Immediately, Nagasawa slowly bent the first two knuckles of her fingers, and after placing them on Kenpachi Zaraki's Zanpakutō, she spoke softly in the same calm tone as before.

"I said, one knife is one knife."

"You won't deny your account, Captain Saraki."

Listening to the sound coming from his ears, Saraki Kenpachi, who was immersed in his own world, finally came back to his senses.

Looking at Nagasawa who blocked his slash with just one finger, a rare sense of frustration arose in his heart.

Even the Zanpakutō in his hand hangs down slowly with some powerlessness.

However, this sense of frustration was quickly wiped away from his heart, and what followed was a burning fighting spirit that reappeared.

However, not now.

He is Saraki Kenpachi, a man who keeps his promises.

Just cutting the second knife without authorization has already violated the previous agreement, if you let him continue to fight with shamelessness, he will look down on himself first.

After staring deeply at Nagasawa Ya in front of him, he spoke quite simply.

"I lost."

Immediately, Saraki Kenpachi stopped talking.

He didn't care about the surprised eyes around him, and walked straight back to his seat with a calm expression on his face.

Looking at Saraki Kenpachi's back when he stepped down from the stage, Nagasawa Masa finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Immediately, he turned around and explained the principle of the scene to everyone.

"'Bound Dao No. [-] Rebuke', I think everyone should be familiar with this ghost dao, right?"

"This is the method I used to block Captain Saraki's attack just now."

What Nagasawa taught today can be said to be completely beyond the common sense and inherent impressions of everyone present.

Although he has been mentally prepared, and vaguely guessed that the answer he gave will be amazing.

But after the answer was actually revealed, there was still heated discussion.

"'Rebuke'!? How is that possible!? It's just the No. [-] bound road..."

"No, if it's Mr. Nagasawa, it may not be impossible. Even the 'Shirai' of No. [-] Breakthrough can easily penetrate the triple defensive barrier set up by Deputy Captain Ichimaru, and No. [-] Bound Road blocked Captain Saraki's attack. I think it's quite reasonable."

"But... but I didn't see Mr. Nagasawa using the ghost way just now? Not only did he omit the chanting, but he didn't even have any fluctuations in spiritual power. This is unscientific!"

Listening to the discussion in his ears, Nagasawa not only grinned.

"Then, what if we modify the spiritual sub-nodes of 'Repulse', superimpose multiple spiritual shields formed by it, and make a preset in advance to set it as a triggering mode?"

The plain words seemed to be talking about something easy and simple, but when these words fell into the ears of everyone, it looked another way.

Do multiple superpositions of the spiritual shield?

Then preset it as a trigger type in advance?

In the end, relying on the No. [-] Binding Dao, to defend against the attack of the captain-level death god?

In the tens of thousands of years of history of the corpse and soul world, it is not without people with amazing talents.

But they have never heard of someone who can use the ghost way to such an extent.

Seeing the astonishment on everyone's faces, Nagasawa couldn't help showing a look of complacency in her eyes.

This method is based on the "Million Shield" used by Aizen in the original work during the battle of Karakura Town, and he created the devil to change the way of ghosts.

To be honest, it is not difficult to change "reprimand" into a preset trigger type, and some gods of death who are proficient in this way can do it.

But if you want to superimpose it in complex numbers, the difficulty is not as simple as one plus one equals two.

...... cut......

PS. It’s so hard. I go to class at night until after 8 o’clock. After returning to the room, I start coding silently on my mobile phone. I’m really not used to it.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In fact, as early as Sarutobi Musashi agreed to go to Mao to give lectures, Nagasawa Masa had already started to think about the content of his lectures.

Needless to say, the "Bai Lei" version of the electromagnetic gun, with cheap auxiliary materials and easy-to-learn low-level hacks, is simply a must-have choice for home travel and killing people.

Of course, in this way, new problems are born.

The modified "Bai Lei" possesses a power far beyond that of its rank. If it is only used to deal with the enemy, there is no problem, but what if it is used to deal with or even attack one's own people?

Unfortunately, there are no too strong technical barriers here.

In other words, even those Mao students who have not yet graduated in the audience can easily master this powerful method that is enough to kill the enemy by leaps and bounds.

This is like handing a crossbow into the hands of a young child. An untrained child doesn't even need to go through rigorous training. He only needs to pull the trigger lightly to easily kill an unsuspecting child. knight.

Although the Tsunayashiro family has been surprisingly quiet in the past few months, no one knows how many pawns like Rennosuke Kamikawa he has lurked in Gotei [-].

Once there is a mental calculation without intention, even a high-ranking officer may not be able to react to this magic modified version of "White Thunder" in a sneak attack.

However, the wisdom of flower growers for thousands of years has never been head-to-head.

You have chain horses, I have hooks and sickles.

You have a samurai sword that is good at chopping, and I have a wolf's sword that is both soft and hard.

You choose any shooter, and I will keep my promise.

The birth of a powerful weapon means that there must be a weapon that can restrain its existence.

Nagasawa didn't expect to be able to reach Aizen's level, and beating the captain was like slaughtering a pig.

What you need to know is that in the Battle of Karakura Town, Aizen relied on the spiritual shield developed by Bengyu, which alone was enough to block the slashing blows of Jingle Shunsui.

With a million noodles, it is even more able to eat Kurosaki Ichigo Sanji Crescent Moon Tenchong.

Without Bengyu, he only hopes to make up for the gap in hardware through wisdom and hard work.

He didn't ask for a single shield to block the blow of the captain-level death god. He only asked for hard work to make up for his weakness, and he used millions of shields to achieve this goal.

After all, in the final analysis, this is a life-saving technique prepared for the gods of death with low combat effectiveness.

Recalling the previous life, during the thousand-year bloody battle, the members of the thirteenth team of the guarding court were like chickens and dogs in the hands of the Quincy of the invisible empire. Even the god of death at the vice-captain level had almost no power to fight back.

Although there is him, it may not develop to that point in the future.

But in order to prevent his lovely disciples from being killed indiscriminately, he really took great pains.

So, inspired by Aizen's "Million Shields" and modeled on the No. [-] Bindao "Rebuke", Masa Nagasawa affectionately called it the "Super Luxurious Million Shining Shield of Truth One Type" was born.

For the convenience of calling it, under Nanao's suggestion, Masa Nagasawa reluctantly simplified its name to "Million Shield".

It's not that he can really stack the shield to the height of a million layers like Aizen. He was born in the project and has become accustomed to shouting slogans first.

This represents a beautiful vision. As for whether it can be successfully stacked to a million layers... Anyway, let’s shout out the slogan first!

Of course, as the only wise general in the soul world who can compete with Aizen and Kisuke Urahara in terms of wisdom, Masa Nagasawa naturally considered all kinds of possibilities and accidents that would happen during the lecture.

Among them is the fact that Saraki Kenpachi will actively jump out when he is looking for a demonstration object.

It's just that in his imagination, this role is more likely to be Yamamoto. After all, the combat power he has shown has always been captain level.

Maybe the old man has been trying to deal with him for a long time... Ahem, he may be on stage to give him some pointers at a moment's itch.

Therefore, his default "million shield" has been built on the premise of protecting captain-level combat power.

But what I have to say is that without the assistance of Bengyu, it is really difficult to superimpose the No. [-] binding of "Rebuke" enough to withstand the fatal blow of the captain-level death god, let alone that it will There are less than three days left before the official lecture.

During these three days, apart from eating and sleeping, including when he was practicing Renji, he was stacking armor for himself all the time.

However, his "million shield" is not without its shortcomings.

After all, it is a defensive ghost tunnel based on the low-level ghost tunnel. Although the quality has become higher, the area it can defend is still very small. At most, it can only defend an area as large as a Draco shield.

This is like body armor. Once the enemy's attack falls outside the protection range of the body armor, it should be hung up.

The good thing is that as long as you know where the opponent will attack in advance, you can make targeted arrangements.

Otherwise, if I wait for Chang Zeya to arrange it all over my body, I'm afraid it will take a month or two to stop.

Finally, in three days, he completed the construction of the "Million Shield" on his right arm and palm.

It's just that it's just finished, he doesn't have time to do the test at all.

After all, these shields made of spiritual particles are one-time products, and if they are hacked, they can only be rearranged. He doesn't have that much time.

Therefore, when Zaragi Kenpachi came to the stage, he was actually a little nervous.

Because he didn't know whether his "Million Shield" could successfully block Zaraki Sword Bayi Sword.

So, he simply played tricks, and didn't say what the "life-saving trick" he wanted to teach was.

If the "Million Shield" can successfully block Saragi Kenpachi's knife, then everyone will be happy.

In case that fails...

After his arm was cut off, he would directly use a reverse technique to highlight an invincible position!

Only in this way, there is no need to mention the "ultra-luxury one-million-shining shield of truth type one".

As for whether the big guy can learn the "reversal technique"...

Anyway, he himself hasn't figured out how to teach it until now.

Fortunately, when Kenpachi Zaraki struck that blow, his "million shield" was only consumed by nearly [-]%.

This also gave him the confidence to use his fingers to block Saragi Kenpachi's second cut.

It's just that the opponent's second knife was really beyond his expectation, and the attribute of getting stronger as you fight is almost fully reflected in Kenpachi Saraki.

When Zaragi Kenpachi cut the heavier and faster second knife, it almost shattered his "million shield".

Don't look at him pretending to be aggressive with a calm face at that time.

If Zaraki Kenpachi hadn't stopped in time, he really would have had no choice but to press the card on the spot.

Fortunately, facing the forced king Nagasawa Masaru, Zaraki Kenpachi slashed his heart with two swords. He surrendered and had no intention of fighting again.

Everything is under my control.

Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie!

...... cut......

PS. I took the time to watch the update of Jihu at noon. The mk9 is so handsome. Except for the short legs, it is really handsome to me.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Asai Renji, next year's today will be the day of your death!"

"Breakthrough [-]: Electromagnetic Gun!"

"Hmph, even a mere railgun wants to hurt me? Look at my 'Super Luxurious Million Shining Shield of Truth Type [-]'!"


In the small courtyard, Rukia, who was wearing a white sheet, seemed to regard her as the captain Haori, held a bullet in her hand, and shot it towards Renji who was not far away.

Renji, who was his target, tied the lid of the pot to his arm to block the projectile fired by Rukia.

With the crisp sound of "Duang", the projectile that hit the pot lid immediately fell to the ground under the blessing of gravity and rebound.

Looking at Renji who easily blocked his blow, Rukia's face showed surprise immediately.

Her eyes widened, she looked at the pot lid tied to Renji's arm with disbelief and said in shock.

"This... Could this be the commander-in-chief of the Gotei [-]th Special Operations Team, Mr. Nagasawa, who is known as the 'Smart General', created a unique skill, the 'ultra-luxury million-dollar sparkle' that even Captain Saraki could not break through Type Shield of Truth One Style'!?"

Hearing this, he held up his shield to block Rukia's "shocking blow" by Renji, and immediately put his hands behind his back, posing as a lonely master.


Seeing Renji's confession, Rukia's eyes were full of horror, and she couldn't help taking three steps back, pointing at Renji, and said softly with a trembling voice.

" have already cultivated!?"

"I thought that if I learned Mr. Nagasawa's 'Railgun', I would be invincible in the world."

"Now it seems that I am watching the sky from the bottom of a well. This Captain Haori is now yours!"

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