"The frog in the well who has never seen the world with his own eyes."

Eagle Eyed Egg commented.

Shortly after.

There was no unexpected incident, and the hyena Bellamy scene was completely completed.

No chance to clear up.

Enelu recovers from his injuries.

Compete with Hawkeye.

The result of the competition was Hawkeye holding an afro.

The injury is not minor.

Leave a sentence.

"What a weak god."

He was so angry that Anilu almost had a medical miracle.

But in the end the injury was too severe.

Can only lie down.

"You are a bit weak as a god."

Yuzhiliu fell down the well and went down the rocky road.

"Asshole! Don't worry! You'll be next!"

Enel roared.

"Are you trying to say that you want to lie down again?"

Ame no Shiru can lose anything.

Only the momentum cannot be lost.

Enelu suddenly felt a little panicked.

This man with the evil smile is not as strong as the man with the hat, right?

a few days later.

Renn successfully took over everything on Sky Island.

Take advantage of your free time.

He opened the chat group.

what's the situation?

What happened in the chat group?

News ninety-nine...

How boring are the members of this group.

Water group every day?

You won’t miss anything interesting, right?

Yakumo Purple: "The group leader is now online!"

The little bird swims in the six flowers: "Woohoo~"

Renn: "It seems you are all adapting well."

Yakumo Murasaki: "The guys in the chat group are all nice and interesting. It doesn't matter whether it's an anime or a game character. When the chat groups are interconnected, everyone can help each other and travel to other worlds." "

Renn clicked to receive the red envelope from the little boss.

It turned out to be all about sweets.

He is a salty party.

Salty is one of the indispensable elements of life!

Will chat groups become the world of sweet parties?

Chapter 28 Chapter 28: The group members have a showdown

Renn was a little suspicious that his chat group had become strange.

I found out after investigating the previous chat records.

Little Bird Yurikka is an out-and-out sweetheart.

Aniya is a sweetie.

Aniya likes to eat both sweet and salty food, but she prefers sweet food, so she was attracted by Xiaotiao Yurikka.

The young boss Liu Angxing is very good at any food.

Belongs to the neutral faction.

Mohe and Yakumo Purple have not expressed their opinions in this regard, so the chat group has since become a world of sweet parties under the promotion of Xiaotiao Yurikka.

Since then, chat groups have been the world of sweet parties.

Renn: "You're a heretic! All sweethearts are heretics!"

Xiaoniao Yulihua: "Nonsense! The Sweet Party is not a heretic! Even if you are the group leader, I will resolutely defend the position of my Sweet Party!"

So brave.

This is what Yakumo Zi and Mo He have in mind.

The young master acts as peacemaker.

He said whether it was sweet or salty, he could make it.

The sweet party and the salty party still have reason.

He didn't involve anyone else in the war.

Sweeties are all heretics!

Long live the salty party!

Yakumo Murasaki watched the fight in the chat group.

She didn't know how to interrupt. If she silently said "I like spicy food" at this time, she wouldn't be attacked by everyone at the same time, right?Being a hottie is hard.

Isn’t spicy tofu delicious?

Aniya: "Aniya thinks sweet tofu, salty and spicy tofu are all delicious."

Yakumo Purple: "I think any food made by Liu Angxing is delicious."

Yakumo Purple decisively sent a message.

I didn’t go out of my way to say that I like spicy food.

Mo He: "I really want to see your world. My world is quite boring. I stay in the academy all day long and my life is getting worse."

Yakumo Purple: "Yes, yes, we have been bored for a long time. I really want to see your world. I will never do bad things. There is a chat group and no one dares to do bad things. If you have any trouble, please feel free to ask. You can ask me for help."

Liu Angxing: "We are not bad guys, and we will definitely not do bad things."

Aniya: "Aniya is not a bad person."

Mo He: "@雷恩, group leader, if in the future there is a heinous person with extremely evil ideas that makes all of us intolerable, join the chat group, what will you do?"

Ren: "You don't need to test me. I'm not a god. I just joined this chat group earlier than you and inherited the position of group leader. Perhaps the existence of the chat group and the original members have already left for a wider world." …”

Renn: "Don't worry, I have the power to kick people, silence them, and shut them down in a dark room."

Renn gave the group members a shot in the arm.

Although they have known about the function of the chat group for a long time, and many group members have studied it many times in the past few days, they are always worried.

He made no secret of seeing Ren.

Tell the truth.

Mo He felt that he was too cautious.

Like Xiaotiao Yulihua, in the past few days of getting along, she has already been thoroughly touched by the group members.

An ordinary girl in middle school.

Fantasy of extraordinary power.

Think of yourself as creating invisible boundaries.

I hope to resurrect my parents.

Ania is really a four or five-year-old girl who has the superpower of mind reading, but is far more mentally mature than her real four- or five-year-old peers.

The young boss Liu Angxing is a chef.

Except for Yakumo Purple, she is indeed an old monster disguised as a 17-year-old, but everyone in the group chat deliberately did not mention Yakumo Purple's age, and regarded Yakumo Purple as a little otaku and a bit strange girl.

Mo He carefully introduced his origins and world view in the chat group.

Although she knew that the group leader had known about it for a long time, telling her in person could express sincerity. This may be why the group leader only talked about Yakumo Murasaki and did not expose anyone else.

Mo He posted a video of the battle between the stars.

It records the top combat power of the Ninth Star Cluster.

Liu Angxing: "Escort Master? How cool! Star Sea Era? Have you conquered every planet in the sky?"

Join the chat group for a few days.

Liu Angxing is no longer a person who doesn't understand anything.

In the chat group, there is Xiaoniao Yurikka. For modern people like Aniya, they may have some minor problems, but they have mastered the basic knowledge.

It's not something that Liu Angxing, an ancient person, can compare to.

Xiaotiao Yulihua: "It's so awesome!!!"

Xiaotiao Yulihua no longer dares to speak big words.

After all, there are real bosses in the group chat.

She is a fake.

If I could travel across the world in the future, I would be beaten by the boss.

Yakumo Murasaki: "I also have illusion arts here, and mechanical arts? Your civilization has actually developed machinery to that extent. It's amazing. Everything can be used as a weapon!"

Aniya: "Aniya thinks it's awesome~!"

After watching the video uploaded by Mo He, Renn had to admit that the top combat forces in that world were very powerful. After all, they had already entered interstellar civilization, and their personal force value could still occupy an important position.

Unlike his world, the technology tree is completely crooked, and computers, mobile phones and other technological products have not appeared.

And it’s different from the pirate world.

The world of Xinghai Escorts has formed a complete force system, which is divided into three mainstream factions: mechanical, fantasy, and qi, with progressive strength levels.

Better than One Piece.

There is no way to distinguish strength in the world of pirates. The strength of generals and four emperors seems to be broken.

Especially the Vice Admiral.

Excluding Garp, most of the remaining Vice Admirals couldn't beat a Shichibukai, and an elite Navy Vice Admiral, Flying Squirrel, was almost killed by Hancock with one move.

This difference in strength is simply incalculable.

There are many gaps between strong men. Unless there is a fight, it is difficult to judge how big the strength gap between the two sides is.

Could this be the reason why there are so many idiots in the pirate world?

It seems that Bawang Color Haki is indeed a good thing.

Can delete idiots.

Can gather powerful attack power.

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