Just as William expected.

The Wing Guards, which lost Swann's supervision, gradually formed different factions under the infiltration of various kingdoms.

The original task of the Wing Guards was to destroy the invading sixth beast and protect the safety of the floating continental islands.

However, now that the First Floating Island has gradually lost the absolute right to speak it once had, the Wing Guards have gradually taken on a different political tone.

Even in some kingdoms, some legion commanders were banned from entering the airspace of their kingdoms because they were too close to the hostile kingdoms.

The smell of gunpowder between the various kingdoms is getting stronger.

The Fourth Fairy Warehouse, which belongs to the Second Division, did nothing.

They neither took a political stance nor got Yatogami Tohka to act as planned.

They just went quietly to carry out the annihilation mission assigned to them by the Wing Guard Army, as usual, as if nothing had happened.

William is waiting.

Everyone in the fourth goblin warehouse is waiting.

And the long-awaited news finally reached the Fourth Fairy Warehouse today.


The floating island where the fourth fairy warehouse is located is docked at the dock.

As the roar of the engine stopped, the hatch opened and the floating ladder was set up on the dock.

From the coalition government, Baroni, a rabbit race who had a relationship with Yatogami Tohka and William, stepped out of the floating ship.

He is a first-class military officer belonging to the First Floating Island Coalition Government, or in other words, a person belonging to Swann's forces.

There is only one purpose for coming here today.

After looking around at the people who had been waiting for him at the dock early, Baroni took out a document with a gold edge and an official red seal from his arms.

"A new bill from the Coalition Government, the Golden Goblin Bill of Rights Bill has been passed."

Baroni stood up straight and read with a serious expression: "Following the will left by the great sage before his death, from today onwards, all golden goblins will no longer be regarded as weapons, but have the same rights as orcs. For the citizens of the floating mainland islands, the information control law will also be invalidated today, all information belonging to the golden goblin will be lifted, and your history and achievements will be known to all citizens."


"Finally waited for this day..."

"Go wherever you want!"

When Baroni read the last word, almost everyone present cheered and jumped.

This is a historic scene on the floating mainland islands.

For all the golden goblins, it is a memorable day.

Not in vain for them to wait for so long, the day of liberation finally came.

Starting from today, their race will receive equal human rights as other races, and they will no longer have to sacrifice for anyone unless they voluntarily do so.

Goblin Warehouse, this name will also be swept into the trash heap of history.

At the same time, they don't think that this is just a temporary freedom.

Because once the golden fairies' information is no longer controlled and known by ordinary orcs, the military will no longer be able to use them as weapons anyway.

If they want to withdraw this draft one day, they will not only face the wrath of the golden goblin, but also all conscientious orcs on the entire floating mainland islands will stand against them.

Just like the gray rock skin said.

Golden goblins are formidable fighters.

They have paid too much for the Floating Continent Archipelago, and the entire Floating Continent Archipelago owes them.

They should be revered as heroes, not weapons.

Even though many officers in the Wing Guard Army regard the Golden Goblin as a tool for promotion, but with the continuous efforts of Yatogami Tohka these days, at least in the second division, ordinary orc soldiers have already fully accepted it. The golden fairy.

Of course, this is also the reason why the first-class military officer of the Second Division is an enlightened officer like Hui Yanpi.

But no matter what, what awaits the golden goblin in the future must be a bright future.

"Wait for this news to ferment again, and when it spreads to the entire floating continental islands, the third branch mission will be considered complete."

Hearing this news, Yatogami Tohka was also in a good mood.

She has lived in this world for two months, and the time she has been stuck in is much more than the last time.

However, none of the side missions were completed.

The first side task is only a quarter completed, and the second side task has not even started.

But now, after his own dedication and the efforts of Black Candle and Swann, the third side task was finally accomplished.

And she is [-]% sure that it will be perfect.

"It seems that the refining method given by Swann is indeed correct. Black Candle Master should have succeeded."

Now that the Golden Goblin was officially announced to be liberated, it only meant one thing.

During this month, Hei Zhugong really created the so-called [soul crystal].

Moreover, the soul crystal created by using the spirit crystal as a reference must have the effect of being able to replace the golden goblin.

At that time, the deal reached by Yatogami Toka and Swann was that she would lend them the soul crystal for research. If the soul crystal studied was useful, then he would promise to release the golden fairy.

With the birth of the soul crystal, this transaction can be regarded as over.

"Miss Yatogami, Mr. William."

After handing the document announcing the freedom of the Golden Goblin to Nigolan, one of the managers of the Fourth Goblin Warehouse, Baroni came to the two of them and lowered his voice: "Second Floating Island That lord, Lord Black Candle wants to meet with you, and that lord said he has something important to discuss with you."

Hearing this, William and Yatogami Tohka looked at each other.

Sure enough, after completing the production of the soul crystal, Black Candle invited them to witness the birth of this product.

They had no reason to refuse the invitation.

They are all very curious about the soul crystal.

What's more, if you want Yatogami Tohka to take Shiwan's position and become the new [King] of the floating continental islands, although power is the most important thing, but if you want to make the orc kingdom obedient, the big stick and the sweet dates are not enough. One must.

If they can persuade Lord Black Candle to hand over the soul crystals to them for distribution, wouldn't it be easy to unite with the orc kingdom and counterattack the ground?

Thinking of this, William became more and more excited.

"Well, let's go."

He took a deep breath, and together with Tohka Yatogami followed Baroni into the airship.

"That's the first step in realizing the plan."



Author's Note: Today's Ten Fragrances

Chapter 67 Soul Crystal

Riding on the express floating ship, the two arrived at the second floating island a day later.

Although they both knew the way, they still followed Baroni to Black Candle Lord's castle.

A month has passed, and the curse that originally remained here has completely disappeared.

Trees affected by the curse have regained their lushness, while those that died too close to the castle have unfortunately been cut down.

In the garden, those withered flower bushes were also treated and replanted with brighter flowers.

The servants of the castle who were originally dispersed by Lord Black Candle have returned to their posts.

As soon as they entered the garden in front of the castle, they saw Hei Zhugong lying in a wheelchair, basking in the sun with oversized sunglasses, and enjoying the breeze under the service of two orc maids holding fans.

Seeing this scene, both William and Yatogami Tohka couldn't help but twitch their mouths.

What is going on outside, the power of the coalition government on the first floating island is constantly being lost, each orc kingdom is staring at its neighbors, and anyone with a discerning eye can see the coming civil war.

But this guy, lying here enjoying his life, doesn't care about the outside situation at all.

Although they knew that Lord Black Candle would not intervene in the struggle between the orc kingdoms, they were still speechless when they saw his deafness to the outside world and his focus on his retirement life.

"Oh! Welcome back! Human warriors! And the creatures outside the world!"

Seeing the arrival of William and Yatogami Tohka, Black Candle shook his head, and handed the sunglasses to one of the orc maids beside him.

The other orc maid knowingly pushed him in the wheelchair in front of the two of them.

Although he doesn't care about the orcs, he still cares about this brave man who almost died with him, as well as the mysterious and powerful elf.

"Soul crystal, did you get it out?"

Before Yatogami Tohka could speak, William asked first, as if he was a little more eager than she was.

This is actually not difficult to understand.

Although he has let go of his past obsessions and is willing to spend the rest of his life with Cordoli, if there is a way to return to the ground, he will try it without hesitation.

He also wanted to return to his homeland.

The only reason he rejected Swann was because he didn't want to sacrifice the Golden Goblin.

But now, the golden goblins don't need to sacrifice, and the soul crystals can take their place on the battlefield, so he naturally has no reason to refuse.

"Ah, of course. Swann gave me the refining method of soul fragments before he died. Although there were a few mistakes, after I corrected it, it was of course successful." Black Candle Master smiled wildly, " Who made me the God of Earth? I am the only one who can do this."

This is indeed true.

No one is better at handling the Star God's soul fragments than Black Candle Master.

The human heroes who killed the Star God Elko were unable to process the Star God's soul fragments. Even if they succeeded in killing the God, it would be useless for them to hold large chunks of the soul fragments. In the end, the human beings turned into ten The beast of seven.

As if showing off, Hei Zhugong opened his mouth, and from his skull mouth, a gorgeous colorful crystal appeared in front of them.

It does look somewhat similar to a spirit crystal.

Feeling the abundant magic power contained in it, William couldn't suppress his excitement.

"You can try it."

Aware of William's thoughts at a glance, Black Candle, like a salesman promoting products, said with a smile on his face: "Although your body is already pineapple and pineapple, you can still do it with magic, right? You can come and try it power."

"Are you sure this thing is ready for use? Are there no strange side effects?" Although he was moved, William asked suspiciously.

"Look at what you said, this is what I, Hei Zhugong, the head of the three earth gods, personally created."

"You did not answer my question."

Seeing Hei Zhugong talking about him, William raised his eyebrows and asked again: "Is there any side effect of using the soul crystal?"

"Cough cough."

Black Candle Master coughed twice in embarrassment, and replied with erratic eyes: "Yes, there is, but it's not a big problem. As long as it is not used frequently, there will be no side effects. So to a certain extent, it does have no side effects." .”

"What are you talking around, it made me dizzy!" Yatogami Tohka glared at him, "Just tell me what the side effects are!"

"Well..." Hei Zhugong laughed twice, "The side effect is that the personality will be destroyed due to the erosion of the previous life."

"Huh?!" William was impatient, "Then what's the difference between you making this thing and not making it?!"

"Of course the difference is huge." Hei Zhugong said matter-of-factly. "In the past, we had to use necromancy and soul fragments to combine, and use the born golden fairies to fight against the seventeen beasts. Now that we have soul crystals, any Anyone who holds it can fight with the Seventeen Beasts."

Under Hei Zhugong's explanation, the usage and precautions of the soul crystal came slowly.

Humans are able to use magic because they have fragments of the Star God's soul in their bodies.

The golden goblins can use magic power because they have the soul fragments of the star gods in their bodies.

But now, the soul fragments of the Star God have been refined and become soul crystals.

Any orc who has fused soul crystals can use magic power.

It's just a pity that the soul fragments of these star gods have all been used. They were recovered from the bodies of those dead golden goblins, and they carried some marks that belonged to them.

And because these soul fragments have been refined, the marks belonging to the dead golden goblins have been strengthened. If the orcs want to use them, they must be prepared to be affected by these marks.

"Before you came, I had some orcs fused with soul crystals and did some experiments." Hei Zhugong said, "If the total amount of magic power is equivalent to the level of a forbidden curse for destroying the country in one day, Then they will face personality collapse, but different orcs seem to have different degrees of adaptability to soul crystals. Personality collapsed."

"You... used orcs for human experiments?" William frowned slightly.

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