He quickly stopped Xiu Bing from seeking death.

"Are you really not worried?"

"It's okay to take a day off if you're not feeling well."

Unexpectedly, after hearing his words, Xiu Bing probably remembered Nanao's point and Nagasawa Masa's "expectation" for him.

On the frail face, there was a look of determination.

"No, as your disciple, I absolutely cannot embarrass you!"

However, just after he finished speaking, there was an extremely untimely rumbling sound from his stomach.


Please, you are already embarrassing the teacher!

Nagasawa supported her forehead with some headaches, and immediately showed the majesty of being a teacher, ordering Xiubing to rest at home today, and report to Mao with him tomorrow, and ignored Xiubing who got into the toilet again, and took care of himself He went out by himself.

But when passing by Aizen's house, he subconsciously stopped and looked into Aizen's small courtyard with a guilty conscience.

Unfortunately, he did not see Aizen or Ichimaru Gin, nor did he feel their spiritual pressure.

Inexplicably disappointed, he walked towards Mao without thinking too much.

It's just that Masa Nagasawa later learned about it from Mako Hirako, captain of the Fifth Division.

On that day, the fifth team's vice-captain Sosuke Aizen, who had always been regarded as the "model worker" of the fifth team and never missed work, and the fifth team's seventh seat Ichimaru Gin, both missed the team meeting that day.


Time flies, and a month and a half is almost fleeting.

During this period of time, it was because of the presence of a "highly respected" master, Masa Nagasawa.

Xiubing, the "Maoyang's strongest connection household", apart from often receiving some jealous and envious eyes, did not have any bloody bullying plots.

And Luanju and the others also re-entered their studies after a week of recuperation.

With the end of the "open class" on this day, the day of year-end assessment is getting closer and closer.

Originally, Masa Nagasawa didn't intend to make too many arrangements on the eve of the assessment and put too much pressure on Nanao and the others.

But yeah...

Sometimes you really can't help yourself when it comes to things like involution.

After seeing Sarutobi Musashi, he called Ditang Harunobu's team away as if he had beaten chicken blood, and the three of Nanao suddenly became restless.

Nanao, who was the temporary captain, immediately blocked Nagasawa's way and asked seriously.

"Mr. Nagasawa, tomorrow is the end-of-year assessment, so don't you have anything to tell us?"

Seeing that Nanao had already started the conversation, Luanju on the side didn't miss this opportunity. Dang even rushed at Nagasawa Ya, ready to pull his arm and launch the most undeniable gentle tactics for boys.

Unexpectedly, when Nagasawa Ya saw Rangju rushing towards him, he immediately felt like he was dead.

I, a certain person, and you Matsumoto Ranju, what enmity, what resentment?

Nagasawa, who was afraid that the big knife on the top of his head would cut him down, immediately turned sideways dexterously, and quietly avoided the "killing" of Luan Ju.

Seeing that she couldn't hold Nagazawa's arm, Rangiku didn't care. She just clasped her hands together and placed them on her chest. She looked at Nagazawa with starry eyes and spoke in an almost begging tone. .

"Teacher Nagasawa, it's not that we raise others' ambitions and destroy our own prestige. Not to mention the seniors who are in the sixth generation, the seniors in the upper grades are not so easy to deal with. Otherwise...Teacher, why don't you do it again tonight?" Give us extra lessons?"

Even the shooting field, which has always been strong, folded his hands on his chest, with the most stubborn expression, and said the most embarrassing words.

“A man can’t say no!”

"However... I also think it will be safer to practice for another night."

Seeing the anxious looks of Nanao and the others, Nagasawa was speechless for Sarutobi Musashi.

This old boy, is he not interested?

Why are you so positive all of a sudden?

Is it going to raise wages or what?

Seeing this, he could only helplessly say to the three of them.

"You are already good enough. All that remains is to go all out and leave no regrets. That's enough."

...... cut......

PS. Persecuting Aizen is still interesting, I will do it again next time.

Chapter 181 Jingle Chunshui's fun-loving attributes have exploded?

Firecrackers blared, gongs and drums sounded.

The year-end assessment of Zhenyang Spiritual Arts Academy can be said to be the most important day of Zhenyang's year besides the graduation ceremony and opening ceremony.

On this day, all the captains and vice-captains of the Gotei [-], as long as they had no urgent matters to deal with, would usually take time to come and watch the ceremony.

Its nature is similar to that of the NCAA to the NBA.

After all, for these captains who are usually busy with team affairs, Mao's year-end assessment is one of the few opportunities where they can get to know the young "geniuses" most intuitively.

Like Xiubing in the original plot, it was because of his excellent performance in the year-end assessment that he was picked up by the thirteenth team of the guarding court before he graduated.

It is worth mentioning that Nagasawa received 10 points of fate as a reward for taking Xiubing as his apprentice and slightly changing the opponent's fate.

And after one and a half months of "public class" teaching, he has a stable destiny point acquisition channel, and he also gained 225 destiny points, and after refreshing the shelves in the "destiny shop" every month, he accumulated a lot Zhang [Three-day Injury Immunity Card].

What's not worth mentioning is that, because there are only 984 fate points left, he can't afford any of the newly refreshed products in the "destiny store" except for the [three-day injury immunity card].

After all, the world of corpses and souls is not full of disturbances every day, and most of the time it is quite peaceful.

Fortunately, Nagasawa Masaru, who shed tears of poverty as usual, saved the author the time to think about what products to put on the shelves.

At this time, in Mao's big playground, thousands of Mao's students stood in their respective positions with faces full of excitement under the leadership of their class teachers and ghost teachers.

Especially the sixth-generation students who are about to graduate.

They had been beaten for five years, but they were holding back their energy. They wanted to show off their six years of study results in front of the captains in this year-end assessment and strive for a good background.

Even because all sixth-generation students participated, each class, even the classmates, looked at the surrounding students with the same competitive eyes as looking at their opponents.

After all, in their view, a super genius like Ichimaru Gin is rare in a hundred years.

Even if there is, I am afraid that it has already become famous, and it is impossible to wait until the year-end assessment to suddenly "be a blockbuster".

Not to mention that even Ichimaru Gin was still overwhelmed by Kuchiki Byakuya, who was the sixth generation, during the year-end assessment last year.

Obviously, they had been beaten for five years and did not pay attention to the younger students at all.

The captains of the Guarding Team Thirteen did not keep these wolf cubs waiting for long.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Yamamoto led eleven captains, eleven vice-captains, and Kenpachi Saragi, the third seat of the eleventh squad as the acting captain of the eleventh squad, appeared in front of everyone.

I have to say that as the principal, the old man is really hardcore. Listen to his opening speech.

"On the premise of not harming your opponent's life, let's show off your talents!"

"The 887th year-end assessment of Maoyang Academy of Spiritual Art begins now!"

Listening to the old man's concise opening remarks, Nagasawa literally burst into tears.

Whether it was his principal or leader in his previous life, he couldn't get down to the opening remarks for less than half an hour.

In this regard, the old man is definitely a good principal and leader!

After saying that, Yamamoto gave up the C position and handed over the task of explaining the rules to Kyōraku Shunsui, who is the vice principal.

It's amazing, Kyoraku Shunsui is Mao's vice principal.

When Nagasawa heard the news, there were only two thoughts in her mind.

first thought.

Mao is so fucking finished.

The second thought that followed was.

Fortunately, this guy doesn't usually work at Mao.

Or how can we say that Lezi people know Lezi people best?

At this time, Vice Principal Kyoraku Shunsui, who only appeared in Mao three times a year, began his explanation.

"Cough cough..."

Jingraku Shunsui, who was standing in position C, coughed slightly and said loudly.

"This year's year-end assessment, like previous years, is a big melee between all the sixth-generation students and the whole school's elite, but..."

Jingraku Shunsui's opening remarks also continued Yamamoto's simple and capable style.

However, when Kyōraku Shunsui's words came to this point, looking at the evil smile on his face, Nagasawa Masaru, who is also a Rakuzu man, suddenly had a bad premonition.

Sure enough, under Nagasawa Ya's somewhat strange gaze, his senior brother continued to speak.

"The same assessment content has been carried out nearly [-] times. It may be nothing to you who have only experienced it six times at most, but to us captains who have been watching the ceremony every year, it is a bit tired of looking at it."

"So, as Mao's vice-principal, I decided to give you all strength."

Jingle Shunsui's voice had just fallen, and there was an uproar among Mao's students at the scene.


"Intensity? What do you mean? Isn't this year a big melee?"

"Why did you change the rules in our class!? It's not fair!"

"Oh, what are you afraid of? No matter how he modifies it, our team has invited Fujiwara Nineteenth from the [-]th team as the team leader. As long as we provide good support for Fujiwara Nineteenth, we can easily get a good ranking! "

"What!? You actually invited the chief officer of the [-]th Division? Isn't this too shameless!?"

"Hmph, so what about the chief officer? The year-end assessment is the test of our six-year-old students' studies in the past six years. If we only rely on the strength of the team leader, even if we get good grades, we may not be able to be in the thirteenth grade of the court when we graduate in the future." Stand firm in the team!"

"What!? Can the leader of the team invite an active Shinigami!? Why are you Capricorns so cunning!"

"Fuck, what does this have to do with constellations!? You don't read the rules... Hey, aren't you a first-year student? What does it matter to you!?"

Jingle Shunsui's words were like dropping a boulder on a calm lake, which directly caused a huge ripple among Mao's students.

The noisy sound formed by thousands of students whispering to each other instantly turned the originally quiet playground into a bustling bazaar.

Because in the year-end assessment in previous years, the sixth-generation students would rely on their respective relationships to find familiar elders and teachers, including active-duty Reapers, and even high-ranking officers as team leaders to form their own teams.

Even in Mao's history of nearly a thousand years, there have been cases where the sixth reincarnation invited a deputy captain-level Shinigami to serve as the team leader.

Under the condition that the leader of the team can participate in the battle, these sixth-return students are either auxiliary or main attackers, and they can show what they have learned and realized in front of the leader of the team and even the captains of the thirteenth team.

However, Jingle Chunshui suddenly changed the assessment rules, but it instantly made the well-prepared sixth-generation students uneasy.

...... cut......

PS. I went to the night market with my daughter-in-law after get off work this evening. It felt as if the epidemic had disappeared overnight. The crowded scene was a bit exaggerated, as if the past three years and a dream.

But there is one thing to say, the current night market economy is really good, I don’t know if everyone is overwhelmed, it feels crowded...

I chatted with the boss while eating barbecue. The boss spoke very cryptically, but he proudly revealed that the daily turnover is amazing.

I almost want to set up a stall to sell starch sausages and lemon tea...

Chapter 182 Brother Jingle, are you also a time traveler?

Listening to Kyōraku Shunsui's words, not to mention the Sixth Generation, even Nagasawa Miyabi was a little confused.

He originally planned to turn the tide when the three of Nanxu persisted to the limit, and directly pushed all the participating students and team leaders to win a championship.

After all... although his task of dominating the Zhenyang Spiritual Arts Academy and leading a class of first-year students to win first place in the academy during the year-end assessment of the academy was to award rewards based on actual teaching results.

But the prerequisite for this task is to win the championship!

If he fails to win first place, no matter how good his teaching is, he will not get half of the destiny point reward.

How can Kyōraku Shunsui show strength to Mao's students? He is clearly trying to embarrass someone like me!

Nagasawa's eyes first glanced at the captains of the Gotei Thirteenth Team.

Judging from the calm faces of the captains, it is obvious that these bigwigs have already known in advance what the so-called "strength" in Jingle Chunshui's mouth means.

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