Ren: "..."

Kizaru is a big bastard!

Did he say something wrong?

Play an ape!

Would it be difficult if he just ditched Marco and came to help?Marco possesses the phantom beast phoenix fruit, which is inherently difficult to kill. His strength is quite strong, and if he doesn't find a flaw, he may not be able to kill him even if he beats him for two days.

Yakumo Murasaki: "Group leader, don't you have any other more powerful tricks?"

Renn: "I know three moves, golden skyline, iron mountain support, and contact attack. The others are the use of domineering, such as the entanglement, hardening, internal destruction of armed domineering, and the shock and entanglement of domineering domineering. , the territory of the Overlord..."

Yakumo Purple: "...??"

Renn: "@八Cloud Purple, others are famous all over the world with one move, but I know three moves. Is that rare? Then I leave?"

Yakumo Purple: "No less, no less..."

I haven't received my administrator position yet.

First, coax the group leader.

Mo He: "Group leader, your combat power is so intuitive. If you look at the data, the group leader's combat data is very clear, and it is very difficult to deal with. No wonder the group leader can stand at the top of this world. Just these three moves are enough." Enough for many physical masters to learn from and worship him."

Renn: "@八Cloud Purple, do you see it? Learn more."

Yakumo Zi: "..."

Lei Shi: "That Ame no Shiru is so stupid. He disrupted all your plans. It would have been possible to severely damage the two pirate groups at the same time and even leave the two Yonko behind. It's a pity. If I can join On the battlefield, I can actually help you to destroy the two four emperors."

on the battlefield.

Renn judged that he would not be able to defeat the red-haired man for a while. Unless a top combat power came to assist him, they would join forces to deal with the Yonko as soon as possible.

The experience accumulated by the navy's seniors is indeed worth learning.

The old guy like Garp is very smart. Every time he fights against sea monster-level pirates, he takes Sengoku with him to assist him. The two of them work together and win the battle. Even with the rudder on their heads, their combat power does not decline much. The golden lions all fell under the joint efforts of Garp and Warring States.

The redhead cannot be killed for the time being.

Renn began to analyze the situation on the battlefield.

Although he didn't have much experience in large-scale wars, he had played games and knew how to attack the rear first in a team fight. He would press Xiao Luban, Teemo and other ADCs (shooters) to the ground and rub them hard.

At the beginning of the battle with the red-haired group, he set his target on Jesus Bu. This shooter was not only powerful and useful, but also disgusting.

Beat him to death sooner and feel better.

Shooters are generally brittle. Although Jesus Bu is very powerful, compared with the same level, his health bar and body are very fragile, especially compared with Renn. Just take the condom away.

On the contrary, Rain's behavior puzzled Ren. He didn't need Rain's exploits. How could he successfully attack an ADC in a sneak attack?

On the contrary, it was Ame no Shiru's behavior that made Beckman immediately fire a bullet, hitting Renn so hard that he didn't even have a chance to dodge, causing Renn's back to hurt so much that he wanted to curse.

Fighting against the redhead, he suppressed the severe pain in his back.

Beckman's shot left him permanently scarred.

Ren will not deliberately remove this scar. He will leave it forever to remind himself to teach his subordinates and not to guess his own mind.

"Mad! It's getting more and more painful. The bullets from Beckman are hurting me to death!"

Beckman's domineering attitude was quite powerful, and Ren cursed in his heart.

Yu Zhiliu is really an honest person!

Just looking at myself, I didn’t know to pay attention to the faces of Hancock, Moriah, and Eniro. The three of them were not surprised, but surprised. Why did Shiliu of the Rain take the initiative to give Jesus a head?

Do you not believe in Ren's melee strength?

Enero, Hancock, and Moriah have known Rennes for a long time. They believed in Rennes' strength and did not cause trouble.

But changes on the battlefield increased their pressure.

Aoki only temporarily froze the leader of the red-haired group, just like it temporarily froze Doflamingo. After only freezing for a moment, the leader of the red-haired group broke out of the ice and met with Beckman and another Cadres gather.

The three of them completely surrounded Qing Pheasant.

On the frontal battlefield, Qingzhi felt a little panicked when faced with this situation.

This is a cool rhythm for him!

Ame no Shiru has been seriously injured. It would be a good thing if he doesn't hold him back. He can fight three red-haired regiment cadres by himself, and he also has to ensure that Ame Nozomi is rescued. He can't do that!

"Ren, I'm in a bit of trouble here."

Aokiji shouted.

"I can't come over to help you, your name is Kizaru!"

Ren replied.

Aokiji's heart: "Kizaru is still having fun with Marco, it's unreliable!"

I was just beaten by Whitebeard to gain my fruit ability, and I just fished for a little while. Why did I have to face such a difficult situation?

This situation is really not the best situation Renn imagined.

The best situation in Renn's imagination is that Shiliu of the Rain, Hancock, Eniro, and Moriah can each contain one and still have the advantage. He kills Jesus Bu, leaving two red-haired regiment cadres to hand over. The green pheasant came to contain him.

In this way, all the combatants are properly arranged. It depends on when Ren can beat the red hair to death. Who knows that Ame Zhiru will misinterpret his meaning with a self-motivated look and leave everything to them, as if on a mission? The finished look.

The pressure is all on myself.

But between Yu Zhiliu's good intentions and loyalty, the merits and demerits are balanced.

on the battlefield.

It's not easy for Ren to scold Yu Zhixi for leaving a few words.

Wait until this battle is over.

He wants to help Yuzhi Xiliu go to special training.

After a while.

"Boss Ren, save me!"

"Moriah save me!"

"Ame no Shiru, save me!"


After being shot by Beckman and having a big hole in his waist, Enelu panicked and called out the names of all the people who could come to save him. He didn't want to die on this battlefield and wanted to continue to follow Ren.

Meet Beckman.

Enelu is purely restrained.

Beckman can attack from a distance and engage in close combat, and is especially effective against Enero.

On domineering.

On physique.

None of Eniro's abilities are as good as Beckman's. The only thing that has an advantage is its fruit ability, which can be used to attack from a distance, but the opponent can also attack from a distance, and can also wrap the bullets with domineering energy.

For Anilo.

More difficult to deal with than Hawkeye.

The sword energy released by Hawkeye has no effect on his elementalization, nor on Bucky the Clown's special superhuman sword energy, nor even on close-range sword strikes.

Hawkeye's melee combat can easily suppress Enero.

But Enelu is not that arrogant, and the means of attacking from a distance can be used, so why not use it?

Isn’t it nice to pull your opponent?

When fighting against Hawkeye, Enelu can inflict serious injuries on Hawkeye through long-range pulling.

But when he met Beckman, he was restrained by a red-haired regiment cadre, and most of his attention was focused on the red-haired regiment cadre in front of him. He was attacked by the other party and received a shot. His body really couldn't bear it. Beckman is unusually domineering.

Instantly the elementalization is invalid!

Facing the four red-haired regiment cadres, Qingzhi said in his heart: "I'm tired, let's destroy it!"

He's cold!

A naval admiral encounters four cadres of the red-haired regiment, including Beckman. The best situation is that he can exchange one or two cadres of the red-haired regiment, excluding Beckman.

"Qing Pheasant, here I come!"

Warring States' voice came like the sound of nature, making Qingzhi's heart beat very fast.

"Death to the pirates!"

The Warring States incarnation Buddha descended from the sky, sending out a shock wave and hitting the four cadres of the red-haired regiment at the same time.

Qing Pheasant saw the opportunity coming.

Using the fruit's ability to slow down the movement of the four cadres of the red-haired group, the two teamed up to contain the four cadres of the red-haired group.

Take advantage of this great opportunity.

Lieutenant General T. Penn of the Navy and Captain Smoker of the Navy risked their lives and came to this battlefield to help rescue Anilu and Yuzhiliu from the battlefield and let the Navy medical corps bandage them.

Let the two wounded people escape from this battlefield.

In the view of Qing Pheasant.

This time Yuzhiliu made a great contribution.

In Wren's opinion.

Still not pure enough!

He also deceived Enelu. If Warring States had not arrived in time, even Qing Pheasant would have been deceived.

As expected, most of the navy is very good.

Renn only fights for the majority of the navy and the civilians of the entire sea, taking the world into his own hands.


How to break the situation?

After the death of Jesus Bu, Beckman became the most threatening pirate. Every bullet may make a top fighter temporarily withdraw from the field.

But unlike Jesus, it is a sniper.

Beckman is not that easy to kill.

Can attack from a distance or close up.

Extremely domineering and powerful.

Someone has to create a suitable opportunity for himself.

Use that move to turn the tide of the battle.

"The next thing happened, Marshal Sengoku issued an order, saying that it was not suitable for ordinary people to watch, but Admiral Lane said to listen to him and show this war to the whole sea, proving that the Navy must eradicate all garbage even if it is unscrupulous. ."

Vice Admiral Huo Shaoshan was left to his own devices.

"Listen to Ren."

Akainu decided on this matter decisively.

"it is good!"

Huo Shaoshan beamed when he saw someone resisting. He had already approved General Ren's order in his heart. Otherwise, he would not have come to find Akainu, but would have gone to the naval hero Garp on the execution platform.

But Lieutenant General Karp...

"Lieutenant General Karp should not make the wrong choice."

Huo Shaoshan murmured to himself.

"I'll go over and help."

Akainu has already incited the Maelstrom Spider Skuard to rebel, and the dutiful son is thinking about how to stab Whitebeard in the back.

He has finished taking the blame for everything he has shouldered.

You can do what you want.

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