As the original book said, the battle of the god of death is the battle of Reiatsu.

When a Shinigami's spiritual pressure is suppressed to 20%, his strength will be reduced accordingly.

What Masa Nagasawa doesn't understand is why Shiba Yuma and Yadoumaru Lisa are still required to make limited engravings when performing crusade missions. Isn't this tantamount to binding their own hands and feet?

After all, the application for lifting the restriction cannot be approved in a short period of time. What if there is an emergency?

To his surprise, however, was yet to come.

Shiba Yuma, who was about to disband the team just now, seemed to suddenly think of something, and suddenly called Nagasawa Masamichi.

"Oh, by the way, because of your performance at Mao's graduation ceremony, the chief captain determined that your Reiatsu level has exceeded the fifth level of Lingwei, and has reached at least a level above the vice-captain level."

"So for this crusade mission, you also need to engrave a limited mark, Brother Nagasawa."

Hearing this, everyone at the scene looked sideways, with a natural expression on their faces.

As for Nagasawa, she was a little confused.

How much does Yamamoto think highly of him?

Or is it that because he thinks he shows off his blade like fire, he is regarded as a super dangerous person?

Laughing to death, there is no spiritual pressure that can limit him, okay?

For him who is still at the level of [passer-by], let alone restricting 80% of Reiatsu, even if it is 100% restricted, it doesn't make much difference to him.

"All right......"

Helpless, it's useless for him to explain more, he can't tell the whole story of his family, he can only accept this reality helplessly.

Soon, the team disbanded.

Just to be honest, Nagasawa has nothing to prepare for at all, instead of walking back to the sixth team, it's better to take a ride.

He hurriedly said to Shiha Yuma who was about to leave for Division [-].

"Captain Zhiba, I don't have anything to prepare, so I won't go back to the team building. Could you please take me for a ride?"

Hearing this, Shiba Yuma couldn't help showing a puzzled look on his face.

"Yes, yes, but..."

"Don't you know the way to Division [-]?"

"What do you mean by taking you a ride?"

However, in the next second, Shiba Yuma understood the meaning of Nagasawa's words.

I saw Masa Nagasawa holding the corner of his captain Yuori's clothes with one hand, and smiled softly at him.

"As you may not know, I encountered a rather terrifying opponent a while ago."

"Although the physical injuries have been healed, every time I think of him, I feel the pain from the wounds he left on my body."

"I don't think you would refuse the request of an injured patient who has just recovered from a serious illness?"

Looking at Masa Nagasawa who lost her face, Shiba Yuma whose eyes twitched slightly couldn't tell the truth from Masa Nagasawa's words for a moment, so he responded suspiciously.

He was kidnapped by his inner morality.

...... cut......

PS. Push a friend's book today, the following is the introduction:

One day, a strange game appeared in this world without warning, sending people to an area where only ghosts exist.

The death rate of almost all deaths has brought great panic. People hide from fear all day long, and pursue a slim way of life in the pursuit of various ghosts.

Among all the players, Qin Zheng can see various prompts, which greatly expands the active space of his operation.

So he began to assist teachers in the ghost school to invigilate the students, seduce other ghosts to go to NTR ghost brides during the ghost marriage, pour all kinds of poisonous chicken soup on the ghosts in the psychological consultation room, sneak into the ghost market to deceive the ghosts... ..

As he "struggles for survival", each game is speeded through in an extremely weird style, and he is gradually honored as the light of hope for mankind.

After a few games, Qin Zheng was excitedly preparing to continue the next game——

[You have been jointly boycotted by various ghosts in the ghost domain to enter the game, and you have been banned from entering the game for a week]

Qin Zheng: "???"

Very happy style, interested friends can take a look, the link is here↓↓↓↓↓

Chapter 37 Sudden mutation

"Ah, I really envy you, you don't have to be marked with a limited spiritual seal."

"I'm miserable. I've been suppressed by 80% of my spiritual pressure. I'm afraid I can't even beat you brats."

Under the guidance of Hell Butterfly, Yadoumaru Lisa was walking on the road to the present world under the guidance of Hell Butterfly. Yadoumaru Lisa put her hands behind her head and complained with a look of lovelessness.

It's just that her words obviously aroused someone's displeasure.

Kuchiki Byakuya looked at Lisa who was walking in front with a provocative expression, and said in a choked voice.

"Haha, you really dare to say that, why don't you immediately apply to Room 46 to lift the restriction and have a fight with me, so that you know that even if you are not marked with the restricted spirit seal, you are not my opponent... ..”

It's just that before he could finish his words, Nagasawa grabbed his head and suppressed the rest of the words abruptly.

"Idiot, don't be provoked so easily, my young master."

He sort of discovered that Kuchiki Byakuya of this period, although he already had the calm look of the future with the wisdom pearl in his hands, he was actually a flat-headed guy who hated whoever he saw.

It's okay to fight and fight at ordinary times, if he is so easily irritated when he is on a mission, he will not only be a drag on himself.

In contrast, Fengshao Ling and Ichimaru Gin, who are similar in age and also have the appearance of captains, are much calmer than him.

However, I don't know if it's because of what Kuchiki Yinling explained before leaving, or because of the strength Nagasawa Masa showed in the battle a month ago.

Facing Nagasawa, Byakuya Kuchiki calmed down in a rare moment.

He just snorted lightly and said no more.

At this time, Nagasawa had the opportunity to carefully observe the broken boundary.

The so-called "broken boundary" refers to the space between the soul world and the present world, where several cut-off spaces overlap and are surrounded by time torrents.

Because the time density is 2000 times that of the outside world, it was often used as a place for exile by the god of death in the past.

At the same time, in order to prevent the invasion of foreign enemies, the broken world is often filled with "Juliu" that blocks the movement of spiritual bodies, and giant insect scavengers "Jutu" that appear in the broken world every once in a while.

If there were no Hell Butterfly to lead the way, even the God of Death would not dare to stay in the broken world for a long time.

Thinking of this, Nagasawa's gaze involuntarily focused on the Hell Butterfly who flapped its wings like a faithful guide and guided the way forward for everyone, and a whisper-like soliloquy couldn't help but spit out from his mouth.

"Is hell always by your side..."

This is what Sal Apollo said before he died.

Of course, it refers to the opening chapter of the so-called Prison Yiming on the 20th anniversary of BLEACH.

Although there is no guarantee that it will continue to be serialized in the future, it is obvious that this butterfly named "Hell Butterfly" is not just responsible for leading the way for Death and delivering information.

And just when he was lost in thought, Shiba Yuma, who was walking at the front of the team, interrupted his thoughts with a voice.

"Okay, everyone, pay attention, you will soon enter the world."

Hearing this, Nagasawa couldn't help but bring back his thoughts that had been wandering around, and entered a state of high concentration.

Unlike other worlds, reiatsu in the Bleach world is a very convenient thing.

Because everyone's spiritual pressure is slightly different.

In most cases, with the help of Reiatsu, whether it is Shinigami, Pomian, or Quincy, it is possible to find people from a long distance, and rely on subtle differences in Reiatsu to judge the other party's mental state, etc. .

Unless there is a means of hiding the spiritual pressure, or through transformation, the spiritual body is transformed into a physique that is not easy to detect the spiritual pressure.

Otherwise, in the death battle, little time is wasted on searching for the enemy.

Masa Nagasawa has silently adjusted the system interface in her mind to the expected value extraction interface.

Because the ability to extract the expected value will be activated immediately at the moment of extraction, he did not extract it immediately.

Just adjust your position silently to a position among the few people, where you won't be attacked in the first place.

Once he encounters any accidents when leaving the boundary, he will not hesitate to draw the ability.

Soon, under the leadership of the hell butterfly, several people crossed the broken world and came to the present world.

Japan in the early twentieth century.

"Although there is a faint smell in the air, it is not nearby."

A shoji-like gate opened out of thin air on a bell tower. Shiha Yuma, who was the first to step out of the gate, glanced around cautiously, and then waved behind him, indicating that everyone could come out.

However, just as everyone filed out and the world-transmitting gate slowly closed.

Accident happened.

"Captain Shiba, little..."

Shiba Yuma turned around and was about to say something to everyone. Before he could say anything, he saw everyone looking at him with eyes filled with worry and shock.

Shiba Yuma is worthy of being the man who can be the captain, when he saw the expressions of everyone, he immediately realized that something was wrong.

He didn't turn around to see the danger from behind, but directly stepped forward, trying to use the tendency of rushing forward to forcibly dodge the attack from behind.

However, when Shiba Yuma was trying to move his legs, he was surprised to find that his legs did not listen to him at all, not only motionless, but also as if rooted stared at the spot.

A look of surprise floated into Shiba Yuma's eyes, and he subconsciously looked down.

On his legs, I don't know when, there are two more sun-like marks.

However, it was this lowered glance that completely ruined his last chance to escape.


The sound of the sharp blade breaking the body suddenly sounded, and the scene in front of them made everyone's scalp numb in shock.

I saw the sharp blade like a sickle, slashing towards Shiba Yuma's waist and belly fiercely like harvesting ears of rice in a rice field.

With just one blow, Shiba Yuma was cut in half from behind by the sneak attacker!

"First solve one, hee hee hee hee!"

A bloodthirsty smile sounded behind Shiba Yuma. Achukas, who was white and mantis-shaped, but had six sickle-like arms, did not intend to let go of this hard-earned sneak attack opportunity.

Toshiba waved his other arm, ready to make a final blow to Shiba Yuma, who had only half of his body left.

In sharp contrast, there were anxious calls from Yatomaru Lisa and others.

"Captain Shiba!"

...... cut......

PS. Brothers, let me ask you, I lose my sense of smell after the fever subsides, and I can’t smell anything. Is this normal? ? ?

Chapter 38 Familiar answer

The sudden change caused everyone to fall into a brief panic, and the pupils of Yadoumaru Lisa and the others shrank to the size of a pinhead in an instant.

However, they knew that now was not the time to be dazed.

The vitality of the captain-level shinigami is extremely tenacious. Even if Shiba Yuma is chopped into two pieces at this moment, as long as he is treated in time, he can survive.

Seeing that Shiba Yuma, who was seriously injured, was about to be dismembered, Lisa Yatomaru, Byakuya Kuchiki and Aya Haesue subconsciously stepped forward to rescue him.

It has to be said that the more crisis comes, the more it reflects a person's ability to remain calm in times of crisis.

The Achucas-level Daxu was attacking so close at hand. Even among the three of them, Byakuya Kuchiki and Aya Hazuo were the best in Shunpo among the Shinigami, they could not catch up with the opponent's blade before it fell. Before Shiba Yuma's neck, he stopped the opponent.

Looks of despair gradually filled the eyes of the three of them. Years of combat experience kept telling an answer in their minds that made them feel extremely desperate.

Can't keep up.

Can't catch up at all.

The moment they arrived in front of Shiba Yuma, Shiba Yuma would be the first to be decapitated!


Although it is inaccessible by humans, something lighter and smaller than it can reach it in an instant.

I saw a ray of silver light, at a speed far exceeding that of the three of them, passing over the three of them as if they were a latecomer, and heading straight for the head of Nayachukas.

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