What I just don't know is how she will feel if she knows the whimsical thoughts in Ye Yi's mind.

Things were over, and the few people quickly prepared to return to Xuye Palace.

However, because no special props to suppress spiritual pressure have been produced, Stark temporarily lives in a cave ten miles away from Xuye Palace.

In this regard, Stark, who communicated with Masa Nagasawa and understood Masa Nagasawa's attitude towards his partners, chose to understand very simply.

After returning to Xuye Palace.

Probably because of the rush along the way, Kisuke Urahara was relieved from the "out of breath" just now.

After scanning the somewhat desolate Xuye Palace, he couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"I didn't expect that even the famous king of the virtual circle, Bailegang, would be taken down by you, Mr. Nagasawa."

"I take back my preface, and I have to say that the feasibility of your plan is really great."

Even if he couldn't believe it, he had to admit that Chang Zeya had indeed taken the first step to win the virtual circle.

And it’s still a big, big step.

Hearing this, the corners of Nagazeya's mouth couldn't help but outline a shallow arc.

What he wanted was Urahara Kisuke's words.

The next second, he stepped forward again, patted Urahara Kisuke's shoulder gently, and said sincerely.

"Unfortunately, Hueco Mundo is still too desolate. Although I have the intention to build this place into a harmonious and civilized world, I suffer from a lack of manpower."

"Kisuke, can I ask you for a favor?"

Urahara Kisuke: "???"

Listening to Masa Nagasawa's words, Kisuke Urahara suddenly felt that his blood pressure, which had just calmed down not long ago, suddenly soared again.

Can this person have a little sense of boundaries? ?

...... cut......

PS. I really want to play Tears of the Kingdom, but I feel that I will have no time to play after buying the cassette, hey...

It's so hard being a freelance writer.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Listening to Masa Nagasawa's words, Urahara Kisuke was already unable to complain.

To be honest, when Nagasawa asked him by name how to build the Xuye Palace, he already had some bad premonitions.

Unexpectedly, Nagasawa Ya could really say such brazen words so righteously.

Family members, who knows! ?

He felt that the glorious image of Nagasawa Masaru in his heart was gradually collapsing.

The strong sense of separation made him seriously doubt whether the Nagasawa Masaru in front of him and the eternal mentor in "Elegance Theory" were the same person.

However, in the end, he still did not spit out the pain in his throat directly, and even tried to refuse as tactfully as possible.

"That... Mr. Nagasawa, don't look at me like this, actually..."


However, before he could finish his sentence, Nagasawa let out a soft cry of reproach.

"I've wanted to tell you for a long time."

"We are also old friends. You don't have to always say that you are long and you are short. It's the same if you just call me by my name."

"What were you trying to say?"

Kisuke Urahara, "..."

Kisuke Urahara, who had already thought about how to refuse, was interrupted so suddenly by Masa Nagasawa, and the rhythm suddenly became disconnected.

After taking a deep breath, he calmed down.

"Ya, don't look at me like this. I'm actually quite busy. I..."

Only this time, he still didn't finish a complete sentence before he was interrupted again by Nagasawa Ya.

"What do you mean, you are a traitor in the soul world, what are you busy with?"

"Busy about revenge or running your little grocery store?"

Kisuke Urahara, "..."

Worried old man.

Can you stop mentioning rebellious tolerance all the time! ?

In a word, Kisuke Urahara was silenced.

And obviously, Nagasawa didn't mean to let him go just because of his silence.

I saw a look of hatred in Nagazeya's eyes.

"Kisuke... we need to take a longer-term view and open up the situation wider."

"You can't always stick to what's going on in front of you. This will only blind your eyes and make your vision narrower, making you unable to see clearly what's hidden deeper."

Listening to the words that came to his ears, Urahara Kisuke couldn't help but feel slightly startled by the look on his face.

To be honest, if someone else said this to him, he would only feel that the other party was fooling him, but the person who said this was Masa Nagasawa...

Kisuke Urahara couldn't help but fell into contemplation and self-doubt.

Could it be...that I am really too small?

Looking back on the past, Zong Zong seems to have suddenly realized his shortcomings.

As a scientific researcher, he was too focused on his own research direction, causing him to fail to realize that the experimental product he produced had deviated from the original track.

As the captain of the Thirteenth Guarding Team, he only wanted to support his vice-captain, which resulted in ignoring potential threats. Not only did he fail to save the person he wanted to save, but he was turned into an army by Aizen and completely defected Out of the Soul Realm.

If his vision can be seen in the longer term, and the pattern can be bigger, can he have a different ending at this time?

In an instant, Urahara Kisuke's eyes changed from anger to thinking, and then from thinking to admiration.

He felt that he seemed to understand some of the meanings in "Ya Lun". Some principles that he once thought were mysterious and mysterious and could not be fully understood seemed to be understood at this moment.

On the land of Liuhun Street, the sons of the former slaves will be able to sit with the sons of the former slave owners and share the brotherhood.

Let Hueco Mundo, a place where justice disappears and where the weak prey on the strong, like a desert, become an oasis of freedom and justice.

Is this... your pattern?

When Urahara Kisuke thought of this, he suddenly felt that the self he used to be immersed in his own world was so small and childish.

Everyone needs to go through such a difficult and hard time, that time is called "growth".

At this moment, Urahara Kisuke felt as if his thoughts had been sublimated at this moment.

He had an epiphany!

He decided to take a gamble with Nagasawa!

Thinking of this, the look in Urahara Kisuke's eyes gradually changed to Qingming.

After pondering for a moment, he whispered to Nagasawa Ya.

"Although defeating Bailegang and taking down the Void Night Palace is indeed a crucial step, there is indeed a huge gap from the world you imagined."

"However, if this is your dream, I am willing to take a gamble with you!"

Listening to the words that came to his ears, which were different from the reluctant perfunctory words before, but full of firmness and faith, Nagasawa Ya could not help but raise his brows.

Although I don’t know what kind of mental journey Urahara Kisuke went through to achieve such a huge change in a short period of time.

But it has to be said that the results are indeed advancing in a good direction.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help waving to Luo Jia who was in the distance.

After Luo Jia came closer, he pointed at Luo Jia and whispered to Urahara Kisuke.

"Her name is Luo Jia. As you know, we are all big bastards who only know how to fight. She can be regarded as the person with the highest level of scientific research among us."

"I think you will have many opportunities to communicate in the future."

Hearing this, Kisuke Urahara also had a look of surprise in his eyes when he looked at the spider-shaped Oko in front of him.

However, as Kisuke Urahara, who has successfully changed his career from death to a shrewd businessman, his expression management is extremely good.

The surprise in his eyes was almost fleeting, and it quickly turned into a friendly smile, and he greeted Luo Jia.

Looking at the harmonious scene in front of him, Nagasawa also showed a sincere smile at the corner of his mouth.

To be honest, although he was surprised by the change in Urahara Kisuke's attitude, he was not very surprised by the other party's answer.

The system can make a logical but not invariable reasonable deduction for the future through the change of fate.

In other words, if he carefully advances someone's fate according to the system's established trajectory, there is a high probability that he will proceed all the way according to the fate trajectory given by the system.

Urahara Kisuke's answer was exactly the result of his careful promotion according to Harribel's fate.

Of course, there are exceptions to everything.

At the crossroads of fate, there will always be certain changes due to various reasons.

It's like Byakuya Kuchiki who changed the operating system and gradually became interested in big breasts.

After losing his life mentor, Ya, it made sense that his operating system slowly returned to the original factory settings.

...... cut......

PS. The production level of Demon Slayer Animation is as good as ever, UFO Club is really awesome.

I hope that the second season of the Millennium Blood War of the Clown Club can also maintain the level of the first season, and I look forward to it!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"This is probably the case. Kisuke, you should have made some achievements in your research on how to break the boundary between the Shinigami and Hollows, right?"

"Hribel and the others will leave their faces to you."

With the addition of Kisuke Urahara, a technical talent, the subsequent series of problems will be much easier.

After preliminary communication, Urahara Kisuke also had a certain understanding of Nagasawa Masa's needs and plans.

However, when discussing the Arrancar transformation of the Hollow, Urahara Kisuke's eyes widened, showing an incredible look.

Why can this person always say such amazing words in such a normal tone?

The Vastod-level Daxu has reached the level of third-level spiritual power in terms of spiritual power. Some Shinigami who have just become captains are not necessarily their opponents.

Especially Harribel and Ulquiorra in front of them, as well as the Stark who was able to overpower Harribel just now.

These three Vastords, even among the captains of the Guarding Team Thirteen, are quite explosive existences.

Not to mention the Shinigami who had just become the captain, even the Shinigami who had been famous for a long time like Rukuchukenxi might not be their opponents.

Once you help them complete the virtualization...

Think about the masked army that has mastered the ability to blur, and its strength has greatly increased.

Kisuke Urahara was really worried that he would shoot himself in the foot and cultivate a terrifying force beyond his control.


Although he wanted to refuse, but looking at Helibel and Ulquiola who were sitting aside and looking at him peacefully, it was really difficult for him to say the words of rejection.

If this one is not done well, it is not impossible to turn their faces on the spot.

As if he noticed something strange between the two parties, Yoruichi, who was sitting next to Nagasawa and wandering around with his legs in his arms, suddenly came back to his senses.

A pair of golden eyes narrowed slightly, and his body tightened unconsciously, putting himself in a state where he could explode at any time.

Obviously, like Urahara Kisuke, she is still unable to give unconditional trust to Harribel and others.

Probably seeing the hesitation in Urahara Kisuke's eyes, Nagasawa Masa seemed quite candid and said directly.

"No need to worry."

"Dreams are always a product based on corresponding strength."

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