"No! It's not like that! That, that..."

Ying's skin began to feel hot, and shame and confusion instantly swelled in her brain like Coke with Mentos.

She immediately wanted to break away from Mu Bai's arms, but lost her balance due to panic and fell back onto Mu Bai's body.

Because of the displacement during the process, Ying did not fall into Mu Bai's chest this time, but fell onto his waist.

"Mu Bai! I have something very important to tell you!"

At this moment, Mona excitedly opened the door and happened to encounter this strange scene.


The scene in front of her was so shocking that Mona's brain briefly shut down.

what did she see?

A beautiful girl, all red in color, fell on Mu Bai's waist, facing Mu Bai's crotch, and her face was covered with translucent liquid.


A moment later, high-decibel screams of different timbres came from Mu Bai's room.



"Work is finally picking up a bit."

Pushing forward half an hour, Mona, who was working hard in the room, temporarily put down the pen in her hand and stretched out comfortably.

Recently, she has been contacting astrologists and astronomers from all over the world, hoping to organize an alliance to strengthen this industry. To this end, she took the lead in coming up with her own exclusive research results and shared them with others through correspondence, thus gaining Great popularity.

Many insiders jointly elected Mona as the leader of the alliance and asked her to compile the organization's general outline and action guidelines.

At this time, the dense drawings and texts on the table are the results of her hard work these days.

"I finally have a decent identity!"

In order not to cause trouble to Mu Bai, and in order to make herself more or less worthy of Mu Bai, Mona also worked hard.

Although these things have not been finalized yet, the horoscope has already been figured out. As long as it can proceed smoothly, even when facing a big shot like Ke Qing Ningguang, I can hold my chest high.

"Mu Bai, I have something important to tell you~~"

During the recent period, Mona has been keeping a deaf ear to the outside world for the sake of her career, and has not even had much contact with the men she likes.

Now that she has finally achieved some results, she can't wait to show off to Mu Bai, want to get Mu Bai's praise, and want to have some interactions with Mu Bai that a couple should have.

But the moment she opened the door, Mona saw the explosive scene between Mu Bai and Ying.

"What on earth are you two doing?!"

Mona couldn't help but reprimanded loudly:

"It's not enough to push them down. This time... did you do that shameless thing again?!"

"No, no, no! We didn't do anything weird, nor did we overthrow it, okay!"

Mu Bai quickly explained.

"You said the same thing last time! I will never believe you again!"

Mona's face turned red, half because of anger, and half because of the unpleasant things Mu Bai and Ying did in her mind.

"Ying, please explain quickly."

"Huh? I, that..."

Ying, who was suddenly involved in the quarrel, began to panic. She was still immersed in the extremely shameful memory of mistaking Mu Bai for Kong and saying a lot of things she shouldn't have said. How much energy do you have left to take care of Mona and Mu Bai's affairs?

"I say goodbye first!"

The distraught Ying could no longer look directly at Mubai, let alone Mona's attack. Unable to bear it, she chose a shameful and effective strategy - running away.

"Huh? You want to run away?!"

Mu Bai also hoped that Ying could help him explain clearly, but he didn't expect that the other party would be so uninterested.

"Yes, I'm sorry! What happened today is all my fault for being confused. Please forget about it!"

After leaving these words, Ying’s face looked “>_<>

"You can just run away! Do you want to leave a deathrattle to harm me?!"

Good guy, what do you mean by being temporarily confused? How can I explain this? !


Mona's resentment had reached its peak, but strangely, after that, she did not lose her temper with Mu Bai, and even her blue and black complexion gradually returned to normal.

It seemed that Mona suddenly thought of something and calmed down all the resentment and anger in her heart.

But if the reason is really like this, what kind of thing must it be to have such power?

"What can I say to make you believe that the liquid on Ying's face came from Zelda's tentacles, and the reason why it poured on my waist was just a physical imbalance caused by mild poisoning."



Mu Bai explained everything he could, but the response he waited for was neither trust and understanding, nor rebuke and complaint, but words that should not appear in the context at all.

"Let's get married."

Seeing Mu Bai's confused face, Mona suppressed her shame and repeated her words.

159.True confidence

"So why are you bringing this up at this juncture?"

When it comes to proposing, the corresponding labels should be touching and romantic, right?But right now, even though she was confused, Mona seemed to be in a complicated mood, and she didn't know how her thoughts jumped.

"I'm afraid if you don't bring this up, you will be eaten up and wiped clean."

"It's not as exaggerated as you said..."

"It's not an exaggeration at all! It's a fact!"

Mona said displeasedly:

"I only knew before that there were many girls who liked you, but today I realized that they act like wolves and tigers! It's completely unreasonable!"

"I've had enough of that Ning Guang alone. I didn't expect that Ying, who came to our house just once to deliver food, could be so aggressive! If I don't restrain you, I'm afraid I won't even be able to see you anymore."

From being struck by Ningguang to working hard on her own, Mona had been suppressed for so long that when she complained to Mu Bai, Mona couldn't help but say a few more words.

"So you thought of getting married?"

"Not quite."

After venting her grievances, Mona became shy again. If it hadn't been for the Ying incident, today would have been a good day to share joy with Mu Bai and enhance their relationship.

"My hard work during this period has finally paid off. Soon, I won't cause you any more trouble. I think... I should be qualified to be your wife."

"So, you have been shutting yourself in your room and working hard all this time just to marry me?"


After admitting this generously, Mona said a little greedily:

"Actually, I have considered not only marriage, but also the future life, including giving birth to your child."

After finishing speaking, Mona pulled down the brim of her great wizard hat.

At this moment, her resentment had completely disappeared, replaced by the sweetness that she had hidden but couldn't hide.


In the past, Mu Bai would have complained that Mona was thinking too far, but now he only felt extremely relieved.

The girl you like also likes you with all your strength. There is no happier thing than this.

"Originally, today I just wanted to show you my staged results and make some preparations for my marriage. Who knew your Slaanesh was so serious."

"No, I told you it was a misunderstanding...woo!"

Before Mu Bai finished speaking, his little mouth was kissed by Mona.

But this time Mona was not addicted, but after kissing, she pulled Mu Bai's collar.

"You didn't possess my body before. At that time, you told me that you wanted to wait until you like me more than I like you before you can turn me into your woman."

"Yes, that's how it goes..."

Mu Bai didn't know what Mona wanted to express, and felt a little guilty for a moment.

"At that time, I was just a person who needed to be taken care of by you and cause you trouble, so I could only passively wait for your love, but now I can't wait any longer."

At this point, Miss Genius Astrologer’s tone also became proud:

"I am now qualified to declare to everyone that I am your lover, and in the near future, after I become successful and famous, my lover will become my wife, so I don't want to wait any longer."

"You mean...do it now?"

Facing Mona like this, Mu Bai was a little unable to resist.

Of course he knew that Miss Astrologer was an extremely confident person, but in Mu Bai's view, Mona's self-confidence was often a result of trying to show off her strength and suffer the consequences.

But today is different. At this time, Mona has integrated her confidence into her desire. She has never been so strong before.

"I, I don't care, there's nothing wrong with doing it now."

Mona pressed her body against Mu Bai's, and because of this, she felt Mu Bai's heartbeat speeding up at this moment, and Mu Bai also felt Mona's drum-like heartbeat.

It seemed that both sides were equally nervous.

"But... let's forget it for today. Rather than that, I want to share with you the results of my hard work during this period."

With that said, Mona took Mu Bai's hand and dragged her to her room.

"Did you make all those documents and drawings?"

"Humph! Of course! These research materials are all first-hand, and it is precisely because of these that I can gain everyone's respect."

Mona puffed out her breasts with a look on her face.

"Probably in the next few days, right? I will officially become the leader of the circle. At that time, we will do things that couples should do."

In that case, Mona could feel more at ease, and before the matter settled, she still had a thin layer of grudge in her heart.

"After that, I will carry forward the career of astrology, and then marry you as a person who cannot lose to anyone."

"Actually, there is no need to force yourself so much. Even if you are not that powerful, I still like you."

"How does this work!"

Mona did not accept Mu Bai's tenderness, but said unconvinced:

"Those people who like you are either rich women or fairy beasts. I don't want to lose to them!"

Only when they have the possibility of winning, people will have the idea of ​​​​"not wanting to lose." Mona will say this because she sincerely feels that she can succeed, at least not worse than others.



"Why is this..."

Five days later, Mona collapsed on the floor after receiving a letter.

Her face was extremely pale, her eyes were full of despair, and her little hand holding the letter was trembling uncontrollably.


It's not just as simple as failing to run for alliance leader. If she just loses her position as leader, Mona can still stand up as long as the alliance can develop and grow.

But the problem is that in just one week, the entire Image Astronomy Alliance collapsed.

Some time ago, some alliance members coveted the first-hand research results shared by Mona, plagiarized and copied their theories, and then published them in relevant academic institutions.

Another group of alliance members also had this intention, but became angry because they were taken advantage of, and began to report the first group of people who had enriched themselves.

Immediately afterwards, the reports turned into smearing each other, and even turned into a war of words. In order to prevent the first batch of people who published the results from succeeding, many people even began to attack Mona's theories and results.


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