However, this is not good news for Mierxue.

She frowned, looking at the cracks in the ground.

Although she didn't use her full strength just now, it was obvious that Yuxiao Mijiu also didn't use her full strength.

However, in a pure Sonic duel, she lost.

It's unbelievable.

"What, do you want to admit defeat?"

Yu Xiao Meijiu brushed her hair, as if she had known this before.

"This is your last chance to surrender. If you continue, I don't know what will happen afterwards."

Chapter 40 Your Lives Are For Yuri

Originally, Yuxiao Miku didn't intend to have a duel.

The requirement of side mission 12 is to make her one of the [-] people on the start page, and the higher the ranking, the better the reward.

If she chooses to join one of the other five academies, then this side mission is quite difficult.

However, in Kui Enwei Children's Academy, the difficulty of side mission [-] can be said to have plummeted several times.

After all, Kui Enwei Children's Academy is the only idol academy that hardly participates in the Star Warrior Festival, and it is not for winning the championship, but for popularity.

Of course, only the number one ranked Silvia is an exception.

As an idol, she spends almost no time in contact with martial arts, but she won the runner-up in the Wanglong Xingwu Festival where only the strongest of the strong can stand out.

This is enough to show how powerful she is.

As for Michelle Snow, who ranks third.

"Is this your Chunhuang-style weapon? It's so weak."

Seeing Mierxue who kept dodging under her own sound wave attack, Yuxiao Miku couldn't help sighing.

Witnessing the battle between Irene and the hundred Star Pulse Generations in Le Wolf Black Academy, she has a general understanding of the combat power of the Star Pulse Generations.

As for Mierxue's fighting power, in other academies, let alone ranked third, I'm afraid she won't even be able to enter No. 30.


Hearing Yuxiao Mijiu's unabashed sarcasm, Mierxue gritted her teeth in hatred.

Her pure Huang-style weapon, Ultra-Northern Lyra and Calliope is just one of the five parts of the Ultra-North Lyra series. Taken individually, it is only slightly stronger than ordinary Huang-style weapons.

The remaining four parts of Lyra are held by the remaining four members of the band Lusa Lucari.

Only when the five members of Lusa Luka stand together, can Tianqin of the Extreme North show its true strength.

"Don't be too complacent! My Carriepe is just one of the lyres in the extreme north!" Mierxue said panting, "This kind of solo duel is not good for me. If it's a team battle, you'll definitely lose!"

She underestimated Xiao Xiaomei Jiu.

Since Yuxiao Miku had just entered school, and she hadn't applied for matching pure brilliant weapons from the armory, she thought that this guy only had ordinary brilliant weapons, so she agreed to the duel.

But what she didn't expect was that in the confrontation, her Calliope was defeated.

This can only mean one thing.

The one used by Yui Xiao Miku is also a pure-brilliant weapon.

And it's still unregistered, a brand new pure-brilliant weapon.

Since Carrie Pepe is only a part of the Extreme North Tianqin series, in the heads-up, she does not have an advantage against any pure-style weapons.

"Don't make it sound like I lied to you on purpose." Yuxiao Meijiu said lightly, "If you don't accept it, you can gather the rest of your team members. If you lose again, there will be no complaints. ?”

"you sure?"

Mierxue's eyes lit up when she heard Yuxiao Meijiu's words: "Let me tell you first, Jibei Tianqin's ability is much more powerful than you think, otherwise it won't be divided into five points. If it is 5v5 Don’t blame us if you lose here!”

"5v5?" Yu Xiaomeijiu chuckled, "1v5 is right."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone showed shock.

From what she said, it seemed like she was planning to fight five by herself?

And it's still five of them with team bonus?

This is no longer self-confidence, it is completely crazy.

Seeing that Lu Xiao Meijiu seemed to be serious, Mi Erxue felt deeply that she was being underestimated, and there was a little spark in her heart.

"That's what you want!"

Since the opponent allowed it, she didn't care about anything and bullied the less, and raised her arms and shouted: "Lusa Luka, let's show this arrogant guy!"

Following the captain's assembly order, the four people in the auditorium stood up at the same time.

The four girls climbed over the railing in the auditorium from different places and came to the captain's side.

"Baiwei, ranked ninth." said a girl who looked taciturn and somewhat cool.

"Monica, ranked No.13, please be merciful, classmate Yu Xiao~" said a very cute and pitiful girl.

"We should be merciful! Tulia, ranked No. 20!" said a red-haired sports girl with a rough temperament.

"Ma, Mavrena, the ranking is out of the ranking..." said a small girl with little sense of presence.

Seeing five beautiful girls with unique styles standing together, this seductive scene made Yuxiao Meijiu's eyes light up instantly.

"Very good, very good, they are all lovely children." The smile on the corner of her mouth became more intense, "In this way, it is worth defeating."

"You can still be proud of it now."

Seeing that all the team members had arrived, Mi Erxue, as the team leader, puffed up her chest, and immediately gained confidence.

Only when the five parts of the pure-brilliant-style armed extreme northern lyre are gathered together can it exert its true strength.

Each of the five parts has the ability to manipulate sound waves. The guitar type can emit shocking sound waves to attack the opponent, the drum type can emit barrier sound waves to defend against enemy attacks, the bass type can emit restraining sound waves to weaken opponents, and the keyboard type can emit activation sound waves to strengthen oneself.

This kind of combination makes them competitive in the 5v5 Griffon Star Warrior Festival.

Not to mention, when there is only one opponent.

"Let this guy see the strength of Jibei Tianqin and Lusa Luka."

No more nonsense, Michelle stood at the front and shouted: "I will form the head!"

"I'll make up the left arm!"

"I'll make up the right arm!"

"I'll make up the left leg!"

"I'll form the right leg!"

After forming the formation, the five members of Lusa Luka took out their pure-style weapons one after another.

There seems to be some connection between the five parts, and when they come together, the breath of each part is strengthened.

Mierxue lightly plucked the strings.


The sound waves emitted this time are much stronger than before, completely comparable to the sonic attacks that lure Xiao Miku.

Seeing this, Mierxue couldn't help showing a confident smile.

"Are you ready?" Yuxiao Meijiu seemed to be a little impatient to ask, "Can we start?"

"of course."

Mierxue nodded.

The referee in the control room pressed the countdown button.

"Then let the battle begin again!"

"It has ended."

Just as the various members of Lusa Luka were standing in their respective positions, ready to use their respective abilities, the piano keys in front of Miku Yusuke turned into a microphone at some point.

"Your Lives Are For Yuri!"

With the start of the solo, the sound of brainwashing mixed with spiritual power entered the minds of each member.

Mierxue felt a tingling pain in her brain.

But the stinging pain only lasted for a short moment, and soon disappeared.

"Is this your trump card?"

Michelle held her head and shook her head: "However, it seems that you still have a little bit of firepower to deal with me."

However, as soon as the words fell, there was a backstab from the friendly army behind her.


The unsuspecting Mierxue was hit by the sound wave and was sent flying several meters away.

When she struggled to get up from the ground, she looked up at her team members in disbelief.

At this moment, her team members stood beside Yu Xiao Meijiu one by one with inexplicable fanaticism on their faces.

"As I said, it's 1v5."

Surrounded by the four girls, Yuxiao Meijiu in the middle folded her arms and looked down at Mierxue who fell on the ground.

"It's just that you seem to have misunderstood which side is [-] and which side is [-]."

Chapter 41 Fortune and Misfortune

Seeing the four teammates who suddenly betrayed, Mierxue's mind was in chaos.

She didn't even have the extra thought to wipe the blood from the corner of her mouth, her little brain was running to the limit, trying to find the reason for what happened.

Lusaluka is a very united idol band.

Unlike other small groups with constant internal disputes, the relationship between them is very good, with common goals and objects they want to chase.

Out of trust in the team members, even if they were backstabbed, Mierxue never considered that they would be bribed by Lu Xiaomeijiu in advance to betray her.

What's more, today's duel was completely unexpected and no one could predict it.

It is even more impossible for Miku to bribe her team members in advance.

Suddenly, recalling the cause and effect, she seemed to have finally figured out the reason, and a smile gradually appeared on the expression that was startled by the backstab.

"Haha! I understand! I understand!"

Michelle struggled to stand up from the ground, resisting the pain from her internal organs, and looked at Yuxiao Miku with a confident face: "It's just some cleverness, Yuxiao Miku, I have seen through your ability. Got it!"


Yu Xiao Meijiu showed some playfulness, tilted her head and asked, "What did you see through?"

"Your ability is to create hallucinations, right?" Mierxue said firmly, "The sound wave that made me feel tingling in my head just now is the sound wave that can pull me into the hallucination. Now I am in the In the illusion you created!"


Yuxiao Meijiu pondered for a moment, looking at Mierxue with strange eyes.

Seeing that Yuxiao Meijiu didn't answer, Mierxue thought she was right, and wiped her nose triumphantly.

"You created the illusion that my partner betrayed me, and you want to use this to defeat my determination." Mierxue said righteously, "But you underestimated the powerful bond between Lusa and Luka. This kind of low-level illusion can't defeat me!"

Makes sense!

It was speechless!

After hearing Mierxue's explanation, some students in the auditorium finally understood what happened.

"I was wondering why the members of Lusa Luka would suddenly turn against the water. It turned out to be the ability of the illusion department."

"But why can we also see hallucinations? Is student Yu Xiao's ability so wide?"

"It turned out to be a hallucination. I thought it was mental manipulation."

"It should be mind manipulation, right? I heard from rumors that her ability is indeed related to mind manipulation."

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