Could it be that because he practiced the art of cat transformation, he contracted the cat's habits?

He couldn't help looking at Nozomi Ohmaeda who was beside him.

As an adjutant, Nozomi Ohmaeda scratched his head while laughing.

"Ahem... Mr. Yoruichi still likes fish dishes so much, haha, hahahaha..."

Seeing this situation, Nagasawa didn't know what to say for a while.

Seeing that the three of them had no intention of leaving for a short time, he naturally would not issue any order to evict them.

Just after sitting down, he asked casually.

"Speaking of which, I remember that there are a total of five nobles in the soul world, right?"

"Why do you always talk about the four nobles, whether it was when I was in Mao or in your conversations?"

In BLEACH, there is no accurate explanation of the time when the Shiba family was eliminated from the "Five Nobles".

It is only mentioned in the official novel after the completion that "the Shiba family was expelled from the five nobles because Kurosaki abandoned his position and disappeared" and "the Shiba family only had an empty name long before they were expelled."

And the reason why Nagasawa asked, of course, was not just out of curiosity.

Although in the progress of Omaeda Nozomi's fate value acquisition progress, he can generally pass Omaeda Nozomi's fate, judging that he should be able to live quite comfortably in the future.

But in the final analysis, Soul Soul Realm is still a place where winning or losing is judged by fists.

Even the Shiba family, one of the former five great nobles, stumbled. Before he had enough strength, he had to avoid similar situations as much as possible.

Hearing this, Omaeda Nozomi couldn't help being slightly taken aback, and then he subconsciously looked at Yoichi Sifengin who had already started attacking Yupai, and changed his bad temper from the past, and sat at the table drinking tea all the time Kuchiki Byakuya.

Unexpectedly, his eyes had just drifted over, and Ye Yi over there seemed to have noticed the gazes of his subordinates, but he was enjoying and eating the fish pie in his hand, and he didn't even raise his eyes to look at Nozomi Ohmaeda , said directly.

"What do you see me doing?"

"Konghe and his family don't care about it themselves, what do we have to hide?"

And Kuchiki Byakuya, the future heir of the Kuchiki family, one of the five nobles, put on an expression that I don't know anything.

Probably because of the permission of Yoruichi and Kuchiki Byakuya, Omaeda Nozomi finally let go of his courage.

He looked around obscenely at first, as if he was worried that the walls had ears, until he confirmed that there were really only the four of them around Nagasawa's small courtyard, then he lowered his voice, using a voice that only the four people present could hear said softly.

"Although so far, the adults in Central Room 46 have not deprived the Shiba family of the title of 'Five Nobles', but since the Shiba family took the initiative to move the clan out of Seireitei and moved it to Seiryukon Street decades ago, The titles of the five nobles of the Shiba family are still in name only."

Nozomi Omaeda didn't waste any extra nonsense, and the opening directly set the tone for what he was going to say next.

Nagasawa didn't interrupt his thoughts, but gave him a look, signaling him to continue.

However, Nozomi Ohmaeda didn't rush to continue, but glanced at Byakuya Kuchiki who was sitting beside him with an anxious look for the second time, and continued until the other party didn't say anything.

"Brother Nagasawa, what I'm going to say next, you just take it as my drunken nonsense, just listen to it, don't spread it outside, I won't recognize it if I go out of this door."

Seeing Masa Nagasawa nodding, Nozomi Ohmaeda continued.

"As we all know, apart from the Lingwang Palace guarded by the Zero Division, the highest authority in the soul world is the Central Room 46. Even as the captain of the Goutei Thirteenth Team, Yamamoto-sama is subject to the control of the 46th Room. Raise any objections."

"However, it is such a tribunal that holds the supreme authority in the Soul Society, but there is a way to control it, and that is the joint meeting of the great nobles jointly initiated by the five great nobles."

"As long as the joint meeting of the great nobles jointly initiated by the five nobles can overturn any resolution of Room 46."

"This is a privilege that can only be enjoyed by the five nobles who have stood at the apex of the Soul Soul World since the birth of the Soul Soul World.

"No one would like to have their hands and feet bound by others, even if the means of restraint are more of a formality."

"If you were the gentleman in Room 46 of the Central Committee, what would you do if you faced a joint meeting of the great nobles that can overturn any of your decisions as long as five families join forces?"

...... cut......

PS. I wanted to resume the update yesterday, but I suddenly felt chills all over my body while I was writing. After taking my temperature, it was 38 degrees again. Thinking that the dog's life was important, I hurried to sleep.

Today, the condition is much better. Although the body temperature occasionally breaks through to 37.4, but generally there is no fever, but the throat starts to dry out, hurts, and it is uncomfortable...

Chapter 30 Masa Nagasawa's Great Crisis

Omaeda Nozomi's words made Masa Nagasawa realize something.

Since the so-called Joint Conference of Great Nobles needs to be initiated by the five great nobles, there are only two ways to destroy his power.

Or, let the joint meeting of the great nobles fail to gather the five great nobles.

Or, insert a force of your own among the five nobles.

However, the five nobles have protected their rights very well since they created the Soul Soul Realm. In order to protect the purity of their bloodlines and prevent infiltration by foreign forces, they seldom marry with foreigners.

Basically it's like in medieval Europe, your daughter is my aunt and my dad is your uncle.

Even if one of the unworthy descendants really married a foreigner other than the five nobles, they could still be divided into clans and clans by way of separation.

Thinking of this, Nagasawa couldn't help but secretly glanced at Kuchiki Byakuya who was drinking tea, as if she didn't pay attention to what was being talked about here.

This guy must be under a lot of pressure in the future to marry Kuchiki Hime into the family.

But at the same time, he couldn't help but began to mourn for Kuchiki Byakuya.

He had never heard of Kuchiki Byakuya having any siblings, and Kuchiki Hima didn't give birth to a child for him.

In the distant future, for the continuation of the Kuchiki family, this guy will have to marry a woman from the other three major families, and become a crazy pile driver.

For the time being, let's suppress Kuchiki Byakuya's admiration...ah no, I can't express my silent condolences to him.

Seeing that Nagasawa Masa understood the meaning of his words, Omaeda Nozomi over there continued to speak.

"Decades ago, the Shiba family suffered a catastrophe. Including the current head of the family, except for the eldest son Shiba Haiyan, the eldest daughter Shiba Kuzuru, and the youngest son Shiba Ganju, no one in the Shiba family was spared. "

"Probably in order to keep the last incense of the family, the successor Shiba Haiyan moved the family of the Shiba clan out of Seireitei overnight. Since then, the Shiba family has never appeared in the joint meeting of the five nobles. .”

"To be honest...the tragedy that happened at Shiba's house is really similar to the incident that the rebels targeted Kuchiki Sosumi-sama and Kuchiki Byakuya-sama half a month ago."

"I'm afraid, the gentlemen in room 46 are no longer satisfied with just kicking out the Shiba family, even the Kuchiki family..."

However, before Nozomi Ohmaeda finished speaking, Yoruichi, who had dealt with Yupai over there, suddenly interrupted what he was about to say next.

"Hey, Nozomi, although I also hate those old guys, it's best not to talk nonsense about things that haven't been proven."

Hearing this, Nagasawa's face suddenly showed a clear look.

He didn't mind that Yoruichi interrupted Omaeda Nozomi's words here, on the contrary, he felt that it was just right to stop here.

No wonder Shiba Kuzuru, the eldest lady of the Shiba family, the future head of the Shiba family, lost an arm.

No wonder after resolving the crisis half a month ago, not only did he not receive the reminder to complete the task from the system, but even the slightest change of Kuchiki Aojun's fate value did not give him a single point.

It turned out that it was those insidious villains in the central room 46 who were playing tricks behind the scenes.

The assassination and ambush of the rebels was just the first temptation for the father and son of Kuchiki Canojun and Kuchiki Byakuya.

Before Kuchiki Sojun officially takes over as the head of the Kuchiki family, and even before the father and son successfully learn swastika and have a certain ability to protect themselves, it may be difficult to live in peace.

Seeing this, Nagasawa could not help but sigh slightly.

Immediately, a gleam flashed in his eyes.

Although I just wanted to be a worm that clings to the Sixth Division and eats and drinks, who made me take on this task?

Heroes, you can't run away.

Although he never thought he was a hero.


A full month has passed since the fight with Saraki Kenpachi.

Nagasawa finally had no choice but to continue recuperating in her small courtyard, and went to the sixth team to report.

It's not that he loves this job so much, or that he feels guilty about absenteeism in the name of self-cultivation.

It's purely because the little Shinigami named Toru Yune of the [-]th team who came to review him regularly saw that Nagasawa Masa's injury had healed, but he said all day long that his waist was sore here and his arm was weak there.

Somewhat unsure of the situation, she chose to report to her captain Unohanaretsu after observing for nearly a week.

To be honest, Masa Nagasawa really doesn't want to recall the scene when Unohanaretsu came to him.

The strong murderous intent mixed in that warm smile like a spring breeze was clearly telling him.

If you still say you have injuries, let her make them real.

Although Nagasawa wants to be bad, she doesn't like looking for abuse.

Especially now that the experience card has expired.

Can paid training be called fishing?

That's healing!

Doing nothing with a salary is called fishing!

There was no way for him, having obtained the official certification, he had no choice but to end his month-long vacation, and returned to the sixth team to report with a look of hopelessness.

However, it cannot be said that there is no good news at all.

Thanks to his one-month cultivation and the "great achievements" he made before his injury, his expectation value has accumulated to the top 100 points.

That is to say, even though he lost the peak death experience card, the expectation value accumulated to 100 points allows him to draw a three-day experience card of any ability, which can be regarded as being able to have a little help in emergencies. Life-saving means.

And just when he stepped into the No. [-] team building with a relaxed expression on his face, he suddenly found that the No. [-] team room, which was still bustling with people coming and going, seemed to be surrounded by people the moment he stepped into the gate of the team building. The person pressed the still button.

All the sixth team members stared at him in a daze as if they had seen a ghost. The shocked look seemed to shake everyone's pupils.

This can't help but make Nagasawa feel a little guilty.

Could it be that it was revealed that he was absent from work while pretending to be ill?


He subconsciously looked down at his feet.

Would it be possible that someone would suddenly come to him and tell him that he had already been fired by Kuchiki Yinling because he stepped into the team building with his left foot first?

Suspicious look appeared in his eyes, but before he could open his mouth to say something, those sixth squad members who seemed to be frozen by the freeze technique all dropped their work in unison , rushed to him with great enthusiasm.

"Nagasawa Three Seats!"

"Good morning, Nagasawa Sanshi!"

"You have worked hard, Nagasawa three seats!"

"Nagasawa Sanshi, have you healed from your injury? Congratulations!"

“Nagaze Sanxi, I heard from my second aunt’s third uncle’s neighbor’s house that you traveled thousands of miles alone that day and not only killed hundreds of rebels with your own strength; You have to flee without a fight!”

"It's really exciting. If Captain Kuchiki didn't stop us from disturbing you, my little brother would have wanted to come and see your style a long time ago!"

"Nagasawa Sanshi, I, I, I, I am Xia Liu Dexing, the second son of the lower-level noble Xia Liu's family, please let me follow you!"

Crazy crazy crazy crazy.

Although he heard the news of his fan base soaring from Ye Yi, he never expected his fans to be so crazy.

Hey, hey, over there, don't poop my pants!

And you, where are you going to touch it! ?

Especially you, don't you pretend to be yourself?What are you doing pulling me out?

Looking at the swarming Sixth Squadron, Masa Nagasawa couldn't hold back anymore.

He didn't react, and Dang even was surrounded by the surrounding No. [-] team members with a dazed expression, and slowly "squeezed" him into the team building.

Is this still the group of "cute" teammates who are looking forward to his embarrassment?

At this time, he lost the experience card bonus and felt an unprecedented crisis.

The current him is just a passer-by who doesn't even know how to use Reiatsu, not to mention these official death gods, his current strength is not even as good as those freshmen who have just entered Mao.

Seeing eyes can no longer warn these crazy guys around.

Feeling the feeling that her whole body is constantly being ravaged by the hands of men or women, Nagasawa Ya has already begun to consider whether to draw cards at this time.

Big crisis!

...... cut......

PS. Repeated fever, the feeling that the fever goes down in the morning, rises at noon, and exceeds 38 degrees at night every day, is too outrageous.

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