Being friendly to humans, being powerful, having reason and being able to communicate, these are the most basic factors that needless to say.

But the most important point is that she doesn't want their two high-level demons to be co-opted by other countries' governments.

Sooner or later, the governments of various countries will find out the purpose of the eight dance sisters, and they are likely to try to win them over like the current Macchima.

And once this level of combat power is obtained by other countries, especially by those countries that are faintly hostile to Maqma, the dominating demon, the current international situation may be completely broken.

Therefore, she must take the first step before other countries do it.

Bring these two destabilizing factors within your control.

In this way, she can continue to implement her long-planned plan in the human world without worrying about the Eight Dance sisters becoming a sharp knife in the hands of spoilers.

"So far, the two have dueled many times, but there is still no real winner." Maqima continued, "If the two of you are willing to join the anti-magic class and fight for mankind, we can formulate a set Scoring procedure, whoever gets more points will get the name of Fengdai Yawu, how does it sound?"

This is the simplest reward mechanism in the workplace.

Whoever works harder gets promoted.

However, in this case, simple is the most efficient.

As long as the eight dance sisters agree to this plan and are included in Maqima's own jurisdiction, they will no longer be regarded as uncontrollable factors.

If used properly, it can even become two trump cards in one's own hand, making other countries more afraid of themselves.

Thinking about how to maximize the value of the Eight Dance Sisters, Maqima still had a spring-like smile on her face.

"So that's the case, scoring, we haven't tried this yet." Yawu Yaguya said in a deep voice, "But it sounds very interesting, Yuzuru, what do you think?"

"Ask, what will Yuzuru and Yaguya need to do if the anti-magic class is added?" Yamai Yuzuru asked a more specific question, "What standards are the scores based on? If there is a disagreement, what should they do?" How to solve it?"

"The two of you want to decide who is the strongest wind elf, so power is naturally the biggest factor. Whoever slays more demons and whoever causes less damage will have a higher score." Mazima explained Dao, "As for the final judgment, if there is a disagreement, we can have a democratic vote for all members of the magic class, and the minority must obey the majority."

The Bawu sisters seemed a little moved, but they were still hesitating.

Under Machima's gaze, they began to whisper.

Maqima was not in a hurry, just waiting for them to make a final decision.

In fact, the hesitation was just a show for Makima.

The real purpose of their coming to Tokyo this time is to join the anti-demon class of the Japanese public security.

Because they have been making too much noise during this period, governments of various countries have gradually reached the limit of their tolerance.

Although so far, the governments of various countries have only released bounties to let the private demon hunters dispatch.

However, once the whole world reaches a consensus and regards them as the common enemy of mankind, then there will be no peace.

The elves are indeed very strong, and the strength of the Yawu sisters is indeed the top in this world.

But the high-end combat power in this world is not weak.

Although in terms of pure violence, no one in this world can match them, but the power of high-end demons does not come from violence, but from their power.

From the concepts of their respective births, they have innate abilities.

Whether it's Yamai Yuzuru or Yamai Yaguya, they don't want to be smeared on the neck when they are sleeping soundly, to be entangled by some strange curse and die suddenly, or to become a fool who can only shout Halloween.

Therefore, it is important to obtain an official identity, transform from an enemy of mankind into a helper of mankind, and shift the contradiction away.

In this way, no matter what happens to them in the future, people from other countries will not trouble them.

Instead, they will go to the trouble of the country that gave them official status.

Of course, apart from this point, there is another reason for them to join the human camp.

They really don't want to continue to live a life of eating and sleeping in the open.

After a false discussion, Yawu Yaguya coughed a few times, and said to Machima: "We think you have provided a good proposal, and a fair referee is exactly what we need."

"So, a deal is reached?"

"A deal has been reached."

The three people, each with their own ghosts, shook hands.

But on the surface, they all maintain their respective acting skills, and don't want the other party to see what they have in mind.

But in any case, an agreement has been reached.

"Then, from today onwards, the two of you are members of Section [-] of the Anti-Magic Class of the Japanese Public Security Bureau." Maqima said, "It's not too late. I'll take the two of you to register today."

The Eight Dance sisters naturally have no objection.

Following Makima back to the car parked across the street from the burger shop, Makima opened the door.

"Ma, Miss Machima..."

Sitting in the car, Hayakawa Akira, who had been waiting for his boss to come back, was stunned.

Looking at the Bawu sisters following Machima, they couldn't understand what happened for a while.

"I persuaded them and let them join the police." Macchima simply explained, "Although they are demons, from now on, you will be colleagues who will work together, just like Pava."

As a result, Hayakawa looked at Maqima with a little more respect.

As expected of Ms. Machima, she is simply too powerful.

Even this global disaster-level demon can be persuaded to let them join the human camp.

Not only does it eliminate their original threat, it even allows them to contribute to the safety of mankind.

"Qiu Jun, they have just joined the police, and there are still many things they don't understand." Maqima continued, "From now on, I will trouble you to take care of them."

Hayakawa Qiu's expression froze and he looked at the Yawu sisters.

Although she looks like a beautiful girl who is harmless to humans and animals, as a demon hunter, Akira Hayakawa certainly knows what kind of monsters these two guys are.

Take care of them?

Staying with these two guys, I'm afraid he can't protect himself.

"Miss Marchma, I'm afraid I don't have the ability."

After a moment of silence, he smiled bitterly and forced a smile: "And I also have to take care of Pava and Denji..."

"Qiu Jun, I believe that you have such ability, so I entrust you with this important task."

Maqima put her hand on Hayakawa Qiu's shoulder, showing a smile that she just wanted a wool to the end.

"Do not let me down."

Chapter 11 Questions from the Cabinet Office

After Machima reached an agreement with the Yawu sisters, Hayakawa took them to go through the entry procedures.

As wind elves, wind demons in the eyes of humans, they should have to go through more procedures than ordinary people.

However, under the green light of Maqima, they obtained their official identities in less than a day.

Officially changed from an enemy of mankind to a helper of mankind.

This news spread throughout the world almost the moment the Bawu sisters entered the police.

The bounty on their heads was naturally revoked.

Although the news that the Wind Demon was controlled by the Demon Zhao'an will definitely cause a sensation in the world, there is actually not much that other countries can do.

After all, Machima's move can be regarded as doing a great favor to other countries in a sense.

Two restrained wind demons are much better than two unrestrained wind demons.

And even if Machima couldn't control the Eight Dance Sisters, it wouldn't do much harm to people from other countries.

Because the Yawu sisters who joined the Japanese police, even if they wanted to make trouble, they would still make trouble in Japan.

The losses and impacts caused will be greatly reduced, and only the Japanese government will bear the consequences.

More importantly, if the Yamai sisters, who have assumed Japan's official identity, cause losses to the property of other countries in the future, then other countries will have a legitimate reason to demand compensation from Japan and put pressure on the international level .

In either case, it would be profitable for the other governments to receive the news of the Demon of the Wind for Machima.

Time soon came to night.

In front of an independent villa somewhere in Tokyo, Akira Hayakawa walked out of the parked car.

Looking at the villa in front of him, he suddenly felt relieved.

"Although the two demons were forcibly stuffed by Ms. Mazima, it seems that it is not all bad things."

Before, as the official demon hunter, he lived in the staff dormitory with Dianci Pava, one person and one demon.

Although there is no problem for three people in the cramped staff dormitory, the prerequisite is that his two roommates are normal people.

It's a pity that neither electric times nor Pavas can be compared with the word normal.

It is precisely because of this that living in staff dormitories is simply a torture.

Recalling all the things that happened before, he couldn't help but feel nostalgia, instead he gritted his teeth.

"What's the matter? You look like you want to kill someone."

Yamai Yaguya also came out of the car, and patted his left shoulder: "From now on, we will be regarded as roommates who will live together. If you need any help, you can tell me."

Afterwards, she leaned close to Hayakawa Qiu's ear and whispered quickly: "I can also cover you when destroying demons, as long as you say something nice for me in front of Makima when scoring." OK, how?"

"No, what Yaguya is doing now is blatant bribery."

The last Yamai Yuzuru who came out of the car keenly heard Yamai Yaguya's whisper, and gave her a hand blade: "I didn't expect Yamai to know that he was not as strong as Yuzuru, so he used this Yuxian will not agree to despicable means to affect the rating."

"Wow, I didn't think the strength was inferior to yours!"

His little thoughts were seen through, and Yamoya Kiya immediately started to argue: "Machima also said it just now! Maintaining a good relationship with the humans around you is also one of the scoring criteria! I just started earning points one step ahead!"

"Sneer, Yajuya knows the difference between maintaining a good relationship and bribery, there is no need to argue with Yuxian."

"Cough cough!"

Seeing that the Yawu sisters began to fight verbally again, Hayakawa coughed twice heavily.

After getting along for a long time, he also gradually understood that the two demons in front of him were surprisingly easy to get along with.

Neither the arrogance that many demons have nor the habit of oppressing others by force.

If they hadn't known their demon identities in advance, I'm afraid Hayakawa would only think of them as a pair of sisters with strange personalities.

After mastering some of their personalities and ways of getting along with each other, Hayakawa Akira's fear of them was slightly reduced.

"About grading, I will follow what Ms. Machima said, and give the grading fairly and objectively." Hayakawa said with a straight face, "As long as you can restrain your behavior and act according to the rules, I will report to Miss Machima Give a positive review.”

Hearing this, the Bawu sisters patted their chests one after another, saying that they would abide by the rules.

Just as they were about to enter the villa and visit their future residence, another black car from the police drove over.

The car stopped and the doors opened.

Soon, Dianci and Pava, who were carrying large and small bags, also appeared here.

"Oh! Is this our new residence? It's so grand!"

"The biggest room belongs to my uncle! You all get out of the way!"

The two rushed into the villa excitedly.

"The two just now, the male is Denji, and the female is Pava." Akira Hayakawa said simply, "In a while, you go and get to know each other, after all, you will be colleagues who will work together in the future. There can be more tacit understanding."

"Okay, then let's fight with them!" Yawu Yaguya said eagerly.

"I agree, fighting is the best way to get to know each other." Yawu Yuzuru nodded.


Seeing the Yawu sisters who completely misunderstood what she meant, cold sweat dripped from Hayakawa's forehead.

"It doesn't have to be like this..."



At the same time, the Japanese Cabinet Office.

Every important official in the Japanese government, including the Japanese Prime Minister, sat solemnly in their respective positions.

And standing in front of them is Maqima, the head of the fourth anti-magic class.

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