Are people created equal?

Renn couldn't answer this, unless there was a strong external force to control the entire race. It is estimated that only in that way can a world as equal as possible be born.

True equality certainly does not exist.

Yakumo Murasaki: "@绫Koji: I am a person with no emotions, and you are just my tools. This sentence’s evaluation of you is really... interesting."

Ayanokoji: "..."

Wu Liuqi: "I don't agree with that. I am the assassin who has no emotions. No one in the chat group has more emotions than me."

Ayanokoji: "..."

Is this a serious chat group?

These levels are all so high that it's scary. I'm just a weak person in the early stage of the first level. It stands to reason that there will be a strict level gap. Why don't the members of the chat group show it?

Ayanokouji could tell that the strength gap between the first orders was quite large.

He asked in the chat group some things that he had been confused about.

Wu Liuqi: "I watched your anime, and you actually showed so many beautiful girls and treated them as tools. Why? You said that human beings are equal. I feel so advanced. I definitely don't know what to do. To answer you, some people are rich and wealthy as soon as they are born, and some people die as soon as they are born."

Ayanokoji: "..."

Ren looked at the exchange between Wu Liuqi and Ayanokouji in the chat group. He did not join in. He was not a philosopher and discussed the issue of equality. There may be 1 answers to this question among 1 people.

Have no feelings, lose feelings, and treat others as tools?If it weren't for the fact that there was no Moon Worshiping Leader in the chat group, he would have wanted to see the exchange between the two.

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Church made a topic about the pursuit of love, proving that there is love in this world.

In order to prove whether there is love, the conclusion that the earth is round is first proved. However, the protagonist group does not believe in science and kills the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult instantly with one move of infinite love.

Qiqi: "He's obviously a handsome guy, why does he have that kind of personality? I'm so disappointed."

She was one of the more excited people to see Ayanokouji join the chat group, because Ayanokouji is very handsome. Regardless of whether he is strong or not, he must look handsome in advance.

Ayanokouji: "I also want to change my personality. I read some information about group members and some interesting things, @安nia, @小鸟游六花, you two were once ordinary people, but through changes Qiang changed his destiny."

Aniya: "Yes, Aniya is amazing. One person stopped the war between two countries. Now everyone loves peace."

Ayanokoji: "..."

You probably used your incredible strength to scare the two countries away from confrontation, fearing that you would accidentally destroy one of their countries.

Aniya's parents are not simple. Aniya herself is very strong and can easily achieve peace.

Kotori Yurikka: "You seem to be from the same place as me, but we don't seem to be in the same world. Your name is Ayanokouji? I seem to have seen this name somewhere."

Ayanokouji: "Have you ever seen me...I don't know, but I have seen you. You are a chuunibyou patient."

Xiaoniao Liuhua said: "I am the evil king's true envoy! I want to go find you!"

Ayanokouji: "...I apologize, the evil king's true envoy."

Wu Liuqi: "You apologize too quickly! @小鸟游六花, be careful, Erlang Shen will let the roaring dog bite you!"

Little Bird Yurikka: "Wow~!"

The little bird Yurikka took a bite.

Tears flowed from the corners of his eyes.

Wu Liuqi and other chat group members who were watching the battle couldn't bear to look at them. They were either salty, too weak, or didn't like to fight.

Xiaotiao Yulihua took the initiative to ask for the battle. As one of the few fifth-level experts in the chat group, he was very powerful.

Ayanokoji: "..."

There must be something wrong with this chat group. It's not that he apologized too quickly, but that the strength of the two parties is not equal. Waiting for the group members who have already taken off to come and beat themselves up, it is better to apologize and resolve such a trivial matter.

Because Ayanokouji passed by and observed.

People with a strong level in this chat group will generally not care about new members.

As long as this new member is not too abnormal or extreme.

But this little bird Yu Rikka is really going to come over and beat herself up.

Renn didn't care about the new member Ayanokouji. In fact, this new member didn't have much specialness or high status, and the world he lived in was just an ordinary world.

He brought Tom, Jerry... to this world, mainly for a stroll, just like the last time he went to Rikka's world, he almost fell in love with Rikka's sister Shihua and became Rikka's brother-in-law.

After experiencing a little bit of high school life in this world, walking around the campus, and meeting some familiar characters, Ren left. It wasn't that he didn't want to stay, or that he didn't think these female characters were good-looking.

It was more of a lack of interest. After watching it for a long time, Ren felt that the female characters in Japanese comics all looked the same, and Ayanokouji didn't interest him more.

He didn't stay here for long. Ren went to Luo Xiaohei's world and didn't meet Luo Xiaohei. Because Luo Xiaohei went to Calabash World to watch the excitement and didn't see Luo Xiaohei. He just wanted to find something interesting here. Goblin, experience the customs and customs of this world and the different worlds hidden in the revealed society.

It's not that Ren didn't want to stay in Ayanokouji's world for a while. That Ayanokouji's world overlapped too much with Kotori Yurikka's world, and it also overlapped very much with his own world, including the Three-Body World.

But there are all kinds of different technological civilizations in the Trisolaran world, which is quite interesting, unlike Ayanokouji's world, which is too ordinary and nothing special.

Renn still remembers returning to his own world and witnessing the war between countries in the virtual world.

In the eyes of aliens, there is nothing special about human beings and they are all treated equally. As a result, in the virtual world, every country can rely on itself to survive, and in the virtual world, national wars often occur.

Relying on the advantage of numbers, only the Asan Kingdom can compete with the mainland.

While Luo Xiaohei's world was filled with all kinds of fairies and he was tasting all kinds of special delicacies, news came out in the chat group that Heaven had been conquered by them.

Some weak members of the chat group found it incredible. People like Tiansisi... who knew something about Heaven were shocked, and those like Ayanokouji who knew about foreign cultures were also shocked.

Ren received the news and heard that they were dividing the spoils. He was very interested in this and ran over to join in the fun to see if there was anything worthy of his hand.

"Who are you?" Renn approached Tornado Claw and Stingy Cat. He was equally interested in cats and dogs. No, just like when Thor found Jerry standing on Renn's shoulder early in the morning, he immediately stood on the other side. One end.

Jerry was actually a little scared when he saw the dog.

Because many dogs are much better at killing mice than cats, it is definitely a real thing that dogs take out mice. What dogs like to do most is to bite a teacher to death, and then bite the next one to death, until the mouse is killed. They were all bitten to death.

"This is Taishang Laojun." Whirlwind Claw pointed at an old immortal lying on the ground. It was about to explode. Taishang Laojun was the backer of Whirlwind Claw in its world. , it maintains a sense of respect for Taishang Laojun.

Luo Xiaohei had similar ideas to Whirlwind Claw, and even more exaggerated ideas. The moment it saw Lao Jun, it discovered that this Lao Jun was different from the Lao Jun in its world.

This old man is much stronger, the kind that can almost destroy the world.

The Taishang Laojun in Calabash World is also a sixth-level existence. Although he is not the Taishang Laojun in Journey to the West and the prehistoric world, Taishang Laojun is Taishang Laojun. No matter which version he is, he will not be too weak. , is definitely a first-class strong man.

The stingy cat didn't think much about it. He took the benefits for those who deserved them and thought about the country's rise.

Chapter 229 Chapter 228, Goblin Slayer

The stingy cat got all the benefits he deserved, including elixirs, weapons, and magic. He packed them all up and took them away. Some things he didn't need, the people of his country could definitely use.

Even if it is really not needed for a while, it can be used to replenish the national treasury.

This time it attacked Heaven, but it worked very hard. During the battle, it broke through to the fifth level and became one of the few fifth-level masters in the chat group.

Currently, the chat group is mostly filled with seventh-level powerhouses.

Ren, Thunder Lion, Yakumo Murasaki, Thor, and Tom are special beings. Although Ren, Thunder Lion... members of the chat group often think that the two of them are related, but in fact they are not related by blood.

Ayanokouji had doubts, but at the moment of doubt, Ren noticed and explained to him that he was not prepared to guess the relationship.

Ayanokoji: "..."

Does this require special explanation?

If I stay in the chat group for a while in the future, I will definitely know about this. Is the reason why I need to explain it because I am not the only one who has misunderstood it?

"Why don't you take any heavyweight treasure?" Tornado Claw was puzzled.

"That's enough for me."

The stingy cat has been in the chat group for a while. It is no longer the stingy cat it once was, and its worldliness has been further upgraded. Although it has contributed a lot in this battle against Heaven, the purpose of its effort is to collect these miscellaneous things and package them together. Take it back and enrich your own world.

Of course, the members of the chat group will not bully the Green Snake Spirit too much. The benefits that should be given to the Green Snake Spirit are indispensable. However, these things that the Green Snake Spirit world lacks require the Green Snake Spirit to rise in the future and become the most powerful existence in the world. Other worlds need to supplement it with things, otherwise the world may fall down the level.

For example, the world of Kotori Yurikka has reached a bottleneck period. Now Kotori Yurikka can no longer go back with her real body because her world is too fragile and she has been upgraded due to her reasons.

But upgrading requires energy and various materials. Just eating some world fragments wandering in the void can't fill the gap of upgrading to a level that can withstand the bird's journey to the world of Rikka. Unless the level of Gensokyo is given to the bird's journey to the world of Rikka. The world swallows.

But that kind of swallowing is probably the result of Gensokyo swallowing up the world of Kotori Rikka, making the world of Kotori Rikka become the nourishment of the Gensokyo world. But even then, Kotori Rikka can still devour each other and merge the worlds. Play freely.

"Can I move my world over?"

Kotori Yurikka took the initiative to find Ren and asked if she could move her world there because she got some news from Yakumo Murasaki and other group members.

Moving your own world there is devouring and a process of integration, which helps the world grow. If you are worried that too many bad things will happen if your own world comes into contact with other worlds, you can also be independent in a larger world. Create a world, take charge of that world herself, and become stronger through this.


Ren agreed. In his world, there happened to be a real human world missing. The Gu world was too special. All the humans in that world were raising Gu and could not be considered normal humans.

It would be beneficial to both parties to bring Kotori Yurikka's world with him. Taking this opportunity, he can also go and see Kotori Yurikka's sister, Tohka. There are thousands of beauties in Japanese comics, but Tohka should be left to him. The most profound impression.

Like the famous Ben Zina, Renn didn't feel very special.There must be differences between individuals. So many people can use @本子娜’s attributes, which means there must be something special about them.

Xiaoniao Yulihua carried the Xiaotian dog that he had defeated and put his own collar on the Xiaotian dog, but he couldn't put it on.

"I come."

Seeing that Xiaotiao Yulihua wanted to raise a barking dog, Ren helped Xiaotiao Yulihua get the barking dog, and Liuhua successfully became a member of the chat group with dogs.

Ren is the chat group's poop manager. He has a Tom and a Jerry as a gift.

It's not that he doesn't want to raise another dog, a chat dog... What he wants to raise most is Thor, but Thor is not as special as Tom. He is the king of the gods and controls the core of his own world. The level has reached the late seventh level.

Compared with Yakumo Murasaki, the world master who has just mastered Gensokyo and has taken over other Gensokyo fairies, he is doing much better. There is no reason to follow Ren as a pet.

If I can't raise Thor, I would like to raise a Luo Xiaohei... Ren stared at Luo Xiaohei.

It's not too strong, it's very cute, and its abilities are also very cute. If you can cultivate it well by yourself, it's usually just a fluffy little fur ball.If he raises a Tom who can protect himself, he can also raise a cat who can protect himself.

Luo Xiaohei blinked and stared at Ren, seeing that this powerful being (the group leader) had thoughts about him.

Ren expressed his thoughts.

Tom's eyes were slightly panicked, but after looking at Luo Xiaohei and gesturing for a long time, he found that the other party posed no threat to him at all. Thinking of the time he had been following Ren, he didn't feel panic anymore.

Once the previous owner gets a new cat, it means abandoning the old cat, but the current owner is not like the previous owner, so there is no need to worry.

With Jerry.

Tom didn't mind having another little companion. In his own world, he successfully changed his fate of being unable to be licked by cats. But after licking his hand, Tom suddenly lost interest in those female cats and felt that it would be better to accompany his owner, Jerry. Travel everywhere together.

Tom thinks it's good to have one more friend.

Luo Xiaohei hesitated, but not too much. He rejected Renn and expressed his gratitude to Renn for wanting to raise him. Renn was not too disappointed, picked up Luo Xiaohei and started petting the cat.

Luo Xiaohei didn't resist, but nuzzled him intimately.

Seeing the little bird swimming around Rikka made me want to touch it.

In order to send the little bird to Liuhua, Luo Xiaohei used his unique ability to split his tail into a conscious body called Hei Xiu. Each small black ball rolled around on the ground.

The attention of Kotori Yurikka was immediately attracted, and he chased her, taking Sanae along with him.

Speaking of which, Sanae is a beautiful blond girl with a really big heart. She followed the little bird Yu Rikka around and wandered around. But later she found out that she was too strong to return to her own world. So she decided to learn from the little bird Yu Rikka and create a clone and throw her into her own world. .

Follow the little bird Yurikka to continue her adventure outside.

While Ren was petting the cat, he watched two little girls, Yurikka and Sanae, scratching the black cats. Their hands were covered with black cats, and they couldn't even hold them. The two little girls kept giggling.

Only then did Ren notice that the two of them had grown up a lot, and they were all grown girls.

Sanae's figure is even better than the adult Rikka.

Is it because of the blond hair?

But he still didn't have the slightest interest. Just thinking about the two of them being lolita, and having watched them grow up all the way, he couldn't get interested at all, just like Xiao Jiu, whom he raised as a mascot.

Although Perona changed Ren's view of Loli, Perona didn't communicate much with Ren, and they didn't even have any contact. They just knew each other.

Ren understands it through the memories of his previous life, and Perona understands it through various things Ren did.

In the Calabash World.

The chat group members each divided up the spoils, and even some chat group members who did not participate in the battle and simply came to watch the fun got some good things.

Luo Ji wanted to give the Hot Wheels to his daughter, but considering that he had no contribution, he took some other things.

It's not just salted fish like Luo Ji.

Tiansisi, Nezuko... all the members of this little weakling group get an elixir or a flat peach, which can really reach the fourth level directly on the spot, which is equivalent to ascending to immortality.

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