On the screen, the scene of Nagasawa Masaru shooting a marble through the triple Rashomon gate arranged by Ichimaru Gin three days ago happened to be playing.

Seeing this scene, especially Gin Ichimaru, who had a shocked look on his face and acted as a perfect backdrop, no matter how good he was at hiding his emotions, he couldn't help but feel a toothache.

"Tsk... I said, haven't you seen enough?"

As he spoke, as if to divert attention, or to express his dissatisfaction by the way, Gin Ichimaru's tone was rarely filled with complaints.

"Also... I think the electric light is really a good thing, have you considered installing a few?"

"Every time I leave here, I feel that my eyesight has deteriorated a bit more. If this continues, I think I will have to buy a pair of glasses."

I don't know if Ichimaru Gin's words touched a sore spot. As if he remembered something, Tōsen Kaname didn't show any strange expression on his face, but he responded without hesitation.

"Probably because your eyes are relatively small, and lack of vision is normal."

"Captain Dongxian just has an unpleasant mouth."

Listening to the words in his ears, Ichimaru Gin's face twitched slightly.

But just when he was about to say something more, a gentle voice suddenly sounded from the corner of the laboratory.

"Silver, how does it feel to fight Nagasawa-kun head-on?"

Immediately, a refined figure slowly walked out from the dark corner.

Seeing that Aizen, who was supposed to be handling official documents in the [-]th team's dormitory, unexpectedly appeared in the laboratory, as the [-]th team's vice-captain, Ichimaru Gin did not show any surprise on his face.

This is the ability of Aizen's Zanpakuto, Mirror Flower and Water Moon.

Almost everyone in Seireitei was hypnotized by his appearance.

Even if the "Aizen" sitting in the fifth team's dormitory was not him, no one would notice this strangeness.

In the past week, except for a trip back to Division [-] when he learned that Nagasawa Masaru was going to teach at Mao, and told Gin Ichimaru to find an opportunity to test Nagasawa Masaru's strength, Aizen almost stayed here. In the laboratory, all matters within the team were handed over to the vice-captain, Gin Ichimaru.

Seriously, this was the first time he had seen Gin Ichimaru since that public lecture.

At this moment, when he suddenly heard Aizen asking, Ichimaru Gin just curled his lips inconspicuously, and then responded.

"Well, we can't talk about fighting."

"That guy was very restrained from the beginning to the end, and kept the spiritual pressure between the fourth and fifth grades of spiritual power."

"However, it is really remarkable to be able to use the 'Flying Dragon Striking Thieves and Shocking Thunder Cannon' to break through the 'breaking space' laid by the rotten wood that has reached the fourth-level spiritual power with a spiritual pressure that is less than the fourth-level spiritual power."

"It's a pity, if Captain Aizan allows me to use the swastika, maybe I can force him to get more cards."

Probably because he was stimulated by the impact of Tosen Kaname, Ichimaru Gin never mentioned that he was blasted through the triple defensive wall by Nagasawa Masaru.

On the other hand, Aizen, after hearing Ichimaru Gin's report, he just pondered for a moment before speaking.

"There will be a chance."

Immediately, he turned around, came behind Dongxian Yao, and whispered to Dongxian Yao in front of the computer screen.

"Yes, that one should have been recycled and analyzed, right?"

Hearing this, Tosen Kaname, who was still bickering with Ichimaru Gin just now, seemed to be completely cut off from his previous self. He immediately changed his face and responded quite seriously.

"Yes, the damage is quite serious, and because they were scattered not far from Xuye Palace, I took a lot of effort to complete the collection without alarming Urahara Kisuke and the others."

"Fortunately, the records inside are quite complete. I have analyzed all the contents and done preliminary quantitative processing. Do you want to take a look now?"

Lanran nodded in satisfaction, "It just so happens that Yin is here too, let's take a look together."

Listening to the conversation between the two, Ichimaru Gin also showed a look of interest on his face.

Hearing the words "Xuye Palace", he roughly guessed what the two were talking about.

The virtual circle has always been the most critical part of Aizen's plan. As the ruler of the virtual circle, Bailegang's every move is naturally under the nose of his own side to make people feel at ease.

Thanks to the Reiatsu hiding technology mastered in the early years, Aizen has produced a group of artificial virtuals that are small in size and not good at fighting, but very good at hiding and detecting.

These man-made virtual quilts were scattered around Xuye Palace, to be precise, they were scattered around Bailegang, closely monitoring every move of Bailegang.

It's just a pity that when rescuing Nagasawa Ya, although Aizen and he both noticed the gradually disappearing spiritual pressure of Bailegang, they didn't have a suitable opportunity to recover those artificial fakes.

In order to avoid showing chicken feet in front of Nagasawa Ya, they had to give instructions to those artificial hypocrisy lurking under the white sand, so that after the defeat of Bailegang, the object of surveillance was transferred to the strongest Vasto in the field. De, Helibel's body, in order to continue to collect information while looking for opportunities to recover these artificial fakes.

However, what made them feel a little bit stupid was that before they had time to recover those artificial Hollows, two days after Nagasawa Miyabi returned to Soul Society, those artificial Hollows actually lost contact on a large scale due to unknown reasons.

Originally, if you lose contact, you will lose contact. As long as you can recover the artificial wreckage and get the information from it, just make another batch.

It's just that when Dongxian is going to sneak to the virtual circle, and prepares to go to the location where the artificial virtual signal disappears to recover...

Or how to say that after a person loses one of the five senses, the other senses will become more sensitive.

From a long distance, the blind Tōsenyō sensed the Reiatsu belonging to Ling Teizai from afar.

This discovery really aroused his vigilance.

Fortunately, in order to conceal his actions, he deliberately put on the black cloak confiscated from Urahara Kisuke's research room in Soul World, not only concealing his own spiritual pressure, but also found Urahara Kisuke's figure later.

This discovery caused him to give up on recovering the artificial Hollow on the spot, and returned to Soul Society without stopping, reporting the situation to Aizen.

It was precisely for this reason that Tosen Kaname finally had to secretly move the house using ants, and it took him nearly five months to recover the remains of the artificial reality "under the nose" of Urahara Kisuke. .

At this time, Gin Ichimaru suddenly heard the conversation between Aizen and Tōsen Kaname, and naturally understood that Tōsen Kaname had already completed the recovery of the man-made fiction, and analyzed the content of its records.

Speaking of it, Bailegang's "power of aging" is indeed quite tricky. Even a genius like him has to admit that, except for Aizen, neither he nor Tosen is an opponent of Bailegang.

At least not yet.

He was quite curious about how Nagasawa defeated Bailegang who had mastered the "power of aging".

Just the next second, the picture he imagined did not appear on the computer screen, but a regular hexagonal picture popped up.

On the six corners of the hexagon are written the six subjects of attack power, defense power, mobile power, ghost path and Reiatsu, intelligence, and physical strength.

Looking at the hexagonal diagram that suddenly appeared on the screen, Ichimaru Gin immediately realized that this was the "quantification" that Tōsen Kaname said.

And next to the hexagon, there are three characters "Dongxian Yao" written clearly.

Immediately, I saw Dongxian gently press his finger on the keyboard, and in the middle of the regular hexagon pattern, an irregular hexagon appeared again, and beside the subjects on the hexagons of the regular hexagon, the corresponding numbers appeared .


In the next second, Dongxian was about to explain.

"This is the battle value I quantified based on my fighting style and physical fitness. Compared with the kind of melee that directly kills each other, I am better at strategic warfare using resourcefulness."

"So physical strength is my weakness, and relatively speaking, my attack and defense are slightly insufficient."

Looking at the hexagonal diagram in front of him, the corners of Gin Ichimaru's eyes twitched slightly.

He has no opinion on the other items.

After all, if Dongxian can become the captain, he must have two skills, especially in the attainments of ghosts.


Just how confident is Dongxian in his own intelligence?

Why don't you just write a score of 100?

Is the 10 points deducted because of modesty?

Or are you afraid of being too proud?

...... cut......

PS. Inexplicably, I wrote it until 2 o'clock again, and I have a headache...

Editing of Chapter [-], starting with Masa Nagasawa

Probably because of his blindness, Tosen Kaname didn't notice the slight expression on Ichimaru Gin's face.

Seeing that neither Aizen nor Ichimaru Gin expressed any objection to his quantitative value, his confidence was greatly increased, and he immediately threw out another hexagram.

This time, the name "Ichimaru Gin" is marked next to the six-sided picture.

Unlike Tōsenyo's irregular hexagonal combat stats, Ichimaru Gin's combat stats are actually an extremely balanced regular hexagon.


Although each subject is far from the full 100 points, Ichimaru Gin's data is a classic fighter with no shortcomings.

Probably because he was worried that Ichimaru Gin felt that he had lowered his stats, after showing the hexagonal map, Tosen immediately whispered in a slightly approving tone.

"Although Ichimaru is somewhat frivolous on weekdays, I have to admit that you are the most talented person I have ever met except Captain Aizen, Motoyanagi Shigekuni Yamamoto, and Masa Nagasawa."

"It is an all-round talent with excellent and stable values ​​in all abilities."

"Although you haven't reached the peak of the growth system due to the short training time, I don't want you to be discouraged by the temporary combat value. It will be a matter of time before you surpass me."

Listening to the compliments in his ears, Ichimaru Gin not only did not feel any joy, but felt that his face was about to become stiff because of maintaining a professional fake smile.

This man... is there some serious illness?

What a ghost!

Not to mention anything else, how can your intelligence pull me away by 20 points?

Who gave you the courage?

Even Aizen couldn't help but linger on the "intelligence" column for a while after seeing Ichimaru Gin's hexagonal diagram.

But very quickly, for some unknown reason, Aizen spoke after pondering for a moment.

"The halo of a genius born once in a thousand years is still too dazzling."

"Yin, after becoming the captain, try your best to make yourself less outstanding. If converted into numerical values, keeping each item around 80 points is a more reasonable range."

Listening to Aizen's words, Gin Ichimaru's squinted eyes flashed a bright light.

"Captain...is the plan about to start?"

Hearing this, Aizen shook his head lightly, "Wait a little longer, now is not the time."

Seeing Aizen's refusal, Ichimaru Gin couldn't help but let go.

He has been lurking beside Aizen for nearly 50 years, but even so, he still has no chance to figure out a way to crack the mirror.

The only thing I know is that the flower in the mirror and the moon in the water are ineffective against Dongxian who has lost his light and can't see with his eyes.

It's just a pity that as early as when he joined the fifth team, he had already fallen into Aizen's mirror.

Now he is already the vice-captain of the Fifth Division, and he can be said to be the closest person to Aizen in the entire Gotei Thirteenth Team.

If he cannot figure out a way to crack Kyoka Suigetsu before leaving the fifth division, once Aizen's plan is implemented, his probability of achieving his goal will decrease exponentially.

Fortunately, there is still a chance!

Seeing that Aizen had completed the arrangement, Tōsen continued to fiddle with the computer in front of him.

Only this time, what appeared was not Aizen, the last member of the trio, but a portrait of Masa Nagasawa.

Immediately, Dongxian was about to explain.

"Excuse me for not being able to quantify Captain Aizen's specific combat values."

"After all, even at this moment, I still don't know where your limit is. If I rashly quantify it for you, I'm just humiliating myself."

Listening to Tosen Kaname's words, Ichimaru Gin immediately became a little confused.

Question marks one after another kept appearing in his mind.

What does this blind guy mean?

I don't know where the limit of blue dye is, so I can't quantify it...

Meaning, you know my IQ is only 70? ? ?

There must be a limit to insulting people, right?

Ichimaru Gin felt that his hands hidden in his sleeves were trembling a little.

If it wasn't for taking the overall situation into consideration and not wanting to expose his true ability for the time being, he couldn't help but want to stab someone.

However, at this time, Aizen shook his head again.

"Yes, there is no need to belittle oneself. Being able to accurately quantify the abilities of most people is already quite a remarkable thing."


Aizen understands Yuxia.

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