"Bandage three, whether you can gain the trust of the Armed Detective Agency is up to you."

Chapter 44 The Kindness of Doctors

Ignoring traffic rules all the way, and under the guidance of Dazai Osamu, a veteran Yokohama driver, the group quickly returned to the detective agency.

Even Doppo Kunikida, who always abides by the rules, didn't say anything. There was a wounded person in the car who was in urgent need of medical treatment, and there was no delay.

A sudden brake stopped at the door of the Armed Detective Agency building, and the detectives in the car got out of the car one after another, and carried Bandage San, who was seriously injured and unconscious, to the third floor.

The base of the Armed Detective Agency is located in an ordinary commercial building in Yokohama's business district. The first floor is a warehouse, the second floor is a cafe, and the third floor is the detective agency.

Although it is a supernatural organization with the same name as the Port Mafia, the Armed Detective Agency is obviously not as good as its old rival in terms of size and number of people. The commissions they usually earn from only conducting detective services cannot support them in a place like Yokohama. Rent an entire building in a metropolis where every inch of land is expensive, let alone five skyscrapers that flamboyantly resemble the port mafia.

"With Dr. Yosano, the wounded are coming!"

Everyone pushed open the door of the infirmary next door to the detective agency, and carefully placed Bandage Three on the hospital bed.

"Already unconscious? How boring."

In the infirmary, a very mature-looking woman wearing a white-lined black skirt and a gorgeous golden butterfly headdress stood up from her chair.

Looking at Bandage Three, whose eyes were closed, a flash of disappointment flashed in the woman's eyes, and she placed the polished saw-tooth machete on the table.

"He hurriedly asked me to get ready to treat the wounded. Fortunately, I have prepared all the props, so there is no need for [treatment]?"

Hearing this, the other people showed more or less stiff expressions on their faces, or smiled awkwardly, or turned pale as if remembering some terrible memories.

With Akiko Yosano, the exclusive doctor of the Armed Detective Agency.

The power [Please do not die] can restore the body of a dying person to a perfect state in an instant. Whether it is broken internal organs, damaged brain, or missing limbs, as long as the last breath is still there, it can be perfected. recovery.

But the restrictions are also very obvious. Please don't die can only be activated on people who are dying.

That is to say, if the consciousness of the wounded is still very clear, the wounded must be tormented until the consciousness is blurred, and the Please Don't Die can only be used when the wounded is only one step away from death.

The Armed Detective Agency is always at the forefront of fighting, and sometimes broken ribs, hit by bullets, and injuries after fighting with people are nothing more than normal.

For members of the Armed Detective Agency, it doesn't matter if they get a little injured, it will heal in a few days, or it doesn't matter if they get seriously injured, they can be healed by supernatural powers as soon as they open and close their eyes.

For them, the scariest thing is the injuries that are neither light nor serious.

Rest, it will take a few months, but the Armed Detective Agency is short of manpower, and every member is valuable combat power.

Therefore, in order to allow the combat effectiveness to return as soon as possible, Yosano Akiko will usually be there to [treat] the wounded who have suffered moderate to moderate injuries.

In other words, every time they received an injury that would take a few months to heal, they would be sent to Akiko Yosano, where she would use various methods to torture them until they became unconscious.

The most frightening thing is that although "Please Don't Die" can restore the body to a perfect state, it has no effect on the mental damage.

Thanks to this, every time the members of the Armed Detective Agency go out on a mission, they either try their best to avoid getting hurt as much as possible, or they work harder than anyone else and suffer the most serious injuries when they get hurt.

There may be some TikTok fans who like Dr. Yosano’s preoperative preparation, but unfortunately, the Armed Detective Agency is full of normal people.

At least, at this point, we are rarely called normal people.

"And Dr. Yosano, it's okay to use your preoperative preparations on the members of the detective agency, but please don't use them on outsiders..." Kunikida Doppo sighed, "At least, don't use it when you use it. Your sadism is revealed, or the reputation of the detective agency will be attacked."

"In exchange for saving someone's life, it just makes me happy. I think this is a very good deal, right?" Yosano Akiko said nonchalantly, "If you are worried about the reputation of the detective agency, why not do it next time?" Did you stop Dazai from committing suicide in front of his client?"

"If I could have stopped it, I would have stopped it."

"Ahem, why did it suddenly happen to me?"

Sensing that something was wrong with the topic, Osamu Dazai quickly changed the subject: "Now we should treat this girl as soon as possible."

"That's right."

Yosano Akiko walked to the hospital bed, put her hand on Bandage Three, and activated her power.

Normally, after using Please Don't Die, all wounds should disappear.

However, as if the treatment had failed, there were no signs of healing on Bandage Three.

"Huh?" Yosano Akiko asked strangely, "Did the treatment succeed?"

"Is it a problem with abilities?" Kunikida Doppo asked.

"Impossible, my ability will never go wrong."

Yosano Akiko looked at Bandage Three and raised her eyebrows: "The only thing that could go wrong is this girl."

At this time, Bandage San, who was "severely injured and unconscious" swallowed his saliva, and a slight cold sweat broke out on his palms.

Of course she wasn't unconscious.

It was just the thigh that was penetrated. This was not a fatal injury to an ordinary person. How could it be a serious problem to an elf?

Although it was said that if it was left untreated for too long, even with the vitality of an elf, she would bleed to death, but she had only been injured for a short time, and she could persist for a while.

Pretending to be unconscious is just to pretend to be a normal person.

After all, if Bandage Three was an ordinary person, she should be unconscious due to excessive blood loss at this moment.

"My ability will only be effective for people who are dying. Since the ability has not been activated, it can only show that this girl is not on the verge of death." Yosano Akiko said.

"Based on the amount of bleeding she had in the car, I think she's really going to die."

"Who knows, some people's physiques are a little bit special."

"Then what should we do?"

"To deal with people like this, we have to use some special methods."

Saying that, Yosano Akiko raised the saw-tooth machete in her hand, with an inexplicable and strange smile on her lips: "It seems that we still need to deal with it first."

Osamu Dazai immediately covered Atsushi Nakajima's eyes, and walked outside the infirmary: "Children can't watch these, they won't be able to sleep at night."

Atsushi Nakajima didn't struggle, he could only say resentfully: "Mr. Dazai...I'm done."

"Well, I'm going to have lunch with my sister later, it's nothing to do with me anyway, let's go first." Tanizaki Junichiro turned pale, and followed Dazai Osamu and the others out.

"Call me when you're done. I'll go to work first." Kunikida coughed alone. It wasn't that he was timid, he just felt that he needed to give patients and doctors enough space.

Within seconds, the detectives were out of the infirmary like they were hiding from the plague.

Only Bandage Sanwa and Yosano Akiko were left alone.

In the silent infirmary, there was the friction sound of blades being unsheathed.


At this moment, Bandage Three already regretted taking this task.

"What a cute casualty. The detective agency is full of men. We don't usually have the opportunity to deal with cute girls."

Yosano Akiko put knives of different sizes on the operating table, stroked the delicate skin covered with bandages, and her expression became happy.

"He lost a lot of blood, but his mental condition is not serious... It seems that you will be a great toy."

The author's words:

Today is Yuxiao Mijiu’s birthday. Every reader who wishes her a happy birthday will get a kiss from Mijiu.

Chapter 45 Playing hard to get

There is only a wall between the detective agency and the infirmary.

It's just that the sound insulation effect of the walls is very good. Generally speaking, the screams of the wounded cannot be heard.

Although the movement in the infirmary could not be heard, this did not prevent the detectives in the office from empathizing.

After all, after joining the Armed Detective Agency, who hasn’t gone to the infirmary to receive treatment from Yosano Akiko?

Among them, some of the detectives who were tender-skinned and tender-skinned and loved by Yosano Akiko had no intention of working at this moment.

It's rare that Kunikida Doppo didn't urge them not to go to work and fish.

Within 10 minutes, Yosano Akiko, who had changed into another suit, walked into the office pushing the bandage three times.

Looking at this girl with a dull face and eyes that have lost their agility, the detectives couldn't help casting pitying glances.

"It's so cool~"

Yosano Akiko placed Bandage Three on the nearest chair, and the joyful mood seemed to make the whole person shiny.

This created a clear contrast with Bandage Three covered in a layer of gloom.

In just 10 minutes, Bandage Three understood a truth.

The happiness in this world is limited.

If others are happy, then someone must be unhappy.

If others are too happy, then someone will never be happy again in their life.

"The treatment is over, the wounded have been brought to you intact, and you will take care of the rest."

After saying that, Yosano Akiko waved her hand, borrowed the mop in the office, and returned to her infirmary gracefully.

The detectives were silent.

You call this complete?

The soul is gone, okay!

Nakajima Atsushi calmly approached Dazai Osamu and asked in a low voice: "If it leaves the injured with psychological trauma, do our detective agencies have to pay compensation?"

"If there is any problem, we can blame it on the port mafia."

"Will the Port Mafia lose money?"

"No, but we can report this to the government as an expense of fighting the port mafia and get reimbursed by the authorities."

"Isn't this a misuse of public funds..."

Atsushi Nakajima and Osamu Dazai discussed in a low voice how to get rid of the blame and reimburse the expenses. Junichiro Tanizaki poured a cup of hot tea and placed it in front of Bandage San. Kunikida Doppo reported to the police what happened at the port warehouse.

Everyone didn't talk to Bandage Three in the first place.

Everyone understands.

After people experience unbearable pain, they need time to relax.

After about an hour or so, the demented Bandage Three gradually regained consciousness.

His eyes gradually became focused, and his thinking ability slowly recovered. Bandage San wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth, and finally remembered why he came to the Armed Detective Agency.

Damn body!

At this moment, Bandage Three is full of resentment towards the main body.

It's not good to hit, she insisted on kicking her legs, which caused her to be tortured by the hard-core shaker with Akiko Yosano so that she could not survive.

Now recalling the memory that was processed just now, her body trembled uncontrollably.

What kind of doctor is she?

Obviously a butcher with morbid hobbies!

"Miss, we sincerely apologize for what happened to you just now."

Kunikida Doppo coughed twice and said slightly embarrassed: "If our doctors cause irreversible damage to your mind during the treatment, we will do everything we can to compensate you."

Putting this terrible memory behind him as much as possible, the bandage rubbed his temples three times, and regained his concentration.

Although she experienced twists and turns and was almost spoiled by Yosano Akiko, the plan went smoothly and allowed her to sneak into the Armed Detective Agency.

I have suffered so much, if I give up the mission now, wouldn't it be a waste of suffering?

Bandage Three forcibly cheered up and began to perform the task assigned to her by the main body.

"No need to worry, the patience of pain has long been engraved in the soul." Bandage Three stroked the bandage on his eyes, "What can't kill me will eventually make me stronger. After this trial, my spirit will As solid as a rock.”

"Um...really? That's great." Kunikida Doppo heaved a sigh of relief, secretly glad that the other party didn't open his mouth because of this.

"I actually admire her for being so stubborn." Osamu Dazai smiled secretly.

"So, Miss, let me introduce myself first. I am Kunikida Doppo, and this is the Armed Detective Agency, the organization that rescued you from the nightmare of the port mafia."

Kunikida Doppo did not chat too much, but went straight to the topic: "The president is not in the detective agency at the moment. As the acting president, can I ask you some questions?"


"Very good, then...wait a minute, can't you?"

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