"He is the apprentice I just accepted."

Listening to Nagasawa Ya's words, Wei Wu wiped the fine sweat from his forehead while nodding like a chicken pecking at rice.

"Yes, yes, I know this, you just said it..."

However, before he finished speaking, Nagasawa continued.

"Yamamoto Genyanagisai Shigekuni is my teacher."

Hearing this, the corners of Wei Wu's eyes began to twitch slightly.


The fact that Nagasawa Masaru is Yamamoto's disciple has basically spread throughout the entire Seireitei.

In addition, Mao's group of students went to block the gate of the first team, so that the entire Seireitei knew that Nagasawa Masa was going to be the captain of the eleventh team.

Counting his two senior brothers, one team of four captains...

Strictly speaking, Yamamoto is also Shubing's master, and Jingle and Ukitake are Xiubing's uncles.

Wei wrist suddenly felt some stomachache.

Immediately afterwards, Nagasawa snapped her fingers, as if she was calculating something, and did not continue until she reached the third finger.

"The Kuchiki family, the Sifengin family, the Shiba family, and the Omaeda family are most likely willing to guaranty for me."

At this moment, Wei's wrist was already dripping with sweat.

However, it's not over yet.

As if seeing that Wei Wu had no intention of letting go, Nagasawa let go of the Xiu Bing in her hand, pulled out the shallow sword from her waist, together with the scabbard, and handed it to Wei Wu road.

"If that's not enough, I can give you my Zanpakuto."

"So, you are always at ease?"

Saying that, Nagasawa raised her head and looked at Wei Wrist, her eyes were full of sincerity.

This is already the biggest concession he has made.

If Wei Wu still insisted on not allowing Xiu Bing to enter Sei Ling Ting, he could only let Xiu Bing stay outside Sei Ling Ting temporarily, go in and go through the formalities for him, and then come to pick up himself, a cheap apprentice.

To be honest, it's not that Nagasawa is lazy and doesn't want to make an extra trip.

It would be a bit embarrassing for him as a newly recognized disciple if he couldn't even get through the gate.

After all, it's the first time to be a master, so it's shameful.

However, even though his words of pleading were full of sincerity, Wei Wan already wanted to kneel down to him after hearing this.

Everyone knows that for most Shinigami, the Zanpakutō is like a second life.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the knife is in the person, and the knife cuts the person to death.

A Shinigami who dared to use his own Zanpakutō as a guarantee.

Undoubtedly, this is already a big face for him.

And most importantly...

Although he was just a guard, to put it bluntly, he was the guard at the gate of Seireitei, and he wasn't even considered a formal Shinigami organization.

But, as the Higashi Seiryu Gate is the main way in and out of the Seireitei, he is very well-informed.

It is said that in order to "take" Nagasawa Masa's Zanpakutō, the gentlemen in Central Room 46 cleverly created names and listed many crimes for it.

As a result, I never expected that not only failed to win Nagasawa Ya's Zanpakuto, but also got a sage in it.

On ordinary days, he would only dare to keep this kind of secret in his stomach.

Otherwise, if he was half asleep on any given day, the criminal army would arrest him and put him in the maggot nest.

In this situation, he dared to take Chang Zeya's knife?

Although Nagasawa Ya's words may not necessarily mean to overwhelm others with power.

But yeah...

People give face, you have to pick it up!

Nagasawa has already talked about this point, and if he is "ignorant", he will be shameless.

Wei Wan hurriedly took half a step back, as if what Nagazawa Masa was holding was not a Zanpakutō but a life-saving charm. He waved his hand and said in a panic.

"Where is it, Nagasawa Sanxi, you are serious, I will open the door for you, and I will open the door for you."

After finishing speaking, Wei hurriedly took three steps and two steps, and trotted to the front of Qingliumen. With a slight effort of his arms, he lifted the Qingliumen, which was tens of meters high, from bottom to top.

Seeing this, Nagasawa finally showed a gratified smile on her face, and she also let out a long sigh of relief.

Fortunately, I can save my face in front of my apprentice.

Nagasawa Masa, who has always been adhering to the spirit of "People respect me one foot, I respect others one foot", when passing Qingliumen, immediately said softly to the big wrist who was carrying Qingliumen.

"Thanks, I owe you a favor."

Hearing this, Wei Wu was taken aback for a moment, his face full of disbelief.

In the next second, his big face burst into laughter.

Oh my god, Nagasawa's third seat accepted my love?

Feeling extremely unbelievable, the impression of Masa Nagasawa is a 180-degree turn.

Man, that's how it is sometimes.

seeing is believing.

Especially when I already had a stereotype and lowered my expectations, and suddenly found that the reality was completely inconsistent with the rumors.

For a moment, Wei Wan even forgot about Nagasawa Masa's "reasonable argument" just now, and began to feel sorry for Nagasawa Masa in his heart.

Which bastard is it that said Nagasawa Sanxi is wayward?


It's just Chi Guoguo's slander!

Such an easy-going official, I can't find him even with a lantern!

...... cut......

PS. February ended perfectly, and it was another 15-word full attendance, a full month.

For the sake of my diligence, today is the 28th, the last day of February, and the monthly ticket blade will be refreshed soon, please take a look! ! !

Chapter 172 Why Can't You Call Luanju Senior Sister?

In Seireitei, Nagasawa Masa, who was walking on the street, did not choose to return to Mao, or to return to his courtyard, but walked towards the direction of the Fourth Division.

There was nothing I could do. I didn't see three sick people "floating" around him.

If Nanao and the three of them are allowed to return to Mao like this...

Although the world of corpses and souls will not be like the real world, parents will come to the school every now and then to ask for an explanation, and the martial arts Seiritei will not blame the teachers for the injuries suffered when going out for training.

But, with Luan Ju's lawless and flamboyant character, there's no guarantee that something might go wrong.

At that time, if all the students in the class think that they can ask him to make a small fuss and ask him to provide "extracurricular tutoring", how can he still fish?

This is all for your own good!

Let Rangiku and the others lie down in Division [-] for ten days and a half first to calm down their excitement.

Just like that, Nagasawa dragged three "mummy" with the element of wind, and led a Xiubing who was clearly dressed as a resident of Liuhun Street. Under the surprised eyes of everyone around, she swaggered into the fourth team The gate of the team building.

The strange combination naturally attracted the curiosity of onlookers.

However, unlike Nagasawa Miyabi, who was calm and composed and didn't take the eyes of the people around him seriously at all, Shuhei, who stepped into the Seireitei for the first time, seemed extremely nervous.

Following behind Nagasawa Ya, he felt like a helpless little white rabbit who had fallen into a pack of wolves.

Those curious eyes were simply a great pressure for him.

However, gradually, walking all the way from Dongqingliumen, he suddenly found the eyes of those around him looking at him... No, strictly speaking, they were looking at Masa Nagasawa.

In addition to curiosity, more, is the deep fear.

He has seen this kind of gaze countless times in Huaku area.

That was the look in the eyes of the residents of Huaku District only when the God of Death came to his hometown.

However, such eyes appeared on the extremely powerful God of Death in his eyes.

This can't help but arouse the young Xiu Bing's curiosity.

After all, he was a young man, and Xiu Bing, who couldn't bear the curiosity in his heart, immediately got bolder, stepped back half a step, came to Luanju's side, and asked softly to Luanju who was used to "floating" in mid-air.

"Senior Sister Luanju, is it my illusion?"

"Why do I feel...Everyone seems to be a little afraid of Master?"

Unexpectedly, just after Xiu Bing's voice fell, Luan Ju, who was lying comfortably on the wind element a second ago, seemed to have instantly transformed into a Persian cat with its teeth and claws.

She suddenly raised her head, first glanced at Nagasawa who was walking in front, and after confirming that he didn't notice the whisper between her and Xiu Bing, she turned her head, glared at Xiu Bing beside her, and scolded softly.

"What are you calling!?"

"Who is your senior sister!?"

"Sister Luanju!"

Hearing this, Xiu Bing, who didn't know where he said something wrong, couldn't help scratching the back of his head in a bit of bewilderment.

Obviously you also call master to be a teacher, why can't you call you senior sister?

The aggrieved little Xiu Bing almost cried out.

It's just that, probably, she's used to keeping the grievances in her heart to herself, or she's been overwhelmed by Luanju since she was a child, and she's used to the temper of Luanju as the "big sister".

Xiu Bing, who didn't dare to refute, could only scratch his head, and replied softly.

"Oh, I'm sorry Miss Luanju..."

Seeing that Xiubing was quite sensible, Rangiku immediately nodded with satisfaction.

"Hmph, the teacher is so awesome, but that's not all."

"You are lucky to be able to worship Mr. Nagasawa as your teacher."

"You'll find out later."

Hearing the words that lingered in his ears, Xiao Xiubing nodded his head half-understanding.

He still couldn't figure out why Luanju called Master as a teacher, but didn't allow himself to be called Senior Sister.

However, before he could think about it, he, who had been walking with his head down, suddenly felt that his eyes went dark, and he, who was not paying attention to the road, seemed to have bumped into something, and fell to the ground.

Xiu Bing, who fell to the ground, rubbed his nose in pain.

When he raised his head and saw that the person he bumped into was none other than Nagasawa Masaru, he was so uneasy that he immediately ignored the pain in his body and prepared to stand up and apologize.

However, he didn't wait for him to hold himself up.

A broad palm suddenly appeared in front of him.

For a moment, Xiu Bing subconsciously stretched out his hand, looked at Nagasawa Ya standing in front of him with his hand outstretched and a smile on his face, and was a little dazed.

Seeing Xiu Bing suddenly startled, Nagasawa couldn't help complaining.

"It's not a good habit to walk with your head down. Get up quickly."

With that said, he didn't care about Xiu Bing who was still dazed, and pulled him up.

And it wasn't until this time that Xiu Bing found out.

I don't know when it started, in front of Nagasawa Masa, there appeared a middle-aged Shinigami who was just like the surrounding gods of death, wearing a deadly costume, but wearing a white coat on the outside of the deadly costume .

Is he an acquaintance of the teacher?

It looks like it's very powerful.

The young Xiu Bing thought subconsciously.

However, looking at Xiu Bing who was staring blankly at him, Shiba Yuma frowned, and asked Nagasawa Masa suspiciously.

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