The translucent branches emitting pure white fluorescence have now become dim, losing their former color and mystery.

Even some of the branches that were originally criss-crossed and sharp and tough enough to penetrate its skin were like weathered plastic, breaking when touched.

Looking at the surroundings, Nagasawa didn't understand what Ulquiorra meant.

This is expressing dissatisfaction with him.

Seeing this, a look of embarrassment suddenly appeared on Nagasawa Ya's face.

He scratched his nose involuntarily, and said embarrassingly.

"Er...I seem to have messed up your home..."

It's hard for Nagasawa not to be embarrassed by the scene in front of her.

It's like Ulquiorra found a geomantic treasure to wait for death, but Nagasawa didn't even say hello, and just lay down without saying anything.

If you say you lie in, just lie in. In such a large place of birth, everyone will wait for death together, and it’s fine to be neighbors.

He also absorbed most of the pure spirits from this place of birth, and the atmosphere he created with great difficulty disappeared in an instant.

If Ulquiorra doesn't bother him, who will he trouble?

He wouldn't be happy if it were him.

It's just that some sorry words were just uttered, but Ulquiola over there seemed to not care about Nagasawa Masa's words at all, still raising his finger and pointing in the direction just pointed.

Seeing this, Nagasawa, who had a somewhat suspicious expression on his face, couldn't help but raise his brows, and immediately, with some doubts, he looked in the direction Ulquiorra was pointing again.

But in that direction, there was nothing else except a patch of gray branches that had become dull.

Just when he was wondering what Ulquiorra, the riddleman, wanted to express, a somewhat cold voice suddenly rang in his ears.

"The mask is gone."

Hearing this, Nagasawa couldn't help being slightly taken aback, and immediately realized that the direction of Ulquiola's finger just now was the "way out" pointed out for him by the other party earlier.

On the path of the exit, half of Ulquiorra's mask was still hanging.

However, the mask that was supposed to be hanging on the branch disappeared and flew away at this moment.

In an instant, all the doubts in Nagasawa's mind were cleared up.

He finally knew when he performed the virtual blur, and how he mastered the steel skin and Wang Xu's flash.

The virtual mask is the core of its power.

Once the mask is damaged or eaten by other Hollows, there is no possibility of evolution.

On the contrary, after its Arrancar, the power within it will be sealed in the form of a Zanpakutō, and the Mask will further shrink into a smaller shape.

Until the seal of the Zanpakutō is released, that is, the blade, he will return to his own strength and appearance in the Daxu state to fight.

Among them, Ulquiorra is a very special existence.

As mentioned before, after his mask was damaged, not only did he not stagnate, but he completed the evolution of his independent Arrancar.

However, it was probably because he hadn't met Aizen yet.

His face-shattering has not yet evolved to a higher level, and he still retains the appearance of Daxu, which is what he looked like when he returned to the blade for a while, and he did not seal his core of power into Zanpakuto.

Presumably, when I was absorbing the pure spirits around me, I accidentally absorbed the power of Ulquiorra's half of the mask and mixed it with the other party's spiritual pressure. change.

In an instant, an ominous premonition suddenly appeared in his heart.

However, before he could say anything, Ulquiola's next words directly shocked him to death.

"You have the same kind of smell on your body."

Hearing this, Chang Zeya couldn't help but turn pale with shock.


It is really a good spirit but not a bad spirit.

Nagasawa Masa just had this thought in her mind, and in the next second, she got confirmation from Ulquiola.

Although virtualization is a kind of evolution that breaks the boundary between death and virtuality and moves towards a higher level.

But this is just Aizen's opinion.

In most of the concepts in the corpse and soul world, emptiness is emptiness.

Once the god of death and Xu have a relationship, the best result is the ten-thousand-year seal package of Infernal Hell.

Not to mention the twin platforms that purify everything.

Even the masked captains like Hirako Mako and others who made certain contributions in the Karakura Town War had to make compromises in order to return to Soul Society.

Under the order of Central Room 46, the power of Aether is not allowed to be used in Seireitei.

Because for the vast majority of the team members who take the elimination of the virtual as their own responsibility, it is difficult for them to accept that their captain is contaminated with the virtual.

To give a popular example, you can refer to the difference between tattoos for free people and public apes, or soldiers.

Thinking of this, Nagasawa couldn't help but pinched her eyebrows with a headache.

It seems that before trying to find a way to return to the world of corpses and souls, one must first find a way to hide that false "smell" on his body...

...... cut......

PS.1. Today, I compiled about 2 words of content just to perfect the outline, but the update was delayed. Sorry, Chapter [-] will be a little later.

PS.2. Thanks to the boss "God is not greedy" for sending dog food and blades, thank you very much!


Chapter 229 The Other Side of Vastord

The emergence of new problems made Nagasawa feel quite troubled.

As far as the current situation is concerned, there are a total of two solutions he can think of to solve the current problem.

Or, look forward to some props that can hide the aura, such as Clark's glasses, from the "Fate Store".

Of course, the premise is that he can afford it.

Or, in the virtual circle, find a way to hide the virtual aura on him.

To be honest, it's not that Nagasawa looks down on Xuquan.

Before Aizen changed jobs in Hueco Mundo and came to help the poor with technology, the only person who could be considered a researcher in Hueco Mundo was the future No. [-] Ten Blades, Sal Apollo.

Compared with hitting the big luck, waiting for the refresh of the "destiny shop" is usually done.

His pitiful Destiny Point, which is just over a thousand, is the biggest problem.

In this way, it seems that there is no good choice...

Thinking of this, Nagasawa couldn't help showing a thoughtful look on her face.

Although he doesn't quite know how long he spent in the cut off space and the place of birth.

However, he can vaguely deduce some clues by obtaining the progress information prompt through the expected value.

Now that the Technology Development Bureau has been established, it means that Urahara Kisuke has taken over Hikifune Kiryu's position and become the new captain of the [-]th Division.

In addition, Ulquiorra had just broken through on his own at this time.

I think it should be at a certain point in time between the Centennial Captain Chapter and Aizen's conquest of Hueco Mundo.

Although Saar Apollo at this point in time did not have as much work as later generations, he had not yet divided himself into two individuals, and he was undoubtedly the pinnacle of the Valstord level.

It is second only to, and even Nagasawa Miyazaki suspects, it is possible to surpass Bailegang.

One can imagine how difficult it is to get a way to hide Xu's aura from such a guy.

But the good news is that if Nagasawa wants to leave the virtual circle, she has to find a way from Saar Apollo.

The virtual circle at this time is not the virtual circle in later generations after the poverty alleviation by blue dye technology.

Even Daxu at the Valstord level, not everyone knows how to open the black cavity leading to the present world, or the world of corpses and souls.

At the moment when he can't get in touch with the Soul Society, if he doesn't want to stay in this barren Hueco Mundo for the rest of his life, conquering Sal Apollo is an almost unavoidable "level".

After sorting out the cause and effect, a wise smile finally appeared on Nagasawa's lips again.

As if aware of Nagasawa Masa's emotional changes, Ulquiola had a rare flash of a different look on his face, and tilted his head in some doubts.

It was only at this time that Nagasawa Ya had the time to look at the boy in front of him.

Compared with Blade No. 40 in the original plot, Ulquiorra at this time looks younger, no, perhaps it should be said to be more immature.

A head of short black hair scattered casually, against the backdrop of pale complexion, a pair of dark green eyes and dark green broken lines on his face that resembled tears, looked very much like a demon from hell.

But compared to the slightly exaggerated appearance of the heavy metal punk style.

That immature face and pure eyes, on the contrary, highlighted a sense of youthfulness.

Seeing that Ulquiola was speechless after pointing in the direction of the dissipated mask, Masa Nagasawa didn't know what to say for a while, so she could only pretend to be nonchalant and speak.

"Well...if there's nothing else, I'll take the first step."

"However, before I leave, if it is convenient, may I ask you a question?"

Facing Masa Nagasawa's question, Ulquiola didn't respond as if she hadn't gotten used to speaking yet, but just nodded slightly.

Seeing this, Nagasawa continued to ask: "Do you know where I can find a Daxu named Saar Apollo?"

In terms of area, Hueco Mundo is simply too big.

Plus the forest of Daxu hidden under the desert.

If you just search aimlessly, you may not be able to find Saar Apollo's lair even if you find it forever.

Compared to searching blindly, it is undoubtedly a good way to find a "local person" to ask.

However, after hearing Nagazawa's words, Ulquiorra once again showed a confused look and responded with some hesitation.

"A name I've never heard of."

Hearing this, Nagasawa could not help showing a look of disappointment in her eyes.

He just didn't want to give up, so he finally asked with a bit of luck.

"It's a guy as powerful as you."

However, after hearing his words, Ulquiola couldn't help being more puzzled.

Since he was born, he only has vision, because he does not need to eat, so he has no need to hunt.

Coupled with the powerful spiritual pressure, even though the compatriots in the group were dissatisfied with his appearance and habits, they never thought of devouring him, thus evolving towards a higher level.

Because they knew that their entire group combined was no match for Ulquiorra alone.

Faced with the aliens in the ethnic group, his compatriots chose to alienate and reject them, which also kept him away from the fight.

Ulquiola, who had never thought about what it meant to be powerful, did not answer his question, but instead asked softly in a somewhat puzzled and uncertain tone.

"Am I... strong?"

Hearing Ulquiola's rhetorical question, Masa Nagasawa was slightly stunned for a moment, and then she didn't know what she thought of, and immediately responded in a very affirmative tone.


It seems that because of Masa Nagasawa's affirmation, other emotions in Ulquiola's body were aroused. After thinking for a while, he responded softly.

"If it's such a guy, there is one not far away."

Hearing this, Nagasawa couldn't help but reveal a strange look on his face.

Isn't this too easy?

It wasn't that he thought Ulquiola was lying to him.

It's just that there are not many Varstords in the virtual circle, and the number of hands will not exceed the number of hands.

As a result, in such a huge virtual circle, it was a bit of a coincidence that two Daxu of Valstord level appeared near him by such a coincidence, right?

But very quickly, Nagasawa shook off the doubts in her mind.

Since the number of Valstord-level Daxu in the virtual circle is rare, he has nothing to lose by going to have a look.

The big deal is that after confirming that it's not Saar Apollo, throwing a Kunai 800 miles away can be regarded as a battle with the Valstord-level Daxu, and he didn't lose face for others.

However, just when he was about to leave the birthplace following the direction of Ulquiorra's finger.

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