Marco looked directly at Ren.

"There's nothing I can't say. If you become a navy, I'll tell you all about it."

Lane Road.

"And the brothers of our pirate group."

A leader of the Whitebeard Pirates team said.

"How many times have you had drinks with those pirate groups and how many times have you met? Do you really know what they are doing outside? Even our navy cannot fully control the situation of the navy branch."

"How many of them do you think can survive the test? How many of them are willing to listen to you? Most of them know what I did in the Chambord Islands. I only give you one chance."

"You promise, I'll give them another chance, but don't try to lie to me, otherwise none of you will survive. I will personally hunt you down relentlessly, just like those old guys who hunted down the Roger Pirates in seclusion. .”

Renn smiled.

The captains of the Whitebeard Pirates team felt a chill in their hearts.

"I promise."

Marko Road.


"what are you doing?!"

the other captains roared.

"Dad said he expected us to have a bright future. What future could be better than getting rid of this pirate identity? Dad told us that if he had the chance, he would not want to be a pirate at all!"

Marco growled.

The other captains kept crying.

They agreed, spread out, and went to the battlefield to persuade Whitebeard's pirate group to surrender.

But most of them didn't succeed. They either thought that the captain was brainwashed, or they wanted to fight to the end, or they had learned about the Chambord Islands incident and had the idea of ​​surrender, but ran away with a guilty conscience.

Of course, some succeeded, and many pirates believed Marco and they chose to surrender.

The navy heard the order from Admiral Lane.

They did not attack the surrendered pirates.

"Jihehehe! I didn't expect you to give them this opportunity."

Moria laughed.

"I'm just giving the Whitebeard Pirates a chance. This opportunity was earned by the Whitebeard Pirates themselves. This is the way to minimize losses. We can open the door to the new world faster and let more people Innocent civilians are protected."

"The Red-Haired Pirates don't have this chance. They must all die! No one will be left alive!"

Ren said coldly.

Peach Rabbit and Hancock looked at Ren with admiring eyes. They acted with the cruelest means and spoke with the coldest tone, but everything they did was too handsome.

Luo's face turned slightly red.

He felt sorry for Corazon during his time as a pirate.

"Ren, you are truly the best navy I have ever seen. I was born in the Western Sea and saw many rotten naval branches, so I decided to go to sea to make a career. At the beginning, I helped a lot of people, and I helped along the way."

"I have the title of Hero of the West Sea! This is the greatest recognition for me. But the more I helped, the more numb I became, and finally walked out of the West Sea and chose to fight for hegemony. Until I was rescued by you in the New World, I reflected on it for a long time and felt It should be fun to follow you. I'm not disappointed at all."

Moria liked the way Renne was handled.

The other admirals are all flawed, Aokiji is indecisive on some things, Akainu is extreme, and Kizaru is useless.

"That old guy from the Warring States Period is just too old-fashioned. I think it wouldn't be a bad idea to recruit these pirates."

"If you want to come in, you have to see if their experience can help them survive."

Ren joins the fight.

A group fight violently beats the redhead.

Many high-ranking officials in the navy did not show any moral integrity, and each of them used all their strength to beat the red-haired man. The mentality of several men in white was shattered. They would rather these high-ranking naval officials beat them to death.

The red hair is the supreme Celestial Dragon!

Ren landed a few more punches.

The redhead was beaten beyond recognition.

"The skin is really thick."

Ren turned his palm into a knife and chopped off the red-haired head.

"I'll say it again."

Ren stepped on the red-haired head and said with a smile: "This is the last chance I give you. Put down the pirate flag and live in seclusion, or look at your crimes, surrender, and strive for leniency."

Many pirates who watched the video could no longer laugh.

Compared to the Chambord Islands.

Ren stepped on the Yonko's head and killed another Yonko Whitebeard, which shocked them too much.

"You trash can't continue to act recklessly on this sea!"

"I will destroy the dreams of you trash!"

"They're just a bunch of trash trying to justify their atrocities!"

"I am the next Admiral of the Navy!"

"Swear to end the era of great pirates! Clean up all the garbage in the world!"

"As long as you keep flying the pirate flag for one day!"

"Still thinking about being a pirate!"

"Then you must die!"

"If ten thousand people become unscrupulous pirates, then I will kill all ten thousand people. If there are 10 people, then I will kill all 10 people! If there are one million people! Then I will kill all one million people!"

"Kill until no one in the entire sea dares to become trash!!!"


The audience watching the video was silent.

None of the pirates could laugh, and most of them felt a chill in their hearts.

"This kid."

Warring States had a headache and said in his mind: "Whatever, I'm going to retire. If this kid is really capable, I hope he won't go against the World Government."

"Warring States, Garp, please help me restrain Whitebeard II, and I will kill him."

Lane Road.

"No need! Garp and I are enough!"

Sengoku retorted.

After being consumed by Hawkeye, Whitebeard II was not as good as he was at his peak. When he met Garp, the two naval powerhouses from the Warring States Period who had been working together for many years, it goes without saying that he ended up with a rough skin and thick flesh, and could only endure the fight.

Whitebeard II is dead!

Doflamingo flew high into the sky at the moment when the battle situation went wrong and never came down. Seeing the red-haired treatment, Doflamingo escaped from the top of the battlefield before the battle was over. He didn't want to stay in this sad place for another second.

Ren asked others to clean up the battlefield, and he ran to a broken stone and sat down, leaning on it.

Doflamingo, Blackbeard, and Drago are all minor problems.

World government is the big problem.

This war has been won, but I'm still afraid that I can't deal with Doflamingo.

The first target in Ren's mind was Dolag. Every revolution under Dolag gave the civilians power and qualified them to resist. However, he did not guide the civilians on how to resist or how to use the power of resistance correctly. Every time, he failed. Triggered a riot.

Enter the chat group.

Yakumo Murasaki: "Very handsome~ Ren, I want it~"

The administrator will give you a copy~

Renn: "If any of you have any medicine for treatment, give me one."

Mo He: "I specialize in treating bruises and bruises."

Aniya: "Aniya has a red potion here."

Xiaotiao Yulihua: "I have some here too, as well as alcohol."

Lei Shi: "You are lucky, I still have a lot of useless medical supplies left on the ship."

Tushan Honghong: "We in Tushan have a clan of leeches."

Liu Angxing: "I have a dish that can relieve fatigue."

Renne received a lot of medicines from another world, and received a special dish from Liu Angxing.

Braised duck with walnut sauce!

Ren didn't hesitate to take a big gulp. After eating, his body generated a force, and the skin all over his body felt like it was about to burst. A lot of fatigue was eliminated, and he felt better.

so amazing.

This dish is a magic potion.

He was still unfinished, and came up with two thoughts: first, it tastes delicious, and second, why is there so little?At least a ton of duck.

I don’t know how far Liu Angxing’s physical skills have been practiced. I really wish I could eat Liu Angxing’s food, an all-you-can-eat kind of thing. Renn’s appetite is quite big. After a fight, he can eat a whole small Neptune. Lose.

Aokiji, Akainu and Moriah after the war.

Unable to bear the injuries, they fainted one after another and were rushed to treatment by medics.

The war is over.

All members of the red-haired pirate group were killed in the battle, all the admirers who followed were rounded up, and quasi-cadre Rock Star was killed.

Whitebeard Pirates, Whitebeard died in battle, and most of Whitebeard's pirate groups were surrounded and suppressed.

The navy won a resounding victory.

All over the world, everyone in the first half of the Grand Route sang and danced to celebrate the navy's victory. No matter what means the navy used, as long as they defeated the pirates, they were happy.

New world.

Most of the territories guarded by the Whitebeard Pirates were in despair, but hearing the oath of the man who led the war gave rise to hope. If that navy became the marshal, maybe the era of great pirates could really end.

Chapter 99 97, Search for new members

after the war.

Most places around the world hailed the naval victory.

Many civilians shouted Ren's name. Compared with those pretentious words, Ren's words were clear and easy to understand. He vowed to fight the pirates to the end, which gave the civilians an indescribable sense of security and even gave birth to fanatical fans.

Most adult civilians don't think Ren's methods are cruel.

There are many cruel behaviors in the world of pirates.

They want to see someone who can protect them.

Accepting pirates.

Some civilians will not understand, and many civilians will be disgusted, but everything must be proven right or wrong by actual situations and actions in the future.

Wren doesn't think what he's doing is doing more harm than good.

He donated all the medical supplies he received from the chat group and handed them over to the navy with good medical skills. He also asked pirates with good medical skills and minor injuries who chose to surrender to help.

Luo also joined in to help later.

As a doctor, he was so busy that even Renn put it aside and said that he would take some time off and wait until he was finished.

Wren approved.

When the war came to an end, the navy had no intention of making a big fuss in the news. The live broadcast of the battle was broadcast all over the world. The navy was the victor, so there was no need to do so much follow-up publicity, as it was unnecessary.

"Warring States, I will take on this responsibility."

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