarot Society for the first time, glanced around and noticed that Klein did not make any exaggerated actions. He wanted to cooperate with Klein and firmly occupy an important position in this mysterious organization.

"Where is this?"

"who are you?"

Xio almost jumped up from his seat. He suddenly came to a strange place and could see the other person's appearance. At a glance, he noticed an invisible existence. It seemed abnormal...

"Cough cough..."

'Magician' Forsi coughed a few times and reminded his friend.

Is this the reason for Forsi's recent strange situation?Noticing that Forsi was there, Xio calmed down and looked at the surrounding environment.

Chapter 198 Chapter 196, brainstorming, Dihua

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