

"Ningguang! The front line can't hold it anymore. As expected, we have to be there in person."

On the other side, looking at the battle report full of bad news, Ningguang, who was strategizing in Yujingtai, also felt tremendous pressure, while Ke Qing, who was in the same room, was already carrying a three-foot sword and was ready to rush to the battlefield.

"Gan Yu, what's your opinion?"

"I think so too. If a mortal without the eyes of God goes there, I'm afraid it will only cause casualties."

"I understand, call Hu Tao and Mona."

After a while, Mu Bai's harem group gathered together. Ningguang handed over the affairs and command of the port to the other Qixings who specialized in civil affairs. Then he and everyone came to the west exit of Liyue Port, ready to go.

"As expected, we should ask Mu Bai to come forward for matters related to the abyss."

Before leaving, Gan Yu suggested this, and Ningguang agreed:

"The matter is too serious, maybe it's time to ask him to come out."

"I'm afraid it won't work..."

Mona said awkwardly:

"Mu Bai has left home since this morning. I don't know where he went. He didn't come back until you called him out."

"After all, the responsibility of protecting Liyue must be fulfilled by the people of Liyue, not to mention that Mubai has already given enough for us, and we should not ask for anything more."

After Keqing looked serious, everyone looked at the Aghanim magic crystal in his hand.

In addition to this, there is the previous training in the book world, Mu Bai's great help to them, the girls all remember it in their hearts.

"lets go!"

A group of people rode fast horses to the front line and immediately started a battle with the abyss mages.

"Don't waste time here, keep walking towards the abyss, there must be a mastermind behind these monsters."

Ning Guang is well versed in the principle of capturing the thief first. If there is a group of rioting Qiuqiu and an Abyss Mage, then the mastermind behind the scenes must be the Abyss Mage. Similarly, if there are countless groups of Abyss Mage in front of him, then it must be the Abyss Mage. There is a higher level of being leading them.

"Leave it to us here!"

The people who responded to the strategy of attacking Huanglong were Baizhu from Bubulu, and Qiqi who held a sword about the same height as himself.

Bai Shu used grass magic to cover the ground with thorns and roots, blocking the pursuit of the abyss mages, while Qi Qi put curse marks on these abyss mages. As long as they attack them, they can produce corresponding healing effects.

"It's amazing...Qiqi, do you still have this ability?"

Hu Tao couldn't help but marveled.

"I remembered a lot of things."

Qiqi explained expressionlessly while fighting:

"For example, what I looked like when I was alive, as well as the Taoism and power I have learned."

"Huh? What was it like when you were alive? Have you got your memory back?"

"It's just part of it. Thanks to Mu Bai's book, the second volume of Zombies' Destiny, I entered a strange world where everyone is a zombie, but they can bring strength to others with singing and dancing. I also... We worked hard together with them.”

Qi Qi, who is usually cute and cute, throws countless talismans with red characters on a yellow background into the air in a rare and handsome manner, and then activates the extreme cold power of the Eye of God, causing healing snow to fall from the sky.

"Resurrection boy, rescue the true Lord Kudu'e!"

After the chanting of the incantation was completed, the soldiers who had been seriously injured by the Abyss Mage slowly stood up, and even the dying people took a breath.

This mysterious technique, this name, is what Qiqi temporarily recalled...the memory from his lifetime.

256. Destroy them all or save only one

"Ah! My Qiqi is great!"

Hutao didn't care that Qiqi's boss, Baizhu, was here, and just said "My Qiqi" to take ownership of Miss Zombie.

"Wutao! No time to hang around! Follow us!"

"Oh! I'm coming right now!"

No matter how much Hu Tao liked to fool around, he knew that the current battle situation was tense, so he followed without saying any more nonsense.


Before leaving, Qiqi turned her back to Hutao and said in a sweet voice:

"Don't be so dead."

"Are you caring about me? I'm so happy! My Qiqi finally loves me back... Wait, what does it mean to be completely dead?"

"If you die, you still have a chance to be turned into a zombie, but if you can't find the body, you will be dead."

Qiqi explained honestly.

"I won't complain here about why you think I'm going to die anyway. Don't worry, I will come back safely."

Hu Tao still had half a sentence hidden in her heart and did not say it to Qiqi:

"Because I already have someone I like."

She also wanted to do extremely exciting things with Mu Bai, she also wanted to have fun with Mu Bai, and she also wanted to try what it was like to be a bride. Based on these, Hu Tao's desire to live was already full.

"There is a chasm in the abyss ahead. Please be careful."

With the help of Bai Shu and Qi Qi, the group moved towards the abyss much faster.

Along the way, there are disturbing "colors" everywhere, the aqua blue of the water mage, the ice blue of the ice mage, and the red of the fire mage. The spells accompanying them almost confuse people's eyes.

And when a gust of wind blows across the battlefield, the girls can never guess whether it will bring scorching heat or biting cold.

"The sarcophagus was broken open. Sure enough, someone wants to attack the abyss."

After feeling the large crack in the abyss, the group found that the sarcophagus that was originally covering the crack to seal it had turned into rubble all over the ground.

A strangely dressed young man with long blond hair is casting spells in front of the far reaches. In his arms are seven seven-color gems exuding huge magic energy, which are the hearts of the seven gods.

"Whatever you are trying to do, stop it! This is your final warning!"

To be honest, the girls didn't know what the boy wanted to do, but they knew the danger of the abyss, and what they had to do even if they were against the entire Liyue must be extremely dangerous.

"I have made countless preparations for today. You can't make me stop, no one can."

As he spoke, the seven-color gemstone in the young man's arms floated in the air, gradually separated from the young man's side, flew directly above the crack in the abyss, and began to fly into the abyss in a circular shape.

"You may not even understand how dangerous what you are doing is!"

While Gan Yu persuaded, he drew his bow and arrow, and shot the extremely cold arrow.

"I think I know what I'm doing better than any of you."

The young man had no defense or dodge at all. He just turned around to face the others very calmly, and the Frost Flower Arrow hit the young man and was inserted into his chest.

But the arrow failed to penetrate the young man's body, and the extremely cold power contained in the frost flower arrow failed to explode. A group of micro-materials that could barely be captured by the naked eye blocked the arrow's further penetration, and at the same time polluted and corroded the frost. Hua Ya's power.

The Frost Flower Arrow, which was able to penetrate even Ruotuo Dragon King's skin and produce a frozen patch, fell to the ground like a summer popsicle.

"Go back. I have no intention of harming you. Rather than seeking death here, I suggest you take the people of Liyue and flee as quickly as possible. This way you can live longer."

Kong's eyes were full of boredom. He could kill ruthlessly for his subordinates, but he didn't want to kill innocent people indiscriminately. Anyone who hindered him must be eradicated, so Kong sincerely hoped that there would be fewer people who hindered him.

"Unintentional harm? Are you really going to tell me, how many casualties have the Qianyan Army caused by those abyss mages under your command? Are you turning a blind eye?"

Ning Guang didn't want to start a fight with Kong, and originally planned to do it as soon as they met, but the strangeness of Gan Yu's Frost Flower Arrow made her cautious.

Since the other party is willing to talk, it's not too late to get some information before taking action.

"Those soldiers refused to surrender and only wanted to block them, so I had no choice but to eliminate them."

"You are colluding with the cultists of the Holy See of the Abyss and want to use the Abyss to do evil things. Shouldn't you be stopped?"

"Unreasonable? Your logic is really weird."

The girls' slander made Kong quite displeased. Standing on the hill and looking down at everyone, there was a hint of contempt in his brows.

"Even if I don't do anything, heaven will still come to the world. In order to erase the abyss, every country on this continent will be devastated."

"Since there are also countless casualties, then I chose to save an extra person at the cost of this. Did I do something wrong?"

Judging from Kong's experience with a group wipeout last time, his theory is indeed correct.

Since the outcome of a large number of innocent casualties is inevitable, it is better to be the villain from nowhere, and at least save one person.

"Tianli? I don't understand what you are talking about, but even if you have information that we don't have, your fate should not be judged by you!"

"Whoever is our enemy, we will stop. The enemy right now is not God, but you!"

The girls were arguing with each other, making Sora completely lose his patience.

"I should have known better than to try to reduce my guilt in vain."

Even though Sora has reached the point of no return, he still has a kind part in his heart, and he will want to reduce the blood on his hands from time to time.

But now he understands that his awareness is not thorough enough, and those who get in the way must be cold-bloodedly eliminated.

"Since you are unwilling to linger, then all of you should die."

After the abyss absorbed the power of God's Heart, it was like dropping thousands of pounds of bombs into an active volcano. Countless energies from outside the world erupted from the cracks and poured into Liyue. .

This virus-like filth swept across the entire territory of Liyue in an instant. In an instant, all life in Liyue would be contaminated, and all energy would be assimilated and absorbed.

It should be like this.

"what happened?"

Sora and the girls also had shocked expressions.

The former knew that these abyssal materials would sweep away everything, while the latter felt the strong energy waves pouring in from the outside world and subconsciously thought that some disaster was about to happen.

However, the tragic tragedy did not come after all.

Although the groups of substances that filled the air made people panic and made their scalp numb, everyone was still alive. The flowers, plants and trees in the distance were not withered, and occasionally birds could be seen flying across the sky.

Life has not withered because of this sudden change.

257. The result of countless reinforcements

"This is different from what I thought... What went wrong?"

The peace in front of him made Sora extremely nervous.

He is not a bloodthirsty person, but now that the power of the abyss is gushing out, the creatures in Liyue can still survive, which shows that there is some unexpected problem.

In Sora's view, this was his last chance to save Ying, and the long-gestating plan must not go wrong in the slightest, so he was nervous about whether the power of the abyss had been weakened.

"Mona, are the substances that spewed out from the abyss the same ones that polluted Dragon King Ruoduo last time?"

Ning Guang was the first to notice the abyss virus floating in the air. While recalling it, he also asked Mona, who had the most knowledge reserves.

"That's it, this man is actually involved with this kind of power..."

It is precisely because she understands how corrosive this substance is that Mona becomes afraid of Sora, who is so close to her.

"Will we also be polluted like the Dragon King Ruoduo?"

"It should be possible, but aren't we doing well now?"

"It's not just us, other living things have not been brutally killed."

The girls are still discussing the causes and consequences, trying to figure out why they are immune to this power. After all, if their safety at this time is just a coincidence, they may die suddenly if they act rashly.

Neither they nor Kong knew that at this time in Cui Jue Slope, the Jingshi Nine Pillars, which had been transformed by Mu Bai and absorbed the power of gods and demons, were injecting energy into the earth veins, spreading Mu Bai's protection throughout Liyue.

As long as you are in Liyue, no matter whether you are a human being or any kind of birds, animals, flowers, birds, fish and insects, you can resist the contamination of the abyss virus to a certain extent. It is like applying a protective film on the living beings to ensure that those groups of substances are difficult to invade. .

— hiss

The material group spewing out from the abyss made a sound similar to a chemical reaction in the air.

The power of these mysterious existences similar to viruses cannot be underestimated. Every time Liyue's creatures are ignored, the protection provided by Mubai will be partially weakened.

In other words, as long as the contact time is long enough and the number of repeated contaminations is enough, this protective film can be broken.

"Since we can't figure it out, let's solve it quickly. Get rid of that guy first and then talk about the rest."

Beidou couldn't wait any longer. She was eager to give it a try with her giant sword in hand. The clueless girls had no choice but to agree to this plan and took up their positions one after another.

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