Klein: "I remembered, 'Judgment' Xio has a male friend who always thinks of himself as a woman. I think I can let him take a dip in that hot spring."

Renn: "Don't worry, I have changed the path of the witch. The original witch will not have much impact on other witches."

Klein: "But the potion system is ultimately useless. My world would be better without the extraordinary."

Renn: "It won't be a big problem if he only reaches Sequence Seven."

Wouldn't it be better if it wasn't extraordinary?There are good and bad things, at least without extraordinary power, it is not bad for civilization to develop to a certain extent.

"5000-year-old civilization is better than modern civilization..." Renn gave the new members a period of time to adapt, trying to figure out the identities of the remaining two new members.

Renn: "@祺香, are you the protagonist of the first part or the second part?"

The second part abandons too many settings of the first part.

The originally invincible protagonist couldn't beat a passerby in the second part.

This led to that year... when Ren learned that there was a second part of The Beastmaster, he went to watch it with great joy. As a result, the protagonist inexplicably became much weaker and looked very uncomfortable.

But there were no anime that could be criticized at that time. He finally finished watching the second part and felt very sad...the protagonist was greatly weakened. At that time, he didn't understand what being weakened meant, but he just felt uncomfortable looking at it.

"Is it because of this that the toys in the second part could not be sold, so the third part was lost?" Renn thinks it is very possible.

Qi Xiang: "What is the first part? What is the second part?"

Renn: "...You will know after taking a look at the video I sent you."

He guessed that Qi Xiang was in the first part, when he had not yet obtained the beast master and became a beast master.

Qi Xiang: "Oh."

When Qixiang looks at his future.

Hei Xiaohu: "I can see my future destiny...@group主雷恩, Lord Group Leader, I want to know my future destiny. I wonder if the Lord Group Leader knows me."

He's quite polite and respects me... Ren saw Hei Xiaohu's speech and confirmed that this was the Hei Xiaohu from the Seven Heroes of Rainbow Cat and Blue Rabbit. The one who only wanted to be for his father and fell in love with the Blue Rabbit that he shouldn't have loved, causing himself The villain who failed miserably has to be said to be a very charming villain in the early stages.

He uploaded the Legend of the Seven Heroes of Rainbow Cat and Blue Rabbit to Hei Xiaohu. Hei Xiaohu thanked him and went into diving.

Ren took the opportunity to ask Black Little Tiger if he knew Blue Rabbit?

Hei Xiaohu: "Blue Rabbit? Is she related to me?"

At this time, Hei Xiaohu was in seclusion. When he saw the news, he frowned. Since his mother died, his father was addicted to martial arts and his personality changed drastically. He also took pills that greatly increased his power, leaving hidden dangers. He needed Qilin blood, and he never had it again. Contact with the outside world...

In his life, he only has martial arts training and his father, and he is classified as the young master of the Demon Cult. Everyone is only afraid of him, and none of his subordinates can become close friends.

There were a lot of intrigues in the Demon Cult, but he had never been bothered by such things. He didn't like this situation of intrigues. In order to avoid the situation, he chose to concentrate on practicing martial arts.

Will I know this person named Blue Rabbit in the future?Hei Xiaohu secretly wrote down the name and asked Zhu Wujie to come over and get the news about Blue Rabbit.

"The Master of Jade Toad Palace, Blue Rabbit, who is known as the most beautiful woman in the martial arts world..."

Hei Xiaohu felt baffled. He practiced martial arts in seclusion every day, so how could he have anything to do with Blue Rabbit?beauty?Women will only affect its practice!

See your future in Hei Xiaohu.

Ren noticed that the last new member was not online... and he didn't know why he was not online. "It's quite mysterious."

Seeing that there is no way to confirm who the last group member is.

Ren went offline and went to his own underworld. The soul power in that place was much more abundant than before. It may be because there were more various beings coming, and many powerful beings were wiped out.

"Ya Xiao's soul was reduced to ashes."

Renn felt a little emotional. Ya Xiao was considered an extreme and powerful pervert. Even his soul power could not withstand the current torture of hell, and he was executed to the point of being reduced to ashes.

On the other hand, the other mentally retarded Red Emperor is still alive. After all, he is not as perverted as Ya Xiao. After being tortured for a long time, it is enough to hold on for a while.

So far, the existences that have been wiped out, excluding the minions and the existences that are not paid much attention to, Ya Xiao, all the members of the red-haired pirate group, the sun god Nika... are all gone.

For a being like Cheng Xin, simply being wiped out into ashes would definitely not be enough. It would require endless torture, torture until collapse, collapse, collapse, and then collapse...

Ren En met Gu Yue Fang Yuan in the underworld.

Then, a gaze looked over across endless time and space. It was Gu Yue Fang Yuan from the distant future, and he was also a transcendent level existence.

"It turns out that I did everything under the watchful eye of the boss." Ren secretly complained, "Gu Yue Fang Yuan's future has become such a terrifying existence, and what I have fluctuated is only a small branch of the past."

After communicating with Gu Yue Fang Yuan, his biggest impression was that...it was easy to be infected by Gu Yue Fang Yuan, even if it was a different branch and a different Gu Yue Fang Yuan.



The Seven Heroes of the Rainbow Cat and the Blue Rabbit passed on to the world.

"Is this my future?" Hei Xiaohu frowned. After reading the future, he admitted that Blue Rabbit was excellent, but he had not experienced that kind of future personally, and he did not have as much affection for Blue Rabbit as in the anime.

I just feel that I am stupid, why should I get stuck in it?

Ren discovered that a group member was @him.

"Next chat."

He bid farewell to this unique Gu Yue Fang Yuan, exited the underworld, and joined the chat group.

Hei Xiaohu: "@group主雷恩, please teach me."

Renn raised a question mark to express his confusion.

Black Tiger: "I don't understand why I like Blue Rabbit?"

Oh, it turns out it’s for this. Who didn’t have a young age? At that time... being affected by feelings and falling in love with someone you shouldn’t love, the final result will definitely end in tragedy.

Ren: "Those who are in authority are confused, but those who are onlookers are clear. Since your mother died, you have closed your heart. Only your father is in your heart. You only know how to practice martial arts. You rarely have contact with outsiders. Your mind is too pure. At that time, you met a strange woman like Blue Rabbit. Let you be attracted to another person of the opposite sex again after losing your mother."

Hei Xiaohu was silent for a moment.

Send a horrifying message.

Hei Xiaohu: "I want to know...if I kill all the Seven Heroes and kill the Blue Rabbit with my own hands, will the leader of the group stop me?"

Tiansisi: "Seven Heroes are very good! How could you do this?!"

It's unacceptable for someone with such a kind personality like Tiansisi.

Yakumo Zi felt extremely excited when she saw this news.

good boy!

good boy!

I didn’t expect that the demon clan could still be so brave!

She has been a member of the chat group for so long and has an understanding of the functions of the chat group and the various members of the chat group. It is certain that their chat group is not a pure villain chat group.

There is nothing to destroy the world, and there is nothing so majestic and upright. We must save everything.

The things their chat group does are basically good for their own world and the members of the chat group, but one thing is...most of the members of their chat group are decent.

When Stingy Cat asked about the chat group, he received collective affirmation, because the trend of one world is better than one division of the world, and Stingy Cat has no problem doing it.

But Black Tiger... Well, it is true that he was a very charming villain in the early stage, but in the later stage he turned dark, and the Seven Heroes are all decent people. For the peace of animals and nature, and to prevent the demon sect from conquering the world, the starting point is Okay, and the Seven are indeed of good character.

If Hei Xiaohu is killed by Hei Xiaohu who joins the chat group, well... with Hei Xiaohu's ability, even if there are no group members in the chat group to help him, knowing the original future plot, Hei Xiaohu has too many opportunities to change his future destiny.

Coupled with the fact that he is now indifferent to Blue Rabbit, he directly killed the Seven Heroes in the early stage, easily.

Ren: "Are we not in a chat group for villains? You don't need to pay too much attention to me. I'm curious why you must kill the Seven Heroes?"

Hei Xiaohu: "I won't let that kind of future happen, and I will never fall in love with Blue Rabbit! If I want to save my father, I will definitely have a battle with the Seven Heroes! Since ancient times, good and evil are not mutually exclusive. After learning about the future, I I will never show mercy! I want to right my position!"

Ren: "..."

My Rainbow Cat Young Hero... that is my childhood idol. Hei Xiaohu wants to kill the Seven Heroes, so he can't be too partial... Renn: "The future results have changed. You can ask other group members to give you their opinions. But in our chat group, we don’t need group members who are too crazy, you need to keep a certain standard.”

Stingy Cat: "The leader of the group said so, so I'll tell you my story... I didn't execute the Five Lucky Rats, I just imprisoned them. Although they were always unconvinced, every time I saw them I saw the unity of the world. Shengshi Taiping’s face makes me feel particularly good.”

This proves that he is not wrong, and there is nothing wrong in unifying the world!

Stingy Cat talked to Hei Xiaohu about his own affairs, the future he got before joining the chat group, and the changes after joining the chat group.

Thor and Cyclone Claw followed closely behind, introducing their respective changed futures. One became the king of the gods, and the other became a holy beast in heaven. They hugged him and wanted to rectify the workplace in heaven in the future.

Other chat group members share experiences with each other.

Hei Xiaohu saw so many inhuman beings changing his destiny and listened to various opinions.

"That's right. Joining the chat group should have greater ideals and ambitions. I shouldn't be obsessed with fighting the Seven Heroes. I should be obsessed with seeing the future between myself and my father."

"The unification of the world is the trend when intelligent creatures reach a certain number, and the Demonic Cult can be changed into a Holy Cult. I need to solve dad's madness and return dad to a normal state."

"I need to become stronger, more powerful than the Seven Swords combined. By then, no existence can stop me. Dad retires and leaves with my mother. I will take charge of the Holy Religion and unify the entire world!"

Hei Xiaohu decided to change his destiny!

Chapter 210 Chapter 209: Classification of group members

Hei Xiaohu: "This is the Heavenly Demon Luanwu method that I practice."

Hei Xiaohu uploaded the exercises he practiced.

Tornado Claw, Thor, and Stingy Cat are all interested. Renn doesn't have much hope for the martial arts world, but it doesn't hurt to take a look. Who was not interested in the arena of Xian Yi Ang Ma when he was young? The Legend of Cat, Blue Rabbit and Seven Heroes is really one of the most profound memories.

It created a fascinating world and created villains with their own charms. It changed the black-and-white view that good guys are good guys and bad guys are bad guys at that time, which had a great impact on Renn's childhood.

At that time, Ren's admiration for the Seven Heroes of Rainbow Cat and Blue Rabbit was unparalleled. He thought about hanging out with Rainbow Cat and the Seven Heroes every day. He picked up a stick and used it as a sword. I remember that at that time, there were also swords sold specifically for the Seven Heroes, three for fifty cents. .

Plastic sword.

Apart from the Seven Heroes, Hei Xiaohu is the most impressive villain. Of course, Niu Xuanfeng values ​​​​love and righteousness, and his death is relatively tragic. But Niu Xuanfeng is too naive. Among the young Ren villains, compared to Niu Xuanfeng, Niu Xuanfeng is more I like the black tiger.

If we talk about the death ranking of villains, the deaths of Ma Sanniang and Zhu Wujie are laughable, then the death of Niu Xuanfeng is a little sad, and the death of Hei Xiaohu is a little uncomfortable.

"Hei Xiaohu..." Ren was a little uncomfortable. If Hei Xiaohu killed the Seven Heroes, it would really ruin his childhood. Moreover, before Hei Xiaohu turned black, he was aboveboard and upright in the early stage. "Forget it, even if I don't stop it, , Hei Xiaohu is just asking, if he really wants to kill the Seven Heroes without mercy, with Hei Xiaohu's early style, he will not take action even if he has been in contact with the Seven Heroes."

It is better for both parties to maintain a balance.

Renn asked if the chat group could have a level division. Without level division, he didn't know how powerful he was.

It's just that Cheng Xin, who once had no end in sight, was so powerful... that she could understand it.

in a blink.

Chat groups are divided into levels.

Levels one to ten.

The tenth level can recycle all timelines and world lines.

Above the tenth level, there is an existence that transcends everything, and it is impossible to distinguish specific strengths and weaknesses.

To explain the chat group in a simple sentence, if the chat group members reach the tenth level or the ninth level, they can completely kick out the chat group and work hard on their own, because at that stage, the chat group is basically useless to strong people of that level.

"For example?" Ren was curious.

[Ye Fan’s final level...]

"I knew this when you said it. It turns out that my chat group is divided into levels according to this. That's right. Not everyone will always pursue the goal of becoming stronger and remain the same." Renn believes that there are existences that can reach the tenth level and above. Many of them should not simply pursue becoming stronger.

Just like the little bird Yu Liuhua in the chat group, who now has no interest in practicing, Mo He stopped aiming to become stronger after reaching the limit of his own world, and has no motivation to pursue more powerful goals.

"That's not right, you have this hierarchy, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

There was no answer from the chat group.

"Forget it, tell me what level Cheng Xin, who is more powerful than the single universe, is at?"

【Eighth level! 】

"Eighth level? Only eighth level?! Didn't she say that she is [-]/[-] different from Lu Mingfei who has unified the timeline and world line? It stands to reason that Lu Mingfei is at least a tenth level existence, although not as good as Ye Fan and the others. , but it is definitely at the top of most novels and animation works..."

Ren thought for a moment, "It seems that that is not Lu Mingfei's true form."

Can Level [-] recycle all world lines and timelines?

That is equivalent to basically reaching the end of cultivation... Renn asked another question, "How strong am I?"

[Group leader Renn: Peak of seventh level. 】

"I'm almost above the level of a single universe. You give me the seventh level peak, and you give Cheng Xin the eighth level. What do you mean? Be clear."

[Judging by the Zhetian system, the Immortal King is the eighth level, and the Quasi-Immortal Emperor is the ninth level...]

"Okay, you don't need to tell me, I am the seventh level peak." Ren thought about the Zhetian system, and the perfect world system. Some powerful emperors from Zhetian can directly kill Hongchenxian. Hongchenxian is equivalent to a quasi-immortal king, and he is almost the same. He is really at the peak of the seventh level, and is still exploring the world of mortals.

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