If not.

He must become the well-deserved king of the sea.

"Without the Red-Haired Pirates, our Whitebeard Pirates can still rescue Ace, because we have you, Dad!"

The rest of the Whitebeard Pirates are all sycophants.

Only Marco and a few other smart people could see that what Whitebeard's father said was true. With the Red-haired Pirates here, they, the Whitebeard Pirates, could easily follow.

Their dad is far less capable than he was 20 years ago.

Execution table.

Just when Sengoku was about to say something, Garp, after beating Straw Hat Luffy, came to the execution platform, attracting everyone's attention to Garp.

Just like before, everyone focused on Renne.

Naval Hero Cap!

His prestige in the navy was unparalleled by anyone except Wren.

Chapter 77 75, the sea was shocked

"Admiral Garp is here!"

"All the admirals have arrived, victory must belong to our navy!"


The large number of navies in the square were very excited. The two major legends of the old and new naval eras were present. The admirals gathered together, and the marshal personally went on an expedition, which gave all navies confidence.

They think they can win this battle.

Under the execution platform.

Sengoku stared at Garp.

He knew very well how terrifying his old rival Whitebeard was, a monster that could cause tsunamis by eating the Shock Fruit.

But if Cap is willing to go all out.

The two of them jointly won the Golden Lion, which had declined in strength, and the old and frail White Beard could do the same.

But the Ace who was executed this time was Whitebeard's recently recognized son, a bloodline of Pirate King Roger, and the grandson that Garp had raised for many years.

This guy, Garp, doesn't talk about taking action and letting things go. It's a good thing if he can avoid causing trouble.

Fight later.

Warring States still needs to watch this old guy.

Garp came under the execution platform and looked at Ace who was kneeling on the ground above him with a complicated expression. If only he had trusted Ren back then, maybe everything could have taken a different turn.

But he was even on guard against his old buddy Sengoku, who had fought for many years, so how could he trust a new recruit in the navy?

After all, he did something wrong.

Wrongly wrong.

His title of naval hero is really like a big joke.

"Garp, we agreed that I would reveal everything."

Warring States Road.

"Whatever you want, I just came to see him for the last time."

Garp looked at Ace who was resigned to his fate but unwilling to do so.


Go down the steps and stand next to the big staff crane.

"Step aside!"

Warring States walked up the steps to the execution platform and said.


The two executioners stood aside.

"Bring the phone bug over here"

Sengoku stood where Ren was standing not long ago, holding a small phone bug in his hand, and announced: "I have something to announce to everyone, and it concerns Gol D. Ace..."

"I'm Portcas D. Ace!"

Ace said emotionally.

But the two navy soldiers on the side took control in time and stuffed the smelly socks into Ace's mouth, making him speechless and could only stare at Sengoku with his eyes.

Incompetent fury.

"About the significance of today's execution of Gol D. Ace..."

Warring States said the next words unaffected.

He and Ace are on different levels. Garp and Whitebeard are willing to lower their heads and cultivate Ace as a treasure.

Sengoku as admiral of the navy.

But I don't want to treat a pirate as a treasure.

The navy below all raised their heads.

Looking towards the execution platform.

Under the execution platform, He glanced at Garp and comforted: "It's not your fault..."

"Wa hahaha!"

Garp was stunned for a moment, then laughed and said: "A woman is still gentle at this time, Xiaohe."

"Ace, say your father's name!"

The Warring States Period gets straight to the point.

For justice!

It is necessary for all the navy to know this news, so that they understand why they are participating in this war, instead of becoming ignorant tools and dying casually in this war, without even knowing the meaning of their participation in the war. .

Their navy wants civilians around the world to know why the navy launched this war.

Ace, whose mouth was stuffed with smelly socks: "..."


His angry expression suddenly turned more twisted and ferocious, and a part of his heart was deeply hurt.

"What? What time has it been? You are still asking this. Isn't Ace's father Whitebeard?"

Apu asked confused.

Luo didn't explain it to them.

Execution table.

Regardless of the corner of his mouth being torn, Ace spat out the smelly socks in his mouth and shouted, "My daddy is Whitebeard!"


Sengoku retorted.

"That's right! Only Whitebeard! No one else!"

Ace yelled with all his remaining strength, wanting to prove his final stubbornness.

Seems normal to others.

"Everyone in the sea knows that you are Whitebeard's adopted son, but your biological father is someone else!"

"At that time, we went through all the troubles to search that island! Because we heard that there might be the flesh and blood of that man there. Based on the minimal information obtained by CP9 and the little possibility, we investigated all the newborn children And the children who were about to be born, and their mothers, and still nothing.”

"It's no wonder..."

"Your birth was purchased by your mother with her life. It can be said that she was the product of all her efforts... This fact deceived our eyes... no... it deceived the eyes of the whole world!"

Warring States could not help but respect and be surprised by this mother's behavior.

"You were born on Batelila Island in the South China Sea. Your mother's name is Portcas D. Luju. That woman is far beyond what we can imagine. Her strong desire to protect her children actually cost her nearly a year. It took twenty months to conceive the child in her belly! When she gave birth to you, she died on the spot because her strength was exhausted."

Then, Warring States looked at Ace and said with a gloomy face: "One year and three months after your father died...the child who inherited the most evil bloodline in the world was born! That's you! You can't possibly not know...your Father!"

"One Piece Gol D. Roger!!!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the square fell completely silent, and the marines opened their mouths.

Dahai was shocked by the news.

(Tips: Not long after Lujiu was confirmed to be pregnant, Roger ran to surrender. It wasn’t that Lujiu had been pregnant for a long time before Roger surrendered. He didn’t take care of Lujiu for a long time before surrendering, but he ran away as soon as Lujiu got pregnant. He surrendered and was imprisoned for many days. He was executed until the outcome of the consultation was announced. Roger could not be vindicated.)

Renn stared deeply at Garp.

This was his doubt back then. Lujiu had obviously promised that her child would be born when it was due, so why did she insist on it for so long like the original?

Lujiu was the first woman that Renn ever cared about in this world.

The time spent together during that time is indeed worth remembering.

He was too out of tune with the world back then. Although he had extremely high talent and unparalleled faith, he had no sense of belonging.

Meet Lujiu.

He found a sense of belonging.

Ren is the second man Lujiu has ever loved.

They are all passers-by in each other's lives.

Wren gets a sense of belonging.

Enjoying ordinary days.

Lujiu felt safe.

During that time, I kept thinking about why I fell in love with a man like Roger?

Renn couldn't give an answer at that time.

Consider it fate.

But it's actually very simple.

A simple woman like Lujiu would fall in love with Roger, the pirate king.

Just think about the good-looking female students in their school days who longed for boys with colorful hair, who smoked, drank, fought, wore beanie shoes, and put their hands in their pockets.

Every little hooligan is not qualified to hang out without four or five good-looking female students.

He recalled his first love in his previous life, but found that he couldn't even remember his appearance or name.

The life-and-death struggle of the past has become a thing of the past.

Ren came out of Impel Down City and looked at his past diaries. He was not as crazy as before, and his emotions were far less exciting than before. As time went by, some of the unacceptable and seemingly difficult decisions that he had made no longer mattered. difficulty.

is growth.

is the price.


Become more rational and consider problems from different aspects.

He has long since moved on from the past.

Chapter 78 76, Whitebeard appears

Quan Dahai was shocked by the news.

Renn was still immersed in the memories of the past, comparing how different he was from back then.


Although Qingzhi was shocked by the news, when he saw Ren's sitting posture, he subconsciously adjusted his sitting posture and stopped being careless.

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