In order to solve future troubles and prevent the betrayed Bandage Three from causing trouble, Nightmare, as the main body, pursued and killed her immediately after learning of her betrayal.

After that, it’s all known to everyone.

"But why did Dun Jun and I meet her and Nightmare by such a coincidence?"

The conspiracy theory thinking developed in the port mafia made Osamu Dazai keenly aware of a bit of trickery: "Looking at it now, the battle between Nightmare and her at that time was simply an elaborate performance specially staged for me and Atsu-kun. It also perfectly explains why it was so easy to rescue her."

"Nightmare asked us to rescue her on purpose?"

Kunikida was startled, and his heart became heavy: "But what is the purpose, to dismantle the detective agency by coordinating internal and external cooperation?"

"Pfft ha ha ha ha, what a joke, do you think monsters of this level need to use some tricks to solve our detective agency?" Edogawa ranpo sneered, "Not to mention her stealth ability is even more difficult to guard against. If she is determined to destroy the Armed Detective Agency, it will be an easy thing for her."

"Ranpo, do you mean that if the detective agency conflicts with Nightmare, we have no chance of winning?" Fukuzawa Yukichi asked in a deep voice.

"If one day we really have a conflict with the nightmare, my suggestion is to evacuate Yokohama and hand over the matter to the government."

"What if the government can't intervene?"

"Then let's have a party."

"Why have a party?"

"Hey, since the government can't help you, why don't you at least be a hungry ghost before you die?"

"Ranpo." Fukuzawa Yukichi frowned, "This is a serious matter."

"President, I'm not joking with you either."

Edogawa Ranpo put away his foolish look, opened his squinted eyes, and the emerald green pupils were full of seriousness: "like this, time can be reversed, speeded up, stopped, summoned, Foretelling the future and other twelve time-related abilities, our detective agency has no power to fight back against such supernatural beings who can threaten national security."

"Twelve? But didn't the information say that there were only ten?" Atsushi Nakajima asked puzzledly when he discovered the blind spot.

"It's related to time. The name of the ability is from one bullet to ten bullets. There are twelve times on the clock. The most reasonable guess is that she has twelve abilities, right?"

"That is to say, the avatar who claims to be Tokisaki Hosan deliberately concealed two abilities..."

"Ha, maybe she is considerate of us mortals, and deliberately concealed the two shocking abilities of traveling to the past or traveling to the future."

Edogawa closed his eyes in disorder, and resumed the casual attitude just now: "After all, if she really possesses these two abilities, then she is a genuine transcendent, and it is impossible for us to fight against her alone."

Transcendence, this concept is only known to a few people even among supernatural beings.

A person with supernatural abilities is a person who can use supernatural abilities. Even if they have abilities that ordinary people cannot understand, they are still classified as "human beings".

But transcendents, these existences at the apex of supernatural beings, are somehow too powerful to be included in the human concept.

Every superpower has its own transcendent, or in other words, only a country with a transcendent as its combat power can become a superpower in this world.

The superpowers also regard their transcendents as treasures. Their existence not only determines the international status of the country they are loyal to, but also is extraordinary in the strategic sense, even more deterrent than nuclear weapons force.

As for Japan, there is no one who can surpass it.

Even Zhongyuan Zhongye, who is the most powerful fighter on the surface, is not qualified to be called a transcendent.

And through the analysis of the information obtained by the spies with special abilities, if the information is true, to some extent, Nightmare already has the qualifications to become a transcendent.

If, like Edogawa Ranpo's reasoning, she even has the ability to travel through time, then there is no doubt that she has officially entered the category of transcendent, a monster that Japan cannot fight even if it uses all the power of the country.

"Since the nightmare is so terrible, why can't she solve even one clone?" Kunikida Doppo asked.

"It's not impossible to solve, isn't it being disturbed by you when it is being solved?"

"But, as Mr. Ranpo said just now, if Nightmare has the ability to defeat the entire detective agency, wouldn't it be an easy thing to kill that child from me, the newcomer, Dazai and Tanizaki?"

"Yes, it is indeed a very easy thing."

"If that's the case, why doesn't she do it?"

"Because that girl was indeed put in intentionally by the nightmare."

"Please wait a moment, Mr. Ranpo, I can't keep up."

Atsushi Nakajima, whose brain was running at full capacity, raised his hand and said with a tangled face: "You mean, the girl we took in is the clone of Nightmare, and the previous battle between Nightmare and her was a deliberate play, for the purpose of letting The detective agency rescued her? But what's the use of letting her stay in the detective agency? If Nightmare has the ability to defeat the detective agency without cooperating with others, why let her infiltrate the detective agency."

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah it's so troublesome, don't you understand after I've said so much!"

Edogawa Ranpo showed an impatient expression, waved his hand and said, "Dazai, you must have understood it? Explain it for me."

Osamu Dazai, who was directed to do things, did not show any displeasure.

Although everyone is a member, Edogawa Ranpo's status is higher than anyone else.

The Armed Detective Agency can be without the president Yukichi Fukuzawa, Osamu Dazai, the doctor and Akiko Yosano, but Ranpo Edogawa is definitely not possible.


Because this is an armed detective agency, armed is just a prefix, and detective is the job.

【As long as I am good, everything is fine】

This is Edogawa Ranpo's motto. Although it seems to be ignorant, it is recognized by the entire detective agency.

It can be said that the only reason for the establishment of the detective agency is to make use of Edogawa Ranpo's ability.

"According to Mr. Ranpo's current reasoning, we can learn a major premise, that is, Nightmare does not intend to destroy the detective agency, at least, it does not intend to destroy it by force.

The girl we took in indeed betrayed Nightmare's clone, but she was also deliberately placed here by Nightmare. As for the purpose, we need to further explore.

And the girl who was in contact with today and the supernatural agent, the girl who called herself Tokisaki Hosan, was also the clone who betrayed Nightmare. "

Dazai Osamu briefly summarized Edogawa Ranpo's reasoning.

However, Edogawa Ranpo looked at him in surprise, and asked curiously: "I never said that they are [-]% clones of betrayal. Judging from Nightmare's ability to absorb other people's time, we don't know She is an old monster who has lived for many years, and these two avatars are also likely to be playing us, why can you be sure that they really betrayed Nightmare?"

"The ability of the eight bullets mentioned in the information is to summon clones from any time line. Perhaps both of them are clones from Nightmare's distant past. In that distant past, Nightmare was also a kind and good girl, and the current Nightmare Has a completely different personality.”

"But this information may be false, isn't it?" Edogawa Ranpo asked.


"In that case, why do you think they really came from a long time ago?"

Dazai was silent.

After a moment, the corners of his mouth stiffly raised and he smiled twice.

"Because the clone we took in has been living in my room these past few days. You can't imagine how difficult it is to get along with her."

Recalling the days of being tortured by bandage three, Dazai Osamu's voice revealed the fatigue that anyone could hear.

"If everything she shows is fake, then there is nothing real in this world."

Chapter 70 Bandage Three: Come on, let’s hurt each other!

Hearing this, many people's expressions became strange.

No wonder for the past two days, Osamu Dazai has been asking if anyone is willing to change dormitories with him, and even asked his junior Atsushi Nakajima.

It turned out that he was numb with three bandages.

During the few days when Bandage Three was taken in, the Armed Detective Agency couldn't let her live in the office, could it?

After all, they were the customers they took the initiative to keep, letting them sleep in the office or something, it would appear that the Armed Detective Agency had no manners at all.

Even so, since Atsushi Nakajima joined the company, there are no spare rooms in the staff dormitory.

Therefore, Bandage Three can only share a room with others.

Originally, Osamu Dazai planned to let her share a room with Yosano Akiko, both of whom were women, so there was no need to avoid suspicion.

But Naihe Bandage San said that he was unwilling to sleep with Yosano Akiko, and his attitude was very firm, even saying that he would rather be captured by the nightmare than live with Yosano Akiko.

However, there are no other female members in the Armed Detective Agency. Since Bandage Three is unwilling to live with Yosano Akiko, he can only live with the male members.

Bandage Three was originally going to live with Kunikida Doppo, but because Osamu Dazai wanted to get information from her, he took the job away from her...

Unexpectedly, Osamu Dazai not only failed to get any information, but was also treated to a nervous breakdown.

There are many people who have suffered from neurasthenia due to Dazaiji, but this is the first person who has given Dazaiji a complete neurasthenia.

"I admit that I once had a black history in the second grade of secondary school, and I wrapped bandages on my hands to pretend to be cool, but I also have to admit that her second grade of secondary school is far above mine."

Osamu Dazai asked in a bleak tone, "Have you ever seen Yokohama at four o'clock in the morning?"

"Of course, isn't it normal to work on a case all night long?" Kunikida Doppo replied matter-of-factly.

"The point is not here. The point is that when you work hard all day and finally go home to sleep and rest, but when you open your eyes, you find yourself flying a few meters above the ground." Osamu Dazai sighed deeply, "And Still being hugged by that little girl like a princess, if you don't pay attention, you will be smashed into meatloaf..."

Everyone made up their minds about the scene, and then looked at Osamu Dazai with pity.

It doesn't matter whether the princess hugs or not, the main reason is that when I opened my eyes, I found myself floating in mid-air.

At that time, Osamu Dazai didn't give the bandage a three-one punch, and he was already considered to be in a good temper.

"Other than that, there are many things that I don't want to talk about." Osamu Dazai rubbed his temples with a sore face, "That guy is a nocturnal creature, he is lazy during the day and doesn't do anything at night She was wandering around Yokohama like a stimulant, and she just wanted to drag me along! Thanks to her, I haven't slept well these days."

"It's no wonder that Mr. Dazai has become more normal these days. He didn't commit suicide once, so he didn't have the energy to commit suicide." Atsushi Nakajima thought thoughtfully, "Maybe the existence of that girl is still important to the detective agency. Have a positive impact?"

"So, is there anyone willing to change dormitories with me?" Osamu Dazai looked at his partners expectantly.

However, everyone looked away tacitly.

Dazai Osamu shouted angrily: "This is too unfair! Why am I the only one suffering!"

"Didn't you take the initiative to take on this job back then? Keep it up." Kunikida Doppo said without changing his face.

"Sorry Mr. Dazai, I will be nervous when I share a room with a girl." Atsushi Nakajima smiled shyly.

"I'm the detective agency's think tank. What should I do if something happens?" Edogawa Ranpo stayed on his own.

"Well, I don't care, as long as you can persuade her to live with me, I will be very happy." Yosano Akiko said casually.

"You guys..."

"Let's get back to business."

Fukuzawa Yukichi's thick voice sounded, interrupting Dazai Osamu, and directly ended this doomed fruitless kick.

"Although I trust Dazai's intuition, the matter involves nightmares, so we can't be careless."

Fukuzawa Yukichi's voice paused, as if he was thinking, and looked at Osamu Dazai: "Speaking of which, I haven't met that girl yet, since we already know the relationship between her and Nightmare, I want to go with her See her."

"President, this is very dangerous." Kunikida Doppo couldn't help but stop him.

"Dazai has been living with her for a while, isn't it still good?" Fukuzawa Yukichi waved his hand, "What's more, I, the president of an armed detective agency, is not a civilian who can't fight. If it can pose a threat to me, I might as well retire."

Now that Fukuzawa Yukichi has said so, Kunikida Doppo can't persuade him anymore.

However, as the next president candidate, Kunikida Doppo naturally knows how terrifying the old president's combat effectiveness is.

Before he founded an armed detective agency and traveled around the world with one sword and one man, he was an invincible fighter in the world.

And that's not the most shocking.

The most astonishing thing is that his supernatural ability [Man is not made by others] is not even a combat-type supernatural ability. It can't play any role in a battle, but he can defeat many combat-type supernatural abilities with his honed skills and experience. Those who are capable, even attracted official recruitment because they are too famous.

Even though time has carved marks on this swordsman known as "Silver Wolf", he is still the undisputed highest combat strength of the armed detective agency.

No one in the Armed Detective Agency could survive ten rounds with his knife!

It can be said that the real treasure is not old!

"At least, please let me and Dazai accompany you." Kunikida Doppo hesitated for a moment, then compromised.

"Just let Dazai accompany you. If there are too many people, it will make us look aggressive." Fukuzawa Yukichi said, "And don't the detective agency still have commissions to deal with? We can't send detectives because of a clone." Society was dragged down."


With Kunikida Doppo's staid temperament, he definitely does not want Fukuzawa Yukichi and Bandagesan to come into direct contact.

Maybe it was because of the caution in his heart, or maybe it was the news of the nightmare that shocked him too much, which made him start to have a hostile vigilance towards Bandage Three.

In the Armed Detective Agency, Kunikida Doppo can be regarded as the number one in terms of combat effectiveness.

Although not as good as Fukuzawa Yukichi, it can also be used at critical moments.

It's just that Fukuzawa Yukichi didn't want too many people to go with him, so as a subordinate, Kunikida Doppo could only follow the order.

"Let's go, Dazai, it's not too late."

The swift and resolute Silver Wolf took off the Taidao from his waist, and leaned the handle of the sword gently on the table, as if he was not ready to carry a weapon.

"Let's meet that Nightmare clone with kindness."

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