
Gollum, gollum.

Xue Kui pulled out the wine bottle stuffed in his mouth and made a happy sound.

Wiping the wine stains from his mouth, Xue Kui stretched the bottle to the emerald green figure under his butt.

"Come a little?"

At this time, buried in the ice and snow, the God of Mond, who was looking confused, obviously ignored Xue Kui's wishes.

Is it because the demon gods in the Mond area are too weak, or are the creatures in other areas too introverted?

Inheriting Dekarapian, who was the strongest demon god in this area in the past, can't beat a guy who is not even a demon god?

Although he didn't use all his strength, the same was true for the other party.

For people at their level, they can see the small things and know the big things.

During the short fight just now, Fengshen has already realized that even if he is fully powered, he is not a match for the person sitting on him.

in addition......

Isn't this guy from another country?

Why is Mond's world helping him instead?

That would be too free.

Fengshen noticed that he would lose so thoroughly, a large part of the reason was that Mond's Fengxue turned his guns, instead of helping him, the god of Mond, he went to support the person he was fighting with.

Damn it, could it be that the heart of God, which symbolizes the ruling world, is fake?

Mond's Fengshen was in a tangle.

It had been a long time since his friend's death to have such complex emotions in his heart.

"You don't think that winning the Demon God War is one of the seven most powerful people in the world?"

Xue Kui saw self-doubt in the eyes of the gods, and smiled after taking a sip of wine.

"If you think I'm so good, in our place, besides your colleague, there is another one who is cultivating in the ground."

"Oh, he is also not a demon god."

"...You two, did you inherit someone else's power?"

Although he hated the guy on his body who stabbed him with his dead friend, the other party's words really aroused Fengshen's curiosity.

"Why do you ask this? Isn't strength such a thing carefully polished by yourself?"

This time, it was Xue Kui who was confused by the god's words.

Um?Has the god of Mond become more depressed?

Seeing the collapsed eyes of the person below him, Xue Kui fell into deep thought.

It was his intention to talk about the other party's deceased friend before.

But has he said something wrong now?

After a long time, Fengshen, who came out of his autistic mood, took the lead in breaking the scene of howling wind and snow.

"At that time, why did you say 'also'?"

Fengshen naturally noticed the words the other party used when provoking him.

Seeing that the god below him was willing to speak up, Xue Kui couldn't help feeling impressed by the wisdom of others.

Although that old guy is a bit stubborn and has a good eye for manipulating people, it has to be said that some of his ideas are still very effective.

For example, if you are indecisive, you will be beaten first.

Hit and see if the other party can speak well.

"Who hasn't died a few human friends yet?"

Listening to the other party's disapproving tone, Mond's god clenched his hands.

"You don't feel... sad at all?"

"Hey, hey, I'm talking about you."

Xue Kui stood up from Shenming's body, turned to squat down in front of the other party, and looked at the other party's face with a very surprised expression.

"Are you very young?"

Fengshen didn't know what the other party's sudden change of topic meant, but he always felt that there was a slight understatement in the words, and he frowned immediately.

"I have existed for thousands of years, junior!"

Xue Kui touched his chin.

"Then why haven't you cleared up the problem I was struggling with when I was young?"

The god was silent, and Xue Kui continued talking on his own.

"Humans are fragile creatures. I don't know how your friend died, but I think you also know that the longest lifespan of a human being is no more than a hundred years. Even if you are not in the present, you will face the death of your friend sooner or later." day."

"I used to be much crazier than you, and even once delved into how to turn mortals into eternal life."

That beautiful purple figure flashed in Xuekui's mind, and he couldn't help showing a little nostalgic smile.

Recalling that time now, I feel a little regretful, but the warm feeling is even stronger.

"As long as those who died have no regrets and think they have lived a good life, I think it will be fine."

"Did your friend die with regret?"

Mond's god fell into memory.

At that time, the fierce wind around the tall and lonely tower, isolated from the world, had subsided.

The tornado barrier that imprisoned the people in the past dissipated, and those who were pressed down by the strong wind were able to straighten up and usher in a moment of freedom.

The person in his arms reflected all this in his starry eyes.

By the way, he left with a smile.

It's just that I have always fantasized about going to the high mountain with him and enjoying the noble flower named Cecilia together.

At the same time, Yasha's voice continued to sound.

"In the final analysis, it has always been us who are alive who are unwilling to accept their death."

"It's us who are fragile and too afraid of loneliness."

Xue Kui raised the bottle in his hand.

"So, gods who have the same experience, how about a taste? Maybe it can make you forget the grief for a while, yes."

Fengshen, who had already stood up, looked at the bottle in the opponent's hand and felt a little hesitant.

Previously, his understanding of the drink called wine was only on the fact that the Mond people drink this kind of thing to keep out the cold, and he was really curious for a while.

But he was beaten up by the white-haired boy in front of him just now, and now he immediately went to drink the drink given by the other party, and he still couldn't get rid of that face.

"No need."

Xue Kui shook his head.

"What a pity. Oh, by the way, I haven't asked your name yet."

"You don't have to know."

Xue Kui shrugged, not paying attention to the god's attitude, after all, he just beat him up once.

But as long as he can make the other party listen to people's words, his goal has been achieved.

Convey Morax's willingness to establish exchanges with the other country, and leave the rest to Morax.

"Are you really from abroad? Why does it feel so compatible with the wind and snow here?"

Fengshen frowned. What he was asking now involved the country of Mond.

If anyone who comes to Mond can control the wind and snow here to beat him, then what kind of god is he still considered to be Mond?

"Oh? You actually asked about such a private matter?"

Xue Kui raised his eyebrows.

"Although it's not something worth keeping secret for me, according to the customs of our country, the transaction needs to be fair and just. You can't just learn one of my secrets from me."


Fengshen was momentarily at a loss for words.

Not to mention that he has already handed over the power to manage human beings to the few families who overthrew the Gale Demon God's rule with him from the very beginning.

Even if he is still managing human beings, the barren Mond covered by wind and snow can't offer anything that can be traded.

"Don't be nervous, I'm not asking you to take out some rare treasures, just drink with me for a while."

Xue Kui pointed at his wine bottle and smiled.

"Don't look reluctant, you will not lose anything, you must know that this sweet-scented osmanthus wine is a good thing that even our gods will treasure."

Fengshen took the wine bottle, and poured a little into his mouth reluctantly, and the hot taste made him choke in the next second, who was defenseless, and coughed violently.

Xue Kui patted Shenming on the back.

"It's normal, it's the first bite for most people."

Just when the god covered his mouth and waved his hand to refuse, Xue Kui's expression changed suddenly.

"The contract has been established, and those who violate it will be punished by eating rocks! I think you don't pay attention to our Liyue's rules at all, give me a drink!"

If there is no contract, it's fine if you don't drink.

How can it be possible to go back on your promise after drinking it?

The god who was held back was stimulated by Xue Kui's remarks and his eyes widened.

Isn't this Mond? !

The god who was poured with wine had tears in his eyes, coupled with his neutral appearance, and the transparent liquid that overflowed from his mouth and slid down his neck from time to time, he looked a little pitiful.

It seems...it tastes really good?

The god who was used to the hot taste felt much better.

Immediately, I was attracted by the vague sense of relaxation.

The world is melting, and the wind god is intoxicated.

It seems that the body can no longer restrain the mind, and the feeling of lying flat in the breeze is nothing more than that.

Is this true freedom?

Fengshen realized.

"Hahahaha, that's right, that's right! Uh, by the way, brother, what's your name?"

Xue Kui, who was unattended, was also a little dazed at this time, while Fengshen, whose face was already flushed, smiled foolishly.

"Hey, I'm Wendy."

"Hello, Wendy. We've had a drink together, so we're brothers!"

Xue Kui patted his chest loudly.

"Hey, brother!"

During the snowstorm, there were two more drunks who were not afraid of the severe cold.

3. Sal Fendernell

Why is it so dark in front of my eyes?

Xue Kui who woke up was lost in thought.

His body seemed to be covered with a layer of soft and cold stuff, a feeling that he had experienced dimly before.

Right at the beginning of my own birth...

Um?At the beginning of birth?

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