Machima nodded.

In the narration just now, the part she concealed was the part that the Yawu sisters claimed to destroy Tokyo.

If these guys find out, they will definitely use all means to pressure her to give up the eight dance sisters.

Although she sincerely disliked these high-level government officials in the Cabinet Office who were crowned with corpses, and she had long since given birth to a rebellious heart, but the time was not yet ripe, and she could only bow her head temporarily.

"Gentlemen, don't worry. In order to solve this hidden danger, I have already prepared a plan."

"Plan? What plan?"

"I plan to unblock the information of the Eight Dance Sisters, so that they will be known to the world." Maqima put forward her own idea, "In this way, the relationship between them and humans will not only become deeper, but also their power will be released. Weaken, and if I'm lucky, it can even be reduced to a level where I can control it."

The strength of a demon is only related to two parts.

The concept upon which they were born, and the human fear of that concept.

Although Makima cannot change the concept, it can reduce the human fear of demons.

"As long as the Japanese people, and even the world's human beings, know that the Wind Demons are not only harmless, but are even on the side of human beings, people's fear of them will turn into worship, and their power will be weakened."

Machima said with a smile.

"I call this project the Yawu Sisters Idol Project."

Chapter 29 Denji also wants to be cute

In time, another half a month passed quickly.

In the past half month, Maqima's new plan also slowly unfolded.

The information about the Wind Demon that was originally sealed was deliberately leaked into the public's field of vision, which caused quite a stir.

The existence of the Eight Dance Sisters was officially known to the public.

But I have to say that although they are regarded as demons in people's eyes, the appearance of the Yawu sisters is completely human, and they are beautiful girls with excellent looks, and they are quickly accepted by the Japanese people.

Coupled with the numerous achievements of the two, they eliminated nearly a hundred demons in just one and a half months and saved countless lives. Such achievements made them even more popular.

Under the secret promotion of the Cabinet Office and the police, the popularity of the Eight Dance Sisters quickly rose, and they were loved by many people.

The fan group of the two has gradually formed, and peripherals based on them can be found in some stores.

Even when patrolling, fans would come up to ask for autographs and take photos.

Just like it is now.

"Thank you Miss Yuxian! I will cherish it forever!"

Holding a freshly baked autograph, the girl in school uniform looked grateful.

Yawu Yuxian just waved his hand, indicating that this is not a big deal.

Having got what she wanted, the girl kept bowing and left the place.

"Obviously I'm also doing my job of hunting demons dutifully, but I'm not popular at all."

Denji looked at the back of the girl leaving, and said sourly: "That's great, if there are girls who like me that much, it would be great."

"Deny, in fact, being too popular is not a good thing."

Yawu Yuxian's expression remained unchanged, and he said in a calm tone: "Now when Yuxian is patrolling outside, except for fighting demons, almost half of the time is dealing with fans, although Yuxian doesn't hate other people's appreciation and appreciation. Love it, but trouble is trouble."

"Is this the troubles of big stars? Damn it! I want such troubles too!"

Jian Dianci still looked envious and jealous, and Yawu Yuzuru didn't continue to say anything.

If possible, she would like to switch identities with Dianci.

"What did the two of you do to be liked by so many people all of a sudden." Denji tried to gain some experience, "If I can do it too, will I be as popular as you?"

"Dissuade, it's better for Denji to give up this idea earlier, the reason why Yuzuru and Yaguya are loved is because they are beautiful girls."

"Damn it! Can a beautiful girl do whatever she wants!" Denji gritted his teeth and shouted, "If you can be popular just by being a beautiful girl! I want to be a beautiful girl too!"

Although he said so to Denji on the surface, in fact, Yamai Yuzuru didn't have a clue about his inexplicable rise in popularity.

It didn't even take a lot of thinking to know that it must be Makima who created this situation.

The eight dance sisters have changed from temporary employees to full-time employees. Maqima must find a way to stabilize her position and hold them firmly.

As Machima, who dominates the demon, there are only two ways to truly dominate the eight dance sisters.

Improve your own strength, or weaken the strength of the eight dance sisters.

Obviously, she chose the latter.

In the eyes of others, the Eight Dance sisters are wind demons, the highest level elemental demons, and their power is extremely powerful.

While Makima cannot eliminate the fear of natural disasters such as the Gale, Hurricane, and Tornado, she can eliminate the fear of the Wind Demon himself.

By placing the eight dance sisters in the position of idols and stars, adored by the world, people's fear of them will naturally disappear.

Without the power of fear, the power of the wind demon will also weaken.

This is indeed a good plan.

It's a pity that they were not demons from the beginning.

Although he bears the title of Demon of the Wind, his life form and power system are completely incompatible with demons.

Machima's plan had no effect on them at all.

The only victim is probably the real wind demon who is not sure whether he is in the world or in hell.

"Help, help!"

At this moment, a panicked cry for help came from not far away.

When the two looked back, they saw a stubble-faced, beer-bellied man running towards them in a panic, with obvious fear on his face.

"It smells like a devil."

Yawu Yuzuru keenly sensed the existence of the demon, and with a flash in his hand, Hurricane Knight Binder appeared in his hand.

Behind the uncle, a little loli with a ponytail appeared in their field of vision.

"You can't escape!"

A ray of light shot out from Little Lolita's hand, hitting the fleeing uncle directly.

But because the distance between them was too close, even Yawu Yuzuru didn't have time to save him.

The light hit the uncle who was running for his life, but unexpectedly, the uncle did not die.

After a halo change, that greasy uncle turned into a delicate and charming beautiful girl!

"Haha! I am a sex-changing demon! I want to turn every stinky man in this world into a beautiful girl!" The sex-changing demon clamored, "I want to create a world with only beautiful girls! No one can stop me!"

"Oh! Oh oh oh!!!" Dianci's eyes lit up, "My chance is here!"

"Shocked, does Denji really want to be a beautiful girl?"

"Do you think I'm joking? After becoming a beautiful girl, not only will I be popular, but I can even touch my own penis!" Denji's tone was full of expectation, "I hope my sex-transformed version is a beautiful woman with big breasts! In this way, I can touch Opie every day!"

At this moment, Uncle Greasy also saw that he had completely changed, and he went down to his lower body in horror, as if he wanted to confirm something.

"You don't need to do unnecessary things, the source of your troubles no longer exists." The sex-changing demon said with a sunny smile, "But don't be sad, you will soon understand that a person can be a woman, which is comparable to being a stinky woman." A man is a hundred times better."

"No, no, you can't do this!" The delicate and beautiful girl let out a painful voice, "I still have a wife and a son, you made me like this, how should I face them!"

"There are even more tricks that women can play between women. You have to worry about it." The sexual transformation demon's smile did not change, "Becoming my dependent family, you can't help but go into heat when you see any man and turn my The power is transmitted to them and they become my dependents, so you don’t have to worry about your son having any objections to you, because he will soon become a beautiful girl!"

The next moment, the sound of the chainsaw being pulled sounded.

The sex-turning demon was startled, and immediately turned his head to look.

But before she could see anything, she felt her head spinning and her head fell to the ground.

"What a waste of my time."

Denji, who turned into a chainsaw man, stepped on the head of the sex-changing demon and sighed.

"Although it's a good thing to be able to touch my own opie, I don't want to talk about other people's oregano."

Chapter 30 The end of man has come

Why would anyone be afraid of such a thing?

Looking at the corpse of the transsexual demon trampled under the foot by the electrician, the corner of Yamai Yuzuru's mouth twitched imperceptibly a few times.

However, it was probably because people were not very afraid of sexual transformation that the demon didn't even react when Denji attacked, and was killed by him with one blow.

It's a pity for Bawu Xixian.

Originally, she was planning to strike and kill, but what she didn't expect was that the disgusted electric times were even faster than her strike.

But she didn't say anything.

It's just a demon, if the head is robbed, it will be robbed, it's not a big deal.

"Calm down, please don't panic, Yuzuru and Denji are the demon hunters of the police."

Walking up to the victim of a sex-transformed demon, Yamu Yuzuru said in accordance with the public security regulations: "Please stay where you are and don't move. Since you are affected by the demon's ability, you will be temporarily detained by the police until it is confirmed that you are harmless."

"Then, how long will it take to be detained?" The straight and handsome girl asked crying, "I have to go to work tomorrow, if I don't go to work, I won't be able to attend this month's full attendance. If the boss fires me, my whole family will die." People are going to be homeless."

"Tsk, why would someone want to go to work just after being attacked by a demon?"

Dianci quit the state of the chainsaw man, stepped forward with a speechless face and said: "The police will coordinate with your company, you can just treat yourself as a vacation, and your family will also be taken care of by the police until Be glad until you no longer need to take him in."

Seeing Denji approaching, the delicate girl's expression became dull.

She didn't listen to what Jin said just now.

Because the moment she saw him, an evil fire burned in the girl's lower abdomen.

"Man, man..."

The girl swallowed and stared blankly at Denji.

As a certain desire in her heart became stronger, an abnormal blush appeared on her face.

"The young man looks very strong! Let me touch it!"

"Go away!"

The girl rushed forward with a look on her face, but was kicked away mercilessly by Denji.

It seemed that the sex-changing demon was right.

After being affected by her power, she will unconsciously go into heat when she sees a man.

And according to her, if the man and the demon-turned family XXOO, they will also be infected by the power and become a beautiful girl.

If left alone, it might become something like a plague, gradually exterminating men in this world.

Seeing the girl who seemed to be losing her mind as she kept pounced on Denji, Hamai Yuzuru had a thought, and the Hurricane Knight Binder lifted the girl up, binding her hands and feet tightly.

"Wow, that's great, now you're popular too."

"Are you kidding me? I don't want to be liked by uncle."

"Doubtful, the current uncle is obviously a beautiful girl."

"But I have already seen that this guy's predecessor was a greasy middle-aged uncle with a beer belly and thinning hair. Now it doesn't make any sense to be a beautiful girl, okay?"

"Thinking, Xi Xian originally thought that Dianci was a man who would never refuse anyone, but she unexpectedly cared about her past unexpectedly."

While the two were talking, women in twos and threes ran over from the direction where the demon came from.

Their looks are all ordinary, and they are young, big and small, and they don't look like the family members of the demons.

"What happened? Are there still demons?"

The electric times stopped one of them and asked.

"No, it's not a demon, it's a guy who was turned into a woman by a demon!" An aunt replied in a panic, "Young man, you should run quickly, those guys are already crazy, they attack men when they see them, and my wife also Caught by them!"

Hearing this, Denji and Yawu Yuzuru rushed over without hesitation.

Sure enough, in the street not far away, the place that was ravaged by sex-transforming demons has become a special field for open-air import.

Due to the ability to turn into demons, the originally harmonious neighborhood has become a hell in another sense.

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