Dad, please let me push alone!Author: The Nature of Humanity


Chu Yuanqing dares to swear that, as the former savior, he never thought that one day, because he wanted to leave a legacy to his daughter before he died, he would transform into a magical girl to participate in an idol talent show.

But it doesn't matter, no matter how shameful you are, as long as you don't get caught, you can pretend it never happened!But who can tell him why his well-behaved and sensible daughter also came to participate in the draft?

Looking at the daughter who posts to herself every day and calls herself a sister, and bluntly says "I'm your fan", the middle-aged social animal's heart is extremely broken.

Damn it, she really doesn't want to compete with her daughter for the dao position!And clearly [human nature]

1. The Forgotten Savior.

In the early morning, the electric fan in the room creaked and turned.

As usual, Chu Yuanqing relied on perseverance to get rid of the abyss-like dream that continued to fall. He ignored the pain that was like a tsunami on his soul, got up without changing his expression, turned off the electric fan, and completed washing, dressing, and cooking. Fixed process.

Chu Yuanqing put the mung bean soup and ice powder in the porcelain bowl with plastic wrap, put them in the refrigerator, skillfully wrote reminders on the post-it notes with a water pen, and pasted them on the warm milk on the dining table on the box.

Although there is an epic and glorious past, in the 17 years of daily necessities, the magnificence has also been successfully buried.


This isn't even an amusing conjecture for a modified world.

Now, he is just an ordinary member among all living beings, acting as an insignificant and even a cog that is about to be abandoned in a society that operates like a giant machine.

"Xiao Shu, I'm going out."

After Chu Yuanqing finished speaking, he put on his shoes and carried the garbage bag. He was used to his daughter's silence, so he didn't look at the door that was closed to him, and prepared to walk out of the apartment.

Over the years, this is how he and his daughter get along.

In other words, this is the result of deliberate indulgence.

But with the sound of the door opening, the questioning in a tone so cold that the atmosphere stopped him.

"Are you still going to work today?"

Chu Yuanqing looked back, perhaps because of the estrangement of the way of getting along, the daughter who caught his eyes was a little strange to him.

——Exquisite and quiet facial features like a top student, smooth and long crow-blue hair, you can face your own height with a slight tilt of your head, and a gaze that reveals incomprehension, disappointment, and even disgust.

Children are like this, when adults blink, they are like twigs that grow longer and longer, no longer immature and ignorant, the original softness is also wrapped in the hedgehog's shell, no matter how difficult it is to distinguish the true meaning.

Chu Yuanqing explained:

"Today the leader said that there is a meeting and that he should arrive at the company early."

Chu Wangshu looked at the dull face, as if her heart had been stabbed, she suppressed her sourness, pursed her lips, and suddenly felt a little funny again, her expression became colder, and said quietly:

"Even if today is my mother's memorial day?"

Chu Yuanqing was startled, looked at the date, and belatedly realized that her daughter was wearing a formal dress that was too solemn for a young man today, and immediately understood the origin of the other party's emotions.

But just as he was about to explain, Chu Wangshu had already walked into the room. After a while, he pulled the suitcase, walked up to him, and asked him to move away coldly, as if he had run away from home.

"Get out of the way, if you don't go, I will go."

"Then you don't have to bring your suitcase with you."

"After I finish my worship, I will go directly back to school to live in."

Chu Yuanqing choked, feeling helpless:

"Go back to school? You've already been admitted, why are you going back to school?"

"Don't worry about it."

Chu Wangshu imprinted these words, dragged her suitcase coldly, and passed by her father. The sunlight outside was a bit dazzling. She paused in her footsteps, seemed to say something, and then nodded. He left without looking back.

Chu Yuanqing stopped at the spot silently, watching her back gradually go away.

He heard what his daughter said.


It's really... an evaluation that people can't refute.

Chu Yuanqing sighed like an uncle, walked into the sunny sky like a steamer, looked into the distance like a mirage, towering high in the sky, the pure white and illusory boundless high wall, whispered in his heart:

"That is the tomb that needs to be sacrificed."

—The Wall of Sighs.

No one knows what caused it.

This magical reflection like a creation of the gods seemed to be a blank page that suddenly appeared in history. It suddenly spread across the Donghuang Federation, the Holy People and the Kingdom, various city-states and small countries, and even the desert and the sea, becoming the entire planet. It is a majestic spectacle that all living beings look up to.

Chu Yuanqing stopped looking up at the sky, lowered his eyes, calmly merged into the crowd, and squeezed into the light rail crowded like sardine cans. On the transparent wall passing by countless scenes, he saw the faded, strange and ordinary However, he twitched the corners of his mouth and closed his eyes tiredly.

The sea roars in the depths of the soul, and the sound of cracking glaciers spreads.

Chu Yuanqing coughed a few times, wiped away the blood with a tissue, and endured the pain numbly. Compared with the glorious wall standing in the sky, his life was already a candle in the wind.


As long as half a year passed, after Xiaoshu, he would be able to leave with peace of mind.

Concentrate your mind and get off from the light rail station.

Chu Yuanqing tried his best to adjust his state and walked into the company building.

But it didn't take long for him to notice something was wrong in the pity eyes of his colleagues.


"Your performance has failed to meet the standard three times in a row."

"According to company regulations, you have been fired."

The company leader left this sentence indifferently, announcing the cruel fact of middle-aged unemployment.

10 minute later.

Chu Yuanqing took the 1000 yuan settled by the finance department, stood dejectedly on the street with a pile of sundries in his arms like a dream, and belatedly began to think about what to do with future expenses.

The cost of living in Haidu is very high. The monthly rent alone costs [-] to [-] yuan, plus water and electricity bills, internet bills, telephone bills, food expenses, and the monthly living expenses of my daughter. It can almost be declared that I will have to live on the streets in two months.

It's not that Chu Yuanqing has no awareness of savings, but due to household registration issues, he can only go to a private high school if he wants to go to a good high school in Haidu. However, for private high schools with excellent conditions, the tuition fees are really high, which leads to the loss of his savings. Only four figures so far.

The most important thing is that, as a dying person, he bought a personal accident insurance more than half a year ago in order to save his daughter's college tuition.

Moreover, in order to maximize his benefits, he bought a high amount of insurance, and it was unrealistic to settle it all at once, so he chose to pay monthly, which happened to be fully settled in one year.

There are still three full months left until the insurance premium is paid.

Chu Yuanqing's condition got worse the closer he was to his death, and his old unit fired him because of this, so it was almost impossible to apply for a position with a decent salary.

It can be said that this sudden unemployment disrupted almost all his original plans, and his anxiety spread like weeds.

What should I do?

This question lingered in my mind until I walked home without an answer.

Chu Yuanqing sighed wearily. He opened the door with the key. After entering the room, he accidentally caught a glimpse of the flyer floating on the railing on the balcony. As if guided by fate, he picked it up and saw that it was a recruitment advertisement for a variety show. .

No academic qualifications required, food and accommodation included.

The monthly salary is [-], and the application point is in Haidu.

There are a lot of salary and benefits listed, but in comparison, the recruitment requirements are very unpretentious, only female gender, good looks, and no bad records are required.

At this moment, Chu Yuanqing thought a lot. As the savior of the old era, [-]% of the superpowers he once possessed were useless, until now only a joke-like superpower remained.

Because it was a peaceful age, and there was no help for his life, he almost forgot that he still had this ability.

But facing the pressure of life, when this leaflet came into view, the corresponding memory came to mind.

——Unknown super power, transformation.

To be precise, it is to transform the life form into a magical girl.

"If, I mean if."

"If you become a girl, it should be much easier to find a job than a middle-aged uncle, right?"

2. Transform into a magical girl.

Chu Yuanqing, 36 years old, retired savior.

At this moment, this flyer is like a devil's contract that tempts him to fall into the abyss, and he has a dangerous thought in the crisis of unemployment.

The palm spread out, and a pendant solidified and fell from nothingness.

The moonlight-like silver thread carves out the frame, and the inside is fragmented gray glass. The overall design is an exquisite lantern. Its texture is so delicate that it can be called an expensive work of art, but at this time it looks dull and has an old-fashioned look. sense of ruin.

This is the crystallization of ability, just like the transformation device of magical girls in some animations.

The difference is that after using it as a carrier to transform, the life form will be permanently transformed.

Even if it can return to its current posture, it will no longer be a real shell, but a product of magic weaving.

In other words, no regret medicine.

Once you use it, you can never go back.

Chu Yuanqing was very conflicted, his dignity as a man, and the shame, awkwardness, resistance, and confusion that arose in the chaos were all in his chest.

But soon, his eyes fixed on the group photo on the counter in the living room.

——Chu Yuanqing, who is still young, is holding his daughter, who is as young as a snow dumpling, standing in front of a field of blooming sunflowers, showing a relieved smile to the camera.

Chu Yuanqing stopped thinking about it and made a decision.

He is an unnecessary savior, and in the new era, there is no boat that can take him.

If it wasn't for Xiao Shu, he would have let the curse of the sea of ​​truth corrode as early as 17 years ago and died.

Today, the countdown of life is approaching, so why care about biological gender?

Besides, if he didn't do this, he might not be able to survive more than three months.

This body has tended to decay under the curse, and it can be transformed into a soul-based life form like a magical girl, which can prolong life in disguise.

Moreover!Anyway, no one knows, no one sees, the rounding is the same, so it shouldn't matter!

Although it is shameful to become a beautiful girl and even sing and dance rap, but these are nothing compared to my daughter's future!

Chu Yuanqing self-hypnotized, self-comforted, and self-PUA, and then nodded seriously with conviction:

"Yes, that's right."

"It's only half a year, it's fine if you don't get discovered."

The voice is exhausted.

The deep darkness was like a tsunami, silently flooding the entire living room.

The pendant suddenly magnified and turned into a delicate lantern, with the faint fire light shaking inside it.

Chu Yuanqing melted into the darkness, and the shelled soul fell into the flames of the lantern, causing the sound of fetal movement to resound, and then a few rays of light spread like sprouts, interweaving a brand new body, and the lantern turned back into a new body again. pendant.

The Kuroshio receded, the brilliance faded.

The girl stopped in place, her pale golden pupils gradually changed, revealing her alienation from the world, her satin and smooth hair was the pure white of Tianshan Snow, her immature facial features were delicate and beautiful, cool and lovely.

Her slender and thin body is wrapped in a gradually gray dress, embellished with lace that matches the hair color, and the lines of the skirt seem to be burned by fire, revealing destruction and loneliness.

What attracts the most attention is the pure white flowers that are in full bloom on the hair accessories, leg rings, dresses, and branches spreading above the head. They are either clustered or far away, as if they will wither and fall at any time. A sense of transparency that is dying.

The costume of the magical girl will change according to the heart.

This cute attire with a hint of decay is directly related to her current state of mind.

Chu Yuanqing didn't notice this at the first time, but felt that the space around her suddenly increased a lot. She lowered her eyes for a while, and then she was burned by the white spring color in the skirt of her clothes, and she immediately looked away.

The girl walked into the bathroom and looked at her brand new self in the mirror. Her light golden pupils trembled wildly, as if she was shocked that one day she would become like this, even wearing such a fluffy little skirt.

She was stunned for a long time, some emos pursed their lips, and pulled the lace leg ring on her leg awkwardly, her face blushed inexplicably, and whispered quietly:

"It's so cute, like a fairy, but it's still too weird."

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