"—Indestructible, you are ten times more vicious and evil than the most vicious inanimate in the Void, no, a hundred times tmd!"

I don't know if this chattering magic sword has been locked up for too long and became insane, or it is because of this virtue itself. In just a few minutes, she completely wiped out all the forced patterns that Virgil made up. , and then unexpectedly received a second big ear photon——

"The shit that never dies - what you've done is worse than a frog's piss - OOOO!!!"

--The third.

"According to you, it's only natural for your parents to beat you up—right? Draconian?"


"Okay, okay!!!——What are you trying to do by pulling me out this time? My indestructible master?"

The effect of the three psychic fights is obviously very outstanding. The magic sword Draconian, who has been chattering nonsense, decided to settle the business of the "uncle" in front of him first, and then go to talk to her about his own importance. right to speak.

"Look ahead..."

"Front? My front is not yours -"

The ice-blue flame jumped up again, caressing the magic sword's dog head in a sense, indicating the latter to look in the right direction——

"I'm sorry I read it the wrong way, dear Madam Immortal—so can you get your psychic bullshit off my head?"


The demon sword, which gave in at the speed of light, immediately looked at the enemy Miss Alice was facing - and then let out an exclamation.

"Holy shit - you sewed the conceptual fragments of the Fabric of Life onto a mortal body??!"

"...I'm starting to wonder, in your eyes, what exactly are we, Draconian?"

When Miss Alice heard the demon sword complaining, veins stretched on her head, and she began to regret pulling this extremely disgusting demon sword out of her collection——

"The number one villain in the virtual realm, the conspirator of the physical universe, the super demon and the psychopath - I remember you guys beating the starfish civilization next door to extinction because the star chart section was not round enough. How can you still Stuff the leftovers into the cannery!"

"Oh, that's right! And there's more - you guys formed a group to beat the Whisper of the Void, more than a dozen people, until he revealed the secret of super-light speed technology, you old Void Realm hooligans!"

"Tch...you can shut up now, Draconian—before I kill this twisted, tainted aberration."

The Archon looked at the unknown thing in front of him, an aggregation with countless screaming faces——

"What? Are you going to stab this pus thing with me??! Get lost—Immortal, where is your Yan Mo Dao?!"

"Of course I gave it away—"

"Give me a der! I can see your knife is in the hands of that brat in the back!!!"

"So I gave it away, or do you think it's your turn to play?"

Ms. Alice raised her eyebrows as if it was natural.

* From the ancient civilization of the magic sword, the mixed imaginary features foul language


At the end of the Archon's and Shadowbane's bickering, the faces on the walls began to speak...  

"Why... why did you abandon us, why?!"

The human faces attached to the flesh and blood wall seemed to be afraid of the magic sword in Alice's hand, or the Archon himself. They no longer harassed the Sakaz girl who now only felt that the latter was noisy, but began to confide in people. words, intending to stir the nerves of the Grand Consul in front of him——

Even if it is hit by the emerald green ray from the Gauss rifle in the hands of the rebellious team, the peeling off from the building itself will soon be filled with squirming fresh flesh, and continue to throw the so-called "questioning" at Ms. Alice who has recovered her expressionless state. "—

"Why did you abandon us humans—the ancient immortals, it is you who led and enlightened us out of the dark and lightless era...!"

The flesh and blood creation distorted by time, virtual world and emotion screamed like questioning——

"...I'm waiting for humans? It's just a fragmented residue of a virtual world and a group of heresy twisted monsters that enshrine it - dare to speak so brazenly?"

Amidst the roar of the magic sword Draconian yelling at her for not sticking the old woman into the cesspit, and the screams of this group of blasphemous creatures that are comparable to Nurgle's gadgets, Miss Consul made her sentence.

"Fool - I send you your belated judgment."

[Tsk, I really stepped on shit today. 】

The rebellious team and Virgil looked at Miss Alice wielding the sword, as if they could read the disgust from her face.


Chapter 98 Cut me something that looks like a human!!!

As the strange whispers in this shelter and the corroded flesh were purified, the ancient ruins revealed their original appearance, just as AK12 had guessed before, a small private shelter.

"Check all the operational equipment and records of this shelter, and purify all possible pollution..."

"Copy that, Commander Alice."

Tactical figures and structures entered one after another, and began to clean up possible sources of pollution in the aisles and narrow spaces of this small refuge.

"Did you bring a flamethrower?"

Lucia, who was walking in the aisle, thought of something, and looked at her teammates beside her——

"Uh... I'm going to contact Miss Dandelai and ask her to teleport here... Just wait for me."

The AK12, who was well aware of the pollution from the Void, shrugged, turned around and trotted away from the shelter——

"Uh...Sister Lucia—why do you need to use a flamethrower?"

Virgil, who followed the humanoid team into the depths of this small refuge, raised his own questions.

"Well...Although this sounds unscientific, or weird, but to deal with these inanimate people from the void, the most primitive fire and sword are the most effective means-this is why you see the ruling party The reason Madam Guan uses psychic flames and swords."

"This is also the reason why there are still structures or human figures like us that purely use hand-to-hand weapons such as swords in the old human civilization."

Lucia, who cut off a monster that looked like a rotting corpse from the corner, and then stomped on the latter's head, explained to Virgil who was following her...

"Uh...it's still moving...Miss Lucia."

The headless walking corpse seemed to still want to get up, and then Lucia ushered in a more violent trampling, and all the corrupt limbs were trampled off by the structure...


Seeing the "violent" behavior of the white-haired structure in front of her, Miss Virgil sighed...

"Well, believers who invest in the thread of life are always like this-tenacious vitality, and strange body mutations..."

Lucia, who crushed the "walking corpse"'s third hand, finally couldn't stand the "popping puffs" and looked at Miss Virgil aside.

"Hey, Sarkaz's girl, aren't you a Balrog? It's so disgusting that the whole point of fire magic burned this thing."

"Huh? Okay-Eh???"

Virgil, who obeyed Lucia's instructions and smashed a fireball at the corpse, looked at the spell that flew out and made a sound of surprise and doubt.

"what happened?"

Lucia, who had cleaned up the green juice splashed on her body, looked at the Sakaz girl...

"How did my spell become like this?"

Looking at the walking corpses in the distance that were not so much burning, it was better to say that they were frozen and then annihilated into powder, the Sarkaz girl raised a question——

"What happened to your spell? Isn't it normal?"

Looking at the profane creations that were gradually annihilated in the material universe in the distance, Lucia looked at Virgil at the side with some puzzlement.

"Eh... what I threw was theoretically a fireball—literally, an orange, hot, burning fireball..."

"But you also saw the thing that flew out, sister Lucia—this thing is called a fireball, it's better to say it's an ice lump..."

"But it does have the idea of ​​fire."

Looking at the "burned" walking corpse, Lucia nodded.

"Well, isn't that what the Consul Alice taught you? That lady's psionic spells do have the characteristic of freezing and then extinguishing—as for the characteristic you described, it is my direct commander , Ms. Kiyana's power."

"But this is my bloodline spell?...It's an innate spell released with the help of my own bloodline—it wasn't like this before."

Miss Virgil, who heard Lucia's explanation, let her hair go, and was even more confused——

"Bloodline spell... I'm afraid you have to ask the Archon himself about this, Sakaz girl..."

The stunned Lucia looked at the Sakaz girl in front of her strangely, and finally just shrugged——

[Don't dare to talk nonsense.jpg]


"It's amazing—when did you old rascals pull such a piece of life from the weave of life."

"Besides, when we had a big battle and took my mother out, I thought you were going to start some kind of eternal war - but in the end, I killed her with just one blow of a knife."

"You deliberately found a cesspit to disgust me, didn't you, Immortal?"

Under Draconian's constant harassment, Alice finally found a rag and wiped it. She didn't know how a sword could have so many problems - and in the palm of the Archon, now A dark green fragment was imprisoned.

"Is there a possibility that even if we were so crazy in the past, we would not break off a fragment of the fabric of life and combine it with the human body in such a crude way, the Talkative Demon Sword?"

"In addition, the breath of life on these human-transformed flesh-and-blood aberrations really shocked me at first."

"Hiss—what is the Talking Devil Sword? You don't even want to call me by my name? Iris the Immortal!"

"It's too long, I don't want to miss it."

"You!...Wait, you guy only denied that you wouldn't sew it on the human body roughly, didn't you deny that it was snapped off?"

Draconian seems to have grasped some blind spot——

"Yeah, we did, what's the matter?"

"...Why are you holding this kind of thing???"

"Oh, this... We wanted to try to bury the fragments of the god of life in the nutrientless moon dust, can we produce food in this soil."

"Sister, are you crazy? No...wait-have you planted it yet?"

Seemingly attracted by the topic mentioned by the consul, Hua Tong Demon Sword subconsciously asked——

"The seeds have been planted...just a little bit big...have you ever seen a watermelon that is about the size of a basketball court?"

Miss Alice shrugged.

"It tastes good—it's just really a little too big."

"But it's okay - anyway, you mean you didn't get this piece of debris?"

"Of course not. What are we doing with this kind of thing? You told me not to use it to poke into the cesspit. Do you think we want to cook shit?"

The consul raised his eyebrows.

"That doesn't mean... Speaking of which, are these a group of ancient cultists? It does smell like the threads of life - but the special attack on the concept of "humanity" is also partially effective... Wait, let's talk about it. Didn’t you destroy the virtual realm to pieces?”

The talkative Demon Sword began to analyze the feeling he had just been stabbed, and he looked like he was preparing to play a guest detective——

"Maybe part of it ran away."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Well, when we blew up the entire Void Realm to the sky - these guys probably used their believers in the old human era to transfer some of their conceptual fragments to them..."

"They ran away, but not many - being able to hide under our noses without being discovered is enough to show that these fragments are broken enough...so broken that they can't be found without jumping on the face, and the weak ones can't stand alone To re-enter the virtual world, one must find a carrying body in the real universe."

Looking at the fragment of life in his hand that seemed to want to escape from his own restraint, the consul clenched his palm and annihilated it directly——

"It is necessary to inform the Doctor and Lord Duck... I don't want to know whether what this chaotic land will give birth to will be a thread of life or a being called Nurgle——"

"I don't think there's any difference between the two titles."

Delanikorn, who was restless, added a sentence.

"No—the latter is really using you to stir up the cesspit?"

"...You can still stuff me back, Immortal! Pull me out just to let me experience this?!"

"Chop me something that at least looks like a person!!!"


Chapter 99 I really want to sign the extermination order - by Ms. Perika

Some of us are chosen to carry out the next part of history -

It is necessary to use the 8000 years of awakening and evolution of the ethnic group to challenge the infinite possibilities of the 138 billion years of the universe——

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