The girl's voice was still elegant and easy-going, but Koyo Ozaki could hear unparalleled arrogance and confidence.

The most ridiculous thing is that even though Ozaki Koyo still has only a half-knowledge of her abilities, she still thinks that she is not exaggerating the facts at all.

Tokisaki Kurumi and her twenty clones who can sneak into the shadows, once they are entangled by them, it will be a nightmare for any organization.

She and her lover are night moths flying in the darkness, eager to embrace the light.

But the girl in front of her is a nightmare in the darkness, even the deepest darkness must surrender to her.

"If it were her, she could really let Kyoka live a normal life."

This idea suddenly appeared in Koyo Ozaki's mind.

In the final analysis, the world still speaks with fists.

Weak people can only follow the rules set by the strong, and only the stronger can break the rules.

"However, even if the port mafia is willing to let people go, what should the government do?"

Taking a deep breath and calming down the turbulent mood, Koyo Ozaki asked calmly: "The current Kyoka is a criminal on the most wanted list. If she loses the protection of the port mafia, she can only spend the rest of her life in prison. .”

"You're right, so isn't Ms. Ozaki helping me?"

"My concubine is helping you? When? How?" Ozaki Koyo asked suspiciously, "This should be the first time we met, right?"

"Mr. Mori should have entrusted you with the task of luring out Ago Sakaguchi, the director of the Supernatural Secret Service, right?"


"I am the one who made this request to Mr. Sen."

"You want Kyoka to follow Dazai's path?"

In an instant, Ozaki Momiji understood what she wanted to do.

Although Tokisaki Kurumi has the strength to dig out the wall from the port mafia, but even if he is dug out, Izumi Kyoka is still a criminal on the government side.

In order for Quan Jinghua to live a normal life, the government must give up the arrest.

And to do this, you must negotiate with the official supernatural organization.

And Ango Sakaguchi, the director of the supernatural agency, is the representative of the government.

The Esoteric Agency once exonerated Osamu Dazai, so naturally it can also exonerate Shiraizumi Kyoka.

It's just that Osamu Dazai is a key member of Yokohama's "Three Moments Concept". Whether it's the port mafia, armed detective agency, or special agency, he is needed to maintain the balance among the three and the safety of Yokohama.

Because he was so important, the Supernatural Secret Service made a special case to whitewash him.

The effect of Izumi Kyouka is obviously not as great as Osamu Dazai.

In this case, what leverage can Kurumi Tokisaki use to impress the government?

Chapter 57 White Lies

The Ability Secret Service and the Port Mafia are opposing organizations, at least on the surface.

And if you want to use the power of the special agency to cleanse the members of the port mafia, let alone the difficulty, this is already an act that has crossed the bottom line of both parties.

Because the port mafia won't allow members to betray.

The Ability Secret Service will not allow villains to work in official organizations.

One of the reasons why Yokohama's three-moment concept has been maintained to this day is that the three supernatural organizations maintain a tacit understanding of their respective bottom lines.

For such a long time, Dazai Osamu is the only person who has been cleansed by supernatural agents.

Regardless of Dazai Osamu's status as a superpower, he is still a rare talent that can only be seen in a century. He has a high IQ, a deep city, and many tricks. He is almost a sure-fire boss of the Port Mafia. At the same time, he maintains the Three Moments concept. important figures.

Only such a character is qualified to allow the supernatural agency to break the bottom line.

Ozaki Momiji really couldn't figure out what kind of leverage Tokizaki Kurumi had to get Izumi Kyoka the same treatment as Dazai Osamu.

"Miss Tokisaki, I have to remind you that if you want a special agent agency to clean up a criminal, the price you need to pay is very high."

"It's just that the price is very high, isn't it impossible?" Tokisaki Kurumi said lightly, "I will give them a bargaining chip that they cannot refuse. I already have a preliminary plan, and all I need is to cooperate with special agents It’s just a conversation with Ango Sakaguchi, the branch manager of the Yokohama branch.”

"Since Miss Tokisaki has already made a plan, I guess it's not my turn to point fingers." Ozaki Momiji said, "Since Miss Tokisaki's purpose of meeting the director of the special agent office is for Kyoka, then I’ll work harder and finish it as soon as possible.”

Hearing this, Tokisaki Kurumi felt happy.

In fact, the real purpose of her wanting to meet Ango Sakaguchi is to get the chance to join the special agency, and cleaning Baiquan Jinghua is secondary.

It's just that her primary purpose is impossible to tell anyone, and Ozaki Koye misunderstood her secondary purpose as the main purpose, and was even willing to take the initiative to speed up the process of luring Ango Sakaguchi to appear. A pleasant surprise.

"The purpose of my concubine's visit today has been achieved, so I won't bother Ms. Tokisaki." Koyo Ozaki stood up slowly, "Kyoka, I'll leave it to you."

"I will take good care of Kyoka. If Ms. Ozaki wants to see her, you are welcome at any time."

"Then, when I come next time, I will greet you in advance."

Koyo Ozaki walked outside the door.

Before leaving, as if she suddenly remembered something, she asked: "If your plan is successful and Jinghua can return to a normal life, where are you going to put her?"

"Beyond Yokohama, where the port mafia can't find it."

"At that time, can I still meet the child?"

"It's not up to me to decide." Tokisaki Kurumi shrugged, "You have to ask Kyoka yourself."

"My concubine understands."

Koyo Ozaki, who was standing at the door, nodded slightly to Tokisaki Kurumi as a farewell: "Then, Miss Tokisaki, I wish your plan to go smoothly."

"Thank you for your blessing."

After the two said their goodbyes, Tokizaki Kuro watched the figure of Ozaki Koyo gradually disappear with three eyes.

Just as she was about to close the door, a black figure jumped down from the balcony on the second floor.

Quan Jinghua landed steadily on the ground with an unnatural expression.

"I thought you had already gone to the supermarket." Tokisaki Kurumi tapped her on the forehead like a lesson, "Eavesdropping is not something a good boy should do."

"I'm sorry." Quan Jinghua bowed her head and apologized.

Apparently, although Tokisaki Kuumo sent away Izumi Kyoka in order to have a private conversation with Ozaki Koyo, the child did not leave, but jumped to the second floor with his own skills after going out. Overhear their conversation.

Seeing Izumi Kyouka's honesty and confession, Tokisaki Kurumi couldn't continue to blame her.

"Sister, do you want to leave?" Quan Jinghua asked.

"Yes, I won't stay in Yokohama any longer. This is not my end."

"Can I leave with you?"



"Because I'm going far away, I can't take anyone with me."

As Izumi Kyoka's benefactor, Tokisaki Kurumi knew that he had become a new support in her heart.

Therefore, it is reasonable for Quan Jinghua to make such a request.

But in the final analysis, Tokisaki Kurumi is just a passer-by in this world.

Once the mission is over, she will be sent to the next world forcibly by the system, and will disappear from this world, leaving no one to follow.

Even if Quan Jinghua wanted to stay by her side, there was nothing she could do.

The only thing Tokisaki Kurumi can do is to arrange the funeral before leaving this world, send Izumi Kyoka to a place far away from disputes, and spend the rest of his life peacefully.

This is obviously the best ending.

Although she can also send Quan Jinghua to the Armed Detective Agency, in the original book, her final destination is also the Armed Detective Agency.

However, in this world, because Tokisaki Kurumo flapped its wings, Izumi Kyoka, who was supposed to meet Atsushi Nakajima, was rescued by himself ahead of time, and lost the opportunity to join the Armed Detective Agency.

After thinking about it, I have already deviated from the original world line anyway, so I just don't do anything and just send Izumi Kyoka out of Yokohama.

"Then, will sister come back?" Quan Jinghua asked with a little expectation.

"..." Tokisaki Kurumi was silent, because she couldn't answer this question, only the system could.

But her system is very cold, except for a few words at the beginning of time travel, she never responded to her questions.

No matter how she tried to summon the system, she could not hear the system's sound.

Therefore, she did not have an accurate answer on whether she could return to this world in the future.

The chance of being able to meet Quan Jinghua again is very low.

What's more, even if he could really return to this world in the future, he might come as another elf.

If this happens, the two will not even have the chance or reason to meet.

Tokisaki Kurumi was a little distressed.

Rejecting the proposal to leave with Quan Jinghua just now has already made her feel depressed. If she doesn't give her a little hope now, this child will probably be very disappointed.

So, Tokisaki Kuangsan touched her head and lied in good faith: "Of course I will come back. Although Yokohama is only a temporary foothold, I may come back from time to time to do some things in the future. Maybe I will need more With the help of Jinghua."

"I understand."

Quan Jinghua's expression relaxed a little.

"I'll wait for my sister to come back."

Chapter 58 Luring the snake out of its hole

Five days later.

Yokohama, inside a library.

A well-mannered man in a brown suit and round glasses walked into the library.

He looked around the inner area of ​​the library, and among dozens of public desks, he found a desk marked 'under maintenance, do not use', and walked up to take off the warning without any trace.

Sitting on the chair, he stretched his hand towards the back of the table, and after a little poking, his fingers touched something hard.

The man's expression remained unchanged, he calmly removed the tape wrapped around the hard object, and took it to the table.

A USB stick.

This is the purpose of the man's trip.

Insert the USB flash drive into the computer, and lines of confidential information from the port mafia will appear on the screen.

"I didn't expect the dark chess left in the port mafia a few years ago to be effective. I had already planned to hide him in the snow."

Browsing through the lines of precious information, the man couldn't help thinking: "Although I don't have much hope, if he can really bring me some useful and good news, it will be very helpful for the future layout."

The man's name is Ango Sakaguchi, the director of the Yokohama Branch of the Supernatural Secret Service, and also a special intelligence collector for the government.

As an official member of the Yokohama Iron Triangle, Sakaguchi Ango is not only responsible for combating and eliminating all supernatural crimes, but also for handing over overseas supernatural organizations and suppressing the port mafia.

This is not an easy job, and being able to sit in this position is enough to show that Ango Sakaguchi's ability is extraordinary.

Anyway, he was one of the few ruthless people who suffered a great loss from the port mafia and could only knock out his teeth and swallow them.

A few years ago, after the dragon head war ended and the port mafia became the veritable dark emperor of Yokohama, Ango Sakaguchi was assigned a task by his superiors to let him go undercover alone to steal information from the port mafia, in case it got too much power and died. swell.

He also lived up to the trust and expectations of his superiors, and soon gained the trust of Mori Ogai because of his outstanding ability, and became the intelligence clerk of the organization, responsible for recording the big and small things that happened in the organization.

And his ability [Theory of Depravity], the ability to read the memory left on the item within two hours, is extremely useful in a black organization like the Port Mafia, allowing him to break into The process is smoother inside the Port Mafia.

A large amount of confidential information has been imprinted in his mind, and even some cadres may not know as much as he does.

It is precisely because of this that even if his identity is exposed later, the port mafia does not dare to attack him.

After leaving the Port Mafia and returning to the Supernatural Secret Service, the information Ango Sakaguchi knew became a stepping stone to his promotion. He was quickly promoted from above and became the director of the Yokohama branch.

Of course, he did not confess all the information he knew, and even deliberately concealed some important information as a bargaining chip to blackmail the port mafia for revenge.

Whether it is courage or IQ, they are far beyond ordinary people.

Even now, his original calmness and sharpness still haven't disappeared. Having observed the whole of Yokohama personally, he has naturally noticed what is brewing in this city recently.

As the leader of the Yokohama branch of the Special Agent Agency, most things that happen in this city cannot escape his surveillance. Even if the Port Mafia tries its best to eliminate traces, he can still deduce from the clues.

According to his personal investigation and the information submitted by the Armed Detective Agency, a name he had never heard of appeared in his field of vision.

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