"Well... that guy is indeed right."

He really doesn't care about other people.

He didn't care about any of the guys in the fourth class of magic except Maqima.

As for why you only care about Maqima?

Because Maqima is a good person who feeds and houses him.

Thanks to Mazima for taking him in, he was able to escape the days of starvation for nine meals in three days.

Of course, the most important thing is that both the face and the figure of Machima are perfectly on the apex of the heart of a 16-year-old boy like Dianci.

He has always followed his heart and instincts.

Therefore, he also cares about the eight dance sisters.

After all, what young boy in his teenage years doesn't want two more beautiful girls with a high degree of exposure in his life?

He doesn't think much about the eight dance sisters, because his whole heart is on Maqima, but who would dislike the beautiful girls around him?

If possible, he naturally hoped that there would be a lot of Yawu sisters.

He raised his head, and looked at Yawu Yuzuru's chest, which was barely covered by the majestic spiritual costume, but the southern hemisphere and the northern hemisphere were both exposed without any concealment.

Of course, if it is destined that only one Yawu can stay, the one he hopes to stay is Yawu Yuxian.

Afterwards, the two chatted again.

Because Yawu Yuxian secretly led the topic, the topic soon stopped being about the Yawu sisters.

There is no chance to refuse small talk.

He just vomited out all the contents of his stomach, and he is still dizzy now. If he can take the opportunity to rest for a while, of course he should rest for a while.

Unfortunately, the devil waits for no one.


Suddenly there was a loud bang.

Both Denji and Yawu Yuzuru looked in the direction of the sound.

Standing on a high place, they could easily see a corner of Tokyo a few kilometers away, where an oil drum truck exploded.

Denci, who originally thought he was about to start working, suddenly lost interest.

"That's not our job scope." He said lazily. "Our mission is just to destroy demons. This kind of thing can be left to ordinary police officers."

"No, Makima said that helping humans solve any kind of problem can improve the score."

However, Yawu Yuzuru didn't give Den a chance to be lazy, and with a flick of his wrist, Hurricane Knight Binder once again entangled his body.

A distance of several kilometers is nothing more than a few breaths to the Wind Spirit.

Before Dianci could react, they had already appeared above the exploding oil tanker.


Smelling the strong stench in the air, Dianci, who hadn't recovered from the vomiting just now, retched again.

It's not just him vomiting.

Everyone in this block is vomiting.

It wasn't until he got close that Yawu Yuzuru pinched his nose and realized that it wasn't the tubing truck that exploded just now.

It's a dung truck.

The feces stored in it splashed to every corner of the block, whether it was shops, pedestrians, or vehicles parked on the side of the road, none of them were spared.

The shopkeeper looked desperately at the poop and contaminated products sprayed into the store, wondering how much money he would lose.

Pedestrians passing by even cried into dung, trying to wipe off the dirt on their faces and clothes, but they wiped more and more.

Most of the passengers in the car were not stained with poop, but the windows were covered with a dark brown viscous liquid, preventing them from moving forward.

The unbearable smell of fermented poop, not to mention the fact that almost everyone was throwing up, made the already foul smell in the air even more pungent.

It's like hell on earth.

Not far from the exploding dung truck, Yawu Yuxian saw a familiar figure.

Yamai Yaguya and Pava.

Bawu Xixian came to them and asked, "Ask, what happened here?"

"It's not my uncle's fault, this guy did it, and my uncle didn't do anything!"

Seeing his colleagues approaching, Pava immediately pointed to Yamai Yaguya beside him, clearing up his suspicions: "We were chasing a demon just now, and this guy missed the shot when he attacked, and shot the one next to him. The dung suction truck has nothing to do with this uncle!"

"I've said it before, you just need to do your job as a hound and find prey for me. That's enough! Yawuya raised his eyebrows, "If you hadn't been interfering, how could I have missed the shot? ! "

Under Yamai Yaguya and Pava's argument, Yamai Yuzuru and Denji also gradually pieced together what happened.

Probably because Pava found the whereabouts of the demon all the time, Yawu Yaguya took her to destroy the demon, but Pava wanted to catch the demon first and suck the blood before killing him, Yawu Yaguya felt that doing so would make the demon At the risk of escaping, he prepared to summon an angel directly to kill it, but Pava disagreed and interfered when Yawu Yaguya attacked.

After that, it became what it is now.

The only good news is that the demon they were chasing was wiped out by Yamai Yaguya's second attack, and it wasn't a failure.

However, while the two were arguing, the remaining feces in the suction truck seemed to squirm.

Amidst the wailing and vomiting, the stool surged strangely as if it had absorbed strength from it.


The Yawu sisters who noticed something turned their heads vigilantly and looked at the suction truck.

Pava and Denji were also attracted by their sudden behavior, and looked in the same direction.

So, they saw the pools of stools seemed to be drawn by some magical force and gathered into a pool of mud.

"Not dead yet?"

Thinking that the demon was still alive, Yamai Yaguya summoned the Hurricane Knight Penetrator, aiming the spear point at the wriggling sludge-like stool.

After pouring in the appropriate amount of spiritual power, layers of whirlwinds are wrapped around the tip of the gun, ready to fire at any time.

Looking at the stool not far away, and also at the attacking method of Yamai Yaguya, Denji's expression changed instantly.

Just when he was about to open his mouth to stop him, the Wind Spear was launched.


The squirming shit was shattered by the wind gun and splashed around.

But fortunately, there was no one around the fecal suction truck, and there was no second wave of victims this time.


As a blood demon, Pava seemed to feel something, and his expression became serious: "The demon we just chased is indeed dead, and a new demon just appeared."

"A new demon?"

Yawu Yaguya's eyes lit up, and he laughed loudly and said, "Didn't I kill two demons today? That's great! The winner at the end of this month must be me!"

"No! The devil's breath didn't dissipate! Instead, it became more and more solid!"

Just when Pava issued a warning, Shangbaitan poop, which was defeated by the gun of the wind, squirmed again.

They came together again to form a human form.

Nose, eyes, mouth...

Just like a clay sculpture fabricated by a child, the facial features are simple, but they reveal a strange horror.

"I'm a poop demon!"

From the fear of human beings, the newborn declared its name as a demon in the world.

Seeing the birth of a new demon, the people who had already stayed away from this place were frightened and fled in all directions.

Now, even those drivers and passengers who were trapped in the car and didn't want to come out had to get out of the car and flee.

However, compared to the tension and fear of ordinary humans, the four demon hunters had strange expressions.

"Hahahahahaha! This name is too bad!"

Hearing the claim of the newly born demon, Pava was the first to lose his temper, and laughed loudly: "So there really are pooping demons? You came out to be funny!"

The poop demon sneered, and his rough facial features revealed a bit of vivid sarcasm.

"Stupid devil, do you judge strength by the real name of a devil?"

The poop demon raised his hand, aimed at Pava who laughed so hard that tears came out, and stretched out a finger: "If you underestimate me, you have to pay the price."

"What can you do? Spray poop? I'm so scared!"

Pava still laughed wantonly, not paying attention to it at all.

But, soon, there was a slight pain in her abdomen.

The pain spread rapidly in her stomach, the smile on her face froze, and her face suddenly turned pale.

"What...what's going on..."

Pava contracted his muscles vigorously, trying to hold the dam.

But the poop demon's ability is fierce, and she came out to patrol this morning before she had a shit, so she couldn't control herself at this moment.

Pava directly pulled down his pants, squatted on the ground, and defecated in public under the suspicious eyes of the other three.

At this moment, they finally understood the ability of the pooping devil.

Not squirting shit, but forcing people to shit!

"Puff pop!"

As Pava pulled hard, he suddenly ejaculated.

The pain in the abdomen was sent out along with the stool, which made her feel an unprecedented sense of relief.

However, what is pulled out together with the stool is not just pain.

The moment the stool was discharged, her mind instantly went blank, as if she had pulled out her mind as well.

Pava lost consciousness.


Unable to maintain her balance anymore, under the shocked and disgusted gazes of the three of them, she actually sat down on her own excrement.

"What's wrong with you!"

Yawu Yaguya suppressed his nausea and kicked Pava who was lying on the ground.

But there was no response.

She was still breathing, but she seemed to have turned into a vegetative state, unable to respond at all.

"Excretion is a sacred act that every creature needs to perform. To live, people not only need to eat, but also need to pull. No matter which one is missing, they cannot survive." The poop demon opened his arms as if singing something, "However However, people regard excretion as something ashamed to talk about, and wantonly laugh at it as a joke, which is a blasphemy against life!"

"You bastard devil! What did you do to Pava!"

"This stupid devil has desecrated the sacred poop, forgetting that the existence of excretion is the act of giving life to creatures. Such a vulgar and uneducated guy is not qualified to live." The poop demon replied coldly, "As long as it is Those who need to excrete cannot escape my ability, and now she has only a physical body, and her personality has left her body along with the excretion."

The eight dance sisters were all shocked.

Unexpectedly, the mere poop demon can not only force people to defecate, but even have the ability to erase personality!

But thinking about it carefully, it's not impossible to understand why it is so powerful.

As it says, excretion is a behavior that every living thing needs to perform. If it cannot be excreted, no life will continue.

The demon born from this concept is naturally extremely powerful.

With a hook of the poop devil's finger, the poop that Pava just expelled was sucked into his mouth by it.

“Very fresh and very tasty!”

After absorbing the power of the blood demon, the breath of the poop demon grew again.

Its dark eyes looked at the remaining three people, revealing a malicious look.

"Don't worry about your partners, because next, it's up to you."

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