If the people on the first floating island wanted to push a golden goblin to the position of leader and force them to submit, then they had miscalculated.

"In any case, let us witness together."

The old king spoke slowly, his voice hoarse like a dry old tree: "Is it the birth of a new king, or the last struggle of the coalition government."

If it's the former, they don't mind following the order of the first floating island again.

But if it's the latter, then they will let everyone know how deadly their deer antlers are.

As the floating ship entered the port, the hatch slowly opened.

A heavy voice came from the pitch-black cabin door.

Two-meter-tall soldiers in heavy armor stepped out of the hatch, and the sunlight shone brightly on the steel armor covering their entire bodies.

Holding flags, they were divided into two columns and marched forward neatly.

Although there were not many people, no more than 50 people, the sound of heavy steel rubbing and the cold chill were like an army of people. Just watching it made people feel shocked.

"Just kidding."

Seeing all these soldiers in heavy armor, the deerman crown prince's eyes gradually became astonished.

With armor of this weight, even the most physically powerful troll would not be able to walk normally after wearing it.

He could even feel the ground tremble every time these soldiers' footsteps fell.

No matter who it is, they can clearly feel the extraordinaryness of these soldiers.

Joining in the fun, watching the theater, and putting on a show, some orcs' original frivolous emotions completely disappeared.

Following the appearance of two columns of heavily armored soldiers, a long red carpet rolled out from the hatch.

As if the distance had been calculated, it stopped exactly one meter in front of the old king and the young crown prince.

On both sides of the red carpet, knights in iron armor knelt on one knee, and the sound of steel clanging and rubbing echoed in everyone's ears.

The next moment, another footstep came from the hatch.

A young girl steps on the red carpet and walks into the sunshine.

She was wearing a battle armor intertwined with black and scarlet, as if the black armor was dyed red by blood, and it was still scary even under the sunlight.

Her face was equally cold, and there was no trace of emotion in her eyes.

She proudly raised her swan-like chin, and glanced at the orcs in the pier.

Under the gaze of those purple and gold eyes, no one dared to look at him.

Like the commanding army, the war princess galloping on the battlefield stepped into her kingdom, inspecting her subjects and vassals.

The old king sighed slightly, and his stooped back seemed to be a little deeper.

It seems that it should be the former.

"Princess of the Golden Fairy, ruler of the coalition government, new leader of the Floating Continental Islands."

As the king of a country, the old king took the initiative to lower his figure and saluted respectfully.

"Kingdom of Godtil, follow your pilgrimage."

Chapter 70 The Great Counterattack

The princess's pilgrimage happened simultaneously in all the kingdoms of the orcs.

The Kingdom of Geddir managed by the Deer Race, the Kingdom of Reinshard managed by the Lion Race, and the Albis Merchants Kingdom managed by the Plutocrats...

Yatogami Tohka arrived at the main cities of these orc countries, representing the joint government of the First Floating Island, and contacted the kings of each country.

To be more precise, it is the clone of Yatogami Tohka.

Taking advantage of the convenience of the eight bullets, she summoned herself in six different timelines, and asked them to go to the six orc kingdoms instead of herself.

However, although it was her tour, the person who came into contact with the orc kings was an adjutant sent by the coalition government to accompany her.

Comparison, communication and discussion cannot be done by her.

Otherwise, the impression of coldness will be destroyed the moment he speaks.

Yatogami Tohka calmed down the temperament of each orc kingdom in the open, while the skilled adjutants were in charge of various discussions.

The tour, which was originally expected to take at least half a month, came to an end in just three days.

Some kingdoms are more sensible, and the moment Yatogami Tohka appeared, they had already given birth to a heart of surrender.

Some kingdoms want to get more benefits, and try their best to please Yatogami Tohka, but in the end they can only accept her rule in dejection.

Some kingdoms did not want to let go of this rare opportunity, and sent troops to intercept Yatogami Tohka, but they failed to steal everything. Not only did the plan fail, but even the power of the royal family was taken away.

Under the princess's resolute actions, the orc kingdoms, which had hints of civil war, were all suppressed within three days.

The flames of civil war were ruthlessly snuffed out in their infancy before they even ignited.

The power of the floating mainland islands finally returned to the hands of the coalition government.

In other words, it returned to Yatogami Tohka's hands.

During this tour, the future policy of the Floating Continental Islands was also conveyed to the ears of every orc.

Attack the ground!

The orc warriors fused with soul crystals showed a combat power far superior to the Seventeen Beasts, allowing everyone to see the hope of regaining their hometown.

Although it is still not comparable to the golden goblins who can use magic power from birth, compared to the golden goblins with less than 250 members in the entire group, the special orc team with as many as [-] people has an absolute numerical advantage.

Thus, at the princess' call, the Floating Continental Islands began intensive pre-war preparations.

Every orc is making its own efforts for the upcoming counterattack.

More floating battleships are being built overtime, new weapons are being continuously produced on the assembly line, and a large amount of materials are concentrated in the warehouse of the Wing Army under the temporary control law...

Of course, it's not just ordinary orcs trying to be useful.

As a human quasi-hero, William, although he has lost almost all his power, can still repair the holy swords that have been damaged and sealed for 500 years. Therefore, these days, he has collected from various fairy warehouses and the first floating island All holy swords, start repairing.

The golden goblins did not become idle because they were released from their duties. Under the suggestion of Yatogami Tohka and William, they still stayed in the wing guards to show their magic power to the orc warriors who fused the soul crystals usage.

Even the lazy guy, Black Candle, was forced to give more tasks, making various amulets and forbidden spells that can be used in battle.

Yatogami Tohka was also not idle.

In order to complete her main task, become the princess of the golden goblin family, and lead them to overcome their fate, she summoned the golden goblins in other goblin warehouses, told them what happened between herself and the fourth goblin warehouse, and concluded a contract with them. a cooperative relationship.

If you want to become the princess of the golden goblin clan, you must get the approval of all the golden goblins.

The golden goblin in the fourth goblin warehouse undoubtedly recognized her.

To complete the main mission, what Yatogami Tohka needs to do next is to get the approval of the golden goblin living in other goblin warehouses.

Time passed slowly in the mobilization.



A month later.

On the first floating island, the preparations for the expedition are ready.

Under the scorching sun, Tohka stood on top of the castle, dressed in a powerful spiritual attire and holding a murderous night sword, looking down at the soldiers lined up neatly below.

A human quasi-hero.

Six clones created by Hachi no Bomb.

Fifteen adult golden fairies from various fairy warehouses.

250 super fighters fused with soul crystals.

More than two elite veterans from various divisions of the Wing Guard Army.

And more orc warriors in charge of logistics.

Under the call of the princess, they gathered here today to make all preparations for the upcoming war.

Feeling the fiery eyes, the second leader of the Floating Continental Islands, the Princess of the Golden Fairy, spoke slowly.

Her voice was not loud, but she was full of spirit, containing a determination that everyone could hear.

"500 years ago, the Seventeen Beasts appeared in this world, causing all the countries on the earth to perish. Countless powerful races died in the struggle against them, and it became history.

The great sage Swan created the floating continental islands, providing the surviving orcs with this refuge, so that the fire of civilization can continue.

500 years later, their shadows still hang over the land, covering the floating continental islands.

However, we are no longer the same people we were 500 years ago.

We have gained new powers, enough to drive the ground away from the seventeen beasts who kill by instinct alone.

Today, we are ready for war.

For the sake of our former homeland, for the sacrificed heroic souls, and for the last wish of the Great Sage, we will launch a full-scale offensive on the ground. "

Yatogami Tohka looked solemn and raised the giant sword in his hand.

She is petite and immature, but for some reason, she exudes an aura that makes everyone surrender from the bottom of their hearts.

"Victory will belong to the floating mainland islands!"

The impassioned pre-war speeches aroused the flames in the hearts of every fighter.

Projected from the helmets are fanatical and eager gazes.

As Yatogami Tohka raised his sword, the orc warrior could no longer hold back his inner excitement, and a deafening roar resounded throughout the first floating island.

For victory!

"When did Tohka come up with such inspiring words?"

Infected by the frenzy in the air, Cordoli looked at Yatogami Tohka on the castle and asked puzzledly.

"Of course, others helped her figure it out, and she was only responsible for thinking."

William, who was standing beside her, chuckled.

"Although my head is empty, I have to say that the effect of her reading the manuscript is not so good."

Chapter 71 The first shot of the war

Giant steel ships sailed in the air.

For this general attack, the Wing Guards took out all the main ships of the five combat divisions to form the most powerful fleet in the history of the floating mainland islands --- [Pioneer Legion 】.

All 250 super soldiers who were fused with spiritual crystals went into battle. Three-quarters of the golden fairies also traveled with the army. The Wing Guard Army also brought out all the most elite veterans.

This time, the Floating Continental Islands has spent all their money.

Unsuccessful, they become benevolent.

On the deck of the first main ship, William leaned on the railing and looked into the distance.

Squinting his eyes, he seemed to be able to see a looming city on the farthest horizon.

"It's almost there."

Familiar memories emerged in his mind, William muttered to himself.

Counterattacking the ground and retaking the homeland is the main goal of the Trailblazers' operation.

And their first stop was the most prosperous and powerful human city --- the imperial capital.

He still remembers the time when he was called up by the king and the pope, and when he came to the imperial capital and other companions were named brave.

That was the first time he came to the imperial capital, and it was also the first time he left his hometown.

The king accepted a generous reward, and the pope gave him a lofty mission, allowing him to embark on the road of killing the devil.

Unfortunately, these are all lies.

No reward was given, and the mission was not noble.

For a lie, he gave everything of himself.

I couldn't even fulfill the promise I made with my family when I left my hometown.

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