Four-star weapons (epic) can be refined five times to be enhanced to eighth level (level 80), and five-star weapons (divine) can be refined five times to be enhanced to ninth level (level 90).

However, although there is a strict hierarchy between weapons, two-star weapons are always better than one-star weapons, and the star rating represents their level from the beginning, while two-star weapons represent the second rank from the beginning.

However, there is not an absolute gap between the lethality of weapons. Many epic weapons will grow enough in the hands of the right people, and the final power may not be inferior to some ordinary artifacts.

Well, speaking of the forging of Backblade Lian Lingyi, he is now a qualified blacksmith, but he still doesn't know the reason for many descriptions in the rough explanation of forging.

So while collecting more data, Renlian Lingyi looked forward to Lei Movie's arrival.

A month passed in the blink of an eye, and Renren Lingyi's forging skill reached LV2 (99.9/100).

In theory, as long as you forge a two-star weapon, you can advance to LV3, but then 0.1 has made Ren Lian Lingyi busy for three days. Compared with many previous lives, the forging knowledge obtained from a few words in books still cannot make forging The weapons that come out are promoted excellently.

Renlian Lingyi fell into an obstacle.

Chapter 40 Barrier Breaking

"Do what you want, seek what you want, it's like looking for fish while leaning on a tree." Using that method to pursue that goal is like climbing a tree to find fish.It is a metaphor that if the direction and method of hard work are wrong, you will definitely not be able to achieve your goal.

On the Tivat continent, where even the most basic composition of the world is different from other worlds, using the forging methods of other worlds to seek breakthroughs is not like looking for fish and swords.

The irregularity of the world taught the arrogant traveler a lesson, telling him that although some of your knowledge is useful, some of it is useless.

In my world, all rules must operate according to my plan.

Fortunately, Renlian Lingyi is not a dead-end person. After confirming that he is indeed unable to forge excellent weapons with existing knowledge, Renlian Lingyi gave up the idea of ​​forging excellent-level weapons, while carrying out daily training , while waiting for the arrival of Lei Huan, the forging god of rice wife.

Only Lei Movie can forge artifacts in batches, but it is said that the forging ability of the rock god next door and his former dependent Rock Dragon King Ruotuo is also exaggerated, and they can easily produce artifacts.

The Five Legends of Raiden under her is not simple. There are five families and five forging schools in the Five Legends of Raiden. Many of these family members and school members are forging masters (forging LV6). Forge extraordinary level weapons (three stars), and even forge epic level weapons (four stars, these master blacksmiths are similar to the few blacksmiths in the game) if there are blueprints and original embryos.

Some have even entered the inhuman field in the field of blacksmithing (forging LV7) and can forge epic weapons without the original embryo (purple weapons, such as the cage fishing bottle Yixin is forged without the original embryo, However, Cage Diaoying Yixin also underwent recasting before it stabilized. In addition, the special effects are very beautiful.)

For life skills such as blacksmithing and cooking, the evaluation system from the system residue also has a separate division.

For blacksmiths, they are novices (apprentices) at LV1, and at most they can build farm tools.

LV2 is qualified, and one-star weapons can be crafted. Most of the blacksmiths in villages and small towns are of this level.

LV3 is excellent, and can occasionally make two-star weapons. A small number of blacksmiths in villages and small cities are at this level.

LV4 is excellent, it can stably forge two-star weapons, and occasionally can forge three-star weapons, most of the blacksmiths in small cities and a small number of big cities are at this level.

LV5 masters have a high probability of being able to create three-star weapons, which can provide extraordinary weapons (three-star) for the military organizations (Shogunate Army, Zephyr Knights) that command the entire region

LV6 masters can stably create three-star weapons, and can create four-star weapons when there are original embryos and blueprints.

LV7 is extraordinary, it can get rid of the original embryo and blueprints to create four-star weapons.

LV8 extraordinary, unknown

LV9 God, can cast damaged artifacts into artifacts

LV10 God, can directly forge artifacts.


Lei Movie soon returned to Renlian Island, still accompanied by the oppressive feeling like a thunderstorm.

Lei Movie first got down to business, and tested Luye Xingzi, who was recovering well and had already started to grow again, and confirmed that Luye Xingzi's current muscle density and bone density have grown to a considerable extent.

He pointed out more secrets to Lu Ye Kyoko and asked her to study them.

I have to say that Lei Movie is really good to her, and he actually taught a lot of martial arts secrets that don't require elemental power.

After dealing with Luye Kyoko's matter, it was the turn of Lingyi, the pointing blade, to forge.

"Let me see your forging level." Lei Movie said to Renlian Lingyi.

"Yes!" Yan Lian Lingyi didn't use those fancy things he developed, and followed the method of "Rough Forging Explanation" in a regular manner.

Soon a no-edge sword took shape.

"It looks flashy and has a lot of flashy techniques...but it doesn't affect anything," Lei Movie commented expressionlessly.

...Ban Lian Ling Yi nodded speechlessly, unexpectedly, the other party could still see that it was already like this.

"Your problem is mainly in the heart."

"Heart?" Renlian Lingyi frowned and thought of something.

"I see that you are very serious about forging, but your seriousness seems to be conducting some experiments, not serious forging."

"Let me try to adjust my state again." Renlian Lingyi said after taking a breath.

Renlian Lingyi adjusted his state, which was a very simple matter for him, because such a thing happened to him when he was practicing archery.

The pupils dilated, and an aura appeared on Renlian Lingyi's body.

The image data analysis thread is pulled to the background as an auxiliary.

Now is the moment of idealism.

Under the forging hammer, a gleaming silver samurai sword soon appeared in the hands of Balian Lingyi.

Quenching and installing the hilt and knife, and winding the sword rope, all in one go.

With the completion of the forging, the information of this knife also appeared in Renlian Lingyi's mind.

【Unnamed Inazuma Katana】

Type: Dao (one-handed sword)

Tier: two stars

Level: LV20

Material: iron ore, marcasite, amethyst ore, a small amount of rock god power (Mora) and a small amount of low-quality ore memory (refined ore).

"That's right." Lei Movie left a book and these words and then disappeared. The corners of Renlian Lingyi's mouth twitched, and he casually named this samurai sword [Yinguangwan].

This is a weapon he modified by imitating the blueprint of forging the rough one-handed sword and silver sword (Mi Huyou, a group of lazy dogs, did not design Dao Wife's characteristic low-star weapon, it is really deceitful, so he can only make it up).

After thinking about it, I am not in a hurry to get the book that Lei Movie left behind.

Flipped through the room, found a few blank sheets of paper, and summarized the specifications, materials and forging methods of Yinguang Wan in detail.

Of course, there is the most critical heart.

Renlian Lingyi doesn't know what kind of heart is used to create higher-end weapons, but the heart to create two-star weapons is very simple. It is a state of mind. This state of mind can make the energy in the ore and the energy in Mora The power of the gods carries out a deeper fusion.

In turn, it forms a blessing to attack other than its own material.

Well~ In other words, if you use a two-star weapon, there will be additional blessings, but this kind of blessing is very small and can basically be ignored. This is why Renren Lingyi was not aware of it before.

Blade Lian Lingyi shook his slightly sour hand, and glanced at the data panel. Forging LV3 (8.2/100) is okay, but he has a thorough understanding of the knowledge in the rough explanation of forging.

Then he picked up the book left by Lei Movie (Detailed explanation of forging part one).

The forging drawings and forging methods of Inazuma's characteristic two-star weapons such as the Ashgaru Kama Spear, the Lower-level Samurai Sword, and the Lower-level Samurai Nodachi are written in detail.

In addition to these, there are also drawings and forging methods of some Samsung weapons.

Chapter 41 Meteor

"The power of this rock element is really fascinating." Renlian Lingyi moved his hand away from a mora with emotion.

It is said that Mora is the flesh and blood of Morax, this sentence must be false, because Ren Lian Lingyi did not feel any breath of elemental creation creatures from Mora, and the legendary golden flower of the earth veins will also appear from time to time. of Mora.

However, what Renlian Lingyi can confirm is that Mora does contain extremely high-ranking rock-attribute elemental power.

How should I put it, if the amount of rock elements that a person who has just obtained the rock attribute God's Eye can control is compared to 1, the quality is also compared to 1.

The amount of rock elements that Blade Lian Lingyi can control is 20, and the quality is 10. The amount in Mora is 5, but the quality is 1000.

It is also this extremely high-quality elemental force that enables Mora to act as a lubricant and catalyst in various alchemical reactions and even weapon strengthening.

And because Mora also has a denomination, people can also use Mora for various alchemy very well, and it can even be said to be precise.

After Yan Lian Lingyi was broken by Lei Yingying with a few words, although his forging skills were not progressing by leaps and bounds, he was still moving forward steadily.

He has a high probability of being able to build the two-star weapons that can be found so far, and his mental strength has increased a lot. It is estimated that in a few days, he will be able to build two-star weapons stably.

So Yanlian Lingyi is not in a hurry now. He practices bows and arrows every day, studies the art of forging, and occasionally develops his own sorcery.

I usually visit Bona at the foot of the mountain at intervals of one or two weeks.

However, Bona has now started to record the relevant hydrological data around Renlian Island, so he seems to be relatively busy, and has less time at the hydrological observation station, and it is visible to the naked eye that this fat man has lost weight several times.

It can be seen that this guy really loves academics, otherwise normal people can stand such abuse, here is not far from the dark sea, so the hydrological environment is unique, but it is also relatively dangerous, or Daozuma has no sea area It is not dangerous, not only because pirates are rampant in the Daozuma sea area, but also because it is close to the dark sea, and there are a lot of monsters.

It is also because this guy is not a merchant ship, so the pirates have no interest in these guys, otherwise Bona would have been robbed long ago.

I went to sea three times this month, and spent about five or six days in each ten-day period to collect hydrological data, and the rest of the time to sort out the hydrological data and map the hydrological situation.

Time is worthless, and seven or eight years have passed in the blink of an eye.

The lower-level maidens of Baren Shrine have also changed twice, some went to Narujin Taisha for further training, and some went home to teach their husbands and children.

Not long ago, Balian Lingyi's forging technique reached LV5 level, and Lu Ye Kyoko's physical condition finally stabilized.

Her current body density is about seven times that of ordinary humans, but Kyoko Kyoko will not live for long, because her strengthening is uneven. Kyoko Kyoko’s digestive system, blood circulation system, motor system and part of the nervous system are not stable in Kyoko Kyoko. Under the call of Kyoko, it evolved.

In the first three years, everything was normal. After all, the degree of strengthening was very slow, and other systems of the body were also involved in passive evolution.

During that time, Ren Lian Ling Yi Zhou Zhou was beaten violently.

But the good times didn't last long. In the fourth year, Kyoko Kyoko's endocrine system was overwhelmed and wanted to go on strike.

Balian Lingyi proposed to let Kyoko Kyoko guide the overall body strengthening, but it didn't work at all. The organs in other places were overworked, and they were no longer responding to Kyoko Kyoko's call to evolve.

And the strengthening of the body system in other places can't stop, even if Shikano Kyoko is not calling, these places that have been strengthened are still self-strengthening.

Then not long ago, Luye Kyoko's respiratory system also started to go on strike, her lungs were overwhelmed, and she suffered from respiratory failure. Lei Movie has been staying here recently, full of self-blame.


Lu Ye Xingzi still died, and the cause of death made people dumbfounded, she was forced to death.

After Shikano Kyoko died, according to her wish, she was going to be buried in the Baren Shrine.

As for why this happened, it was naturally due to the credit of someone named Ren Lian.

He quietly told Luye Kyoko that he could bring her back to life, but the condition was that she must be buried in Renlian Island, and Luye Kyoko agreed suspiciously.

After all, only in Renlian Island can he find people in the leylines. If he is buried in other places, who knows if the leylines in other places recognize him as a monster.

After the burial of Kyoko Shikano, the relatives of the Shikano family who came to attend the funeral also left, and the Baren Shrine also returned to desertion, leaving only a dozen or so lower-level priestesses, and...

"You are so courageous." Lei Movie appeared behind Renlian Lingyi.

Yes, the rest is Lei Movie, but she has been in the dark.

"After all, she was a colleague, and she entered that field. Without my persecution, it would be impossible. If so, she must be responsible." Renlian Lingyi said helplessly.

What Yanlian Lingyi didn't say was that he also wanted to verify his resurrection ability.

Although after a long analysis, he already has enough understanding of the resurrection ability, but after all, he has not practiced it, and he is also afraid of accidents.

"How sure are you?" Lei Movie asked.

"It's less than [-]%, and it's not enough to rely on me alone." Renlian Lingyi said, "Fortunately, I prepared relatively early, as early as when she had problems with her respiratory system, come with me. "

Renlian Lingyi turned into lightning, disappeared in Renlian Shrine, and appeared in a mountain depression after a while. His explosive movement and long-distance movement in the past seven or eight years have been integrated by Renlian Lingyi. Now this instantaneous The technique is called the technique of streamer.

"The land where the earth veins are silted up, and amber, is this your preparation? You are going to repeat your original situation." Lei Movie frowned and said, "This is impossible, the birth of each monster is destined to be unique. "

"The essence of science lies in repetition." Renlian Lingyi said.

Although a lot of scientific knowledge in the previous life was shattered by the rules of this life, the gains brought by scientific thinking have allowed Ren Lian Lingyi to keep improving.

"Now I hope her will is bright enough." Renlian Lingyi's god-lord costume faded away, and his true form as a monster began to manifest. The main color of the clothes on his body became ultramarine blue, and there were golden patterns around it. This is his Yokai Yuki.

The temperament of the whole person has also become evil, this is the first time he has fully displayed his demon appearance.

Blade Lian Lingyi, who unfolded his demonic appearance, sensed everything in the ground veins.

There are scattered memory fragments everywhere, scattered fragments of soul everywhere.

Renlian Lingyi quickly found the place where Luye Kyoko was buried, and guided the energy of the earth's veins to accelerate the corrosion of Luye Kyoko's body.

After one hour and three quarters, a phantom rose from the place where the original body was.

This phantom gave Renlian Lingyi the feeling that he still had a little wisdom, so he said, "Come with me."

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