"Of course, and I can tell right away that you must have something on your mind."

Mu Bai's expression showed pride.

After all, you planted the cause yourself, and you naturally know what kind of results you will get.

I lied to you and said it was a study material to improve work efficiency, but it turned out to be an entertainment-oriented romance novel. Normal people would be angry, right?


Gan Yu does have something on her mind, but she doesn't have time to think about it now.

"It turns out I'm not alone."

At this moment, Gan Yu's mind was filled with the happiness of being cared about.

There was nothing that could be done about it. Gan Yu was feeling lonely just now because he couldn't fit into Mu Bai's circle, but now Mu Bai took the initiative to come to him.

It felt like the whole world had abandoned him, but Mu Bai stood on his side and comforted him softly: I have always been paying attention to you, and I can understand your mood.


Gan Yu had a strange habit when she was a baby. Only when someone stroked her horns could she stop crying and fall asleep peacefully.

My side was touched extremely comfortably by Mu Bai just now, and I felt his warmth again. For a moment, there was a sense of insanity in the eyes that reflected Mu Bai's figure.

"Huh? Why are you in a daze? If you have anything to say, just tell me."

Mu Bai thought Gan Yu was asleep and kept reminding her.

"I came here specifically to thank you. Because of Mu Bai's book, my work efficiency has improved a lot, and I even got a day and a half of vacation."


If it was just a short sentence of "I'm here to thank you", Mu Bai could still think that he heard it wrong.

But Gan Yu said such a long sentence just now, and he listened to every word without missing a word. He couldn't have heard it wrong!Don't lie to yourself!

"That... wait..."

After confirming that there was nothing wrong with his ears, Mu Bai's brain began to fall into chaos.

No, why! ?

Why can my book help you in your work?

That's "Spring Things"!It is a masterpiece of mourning culture!

Why can Mr. Big’s fish-eyes help you improve your work efficiency?Although the little angel Caika is cute, it has nothing to do with your work, right?

Could it be that your job is to speculate in stocks? Yukino, Dango, and Isshiki. The ups and downs of these people have brought you stock inspiration?

"Mu Bai? Your face looks bad. Are you okay?"

Gan Yu was very worried and stepped forward, trying to wipe away Mu Bai's cold sweat.


Seeing Gan Yu's cute face getting closer and closer, Mu Bai hurriedly tried to distance himself from her.

But because Mu Bai was sitting next to Gan Yu, his buttocks moved too slowly, so he had to keep his upper body tilted back first.

And Gan Yu had no intention of stopping. When Mu Bai backed up, Gan Yu moved forward. When Gan Yu moved forward, Mu Bai continued to lean back.

So much so that Mu Bai's waist has been bearing a burden that should not be borne at this age, and then...


Fell down on the bench.


Because Gan Yu, who was sitting next to Mu Bai, also relied on driving her upper body to get close to Mu Bai. After the opponent fell, she could not control her center of gravity and fell on Mu Bai's body.

"Good, so soft..."

For a moment, Mu Bai felt that he felt something soft and wonderful, but he soon realized that it was not just that one place that was soft, Gan Yu's whole body was as tender as water.

"Yes, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!"

After realizing his gaffe, Gan Yu hurriedly climbed up from Mu Bai's body. At the same time, his whole body was completely red, and his slightly flesh-colored black stockings also changed color slightly due to the fiery redness of the skin inside.

Obviously, the reason why Gan Yu is so shy is not because he did something impolite to Mu Bai, but because of some other reason.

"Strange, why was there some resistance when I moved away from Mu Bai just now? What on earth was I thinking?"

Recalling the impulse of "wanting to hold Mu Bai tighter" that flashed through his heart just now, Gan Yu felt extremely confused.

"Let's both calm down."

Not to mention Gan Yu, Mu Bai himself was a little restless.

He was originally an LSP, and the reason why he wanted to stay away from these beautiful girls was not because he disliked them, but because Mubai knew the dangers of the original god world.

I don’t have any plug-ins or systems. If I get involved in the dangerous main plot, I will definitely die, so I want to stay away from these protagonists.

"so close."

Just now, Mu Bai actually had the urge to go further with Gan Yu. He clearly felt the knife on Se Zi's head cut off with a click.

"I won't mention what happened just now. Regarding my book, have you really read it well?"

In order to calm down his heart, Mu Bai brought the topic back again.

"Of course! I keep every teaching in the book in mind!" Gan Yu replied very seriously.

"You said yes, that's it."

Although I don't know from what angle Gan Yu realized the points in spring things that can improve work efficiency, but since the matter has already happened, there is no point in dwelling on it.

"However... it is precisely because of this book that I know that I am actually a lonely person."

As soon as he talked about the book, Gan Yu's tone became more self-deprecating.

"There's nothing we can do about it. Some things in the book are really to the point."

Because the great teacher, a lonely philosopher, explains loneliness so perfectly, many people who are not that lonely will feel a little lonely after reading it, and even start to think about problems from the perspective of a lonely person.

"But it's okay now!"

Gan Yu changed the topic and a happy smile appeared on his face:

"Because I already have you, Mubai, so I don't feel lonely anymore."


Mu Bai was surprised.

What on earth did he do to make Gan Yu have this illusion?

ah!I understand!What she meant was that she felt pleasure from the erotic things, and because she was accompanied by the novel I wrote, she felt lonely.

"Mu Bai, I also want to read the next volume of this book. Do you have it here?"


Mu Bai was so smart that he found an excellent opportunity to gain favor.

There is nothing that can be done about taking advantage of every opportunity. If the good impression between them is not reduced, Mu Bai is worried that he will really fall in love with this woman.

"There won't be a second volume of this book, so give up."

47. More money is required

"There won't be a second volume of this book, so give up."

Mu Bai briefly summarized that the reason why he failed to win the favor of a girl was probably because he did too many unnecessary sexy things and broke his legs.

Sometimes to win a good impression, you have to be simple and straightforward.The simpler the plan, the more effective it will be.Now that my rejection is so straightforward, nothing can go wrong, right?

"Huh? Does this mean...it's temporarily out of stock?"

"No, it's just that I don't want to write anymore, so I stopped updating."

In fact, Mu Bai wanted to talk about being a eunuch, but he thought it would cause some serious misunderstanding, so he decided not to do it.

"But... why?"

Gan Yu was a little sad. In the different dimensional space, the mutilated figure would continuously instill unique wisdom into her, which was of great help to her work.

The most important thing is that what I learned this time is relatively limited. After all, this is only the first volume of the book. Although the work has come to an end and I have some free time, after the short vacation, I am afraid it will be endless work again.

Gan Yu desperately needs to continue studying, not only to make herself more relaxed, but also to serve Liyue better.

"This book is really well written, and it's very important to me! Why isn't it updated?" Gan Yu's tone was very uneasy.

In addition to relieving work pressure and serving Liyue, this book also has an extraordinary significance for Gan Yu:

——"If work is not so busy, I can spare more time to see Mu Bai."

The man in front of him was the only one in this sea of ​​people who could escape his loneliness.

Therefore, Gan Yu very much hopes to see the next volume of this book, continue to absorb wisdom, and make himself better.

"Actually, there's no particular reason."

Seeing Gan Yu's disappointed look, Mu Bai was overjoyed. It seemed that the other party was indeed a fan of Chunwu, and his decision to stop reading had indeed aroused her dissatisfaction.

Now as long as you explain the reason for discontinuing updates a little too much, you will definitely reduce the other party's favorability.

"There's just no money to be made."

Yes, money!As the saying goes, talking about money hurts feelings, especially talking about money in the field of art, which will give off a smell of copper and be regarded as vulgar.

Mu Bai is not willing to lower his status and do some mean things to gain favor, but he is still very willing to be a common man.

People who keep talking about money without opening their mouths are stingy at best, and there is nothing wrong with them, but in front of girls, this kind of people are the most annoying.

"No money to make...what do you mean?"

Gan Yu tilted his head and couldn't figure out what direct connection there was.

"To put it bluntly, this book was only sold to you, and I only received your money. Apart from you, it was sold to no one else. This kind of loss-making business really makes me unable to make ends meet."

This is half true. Compared with other books, the efficiency of Chunwu's book is too low. Taking into account the printing costs, it is indeed a big loss.

However, there are some exaggerations. First of all, Mu Bai did not lack that little money, and secondly, with the help of the magic pen, writing this book was not that difficult.

"It turned out to be like this..."

Gan Yu's eyes widened, her little lips trembling slightly.

Her heart was filled with regret and apologies to Mu Bai.

"What on earth have I done?"

When I bought this book before, I felt that there was almost no difference between paying 200 molas and getting it for free. At that time, I felt that Mubai was generous and kind to me, so I was just grateful and didn't think about anything else.

But how can there be any truth in this world that you can only give without receiving anything?Writing an ordinary book requires conceiving day and night, writing non-stop, and takes two to three months or even longer.

The book Mu Bai gave himself not only contained the huge power that could lead a person's soul into another dimension, but also contained wisdom that was ahead of the times.

How much energy does Mu Bai need to spend on such a masterpiece?It will definitely hurt his vitality!

"I'm so stupid...I accepted the work that Mu Bai worked so hard on without any expression, and took other people's kindness for granted."

This is no longer a question of low emotional intelligence, this is simply a matter of sorry for Mu Bai.

Thinking about it carefully, from the first meeting to now, I have been receiving Mu Bai's kindness every time, feeling Mu Bai's tenderness, and bathing in the warmth he brought, but what kind of response have I given?

Even if Mu Bai's strength is unpredictable, he can't withstand such blind demands!

"I know, please let me make it up to you!"

Gan Yu's voice was full of heartache. She knew that she could no longer repay what she owed Mu Bai, but at least she would do her best to solve Mu Bai's problems.

"Huh? Make up for it?"

Mu Bai didn't understand Gan Yu's thinking.

I have just established an image of a money-grubbing layman here, how come you are now trying to make it up to me?

"I will spend all my savings so that Mubai will be rewarded for your efforts."

"It's better not to do this."

What, you’ve been making trouble for a long time just because you want to pay extra to urge the update?

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