"This is [-] in cash as hush money for you to keep the secret."

"As expected of the Port Mafia, they are really wealthy."

"As for the monthly salary of the guerrilla leader, the basic salary is 80 a month. If he makes other outstanding contributions, he will be rewarded according to his degree."

"Just the basic salary is 80?"

"Please don't get me wrong, Ms. Tokisaki, this is not my personal benefit to you." Mori Ogai said, "Another guerrilla squad leader with the same position as you, Akutagawa Ryunosuke, is also treated in the same way. "

"In that case, the amount of work I need to complete will be the same as that of Akutagawa Ryunosuke, right?"

Tokisaki Kurumi glanced at the suitcase beside him, and the shadow wrapped it up, sinking into it after a while: "So, what is my first official mission as a member of the Port Mafia?"

"Glad you asked."

Mori Ogai took out a file bag from the drawer and put it on the table: "Your first task is to bring someone back to the port mafia."


"Member of the Armed Detective Agency, Atsushi Nakajima."

Tokisaki Kurumi opened the file bag, took out the documents contained in it, and saw the young man in the photo at first sight.

The young man looked very thin and pale, as if he was unhealthy due to long-term malnutrition. The dog-gnawed bangs made him look even more gloomy.

Atsushi Nakajima, the ability [Tiger Under the Moon].

He lived in an orphanage since he was a child, and grew up under the abuse of the director, resulting in an extremely cowardly character.

After growing up, Atsushi Nakajima's subconscious mind could not suppress Yue Xiahu because of conflicts between his too weak personality and too strong abilities. Finally, one day Yuexia Tiger completely ran away, and Atsushi Nakajima turned into a white tiger and destroyed the orphanage.

But he didn't know anything about his own ability. During the period of the ability to go berserk, he had no memory, so whether it was the ability or the ability to go berserk, he was kept in the dark.

The orphanage kicked him out, and Atsushi Nakajima could only live on the streets, wandering from one city to another.

During this period, the personality of "Moon Tiger" appeared many times, destroying farmland and hunting livestock, causing a lot of property losses, but it was also because of Moon Tiger's foraging that Atsushi Nakajima did not starve to death on the street.

It's just that this series of destructive behaviors has attracted the attention of the government, and this white tiger that has been wrecking everywhere has been included in the supernatural disaster, and an armed detective agency is entrusted to solve it.

Afterwards, Osamu Dazai, a member of the Armed Detective Agency, met Atsushi Nakajima, and coincidentally deduced the fact that Atsushi Nakajima is the white tiger.

However, Osamu Dazai did not hand over Atsushi Nakajima to the country, but chose to persuade the president and other members to join the Armed Detective Agency.

This is the experience of Atsushi Nakajima.

However, the reason why the port mafia wanted to catch him was not because he offended the organization in any way.

"We received a commission from the North American supernatural group [Guild], with a bounty of US$70 billion to capture this man named Atsushi Nakajima. This was originally Akutagawa-kun's job, but several times in a row... The arrests have all failed, so I want you to take over."

Mori Ogai said calmly.

"With your ability, it should be very easy."

Chapter No.16 Private Secretary

This is no good job.

Tokisaki Kurumi was thinking while pretending to look at the information.

It seems that because of her butterfly flapping its wings, the plot has changed. The task originally assigned to Akutagawa Ryunosuke is now assigned to her.

However, she is not the kind of traverser who is determined to maintain the normal world line. The plot will change when the plot changes. Although she may lose the intelligence advantage of knowing the original work, she is not a soft persimmon with the power of elves. The big deal is that everyone depends on their own abilities.

What worries her is that if there are too many plot directions, the tasks issued by the system may not be completed.

The North American supernatural group [Composition] wanted to capture Atsushi Nakajima, and entrusted the Port Mafia, the largest local evil organization, to do this.

In the original plot, the leader of the port mafia couldn't bear it because he couldn't complete the commission for a long time, so he came to Yokohama, Japan to arrest people in person.

If the plot develops according to the original book and the group comes to Yokohama, Tokisaki Kurumi will have the opportunity to complete the second side task, which is to defeat the members of the group.

However, because of her intervention, the person who went to arrest Atsushi Nakajima became herself.

If she really captured Atsushi Nakajima and handed it over to the group, the group would naturally not come to Yokohama to make trouble again, and the second side mission would not be completed.

This is not what Tokisaki Kurumi wants to see.

Therefore, in order to complete the second side mission, she must deliberately not catch Atsushi Nakajima.

But if this is really done, maybe Mori Ogai will notice that she is passive and sabotage, so he will no longer trust her.

Although Tokisaki Kurumi doesn't care much about other people's evaluation of him, but to complete the main task, he must rely on the stage of the port mafia, so it is very necessary to get Mori Ogai's approval.

She really wanted to decline the assignment if she could.

However, she couldn't think of any reasonable reason for refusing.

In desperation, the only way now is to continue this task first, and then slowly make plans.

So Tokisaki Kurumi put away the documents in his hands, and said with a smile: "Please leave it to me, Mr. Mori, I will try my best to finish it.

"Very well, since that's the case, please accept this."

Mori Ogai took out a black mobile phone and handed it to her: "This is the special mobile phone for the organization. If you need support or report the situation, use this mobile phone to contact me. If I need you to come to the headquarters , will also contact you through this mobile phone."

"Oh? It does look a little different from the mobile phones on the market." Tokisaki Kurumi opened the mobile phone, but found that there were only a few necessary software in it, "Could it be equipped with trackers and bugs, ready to monitor me at any time every move?"

"If it was someone else, I would probably do this." Mori Ogai said bluntly, "However, for a person with the ability to read memories like Miss Tokisaki, I would not do such a low-level act of destroying trust." mistake."


Tokisaki Kurumi took a deep look at the man in front of him: "Although I don't think I can gain your trust, please try your best to gain my trust, Mr. Mori."

"For this, I can only say that I will do my best..." Mori Ogai shrugged, "After all, I don't think it will be easy to gain Miss Tokisaki's trust."

"As long as you can impress me with sincerity, I believe this is not a difficult task." Tokisaki Kurumi said provocatively, "Twice if you fail once, and three times if you fail twice, anyway, I am already your man , the most indispensable thing between us is time."

"Miss Tokisaki, please stop teasing a middle-aged lolicon uncle."

Mori Ou showed a helpless look, touched the head of the angry Alice and said: "Alice can't listen to this, you see, she is already jealous."

"I'm really sorry, I almost forgot Mr. Mori's special hobby." Tokisaki Kurumi smiled, "Then, if there is nothing else, let me leave first."

"Wait a minute, Miss Tokisaki."

"Anything else?"

"About your personal secretary." Mori Ogai showed a helpless expression, "In the past, there was only one guerrilla leader, that is Akutagawa Ryunosuke, so there was only one secretary, that is Higuchi Ichiyo, you met yesterday .”

"Yes, a very gentle woman is probably not suitable for being a mafia."

"I also thought the same, but for some reason she stayed in the organization. Even if I hinted that she could quit, she never accepted." Mori Ogai said, "The topic is getting far, anyway, my original thought was Ask her to be your secretary while assisting Akutagawa-kun, and assist you in carrying out tasks, but last night she refused to be the Your secretary."

"It's a pity, we obviously had a good conversation in the car yesterday, we should hit it off very well."

"It's just that Higuchi doesn't seem to think so. When I talked about working for you, I heard her voice tremble." Mori Ogai said lightly, "Miss Tokisaki, please don't scare me in the future. My staff, I assure you as a doctor, psychological trauma is very difficult to heal."

"Sarah, I don't remember ever scaring her."

Tokisaki Kurumi tapped his chin with his index finger, with a look of incomprehension: "Probably, Mr. Mori misunderstood."

"As it should be."

Mori Ogai did not pursue anything, took out a stack of photos from the file bag on the side, and spread them out on the table: "Higuchi cannot provide assistance due to personal reasons, but this is not a big problem. Those in the organization who can assist you She is not the only one, please choose a private secretary from among these people."

Upon hearing this proposal, Tokisaki Kurumi's first reaction was to refuse.

First of all, she doesn't need any secretary to assist her when she is performing tasks. In terms of Tokisaki Kurumi's fighting style, anyone in the battle is her burden.

Secondly, she didn't want someone who belonged to Mori Ogai to stay by her side, because Mori Ogai, an old fox, would definitely let the so-called private secretary carry out surveillance tasks and report her every move on weekdays.

It would be bad if he accidentally caught something.

Just when Kurumi Shizaki was about to refuse, she glanced at the people in the photo with her peripheral vision, and she discovered that a familiar face was also among the candidates for personal secretary.

After hesitating for a moment, she still didn't choose to refuse after all.

"I'm not very familiar with the Port Mafia, so it would be a good idea to have a personal secretary to help."

Kurumi Tokisaki picked up the photo of the girl with dull eyes and said with a smile:

"Then, I will choose this child."

No.17 The girl favored by killing

After choosing his personal secretary, Tokisaki Kurumi left the Boss office.

Mori Ogai did not go to meet her new secretary with Tokisaki Kurumi on the grounds that he had other things to deal with, but let a waiter lead the way.

Following the waiter, he took the elevator all the way down and stopped on the second floor, and Tokisaki Kurumi came to the dungeon of the port mafia.

Walking in the dim light, she saw the prisoners being held here one by one.

The body is emaciated, the skin is withered and yellow, and the traces of abuse and torture can be seen on almost every body.

Some have lost their arms, some have dark and empty eyes, and some have hideous scars all over their bodies.

These are the people who are the enemy of the port mafia.

Or in other words, someone who used to be an enemy of the port mafia.

Now, they are overwhelmed and reduced to prisoners as losers. No matter how glorious their past was, they can only be imprisoned in this dark dungeon, waiting for death day after day.

Even if someone walks in front of them, they act as if they haven't seen them and don't even want to move their heads.

In the deepest dungeon, the number of prisoners gradually decreased, and only empty cells were seen.

The waiter stopped outside one of the cells, unlocked the door with a key, opened the door and made a 'please' gesture, and respectfully greeted Tokisaki Kurumi: "This is the end of my mission, my lord, you can go to See her."

"Why is my new secretary locked up in the dungeon? I thought this was where you imprisoned prisoners." Tokisaki Kurumi asked suspiciously, "Isn't she a member of the port mafia?"

"Before she became your personal secretary, she was an assassin who belonged to another guerrilla squad leader, Akutagawa Ryunosuke. In the last assassination operation, she let go of a person who witnessed the murder scene. As a punishment, she was imprisoned here by Master Akutagawa for reflection."

"Ah, by the way, I almost forgot that this kid is one of Akutagawa's men." Tokisaki Kurumi suddenly reacted, "If I rob people from his men, I won't be resented by that guy in the future, right?"

"Please rest assured, this matter has been approved by the boss, even Master Akutagawa has no right to object."

"It would be great if that's the case."

"Do you have any other questions?"

"No, thank you for your answer."

"You're welcome, then I'll leave first."

The waiter who finished his work left the dungeon, leaving Tokisaki Kusan alone.

Looking into the prison cell, the dim light in the corridor could only barely illuminate a small half of the room. Tokisaki Kurumi narrowed his eyes, and barely saw the petite figure that was motionless hidden in the darkness.

Even if she heard someone discussing herself, she didn't care.

It's like closing your heart and locking yourself into a world that doesn't have any contact with the outside world.

The most gifted and talented assassin of the port mafia, the criminal who rushed to the government's most wanted list at a rocket speed, and the holder of the ability "Yasha Baixue" born for killing.

An unfortunate person who fell into the quagmire due to an accident and went to hell while lost.

The girl favored by killing, Izumi Kyoka.

"Nice to meet you, my name is Tokisaki Kurumi."

Tokisaki Kurumi came in from the door and stood in front of the girl: "From today onwards, you are my subordinate."

Izumi Kyouka in the cell finally moved. She raised her head and looked at Tokisaki Kurumi with dull eyes.

"Who is my target?" Quan Jinghua's voice was emotionless, "This time, who am I going to kill?"

"The good news is that you don't need to kill anyone this time." Tokisaki Kurumi replied, "From today onwards, you are no longer an assassin of the port mafia, but a private secretary working for me."

"What can I do for you?"

"What for me? Well, that's a good question." Tokisaki Kurumi squeezed his chin, thinking.

What does a personal secretary do?

According to Mori Ogai's explanation, the private secretary seems to be an assistant who answers her questions, guides her to better integrate into the organization, and helps her in action.

Although she just told Ogai Mori that she was not familiar with the Port Mafia, that was just an excuse.

As a time traveler, she knew the Port Mafia's action style very well, and she didn't have many questions that needed to be answered. She was destined to leave this world in the future, and she didn't have much desire to have a good relationship with other people. She had a clone with her when she was performing tasks. Support around you is enough.

A private secretary or something is of no use to her.

This is one of the reasons why she just wanted to refuse to accept a private secretary.

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