As Hedley's voice fell, the city defense guns on the distant city wall exploded like firecrackers as Virgil and Miss W had expected before——

"Cool~ I will forward your message to Miss Theresia and Aunt Alice."

Looking at the explosion in the distance, Virgil whistled and turned to Hedley and nodded.

"Then I won't bother you any more..."

Seeing W who was about to press the detonation button and activate the second explosion, Mr. Hedley wisely chose to leave.

Chapter 125 Explosion is the Art of Sarkaz!

"The initial bombardment didn't fully work. Although little Virgil and the others destroyed all the city defense artillery on the city wall of the royal capital, the main structure of the city wall is still intact."

"Except for the garrison troops on the wall at that time, no more serious losses were caused."

At this moment, Alice and Miss Kiana are not on the Rhode Island, but watching the changes on the battlefield from the higher-altitude Hyperion——

"It's quite normal. After all, it's not something like a volcanic cannon or a turbo laser—exploding this kind of high-strength wall made of mixed materials that is several meters thick can only be slowly ground."

Looking at the large broadsides powered by origin stones in the Barbita land cruiser group, Kiyana nodded.

"We haven't seen the contaminated Warmaster-class Titan in the city yet... Oh? They are preparing a land fleet, but they don't seem to be planning to attack...?"

Alice, who swept across the surface of the city in the air, hadn't discovered the target of the trip, but unexpectedly discovered a fleet that was about to set off in the opposite direction of Barbita's attack.

"That unlucky guy named Tracys is preparing for a strategic shift - there is something underground in their royal city that blocks my perception, Alice."

"Maybe it's a giant black stone obelisk or something—"

Next, Qiyana, who took on the mission of the out-of-control Titan, tried to scan the underground of the city based on the information provided by one of her nominal direct descendants, and then frowned.

"...Well, it's no exception. If it's really a warmaster-level titan that's completely out of control due to subspace pollution, without the assistance of things like black stones, it's a miracle that they can suppress it until now."

"Alice, your communication."

Just when Ms. Alice was about to continue to observe the changes in the battlefield below, Qiyana on the side noticed the terminal ignored by Alice, and patted the latter to indicate that there was a missed call.

"...oh, little Virgil?"

Alice, who was reminded by her companion, raised her eyebrows, looked at the terminal on the side and connected to the communication——

"Well, what's new, little Virgil?"

"It's new information, from Aunt Alice—an undercover mercenary that Princess Theresa arranged to be next to her brother."

"Well... let's talk about it."

"The regent of Sarkaz doesn't seem to have any intention of confronting his sister Theresia at all. Aunt Alice, if you are on the Huberian, you should be able to see Lu Xing on the other side of the king's city. Fleet."

"Yes, we can see—what does the Regent want?"

Looking at the team that gradually left the land ship dock in the mobile city and headed for the distance, Alice nodded.

"They seemed to know something was wrong and were preparing to run away - reportedly towards Victoria."

"...Do you want to pursue it? Alice?"

Kiana looked at her companion——

"I will give that kid a long memory...don't dig the old man's grave next time—Ms. Kiyana, you continue to deal with that one——"


The violent explosion below interrupted Ms. Alice's words... The violent roar had obvious physical sensations even in the sky, which made the two consuls turn their surprised eyes to the battlefield below.



"Money for shells, maintenance fees for the land ship itself and artillery, city repair fees and reconstruction fees—these are all money! Money!"

Seeing that Babita didn't stop at all, it seemed that the Land Fleet was going to finish the theoretical life of the gun barrel today, but Lucille wandered back to the command room again, holding Theresia howling--

The princess of Sarkaz looked at Dr. Mebius who was ruthlessly giving orders to shoot out the shells of the entire fleet with an embarrassed expression, and then looked at the wailing logistical manager Ke Luxie. ...for a while, I didn't know what to do.

"Doctor, the damage effect of naval guns on the city wall is very limited. If we continue to bombard it forcefully, we will have to bombard it for at least three days."

The fire control officer responsible for deploying the fleet's artillery fire looked at Dr. Mebius aside...

"...Tsk, that's pretty tough - let the fleet focus on the gate and notify the landing force to prepare."

The doctor who clicked his tongue curled his lips in displeasure. The strength of the wall, which he thought was in disrepair, seemed to exceed the latter's expectations. It seemed that he could only choose to break through from a weaker place that must have the strongest resistance.


Accompanied by the Sarkaz operator's response, there was an earth-shattering explosion sound in the distance...I really don't know if it was the illusion of Mebius and Teresia—the Rhode Island seemed to have just shaken slightly .

"....what happened???"

The doctor and the princess looked at the distant Wangcheng through the porthole of the bridge. After the violent explosion, at least ten kilometers of walls were engulfed in thick smoke.

And just when everyone was still wondering what could make such a big noise, the communication from Ms. Velvet connected Theresia and the doctor on the bridge.

"Mebius - have you seen the mixed explosives I put in the Rhode Island's warehouse???"

"....Mixed explosives? Did you put something weird on the boat?"

Hearing this, Mebius frowned immediately, having a bad premonition.

"It's a cubic box the size of a container, stuffed with a mixture of high-strength blasting hot melt explosives and plasma bombs."

"*Ancient Human Precursor Swearing"

".... Weiwei, why didn't you tell me sooner that you lost this kind of thing???"

Seeing the city walls and gates that had completely disappeared within at least 5 kilometers after the smoke dissipated in the distance, as well as the remaining dilapidated walls, Dr. Mebius immediately sent a cordial greeting to the other end of the communication.

"Um... I thought I could find it... and there is something moving outside, why is it so big."

"You found a der—those things were obviously moved by that guy named W and that brat Virgil to blow up the city wall!"

"Notify the fleet, change the action plan! Find the nearest gap and log in to Sarkaz King City!"

The doctor, who was too lazy to line up with Ms. Weiwei for the time being, quickly issued an order. After receiving the order, the commanders of the entire Babel Fleet will come to their senses after a short shock, and start to adjust their course again, heading towards the direction of the royal city. .

"Lord Keluciel? Keluciel? - Where is the doctor? Come get a doctor, Keluciel is dying!"

After a brief shock, Miss Wang turned her attention to the logistics administrator who asked her to complain....

And the latter snorted and passed out on the spot after seeing the wall of the royal city where the smoke had dissipated, and estimated how much money it would cost to repair it...

Even the doctor's repeating sentence to send her to my infirmary did not revive her.


Chapter 126 The ring of steel has surrounded your fallen city! Chaos

Kazdel King City Capture War

"Hey, hey, he really hit the spot for that uncle—!"

Virgil and W, who crawled out of the ruins in disgrace, pouted a few times and jumped around in place a few times to clean up the dust that had splashed into their chests and mouths when the bell tower collapsed.

"Just say that the explosion was not strong—"

W, on the other hand, didn't care about her appearance at all. She gave a thumbs up with excitement on her face and compared herself to herself, with an expression like "Is your sister W awesome?"

"That's really impressive - least 5 kilometers of the city wall of the royal city evaporated, and the impact spread to at least 10 kilometers of the inner city wall..."

"I don't know if Princess Theresia will ask you for repair money..."

Virgil, who glanced into the distance, gave a damage assessment to Ms. W's masterpiece - on a [-]-point scale, it might be able to knock out [-] stuns.

"That is impossible—this is a necessary loss of war, my great Virgil~."

W shook his head with his hands on his hips, as if he had already figured out a certain Tower of Babel logistics manager.

"And look at the movement before - the commander of the Tower of Babel, Dr. Mebius also slammed at the wall?"

"If it weren't for the fact that the city wall seems to have been temporarily reinforced once, it would probably have been completely demolished by that doctor."

"It makes sense... shall we go to that uncle Hered?"

"Don't—this opportunity is of course to take advantage of the chaos to make a fortune, what are you thinking, Virgil..."

W shook his head, looking like you are the best in terms of strength, but I am superior in terms of mercenary experience.

"Such a good opportunity, why don't you go to zero-yuan shopping to find that boring Uncle Sarkaz? If we Sarkaz mercenaries are not active in making money, we will be regarded as having a problem with our thinking."

"Let's go! Virgil, and Ines—I'll take you shopping for zero dollars!"



"The outer wall of the royal city has been breached. Except for the five land cruisers that are stranded outside to escort the main ship Rhode Island and provide artillery support for the troops inside the city, all others have entered the city."

"The 404 team of Wei Wei and Alice has also entered the city to assist the troops entering the city."

"But you'd better be prepared for a lot of casualties, Teresia, the cruelest part of a siege battle is never the tug-of-war between the attacker and the defender with the wall as the boundary."

The doctor looked at the troops that had already entered the city in the distance, and frowned anxiously——

The out-of-control Titan imprisoned underground in the intelligence records still hasn't appeared...

"Doctor I understand—street fighting is the hardest part..."

"Give up that bold idea of ​​yours, Theresa—"

Looking at Princess Sarkaz who seemed to want to say something, Dr. Mebius saw through the latter's thoughts at a glance and interrupted her.

"The garrison troops in the royal city must be the diehards who support Tracys. To them, swords and artillery fire are the eternal truth."

"...I understand, Doctor, it's just a little bit of—"

"I can't bear it? I understand-you and your ancestor, Kevin, were the same mother-in-law in the earliest days..."

"War is like this - some people achieve their goals and become famous, and some people die in the wilderness or on the street, meaningless."

"Cannonballs and bullets don't talk about feelings and feelings with you, and they don't have time to talk about feelings and feelings with you - if they explode, they will explode. If they shoot out, they will shoot out."

"If you happen to "get" it, you can only blame your bad luck."

"Now, go back to your position, Theresia, we still have the biggest trouble yet to appear -"


"Cazdel King City's recalcitrants! The Ring of Steel has surrounded your fallen city!"

"We will crush anyone who dares to resist the will of Princess Sarkaz——"

"Give up your homeland, give up resistance, give up hope!"

"Your blood, your land! Long live!"


"Ms. Velvet, she started again..."

Ms. UMP45, who switched the communication channel to the public, shook her head helplessly——

"416, the building on the left, a team of rebel Sarkaz warlocks and crossbowmen."


The launcher attached to the exoskeleton shoulder armor of the white-haired humanoid girl filled it with a thermobaric bomb. With the rising trumpet mushroom cloud and the sound of houses collapsing, a group of regent troops trying to ambush the humanoid team were killed. Sent to meet their ancestors.

"Hiss, I'm starting to miss things like virus bombs. Just throw one and the entire royal city will be clean."

"Then you will be hanged by the commander on the port of the sky city, UMP9."

"Also, how long has Ms. Velvet's symptoms lasted...?"

Listening to the announcement still echoing in the royal city, the corners of 416's mouth inevitably twitched—this announcement made Theresia's troops look like bloodless and tearless terrorist invaders... Although the momentum is indeed very strong That's it.

"Every time she sits on some oversized figure or similar large creation, she always looks like this... Don't look at me - these are the exact words of Commander Alice."

UMP45 shrugged.


"Like that land ship?"

416 looked at the warship where a consul was in the distance, and the corners of his mouth twitched—the latter's captain was in a cold sweat on his forehead, obeying the command of this consul who seemed to have entered a state of madness, rampaging through the city.

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