Of course, the thick black foundation on his face makes it impossible to see his micro-expressions. The above picture is purely guesswork by Nagasawa Masa.

Facing Nagasawa Ya's question, he just responded softly in a concise tone.

"Captain of the twelfth division, Nirvana."

Hearing this, Nagasawa Ya suddenly showed a look of surprise.

"So it's Captain Hikifune's successor?"

"No wonder, for newcomers, it's normal not to know my Zanpakuto's ability."

However, I don't know if it was intentional or not.

Uzhi Huaretsu, who was standing aside, added with a smile the moment Nagasawa Masa's voice fell.

"He is the successor of Kisuke Urahara."

"Shortly after your disappearance, the former second team third seat Urahara Kisuke, under the recommendation of the former second team captain Shifengin Yaichi, became the captain of the [-]th team and established the Technology Development Bureau at the same time."

"The Captain Nirvana in front of you is the new captain of the [-]th squad after Urahara Kisuke defected, and also the second-generation director of the Technology Development Bureau."

Uozhihua Lie's voice was very soft and gentle as always.

But at the moment when her voice fell, two unkind eyes shot towards the direction where he and Uzhi Huaretsu were standing at the same time.

Sensing those two unfriendly gazes, Nagasawa couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

If it is said that Nirvana Mayuri's displeasure is because Unokanaretsu mentioned Urahara Kisuke's words in front of him, then another look...

Following the direction of the gaze, Nagasawa looked around.

Instead, he found a petite girl who was also wearing the captain's haori, standing in stark contrast to the burly and horizontally developed Nozomi Omaeda standing behind her, staring at him with a displeased expression. Unozhi Hualie, the big big senior.

Seeing this, Nagasawa couldn't help but feel a little headache.


This is another problem girl...

...... cut......

PS.1. Speaking of which, jumping the timeline to 50 years later is considered deliberate.

At the beginning, I actually just wanted to jump to the 10-year story, that is, I just jumped to the part of the century-old captain, where Mako Hirako and the others were blurred.

But after thinking about it carefully, there is nothing else to write at that time point except this plot, and then we will have to face the problem of the timeline.

After careful consideration, I decided to skip to 50 years later.

Compared with the century-old chapter, the space that can be written at this point in time is very, very large, and it is more suitable for the development of the plot.

PS.2. It’s another 6000-word day, let’s go to sleep~~~

Good night, friends~

Chapter 283 Give them a little shock

Feeling Suifeng's displeased gaze, Nagasawa could not help but sigh inwardly.

He can probably guess why the other party is dissatisfied with him.

It was obviously the old lover who committed the crime, but in the end he was asked to bear everything.

It's just obvious that now is not the time to think about it.

Pressing down what was in his mind, Nirvana Li over there was already pressing forward step by step.

"Each release releases a Zanpakutō that cannot be replaced without an ability that even the owner himself cannot be sure of."

"I've heard of your Zanpakuto ability, but it doesn't prove that it has something to do with the empty aura on your body."

"If you can't give a better proof, I can't let a dangerous person like you enter Seireitei."

Listening to Nirvana Mayuri's words, Nagasawa Masa couldn't help but have a ridiculous thought in her heart.

Speaking of dangerous elements, you, Niryuri, didn't have to give in too much before joining the Gotei [-], right?

What's the difference between this and Eagle Sauce's global law enforcement every day, and then calling people dangerous?

Thinking of this, Nagasawa couldn't help but narrowed his eyes slightly, and said softly with a smile on his face.

"What if I say no?"

Listening to Nagazeya's reply, a dangerous light flashed in Niryuri's eyes.

And the next second...


"team leader!"

"team leader!"

The two sharp blades popped out of their scabbards and the sound of exclamation sounded almost at the same time.

The request made by Nirvana Mayuri not only represents himself, but also represents the thirteenth team of the Gotei.

Masa Nagasawa's answer obviously had a provocative meaning, coupled with his unwillingness to cooperate, Komamura Zuojin and Tōsen Kaname, who have a strong personality, directly used their left thumbs to pop out Zaporo from their waists. The knife, put on the gesture of drawing the knife.

If it wasn't for their vice-captains, if the shooting range and Xiubing stood in front of them at the same time, they might have already wanted to take down Nagasawa first, and then talk about other things.

However, although Komamura Zuojin and Tosen Kaori have not made a move yet, they just put on a fighting stance, looking ready to go.

However, their actions are like igniting the fuze of a bomb. Their panic and bewildered emotions instantly caused a series of chain reactions among the onlookers.

"Wait...wait a minute, Captain Komamura, Captain Tosen, Mr. Nagasawa, he doesn't mean what you think!"

"Mr. Nagasawa is definitely not that kind of person, please give him the necessary respect!"

"What are you doing!? As Shinigami of the Gotei [-]th Team, protecting the safety of Seireitei should be the primary responsibility of everything! Even if the opponent is Masa Nagasawa, once we do something that will endanger Seireitei, we There should be no hesitation!"

"Fart you! Laozi grew up reading "Elegant Lun". How could a person like Mr. Nagasawa do something that would endanger Seireitei?"

"That is to say! Although we Geminis like to tell some interesting lies, we will never be ambiguous about right and wrong! You must be a Capricorn if you are so cunning!?"

Some of these onlookers are members of the Death Brotherhood.

Some of them are students whom Nagasawa once taught.

Some of them came to join in the fun after hearing the news that Masa Nagasawa was about to return.

Some are secretly arranged by someone with a heart, waiting for the opportunity to move.

After all, if you just want to guard against Masa Nagasawa, the lineup composed of the captains headed by Yamamoto alone is luxurious enough, and there is no need for these ordinary players to be cannon fodder.

When Komamura Zuojin and Tōsen were about to put on an attacking stance, there was an immediate uproar among the crowd.

Some thoughtful people even took advantage of the chaos to stir up trouble among the crowd, intending to cause even greater chaos.

The scene was on the verge of getting out of control.


However, at this moment, accompanied by a muffled sound, there was a burst of shouting, which was suddenly transmitted to everyone's earworms.


Just two words, after Yamamoto slammed down the crutch in his hand, it was like a thunderbolt from the clear sky.

When some of the weaker gods of death heard the huge roar, they even covered their ears subconsciously, showing a painful expression on their faces.

Seeing the hustle and bustle around him calm down instantly, Yamamoto's eyes fell on Komamura Zuojin and Tosen Kaname.

The implication should not be too obvious, even if Dongxian wanted this blind man, he felt the anger of the captain, and he pushed out half of the Zanpakutao wisely, and retracted the scabbard .

Looking at Yamamoto who suppressed the "riot" in an instant, Masa Nagasawa couldn't help showing a look of admiration in his eyes.

As expected of his old man, he grows stronger and stronger!

Seeing that the noise around him had quieted down, everyone's eyes were focused on themselves without exception.

Seeing this, Yamamoto did not hesitate and spoke loudly to Nagasawa Masaru.

"The power of the Zanpakuto is strange and strange. Although it is not common to say that it has something to do with Xu's breath, it cannot be said that there is no such thing in the tens of thousands of years of history in the soul world, let alone your Zanpakuto. , even you, the holder, don't know what kind of ability will appear."

"If you really have an affair with Xu, even if the old man is your teacher, he will never tolerate it."

"But... if it's just the power of Zanpakuto, I will never allow anyone to take advantage of it and slander my disciples wantonly!"

Yamamoto's words were very soft, but they reached everyone's ears accurately.

Even after he finished speaking, his eyes, which looked old but still determined, slowly scanned a group of people.

Seeing those evil-minded guys hiding in the center of the crowd, they lowered their heads in guilt.

Yamamoto's meaning could not be more clearly understood.

If Nagasawa Miyabi can prove that the aura similar to that of Hollow and the appearance similar to Hollow's are because of the Zanpakutō.

So from now on, no matter who it is, they are not allowed to use this matter to make a fuss.

Even to put it a little more clearly, how can one be considered as having an affair with nothingness?

Is there a breath of emptiness?

Can it become almost virtual?

Or is there tangible evidence that Nagasawa Masaru colluded with Hueco Mundo?

The word "contaminated" is very knowledgeable, and the measure is completely in the hands of Yamamoto.

Some Anzi who were hidden in the crowd and observing silently, after understanding the subtext of Yamamoto's words, walked directly towards the Seireitei without looking back.

Because in their view, there is no need for them to stay here anymore.

And when Nagasawa heard this, a smile gradually appeared in his eyes.

This is what he wants to achieve.

Aizan's rescue team came too fast.

He didn't even have time to ask Luo Jia to help him figure out a way to cover up the virtual aura.

In this way, he had to solve this problem once and for all, so that no one with a heart would have the opportunity to make use of it.

Obviously, although 50 years have passed, Yamamoto immediately understood the potential meaning of his gesture just now, and is still willing to stand on his side and support him.

After being moved, Nagasawa stopped talking.

He decided it was time to give those who were hiding in the shadows a little shock.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the eye soul belt appeared on his waist again out of thin air.


【Super eye-opening! Unlimited!】

With the infinite eye soul being stuffed into the eye soul belt by him, the white armor exuding colorful rays of light appeared outside his body again.

Only this time, his transformation was not just an ordinary transformation.

The virtual aura on his body was caused by him absorbing Ulquiorra's Reiatsu and mastering the ability of "voiding".

That is to say, no matter whether he transforms or not, the aura of Xu on his body is constant in terms of the unit of measurement, and there is not much fluctuation.

After all, although Kamen Rider is somewhat similar to Xu, there are essential differences.

This can be seen from the device similar to the "IPAD" in Nirvana Yuri's hand.

Therefore, he must distinguish the value before transformation from the value after transformation, and completely attribute the "empty breath" on his body to his "willful Zanpakuto".

If you want to cover up a hole, the best way is to make a bigger hole, even so big that it makes people think that there is such a big hole, which is an extremely reasonable thing.

So, the moment the white armor appeared, he blurred.

He used the power of blurring for the first time by the strong light produced at the moment when the armor covered his body.

The pale mask first appeared on his face the moment the white armor appeared, and was then covered by the white armor.



With the end of the transformation BGM, white souls flying all over the sky once again covered his body.

The knight from another world, the form of Kamen Rider·Ghost·Infinite Soul, appeared for the first time in the history of Soul Society!

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