The Straw Hats passed through the dungeon of Moria and met the fish-man Kemi on the road. During the process, they encountered a series of things and met Hachi, who had enslaved Nami's village.

The fish-man Xiaoba just followed the evil dragon to do bad things. He didn't kill too many people. He just watched other partners kill people, oppressed various villages, and caused countless civilians to die miserably.

He didn't do anything 'bad'.

He just followed the evil dragon and invaded other people's homes.

Not a bad guy.

Of course Nami chose to forgive the fish-man.


It is worth mentioning that the evil dragon and a group of murlocs who had done all the bad things back then were not dead. They were forced into the Impel Down City. Ren spoke and a group of murlocs were all imprisoned on the fifth floor of the Impel Down City.

In life worse than death.

Died tragically on the fifth floor of Impel Down City.

Not a single one was left alive.

As for why Xiaoba was not imprisoned in Impel Down City.

Ask Raleigh.

Chapter 44 44, three steps towards a goal

The fish-man Hachi once helped Rayleigh.

And who is Raleigh?

Roger's brother, deputy captain of the Roger Pirates, and one of the famous legends of the old times.

Everyone in the sea will give some thin noodles.

Of course, Hachi didn't need to be locked up with the dragons and the others, he was released directly, just like when Kai Xia Jinbei took the initiative to become the Shichibukai, and all the fishmen were released.

This ocean depends on relationships.

Rely on connections.

If your background is strong enough, it doesn't matter if you commit suicide.

At the top of the war, Kirby risked his life to stop Admiral Akainu, and finally he was promoted.


Did Akainu take action when he became Admiral of the Navy?

Part of the reason is disdain for Kerby.

Too lazy to deal with a clown.

Kirby leaned against him.

rub the heat.

Another part of the reason is to give face to the older generation of navy such as Garp and Warring States, otherwise his position as marshal will not be secure.

Nine Snake Island.

"Ren, why don't you remove all the injuries on your body?"

Hancock caressed Lane's eight-pack abs.

with perfect body.

Not a single scratch on the body.

But Hancock knew the scars were always there, they just didn't show.

"If I don't show it, won't I be invisible?"

Ren replied.


Hancock lay in Ren's arms distressed.

Every strong man can write a legend along the way. Renn has experienced so many battles that there is probably no strong person in the sea today who has experienced as many monster-level battles as Renn.

Shortly after.

"Everyone, we will set off soon. Come with me to the Navy Headquarters."

Ren smiled slightly.

"Jie Jie Jie!"

"Hee hee hee!"

Shiliu of the Rain and Moria let out a standard villain laugh. One held Thunderstorm, and the other carried a large knife on his shoulder that he had slashed with Kaido many times.

They looked at each other.

Laugh louder.

Hawkeye stretched out his hand to pull the brim of his hat lower, since he really didn't want to know these two people.

Enelu held a big fat girl in one hand.

Hug left and right.

The eyes showed reluctance.

In Kongdao, there are all skinny guys, and they all feel like bones, but fat girls are better. He has a unique taste, and he likes big fat girls that are soft and elastic to the touch.

Hancock stood beside his loved ones.

He acquiesced to Enelu's actions.

Not blocked.

"Ren, our wedding ship is ready and ready to go to the Navy Headquarters at any time."

Hancock is like a little girl, clingy.

The female warriors of the Daughter Kingdom, who had been waiting for a long time, looked up at their noblest and most beautiful queen, and then at their queen's man and the queen's man's powerful followers.

They have never been more excited and excited than they are now.

The future Nine Snake Island will be very powerful.

They are not going to war.

Instead, go give it a try.

Hancock would not let his two sisters and the soldiers of the Daughter Kingdom participate in such a dangerous battlefield. Just as Moria cares about her partners, she cares about her two sisters and the soldiers who follow her.

All members of the Daughter Kingdom mobilized.

Lane, Hancock, Moria, Shiliu of the Rain, Enel, and Hawkeye are the six people who plan to participate in the war.

stand together.

"Boss, my ship can fly, why don't we just fly there?"

Ren didn't like people calling him god, so Enelu changed his name to boss.

"We have to go to the Navy Headquarters first. If you think the Navy Headquarters is boring, you can drive the spaceship to the Shampoo Islands."

Lane Road.

"I will drive the gold ship and follow you, boss, to the Navy Headquarters. If the Navy Headquarters is really that boring, I will go to the Chambord Islands you mentioned, boss."

Enelu is like a curious baby, full of curiosity about everything in Qinghai.

"Jie Jie Jie!"

Yuzhiliu smiled evilly.

Hawkeye is cold and cold.

Moriah builds muscles.

Enelu was sandwiched between two fat girls, happy and unhappy.

"Ren, I don't think any of the men you brought back are normal."

Hancock murmured softly.

"Strong people are inevitably a bit strange."

Ryan replied.

"You're not surprised at all."

Hancock feels that she is the happiest woman now.

"We should go."


Wren's ideas and ambitions are quite big.

first goal.

in three steps.

The first step is to engage in a war on top.

The second step is to become the next Admiral of the Navy.

The third step is to remove the dross in the Navy Headquarters, take complete control of the Navy Headquarters, and promote all the people you trust.


Chambord Islands.

The Straw Hats defeated another mini-boss.

Got some experience.

But they no longer dare to expand.

The Straw Hats, along with the whitewashed Hachi and other fishmen, came to the Chambord Islands.

It is worth mentioning that the Straw Hats have become stronger than in the original work. This may be due to the fact that they were beaten more times. As a result, the Straw Hats are not as happy as in the original work. The members are working hard to become stronger in a depressing and tense atmosphere. .

They gradually did not dare to treat pirates as a house game.

Sauron managed to get lost in the Shampoo Islands.

The other Straw Hats who landed on the Shampoo Islands all knew that to go to the New World, pirates must pass through Fish-Man Island, and to get to Fish-Man Island, they need to be coated, otherwise the pirate ship cannot dive to Fish-Man Island, which is [-] meters below.

Playing happily.

New world.

The Whitebeard Pirates are gathering all their pirate ships.

Prepare to send it together.

Charlotte Lingling and Kaido learned the news about Ren, and the two pirates who had an adulterous affair were about to make a move.

Red-haired Shanks, the troublemaker, felt that this era was calling him.

He needs to lead the pirate group to show up.

Let everyone give a face.

The four emperors all began to act independently.

at the same time.

Nine Snake Island.

They are ready.

"It's dangerous to go to war on top, and I don't want you to be put in danger."

Ryan persuaded.

"We all know that it's not bad to stay here, but we want to accompany you for a while. It won't be too late to come back when you arrive at the Navy Headquarters."

Little Sati laughed.

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