Zaragi Kenpachi's fist, like his chopping technique, has no rules to follow.

It may even sound a bit ugly, but any amateur who has learned boxing for two months can fight better than him.


Just like Zaraki Kenpachi's wild slashes, his fist is no lighter than his slashes!

Heavier, faster and even stronger!

And Masa Nagasawa, who used Liushuiyan Shattering Fist, could also hit Saraki Kenpachi's body, but he could no longer break through the substantial Reiatsu defense on Saraki Kenpachi's body like before.

Slowly, Nagasawa, who received a few heavy punches, was also really fired up.

For Malago's target, since Liushuiyan Shattering Fist can't break through your spiritual pressure defense, then use Whirlwind Iron Fist!

In an instant, the painting style changed suddenly.

The Flowing Water Rock Breaking Fist, which was originally as mysterious and unpredictable as flowing water, has once again turned into the straight-forward, invincible Whirlwind Tie Zhan Fist!

Nagasawa Masaru abandoned her defense and started fighting with Kenpachi Zaraki for control of the Zanpakutō, one punch at a time!


As time passed, Saraki Kenpachi, whose kidneys were severely damaged, could not drag such a body to fight Nagasawa Masa for a long time, no matter how brave he was.

His face turned pale due to excessive blood loss, with almost no trace of blood visible.

When Masa Nagasawa landed on Kenpachi Saraki's face countless times, Kenpachi Saraki could hardly see what was in front of him, so he could only swing towards Masa Nagasawa by instinct. own fist.

However, how could such a fist with no accuracy at all be able to hit Nakazawa Zeya?

Almost at the moment Kenpachi Saragi swung his last punch, Kenpachi Saragi finally lost consciousness and passed out because of continuous heavy blows to his brain.

Faced with Zaraki Kenpachi who had already lost his strength, and only relied on the last trace of remnant to swing his fist, this time, Nagasawa Masa still did not choose to dodge.


The "light" fist landed on the cheek, and failed to cause any harm to Nagasawa Ya. Even compared to the previous violent storm, it was like a mosquito biting lightly on the skin.

But facing this weak punch, there was no sign of ridicule on Nagasawa's face.

Zaragi Kenpachi, the beast, did not forget to fight until the last moment before fainting, and even after fainting, his right hand was still firmly holding the handle of Zanpakuto.

It has to be said that although he is a fighting maniac, he is also a respectable opponent.


Zaraki Kenpachi, who lost consciousness, finally fell down.

However, admiration is nothing but admiration, the moment Saraki Kenpachi fell, Nagasawa Masa did not forget to destroy the wrist-worn computer on his arm.

Details like "last strike" are deeply ingrained in his DNA.

So far, Saraki Squad Captain Saraki Kenpachi "died".

The Nagasawa team scored 135 "plunder points" and a total of 255 points.

...... cut......

PS. I'm in a good state today, try to write more!

Chapter 2 Don't act like I'm getting a bento!


After releasing the Zanpakuto that had been clamped under his armpit, and allowing it to fall to the ground together with his master, Nagasawa also sat down on the ground with a little exhaustion.

It was only then that he discovered that the flesh and blood between his right arm and chest had been torn to pieces by Zaraki Kenpachi's Zanpakutō.

In Nagasawa Ya's previous life, some literary youths would often say ○ in order to pretend.

The ultimate pain is numbness.

But if someone said this in front of Nagasawa at this moment, Nagasawa would definitely slap him with a big dick without hesitation.


Extreme pain, only more pain!

When the battle was over, the adrenaline that was soaring due to excitement subsided, and after clearly feeling the pain from all over the body, Nagasawa couldn't help showing a helpless look on her face.

With this appearance, if it were someone else, he would probably have to retire due to injury.

After all, it's just an assessment, there's no need to drag a badly injured body to continue participating.

But it's different when it's Masa Nagasawa.

The healing hot spring in Yeyi's secret base is not in the "grey area".

Originally, he didn't plan to use the healing hot spring.

After all, to a certain extent, this is somewhat unfair to other contestants.

But yeah...

¥%...*! #@¥&...@! @¥~%¥&

The target of Malago's body hurts too much.

Even though Nagasawa's "will" attribute has gradually moved closer to the strong men in this world, after being bruised and bruised, he still couldn't help but cursed some words that were not suitable to be written because of the pain in his body.

The current him does not have the slightest bit of the heart of the Virgin and the hypocrisy of an adult.

Fair ass shit!

I, Ya, someone, just want to soak comfortably in the healing hot spring!

There is no need to hang up, no expiration!

It's just that when Nagasawa supported her body and prepared to join Nanao and the others, they went to Yeyi's secret base together.

Nanao and Luanju, who had been standing in the distance and stopped to watch, ran to his side first.

"Teacher Nagasawa!!!"

Anxious shouts came from the mouths of the three at the same time.

At this moment, Nagasawa looked really miserable.

When I was looking at them from a distance, perhaps because of the rapid exchange between Nagasawa Masaru and Zaraki Kenpachi, I couldn't see their appearance clearly.

But when the three got closer, the tragic situation in front of them made all three of them lose their voices.

Although Nagasawa was still propping up her body at this time, barely maintaining a sitting posture, but the body that was stained red by the bright red blood made the three of them tremble with fear.

The shooting range, which has always regarded itself as a tough guy, opened his mouth.

He wanted to say something, but when the words reached his throat, he could only make a "ho ho" sound, and he couldn't say a word.

Luanju, who has always been emotional, had tears in his eyes, and looked at the man who had been stained with blood, as if he had been fished out of the sea of ​​blood by Nagasawa Masa.

She subconsciously covered her mouth, not daring to make a sound.

Compared to the two who panicked and didn't know what to do for a while, Nanao, who was the youngest, was the calmest one.

She walked quickly to Nagasawa's side, and didn't ask stupid things like "Are you okay?"

She rushed to Nagazeya's side and immediately responded to Nagazeya's use.

It's just that Nagasawa Ya's injuries were too tragic.

If it was Huche Yuyin, or the genius Ogido Harunobu in his class who specialized in Hui Dao, maybe he could be saved.

But with Nanao's half-baked answering level, it is too far behind.

Looking at Kami Nagasawa's scars all over her body, Nanao felt distressed and anxious, and at the same time, accompanied by a wave of remorse and guilt.

She recalled the conversation between Masa Nagasawa and Sarutobi Musashi when she first came to Class Ichisei.

It was Masa Nagasawa who rejected Sarutobi Musashi's suggestion and picked her into his team.

However, at this moment, she was unable to give Nagasawa Masa any support.




Tears, unable to fall from the eye sockets on their own, dripped on the glasses in front of them.

The evaporating water vapor even made the lens blurry.

She was extremely regretful, why her Dao level was so weak.

Why didn't she put more effort into studying Hui Dao?

She even blamed herself for what would have happened if Nagasawa Miyabi had not chosen her to join the team, but had followed Sarutobi Musashi's advice and chosen Ogido Harunobu, who was better at replying.

Then Nagasawa at this time must be able to get better treatment.

As if aware of the strangeness of the three of them, Nagasawa Ya, who was slumped on the ground, first tried to smile, and then raised her hand.

Subconsciously, he wanted to rub Nanao's head, to comfort this child who was much more mature than his age.

But halfway through reaching out, he stopped again.

It didn't mean anything else, mainly because in the previous battle, he had used his palms countless times to resist Zaraki Kenpachi's ferocious slashes.

Even though his palms were covered with layer after layer of spiritual pressure, his fleshy palms had already become a bloody mess.

He didn't want Qi Xu to be stained with blood, and at the same time, he didn't want to aggravate his physical pain because of the touch of the wound.

It really hurts so much.

It could be lighter.

However, his hand had just stopped in mid-air, and the three pairs of rough or tender palms grabbed his palm together.


Nagasawa gasped because of the pain in her heart, and looked at the concerned eyes of the three students holding her palms in front of her.

He didn't want the three of them to worry too much, so he could only endure the severe pain in his palm, and joked with a relaxed expression as much as possible.

"Hey, hey, let me tell you... you guys, don't make it look like I'm dying of serious injuries and I'm about to get a lunch box..."

"It's just a small injury. It's not the teacher bragging. The teacher has already gotten used to it."

As he said that, as if to prove that he was fine, Nagasawa patted his chest hard with his free hand.

The result is......

"Cough cough cough cough cough!!!"

It was a good thing not to take pictures, but with this one shot, the blood stagnant on his chest was photographed on the spot.

"Teacher Nagasawa!!!???"

Looking at Nagasawa who kept vomiting blood, Luanju and Qixu were frightened and turned pale.

Even the tough guy in the shooting range looked pale and frightened.

...... cut......

PS. The condition is not bad, eat a meal, take a bath, and continue writing!

Chapter 2 I really deserve to die!

The Nagasawa team left.

Under the watchful eyes of the two six-time life hells of the Saraki team, Nagasawa Masa, who was "seriously injured", simply wiped the blood on his face, and took the lead to leave as if nothing had happened.

They wiped their eyes subconsciously, and first looked back at Zaraki Kenpachi, who was lying unconscious on the ground. He was already looking like he was breathing too much out and not taking in much air.

Then look at Nagasawa who calmly refused the support from the shooting range, and strode towards the distance with meteoric strides.

If it weren't for Nagazawa Masaru's alternative death tyrant outfit that was stained red with blood, they almost thought that someone else had just fought passionately with Zaraki Kenpachi.

"As expected of Mr. Nagasawa..."

Shaking his head lightly, after dispelling the wild thoughts in his head, the two sixth-generation students of the Saraki team let out a sigh of envy.

After all, compared to Nagasawa Masa's attitude towards Nanao and the others, Saraki Kenpachi, the small captain, purely treats them as tools for fighting Nagasawa Masa.

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