Fortunately, this kind of thing is not a big deal in the world of corpses and souls with the background of ancient Japan.

In addition, as the spiritual power of the soul becomes stronger, the aging speed will also slow down exponentially, so no one takes these things seriously.

After several people sat down and briefly exchanged names, looking at Nagasawa Ya who was holding a watermelon, Chisentao was the first to speak to break the silence.

"Mr. Nagasawa and Miss Rukia are father and daughter?"

...... cut......

PS. It's 4 o'clock, I can't stand it anymore, I have to go to work tomorrow, there are only three and a half hours left to sleep, I'm going to sleep, the dog's life is at stake.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Hey, bedwetting peach!"

Listening to what Hina Sentao asked, Shiro Toshiro, who had just finished dividing the watermelon, felt the cold sweat on his back suddenly drop.

Both he and Chisentao were able to live in this luxurious mansion more than a month ago because their family members helped Kuchiki's house.

Because Hinamori Momo was in danger just now, he focused all his attention on Nagasawa Miyabi and Hinamori Momo, and subconsciously ignored Rukia's existence.

But when everyone was seated...

Although his face still had the youthfulness and immaturity that only belongs to a girl, when Toshiro saw Rukia for the first time, he could tell at a glance that the girl in front of him, who was only a few years older than him, had the same relationship with this big house. The hostess has a very similar face.

Although the aging speed of a soul without spiritual power is no different from that of ordinary humans, it can't stand the fact that neon women generally get married early.

At Kuchiki Feizhen's age, it is not impossible to give birth to Rukia.


Kuchiki Hime is really the wife of the heir of the Kuchiki family.

Rukia may be Kuchiki Feima's daughter.

Rukia calls Nagasawa "Dad".

Nagasawa's surname is Nagasawa, not Kuchiki.


Dongshiro felt that he seemed to have discovered something extraordinary.

If this one is not handled well, it will not be silenced! ?

He didn't fear for his life.

For a long time, it was unknown whether it was because of the silver hair or the green eyes, the people around him didn't like him very much, and even alienated him deliberately.

The only people who can make him feel the warmth of "home" and face him like ordinary people are his grandma and Chisentao.

If he was killed because of this incident and his close relatives and friends were harmed, he would not rest in peace even if he went to hell.

This was also the reason why Hinamori Momo was so frightened after she asked her first question.

This guy, Chisen, is too blind to see it! ?

Dongshiro, who has a maturity that does not match his appearance, has secretly become anxious for his companion.

However, I don't know if he has seen through Dong Shilang's mind, just when Dong Shilang looked flustered and wanted to say something to make amends, Nagasawa turned his head and looked at him with some playful eyes, said softly.

"Don't worry, although Rukia is my son, we are not related by blood."

Just a light word made Dong Shilang relax instantly.

If it's just a relationship between a godfather and a goddaughter, it's harmless.

Only very quickly, he suddenly realized a problem.

How did he know what I was thinking? Could it be that he could read minds?

However, this idea just popped up in Dongshiro's mind, Nagasawa Ya, who bit off the sweetest part in the middle of the watermelon, immediately said softly without looking back while showing a cheerful expression.

"I can't read minds."

Winter Shiro: "..."

Listening to the voice coming from his ear, Shiro Dong couldn't help feeling a choke in his throat, as if an old mouthful was stuck in his throat, and he didn't know where to start to spit it out.

You still say you can't read minds?

Grim Reaper... Um, is this guy a Grim Reaper?

It doesn't seem like it looks like other gods of death.

Besides Reaper, is there such a powerful guy?

However, this time, Nagasawa Masaru continued the conversation in the void as if he could still hear the thoughts in Toshiro's mind.

"Of course I'm the god of death. I just didn't want to see you getting too troubled by some mindless things, so I reminded you."

"Little guy, it's good to be vigilant, but it's best to control the expression on your face before you clearly judge the situation."

"Your thoughts are all written on your face."

Winter Shiro: "..."

Hey hey, do you want to be so direct?

Am I shameless! ?

Shiro Dong, who was seen through by Ya Nagasawa, suddenly showed a look of embarrassment and anger on his face.

He who didn't want to admit it was even more stubborn.

"I...I don't have any random ideas!"

"Besides, living in Liuhun Street, staying vigilant is something that children know!"

Listening to the words in his ear, Nagasawa shrugged noncommittally.

After quickly showing off the watermelon that had been cooled by the well water in her hand, Nagasawa suddenly showed a satisfied look.

However, he was satisfied, but Rukia sitting beside him became more and more anxious.

With that fidgeting expression, he didn't even feel like eating the watermelon in his hand.

At this moment, she only wants Nagasawa Masa to go to Kuchiki Feizhen's side as soon as possible.

Seemingly aware of the eagerness in Rukia's eyes, Nagasawa Masa, who was also full of food and drink, turned around and asked softly to Shiro Dong with her chin propped up.

"Recently, you should have noticed it too?"


Dongshiro's face was full of confusion about Nagasawa Ya's endless questions.

"Are the people living around you getting weaker and weaker recently?"

"Have you had any strange dreams recently?"

Hearing this, Dongshiro and Rukia showed surprise expressions on their faces.


Chisentao, on the other hand, ate watermelon in small bites, while quietly looking at everyone.

Rukia is no longer the self who lived at the bottom of Ruukon Street. Although she only studied in Mao for less than half a year, her horizons have broadened a lot.

At this time, even the most stupid person can hear what Nagasawa said.

She has already realized that the reason why Kuchiki Hime appears those abnormalities is probably because of this young man in front of her.


Does this young man who looks much younger than her really have the ability to "hurt" Kuchiki Hijin without anyone noticing?

What is his purpose?

He doesn't look... like the kind of kid who would just hurt people...

And when Rukia looked at Dongshiro with a complicated expression, Dongshiro also showed a hesitant look on his face.

As he said, in Ruhun Street, being vigilant is something even children know.

Although Masa Nagasawa in front of him did save Chisentao, it doesn't mean he didn't have any malice towards them.

However, after a brief hesitation, he still decided to tell the truth.

Nagasawa's mind-reading "ability" just now really shocked him.

Although he kept saying that he could see his thoughts from the expression on his face, he did not dare to bet that the other party really did not have the ability to read minds.

Especially after Nagasawa asked two very targeted questions with such clear purpose, if he deliberately concealed it, he might not be able to escape the other party's eyes.

Thinking of this, he just thought for a moment before answering.

"Well... Grandma is indeed a little depressed recently, but she is weak, but she can't be too weak. She has never missed the work in her hand."

"As for the strange dream you mentioned... I haven't encountered it yet."

Listening to Shiro Dong's answer, Masa Nagasawa understood.

No wonder the Shinigami responsible for guarding the Kuchiki family failed to notice the abnormality in Toushiro.

Hitsugaya Toshiro's Zanpakutō is called Hyōrinmaru.

It is known as the existence of the strongest Zanpakuto of the ice and snow system.

In the original plot, it was because he initially awakened the power of Zanpakuto in the depths of his soul, and he was afraid that his Reiatsu would hurt his grandmother, so he embarked on the road of death under the recommendation of Ranju.

However, probably because of his young age, Toshiro has not yet awakened the power of his Zanpakuto, or he heard the sound of Zanpakuto in the haze, and even his own spiritual pressure is only higher than that of ordinary souls. Just be stronger.

The reason why the people around him are depressed and even feel cold at night is probably related to his spiritual pressure attribute.

Although in the world of "BLEACH", there is not much emphasis on such things as attributes, and more is to rely on Reiatsu, the strange Zanpakuto ability, and the four great methods of Zanquan Zougui to fight.

But the attribute of spiritual pressure can achieve unexpected effects in some aspects.

Aside from Zanpakuto's attribute, let's take Yeyi's "Sh

Ordinary "instantaneous protection  walls

But if you integrate your own spiritual pressure attributes into it, you can develop an enhanced version that focuses on different things and is unique to you.

For example, the broken bee has added wind attribute spiritual pressure, focusing on the "infinite instant coaxing" of speed.

Yeyi added the thunder attribute spiritual pressure, focusing on the explosive "Instant Coaxing Thunder God Battle Form".

And Yushiro joined the flame-attributed spiritual pressure, the amazingly destructive "Instant Coax·Burst Yan Wushuang".

I'm afraid Dongshiro subconsciously exuded his own ice attribute spiritual pressure when he fell asleep and lost consciousness, which affected the people around him.

In addition, the fluctuation of his spiritual pressure did not change in any way, but because of the loss of consciousness, the ice attribute was subconsciously mixed into the spiritual pressure, so he was not noticed by the Kuchiki family's guards.

At this time, I have to say that Kuchiki Feizhen's physical condition is really bad.

From Dong Shilang's description, we can know that his grandma is just an ordinary soul that can no longer be ordinary, without any spiritual power.

But such an old soul without spiritual power has stronger resistance than Kuchiki Hime.

Kuchiki Byzai, Kuchiki Byzai, what crime did you do to harm your own wife's body like this?

Even though he knew in his heart that Byakuya Kuchiki didn't mean it, Masa Nagasawa still couldn't help complaining in his heart.

It's not the dream of every man to get promoted, get rich and die with his wife, let alone the sister of his adopted son.

Thinking of this, Nagasawa Masa decided not to look at the monk's face but at the Buddha's face, even though she didn't like Kuchiki Hime's decision very much in her heart.

He asked the Toshiro in front of him softly with great interest.

"Are you interested in being the god of death?"

"Although it is still very immature, as you grow up, your Reiatsu will one day hurt your closest people."

"Be my son, and I will teach you how to manipulate this power."

Can't refute.jpg

...... cut......

PS.1. The Bad Obsession Eliminator is really good-looking, highly recommended!

PS.2. The Millennium Blood War released a new trailer the night before yesterday, saying that it will join the original plot of the animation team supervised by Kubo.

Judging from the preview, it seems that the content of Tsunayashiro Tokinada stealing the knife and Hirako Mako's swastika has been added, and some scenes of the Masked Legion have been added.

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