He is almost in the same age group as Honjo Nia, who was the most persecuted among the ten elves.

However, Tokisaki Kurumi was regarded as his wife, and Nia Honjo was dubbed as an old aunt. No one could explain where this unequal treatment came from.

But even if you are in your 40s, as long as you look like a beautiful girl, there is no problem, isn't it?

Some people like even old women who are old, what is 40 years old.

Leaving aside these digressions, back to the topic, Tokizaki Kurumi, whose real age is in his 40s, does not need to show respect in front of Ozaki Koyo, who is only in his 20s.

After all, the two are almost a generation behind.

Chapter 53 Testing Each Other

Fortunately, Ozaki Momiji is not the kind of woman who will be angry at the other party's casual attitude.

Although a woman's intuition made her a little curious about Tokisaki Kurumi's age, it is impolite to inquire about other people's ages. This is a common sense among women that is more common than one plus one equals two.

Temporarily suppressing the curiosity in her heart, Koyo Ozaki continued to greet, "Are you used to staying in the port mafia?"

"Although I have lost some freedom compared to before, I don't hate it here."

"I'm glad to hear you say that. I feel that if Ogai-sama is here, he will definitely think the same way."

Afterwards, Ozaki Koyo asked quite curiously: "Speaking of which, did Miss Tokizaki and Ogai-sama know each other before?"

"Not really."

"If Ogai-sama and you don't know each other, why would Ogai-sama allow you to join the organization?"

Although most members of the Port Mafia know that a new supernatural being named Tokisaki Kurumi has arrived in the organization, they don't know much about this person.

The same applies to cadres.

Generally speaking, if you want to join the port mafia, you must first pass the review of the intelligence team and confirm your background and identity before you can become a port mafia.

However, it is only qualified.

If you want to truly join the organization and become a formal member, you have to go through many tests and tasks, and only after showing your loyalty can you get a chance to meet Mori Ogai.

However, Tokisaki Kurumi not only directly skipped this rule, even Mori Ogai personally announced the arrival of the new member to the organization, and promoted the other party to the captain of the guerrilla team as soon as he came up.

This is simply unbelievable in the eyes of other members.

Even the cadres couldn't help but think about the relationship between this guy named Tokisaki Kurumi and Mori Ogai, so that the absolutely rational Mori Ogai could open the back door for her.

Koyo Ozaki, as the leader of the intelligence team, naturally asked about it early in the morning.

But the answer she got was the same as what Mori Ogai told Nakahara Chuya: special reasons, special treatment.

If Koyo Ozaki knew that Ogai-sama was a lolicon and was not interested in women over the age of 12, she would even have wondered if Mori Ogai and Tokisaki Kurumi had any special relationship.

"My relationship with Mr. Mori? That's right. If I have to talk about it, it's probably..."

Tokisaki Kurumi lightly tapped his lips with his index finger, and said in a calm tone: "Just trade relationships."


"Yes, but what is the specific transaction, you can ask Mr. Sen in person, if he doesn't want to say, I don't think I can tell you either."

"I understand. Since Ogai-sama doesn't want to talk about it, it's obviously information that I don't need to know."

"Don't Miss Ozaki feel a little annoyed at being concealed by someone she trusts?"

"No, that lord's every move is for the benefit of the organization, including concealment."

"Miss Ozaki really loves the organization." Tokizaki Kurumi smiled, "It's hard to imagine that you, who used to regard the port mafia as an enemy, would now consider the interests of the organization."

Hearing this sentence, Ozaki Koyo raised her eyebrows, as if she was a little surprised that Tokizaki Kurumi knew about it.

When the former Port Mafia Boss was in power, there were great contradictions inside and outside the Port Mafia. The brutal expansion of external forces led to many enemies, and the internal rules were strict and the tasks were heavy. The death rate was high, which made many members of the organization miserable. Word.

The high-pressure environment not only did not make the port mafia more united, but turned into a beach of loose sand.

Some people even want to quit the organization.

Ozaki Koyo's lover is one of them.

Her lover is just an ordinary member of the organization. For this kind of person, once he joins the organization, he never quits.

Only defection.

However, for the traitors, according to the rules of the port mafia, there is only one dead end.

But the lover can no longer bear the life of being a mafia, and after he has prepared everything, he decides to leave the organization quietly.

It's just that he wasn't satisfied with leaving alone, he wanted to take Ozaki Koyo with him.

He promised Ozaki Koye that he would take her to escape, and they would have a better and brighter life than staying here, and they would grow old together as ordinary couples.

Koye Ozaki was very young at that time, and was easily moved by what his lover said, and was also yearning for the life described by his lover, so he joined the defection team.

Unfortunately they failed.

Lovers overestimate themselves and underestimate the organization.

In the end both were caught.

Maybe he could escape alone, but he chose to bring Ozaki Koyo, who is also called a rare supernatural being in the organization, the previous Boss would never allow a precious one to be missing in that special period. combat effectiveness.

As punishment, the lover was killed, but Koyo Ozaki survived.

That's why she used to hate the port mafia.

Recalling the unforgettable past, Koye Ozaki did not make any outrageous actions or remarks, but said lightly: "People will always change, and organizations will also change. What I hate is the port mafia in the past. Not the current port mafia."

She wasn't surprised that Tokisaki Kurumi knew about her past.

Although not many people in the organization knew about it, and those who knew had no reason to talk about it, she didn't actually try to keep her mouth shut.

However, she was still a little curious about how Tokisaki Kurumi learned about this.

Did Mori Ogai tell her?

No, Mori Ogai is not such a clumsy person.

Or did the other old members tell her?

Nor should she, since she joined the organization, she hasn't contacted many members.

Recalling the information updated by Mori Ogai yesterday, Koyo Ozaki seemed to think of something, and suddenly realized.

She still remembers saying in intelligence that Tokisaki Kyouzo has an ability of [Reading Memory], presumably the reason Tokisaki Kakuzo knows about her past is because of this ability.

As the leader of the intelligence team, when she realized this with her strong thinking divergence and associative ability, she also had a rough guess as to why Mori Ogai included Tokisaki Kurumi in the organization.

Perhaps, some of the important handles of Mori Ogai and the port mafia are known to the girl in front of her, and her abilities are too weird and mysterious. Without being [-]% sure, Mori Ogai made some kind of deal with her ?

However, none of this had anything to do with her.

Since Mori Ogai personally accepted Tokisaki Kurumi, there was no need for her to worry too much.

What's more, she didn't come to visit Tokisaki Kurumi this time to obtain information.

Koyo Ozaki cleared her throat, ready to get into the topic of today's visit.

Chapter 54 Three Women? One Drama

"Tea, please take it slowly."

While Tokizaki Kurumi and Ozaki Koyo were chatting nonchalantly, Izumi Kyoka, who had already made tea from the kitchen, came out with a tea tray.

Seeing Izumi Kyoka approaching them, there was a trace of tenderness in Ozaki Koyo's eyes.

Placing two steaming cups of black tea on the table in the living room, Izumi Kyoka bowed slightly.

When he was about to leave, Tokisaki Kurumi pulled him to the sofa next to him.

"Miss Ozaki, don't you mind having Kyoka come to talk too?" Tokizaki Kurumi asked knowingly.

"Of course not, it would be better to say that you are very welcome." Ozaki Koyo said with a smile, "I haven't seen this child for a long time, so the long-lost greeting is naturally excellent."

Just as Tokizaki Kurumi thought, Ozaki Koyo would not refuse this proposal.

After all, most of the reasons why she condescended to visit Tokisaki Kurumi in person was because of this girl.

Otherwise, why would she, a cadre who is the double team leader, condescend to visit the newcomer Tokisaki Kurumi in person?

"Kyoka, Miss Ozaki is your teacher, right?" Tokizaki Kurumi asked.

"Yeah." Quan Jinghua nodded expressionlessly.

Although she was brought back to the port mafia by Ryunosuke Akutagawa, all of Akutagawa's combat power comes from supernatural powers, and it is obviously impossible to teach others how to fight.

There is a specialization in the art industry, and the teaching of assassins is naturally handed over to assassins.

Izumi Kyoka has two teachers in the organization, Ozaki Koyo is one of them.

At the first sight of Izumi Kyoka, Koyo Ozaki fell in love with this child from the bottom of her heart.

Not only because she is very cute, but also because the two have the same ability and the same experience.

Looking at Quan Jinghua, she seemed to see her past self.

Unexamined, I don't know why I live.

Therefore, Ozaki Momiji took good care of her in every possible way and taught her all her experience and knowledge, hoping that she could keep up with the rhythm of the organization as soon as possible.

Because I have been exposed to rain, I always want to hold an umbrella for others.

With her unreserved training and Izumi Kyoka's own talent, Izumi Kyoka became the assassin second only to Ozaki Koyo in just half a year.

Perhaps even Koyo Ozaki didn't realize it, she almost regarded Izumi Kyoka as her own daughter.

But now, her favorite child has been assigned to a person who is suspected to be even more vicious than Akutagawa Ryunosuke, so of course she wants to check it out.

If Izumi Kyoka doesn't like this place, Koyo Ozaki will take her away without saying a word.

Tokisaki Kurumi naturally guessed her intention early in the morning, so that's why Izumi Kyoka joined the conversation.

As long as Izumi Kyoka shows her intention to stay by her side, Ozaki Koye will leave alone.

Tokizaki Kurumi doesn't want to have too much contact and conversation with Ozaki Koyo.

After all, Wakori Ogaikyu and the concubine are enough to burn their brains, and Tokisaki Kurumi doesn't want to devote extra thoughts to Ozaki Momiji.

Anyway, the two of them don't have any interest relationship, Ozaki Koye can't control her as the leader of the guerrilla team, and she doesn't have any system tasks that involve Ozaki Koye, the ideal relationship is for the two of them not to communicate with each other.

"You haven't seen each other for a long time, is there anything you want to say to her?" Tokizaki Kurumi asked, "Miss Ozaki is very busy, if there is anything you want to tell her, now is a good opportunity , otherwise I don’t know when the next meeting will be.”

"Actually... nothing..."

Tokisaki Kurumi thought the child was shy, so he smiled helplessly and continued to seduce.

Ozaki Momiji sat upright, holding up the teacup gracefully to sip the tea, but the glances she glanced over from time to time revealed that she really wanted to know what Izumi Kyoka had to say.

Under Tokisaki Kuumou's various questions, Izumi Kyoka opened his mouth and said helplessly, "I'm really unfamiliar."

Although Tokisaki Kurumi was ready for her to "speak wild words" from the very beginning, her unadorned outspokenness still made Tokisaki Kurumo almost spit out the tea in his mouth.

Koyo Ozaki is also the master who imparted her knowledge after all, and they have been together for more than half a year.

To put it bluntly, in half a year, even a dog has developed feelings, right?

And Koyo Ozaki took care of her without asking for anything in return, raising her as her own daughter.

After learning that Izumi Kyouka's ownership has been transferred from Akutagawa Ryunosuke's subordinates to his own subordinates, he even went to see if she was doing well.

In the end, it was a hot face with a cold butt.

Even Tokisaki Kurumi feels a little bit sorry for Koyo Ozaki.

Unknowingly, there was a little pity in the eyes looking at her.

But Tokisaki Kurumi also knows that it can't be blamed for Izumi Kyoka's indifference.

Although Koyo Ozaki did take good care of her and spent most of her time thinking about Izumi Kyoka except for work, but Izumi Kyoka couldn't feel her enthusiasm at all.

After all, Quan Jinghua at that time was still immersed in the misunderstanding of 'she killed her parents'.

Closed the feelings and heart, like a living doll, how can such a state be moved by the care of others?

What's more, she also sincerely rejected the assassination mission assigned to her by the Port Mafia.

Therefore, it is even more impossible for her to fall in love with Koye Ozaki who taught her how to kill.

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