Just because that man's name is Saraki Kenpachi!

Looking at his captain's monstrous fighting spirit, a thin layer of sweat involuntarily seeped from the corner of Madara's smooth bald head.

However, he just wiped his forehead casually, and said in an excited tone to Yumi Ayasegawa next to him.

"The captain has always been upset about the fact that he failed to defeat Mr. Nagasawa head-on and became the captain of the [-]th Division."

"Finally...he finally has a chance to get what he wants!"

...... cut......

PS. I just remembered today when I saw a reminder from a friend that when we introduce dramas, we review them first and then broadcast them...

Although Ah B and Penguin have the copyright of Jihu, they are less than ten episodes away from Neon. I really...

I really want to see Polar Fox! ! !

Chapter 264 Spinning Wheel

Angle of view, back to the imaginary circle.

Because it is always in the dark, it is difficult for people to have a sense of concept in the virtual circle, such as time.

Nagasawa, who was lying on Luojia's back, letting Luojia's eight slender spider legs run wildly, yawned a little boredly, and lazily whispered to Harribel beside him.

"Hribel, is there nothing to eat in Xuquan?"

Hearing this, Harribel just glanced at Nagasawa Ya who was lying on Luo Jia's back, and replied in a flat tone.

"You won't want to eat it."

Nagasawa: "..."

Listening to Helibel's reply, Nagasawa fell silent.

He misses Yatianju a little bit.

There is no other way, in terms of area, although the virtual circle is about the same size as the corpse and soul world, it is different from Liuhun Street with its various blocks.

Looking around, there are empty circles of white sand, which gives people a very tired visual fatigue.

After a long time, even Nagasawa Ya, who had been locked up in a small black room in the isolated space for an unknown period of time, lost her interest in traveling and lay directly on Luo Jia's back , touched the fish openly.

Looking at Nagasawa Ya who was like a lazy dog, a look of helplessness flashed in Helibel's eyes.

After a long period of running around, she finally figured out where she and others were.

To put it simply, after experiencing a series of previous "operations", they were drawn to a location farther away from the stronghold of her companions.

In other words, according to their current pace, it would take at least twice as long to arrive at the place she agreed with her companion.

This is also one of the reasons why Nagasawa just pretended to be a lazy dog.

Seemingly aware of Helibel's glance, Luo Jia, who was running hard with Nagasawa on her back, suddenly became mentally shocked.

"Ma'am, please sit up too."

"Your injury is still not healed, and there is still some distance to the destination. You should save some energy and recover from your injury."

Hearing this, Harribel shook his head lightly.

Thanks to the high concentration of spiritual particles in Xuquan's air, her injuries recovered very quickly.

According to this recovery rate, she would be able to recover completely before rejoining her companions.

In this case, she will naturally not rely on her "companion" like Nagasawa Ya.


Harribel couldn't help but glanced at Nagasawa Ya who was lying on Luojia's back in the shape of a "wood".

Although Luo Jia was about the size of an adult bull, lying down on a Nagazawa already took up most of the space above her back.

If she sat up again, even if Nagasawa sat up, she would only be next to her.

Thinking of this, Harribel's cold face couldn't help but slightly warm up.

Then he turned his head quickly and turned his head in the opposite direction.

Seeing Heliber's strange behavior, Luojia couldn't help but slightly tilted her head, expressing her confusion.

"What's the matter with you ma'am?"

Fortunately, Helibel's complexion was a healthy wheat color, and with the white mask that covered most of his face, Luojia didn't notice anything unusual.

"It's nothing."

Seeing that Luo Jia asked, she just said something perfunctory, and stopped talking.

For a moment, the atmosphere among the three became strangely quiet.

As if aware of the awkward situation, Nagasawa Ya, who had been lying on Luo Jia's back, pretending to be a lazy dog, suddenly got up, as if thinking of something, lightly patted Luo Jia's back, and asked softly.

"Speaking of which, since your anti-membrane silk spinning wheel can spin out the internal organs you need for replacement based on the information in the 'database', then... can you perform a " What about the ability to 'attach' and thereby imitate others?"

Hearing this, Luo Jia was stunned for a moment, and even the eight spider legs that were running were temporarily uncoordinated.

Immediately, she seemed to be immersed in thinking, while maintaining a running posture, while thinking about the possibility mentioned in Nagasawa's elegant words.

Seeing this, Nagasawa didn't bother, just quietly waiting for the other party's reply.

To be honest, he remembered the skill of anti-membrane silk, which was actually a very perverted skill.

Even he has to admit that Saar Apollo, who developed the anti-membrane spinning wheel, is an absolute genius.

To a certain extent, Luo Jia's anti-membrane threads are very similar to Yan Luo Jingdian, which is called "the strongest copy-type Zanpakuto".

Luojia can imitate through the spinning wheel by extracting the abilities in her "database".

Whether it's the Returning Blade of the broken face, or the Silver Ridge Sparrow of the Quincy, even Kurosaki Ichigo's "No Moon", they can all imitate it.

Only limited by the lack of spiritual pressure, the performance of the ability she imitates is directly proportional to the spiritual pressure of the spinning wheel holder.

If she imitates a relatively low-level ability, she can display better performance than the original holder.

But on the contrary, if it is to imitate the ability of a higher-level holder than yourself, such as Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekuni's "Flower Blade", Aizen Soyousuke's "King Flower Water Moon", Kurosaki Ichigo's " "No Moon", she could only imitate it superficially, which was far from the original version.

This point is almost exactly the same as that of the Tsunayashiro family's Yan Luo Jingdian.

The only difference is that when Luo Jia imitates skills, she can only imitate one ability at a time, while Yan Luo Jingdian can use multiple abilities at the same time.

However, Luo Jia's spinning wheel has an absolute advantage that Yan Luo Jingdian does not have.

That means there are no side effects.

Perhaps in terms of the completeness of the copied skills, Anti-Membrane Silk is indeed slightly inferior to Yan Luo Jingdian.

But if you want to use Yan Luo Jing Dian, there is an extremely harsh condition.

This Zanpakutao, krypton is not a spiritual pressure, it is the life of the holder!

Not everyone can live thousands of years like Old Man Shan.

If that short-lived ghost Shiba Yuma were to use it, he would have to die on the spot after using it once!

In comparison, it is not so important to be able to imitate only one ability at a time.

After a long time, Luo Jia, who seemed to have repeatedly deduced in her mind for a long time, finally responded.

"I didn't think about it before, I just passively followed the Lord...according to Saul Apollo's order, backing up his knowledge and memory for him."

"But just now I briefly tried to use my spinning wheel to imitate his ability..."

Speaking of this, Luo Jia's tone couldn't help but pause.

The conversation between the two also attracted Herribel's attention.

Looking at Helibel and Nagasawa's curious eyes, Luo Jia continued to speak with a little excitement in her tone.

"I can indeed use the anti-membrane silk spinning wheel to imitate the ability that I have memorized in my 'database'."

"Just because of the spiritual pressure, I can only imitate [-]% of Sal Apollo's ability at most."

Listening to Luojia's answer, Harribel couldn't help showing a look of shock.

And the corner of Nagasawa Ya's mouth outlined a faint smile.

What an amazing ability.

...... cut......

PS. The character of Luo Jia comes from the official Shinigami novel "Spirit Are Forever With You". If you are interested, you can read it.

Relatively speaking, I prefer to call this novel "The Story of Kenpachi".

For example, some of the supplementary settings of Kenpachi Gosuke and Kenpachi Kiyanjo before Kiyanjo Kenpachi and Mojo Kenpachi are based on this novel.

Personally, I feel that although it is not as exciting as "The Four Nobles", it is still quite good.

Chapter 265 What Fusion Summoning


Different from the Daxu Forest, which is full of Daxu, only the Daxu above the Yachukas level is eligible to walk on the surface of the virtual circle, highlighting a vast land and sparsely populated.

Sometimes even after walking for three or five days, you may not be able to meet a single one of the same kind.

However, once he encounters his own kind on the surface of this barren virtual circle, it only represents one result.

Fight each other!

A huge sperm whale, even more powerful than Gatanjie, seemed to treat this sea of ​​white sand as an ocean for him to swim in. The "wind and waves" caused by his movements even beat his opponent away. His left and right branches were weak, and he was exhausted from running for his life.

However, compared to the absolute strength brought by its huge size, flexibility and steering ability have also become its shortcomings.

With a huge attack range, there is no way to distinguish between enemy and friend.

A simple swipe not only failed to hit his enemy, but instead swept away the dozen or so Yachukas around him.

Yachukas, who was shaped like a crab, quickly avoided the tail flick of the sperm whale by virtue of his agility, and immediately cursed at the sperm whale angrily.


"You almost attacked me just now, restrain yourself a bit, hey!"

At the same time, those Yachukas who were swept away by the sperm whale also echoed one after another.

Facing the scolding from his companion, the huge sperm whale Yachukas subconsciously wanted to stretch out his huge arm and scratch his head.


"is it?"

"I'm so sorry."

However, such a simple movement made Yachukas named Chinon feel quite strenuous, and even the speed of speaking seemed to have slowed down due to the sluggish movement.

"So heavy, so tired..."

"But there is no way, this is His Majesty Balegon's... order!"

Chinon spoke slowly, but it attracted the echoes of several Yachukas around him.

The ferocious, bloodthirsty, cruel, and greedy Yachukas, not only did not continue to shout and curse because they were accidentally injured by their attacks, but at this moment they appeared extraordinarily united and friendly.

It was in stark contrast to those Yachukas who started to fight frantically after meeting.

If Nagasawa was here, she would have to exclaim "I saw a ghost".

And while Qi Nong was talking, he seemed to understand that he should use his little physical strength to attack instead of scratching his head needlessly.

The arm he had just raised halfway turned into a giant hammer and hit the enemy in front of him hard!

And it wasn't until his arm fell to the ground that the words in his mouth blurted out as if they were half a beat behind.

"Chinon is going to... kill these three guys!"

Can you imagine how terrifying a full-strength blow from a giant sperm whale nearly 200 meters in size would be?

That earth-shaking blow seemed to have caused a huge earthquake.

The moment his arm landed on the ground, the whole ground seemed to jump violently because of this blow.

As his targets, Sun Sun, Apache, and Mira Rhodes clearly have the most say.

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