Enter the chat group and summon interesting group members with their own sense of humor.

I wrote more than 20 chapters on the war, and more than half of them were about the red-haired group. I considered how to make it shorter, remove the red-haired group, and let them make a difference.

In just a few chapters, he can crush the Whitebeard Pirates, end the War on Top, and repel the Red-Haired Pirates.

And I didn’t have time to change the red hair group into a soy sauce one.

Various battles have been simplified descriptions.

A lot of brain cells were wasted.

I decided to call out the move names in the future and just go through the battle casually, so that it wouldn't be boring at all and I could have fun and relax.

It's really hard today.

It’s not that I don’t want to make more money.

Chapter 97 95, Kill Whitebeard, Kirby

On the battlefield, under the spotlight.

Renne and Whitebeard, who burst out with his last strength at the end of his life, started a fierce fight with each other, fighting with fists and fists, enjoying the pleasure of their life-and-death fight.

He wasn't sure if he was addicted to this feeling, or if he really liked the feeling of fighting against strong men. He had obviously read a lot of Gou Daoliu's novels, but he just couldn't refuse this feeling.

"Get Whitebeard's head now!"

Sengoku roared.

Not a single marine set out, and even those who had dealt with their opponents and were looking for their next opponent just glanced at Admiral Sengoku and ignored him.

Warring States: "???"

"What are you doing?! This is the best time! Kill Whitebeard!"

Warring States said with a puzzled face.

"Warring States, don't come up with bad ideas. Don't you still believe in my strength? Just watch from the sidelines. I don't want anyone to come and disturb this final battle."

"You, the marshal, really have nothing to do. Go and tie up the red-haired ones and wait for me to kill them together."

Ren gave the order.

"You...I am the Admiral of the Navy."

Warring States silently complained in his heart, no longer insisting on besieging a dying white beard, seizing the time to rush to the battlefield of the red-haired man in white, Garp, planning to join forces with Garp for a long time before retiring.

Create another great success.

In the process of fighting Whitebeard, Ren gradually gained the advantage, and the balance of victory became more and more obvious.

Whitebeard has a certain death mentality.

Renne is determined to win.

A gap opened between the two.

Whitebeard's power was like a flash in the pan, temporarily bursting out with astonishing power. The accumulated injuries on his body made it impossible for him to bear any more. Unlike Ren, he was only injured and could continuously burst out with high damage.

Shortly after.

in the eyes of others.

Ren was already completely suppressing Whitebeard's punch. Whitebeard's counterattack speed was visibly slower, and the force was far less than the initial punch.

"I lost."

Whitebeard gave up punching and said with a heroic smile: "Gula la la!"

"You are already the strongest in the world. I know very well how powerful your fruit power is. You can achieve this level without even using the fruit power. You are the second man I have ever seen who can be called a monster."

His eyes were blurred, and he recalled the distant past, which was a little-known past.

He, Shiji, Charlotte Lingling, and Kaido were all crew members on that ship. They sailed together on the sea for a period of time. At that time, they had similar or even identical experiences, and they came together to become a seafarer. thief.

During those years, there was no pirate on the sea who could rival them.

"Can you give me a chance to leave my last words?"

Whitebeard asked.

Ren didn't answer.

Sitting on a piece of gravel.

The final fight with Whitebeard was really fun.

Whitebeard grinned slightly and shouted: "Sons, try your best to escape. Your father should not have brought you to die. The navy is right, I have selfish motives."

"I'm an unqualified father!"



The members of the Whitebeard Pirates were heartbroken one by one. Except for Fire Fist Ace, who joined halfway, the other captains had been with Whitebeard for at least ten years. They really lived together like a family.

"Don't be distracted."

Whitebeard gasped: "This selfish intention is not only for Ace, but also for you, because I won't live long, and without me, I really don't worry about what you will do, so I want to rescue Ace. Cultivate a strong man like Roger to lead you on your journey."

"But now it seems that I was wrong. As my sons, each of you is great, but...it was me who restricted you and prevented you from growing as you should."

"I am giving the final captain's order now. Listen up, Whitebeard Pirates. I know this is difficult to do. You and I have to say goodbye here! Everyone must live! Return to the new world safely!"

A large number of members of the Whitebeard Pirates were either excited or crying.

Many captains of the Whitebeard Pirates had a chance to escape.

But no one was in a relaxed mood.

During the battle with Ren, Whitebeard had already beaten Marinefando to pieces. The battle on the red-haired side inadvertently opened up many passages, but the red-haired man himself was still tightly entangled by Garp. .

Neither of them are capable.

Not afraid of sea water.

Garp vented all his depression and anger over Ace's death on the red-haired man. If the one who killed Ace was another general, even Aokiji, he would be very dissatisfied.

But it was Ren who took action to kill Ace.

The navy that was not very powerful back then dared to go to the Holy Land Marie Joa to negotiate with the Five Old Stars.

"I am a remnant of the old era. There is no ship for me to ride in the new era!"

Whitebeard looked directly at Ren, "It's great that your final opponent is you. My head is right here, take it."

"Whitebeard, Blackbeard Teach will die in my hands soon."

Lane Road.

"This makes me feel less sorry to leave."

Whitebeard said what was hidden in his heart, "The battle with you made me understand that pirates cannot change the world. The man who has carried the wishes of civilians for hundreds of years should have been born in the navy. You gave me hope. .”

Ren knew what Whitebeard wanted to say. He would challenge the world government and overthrow the rule, but it would not turn into a war that swept the world and temporarily destroyed the foundation of the world.

But it didn't help at all.

The treatment of civilians in this world should indeed be improved.

"Goodbye, Whitebeard."

Ren took a short break.

Stand up.

One punch penetrated Whitebeard's body, which had been trained by Haki for many years.

Send Whitebeard away.

Whitebeard died in battle!

The era of Whitebeard is over!

Many pirates watching the live broadcast felt sad in their hearts, subconsciously believing what the admiral named Renn said, that the era of pirates would eventually end, and they would become the eliminated ones of the era.


Many members of the Whitebeard Pirates burst into tears.

Ren kept moving his body.

He was beaten a little stiffly.

Take a break.

My whole body feels sore.

Whitebeard is a good pirate.

This is undeniable.

But there should no longer be pirates in this world. He will do what no one can do, overthrow the world government and end the era of great pirates.

Whitebeard is also a qualified father.

Knowing that he was about to die, Cai fell ill and sought medical treatment in a hurry, pinning all his hopes on Ace, the Fire Fist, because he was Roger's son.

Chambord Islands.

"Is that Admiral Lane? What a terrifying and cruel admiral!"

"If you can't speak, don't speak!"

"Can you call a pirate cruel?"

There are many loyal fans of Rennes, and Morgans will not lie about this live broadcast. The devastating battles of the top war will be broadcast to all parts of the world, and the actions of the Navy will also be spread to all parts of the world.

It is better to be upright than to cover up things, and it can gain more supporters and stabilize order.

This is a world where power is paramount.

It's time for them to realize something.

Civilians will all be protected by the navy in the future.

This live broadcast can show the idiots who don't know how to live or die how exaggerated the top power of the Navy and pirates is, and save so many idiots who want to go to sea to become pirates and think that they must be the next Pirate King.

"Mr. Smoker, why is General Renne still moving his body?"

Dashiqi asked.

"Admiral Renne also plans to get rid of the red hair. It's normal to take a rest. The last attack of the old man with white beard will not be easy. The previous powerful pirates have accumulated considerable injuries on his body."

Smoker explains.

"Kerby, what's wrong with you?!"

his partner asked worriedly.

They didn't kill a single pirate on the battlefield, but instead caused a lot of chaos.

He himself really wanted to try it with the pirates.

But Kerby's condition has never been right.

"Huh~huh~ I don't know, I'm so sad... the voices in my head... disappear one after another..."

Kirby burst into tears.

As the war dragged on.

Most navies fought to the death, and many navies became timid.

Watching the partner I spent day and night fall down.

Bloodshed and sacrifices are being shed all the time on the battlefield.

Not many people care.

This part of the navy is made up of people who don't have much fighting experience, are relatively young, or who care.

I don’t want to die, I’m afraid of death, I don’t want to die.

It’s all human nature.

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