The other is that since entering Mao, he has been serious about the subjects, and has devoted himself to the courses related to stealth maneuvers.

To put it bluntly, they are really not as good as the fully developed Byakuya Kuchiki and Gin Ichimaru.

However, it was also through the time Kuchiki Byakuya and the two treated Shiba Yuma that Masa Nagasawa began to recount the attack he encountered tonight.

To be honest, although the targets of attacking them were the two future ten-blades, and the mastermind behind them was also pointing to the king of the virtual circle, Bailegang, but for some reason, he always felt that such a straightforward attack was not by Aizen .

It's so clumsy.

Not to mention that Aizen was brought by Hirako Makoto in the name of vice-captain at this time, and he had to hide his fox tail anytime and anywhere, let's talk about the motive.

What else can Aizen get from attacking them and their group, apart from using Shiba Yuma and Yadoumaru Lisa, two gods of death with spiritual power level five and above, to do blurry experiments?


His attention had been on Shiba Yuma for a long time, and Shiba Yuma, who was seriously injured, showed no tendency to blur at all.

Not to mention that Neutra's initial shot was to kill Shiba Yuma.

This is not an experiment at all.

If it's serious, it's more like an assassination.

Thinking of this, Masa Nagasawa's eyes flashed brightly, and he seemed to inadvertently ask Yadomaru Lisa, who was guarding her surroundings, softly.

"Speaking of which, has Seireitei's support speed always been this slow?"

"If I say... I just said that if, if the battle is not over now, let alone reinforcements, at least the approval for lifting the restrictions should come down, right?"

At least 20 minutes have passed since the battle started, when Yadomaru Lisa began calling for reinforcements and applying for the removal of the restriction.

During these 20 minutes, although Yadoumaru Lisa had reported the relevant process to Seireitei because of the end of the battle, she did not cancel the application for lifting the restriction.

After all, as long as the reinforcements have not arrived, they will always be in danger of being attacked. Whether they are restricted or not can be determined according to the situation, but the approval to cancel them must be obtained.

However, the report she typed seemed to be lost in the sea, and there was no response until 20 minutes had passed.

Apparently, Yatomaru Lisa also noticed something was wrong. Her beautiful eyebrows wrinkled slightly, and her expression became even more solemn as she replied.

"Because of the speed of time in the broken world, the reinforcements from the soul world will be slower, which is quite normal."

"However, it is known that Captain Shiba is seriously injured, but the approval for lifting the restrictions has not yet come down. This is a bit too procrastinating."

" was a coincidence that we were attacked the moment we passed through the portal."

This time, even Feng Shaoling, who was a little slow to react, came to her senses, and she couldn't help saying with a look of surprise on her face.

"You mean to say that someone above deliberately leaked our whereabouts and slowed down the approval of the lifting of restrictions?"

"Isn't this impossible? Cooperating with Hueco Mundo!?"

Feng Shao Ling couldn't help but be surprised.

According to the education she received since she was a child, since King Ling and the five nobles founded the Three Realms, all the nobles in Seiling Court have always regarded themselves as orthodox.

Whether it's the virtual circle, human beings, or Quincy masters with power not weaker than the god of death, those high-ranking nobles have never seen them in their eyes.

Even if it wasn't for Yamamoto Genryasai Shigekuni, even the thirteenth team of Gotei, the major nobles would not pay much attention to it.

In her cognition, let alone cooperating with Xu, if the blood is not washed out of Xu's circle, it is because the nobles and old men are too lazy to do it because of the balance of the three realms.

So she immediately denied this guess.

Seeing Aya Hachishou's surprised expression, Yadoumaru Lisa didn't say much, she just expressed her judgment.

Nagasawa also shrugged noncommittally, and did not continue to entangle on this issue.

Because he has no proof.

Even the memory of his previous life does not have this link, so there is no way to find it.

But there is one thing to say, if this attack is really a collusion between the upper echelons of the Soul Realm and the virtual circle, then there is a high probability that it will be another attack against Kuchiki Byakuya just like the rebels who appeared in Caolu District last time .

Thinking of this, his eyes couldn't help but fall on Kuchiki Byakuya who was working hard to treat him and Shiba Yuma who was receiving his treatment.

Perhaps, it also includes Shiba Yuma, the branch head of the Shiba family...

However, perhaps because of Nagasawa Masa's question, Yadoumaru Lisa couldn't help but whispered to him curiously.

"Speaking of which, although I have known for a long time that your strength is strong, I really can't believe that you can defeat those Da Xu when the spiritual pressure is suppressed by 80%."

"Is that power just now your Swastika?"

"I remember the Zanpakuto you used last time, it is obviously as smooth as the captain, right?"

Hearing this, not only Aya Hachishou at the side, but even Byakuya Kuchiki and Gin Ichimaru who were doing emergency treatment for Yuma Shiba in the distance could not help but look slightly sideways.

Seeing this, Nagasawa couldn't help sighing slightly in her heart.

He knew he couldn't avoid this question.

...... cut......

PS.Chapter 3 is coming, it’s the beginning of the month, free monthly pass and blades to vote for, thank you guys~~~

Chapter 44 This is my spell return battle!

Seeing this, Nagasawa couldn't help sighing slightly in her heart.

He knew he couldn't get around this problem.

This time the commotion was so big that one of the captains was almost lost, not to mention Yatomaru Lisa, even Yamamoto Genryanagi Sai Shigekuni would come to talk to him.

But the good thing is that when faced with Yatomaru Lisa's doubts, he had already made plans in his mind.

"Since you remember that the power I used last time was Ruinuohuo, then you should still remember what I said to Captain Yamamoto later, right?"

"The power of my Zanpakuto is very capricious, and even I, the holder, am not sure what his next liberated power will be."

"And if the liberated ability is not used properly, it cannot be replaced. Is that right?"

Listening to Masa Nagasawa's question, Yadomaru Lisa couldn't help but nodded slightly.

Seeing that the other party had been brought into her rhythm, Masa Nagasawa immediately continued.

"This time's ability, I call it [Spell Return]. Thanks to this power, I found a way to break through the limitations."

Hearing this, Yatomaru Lisa couldn't help but be shocked: "A way to break through the restrictions!?"

What you need to know is that the limited spirit seal is for the spirit pressure of the god of death above the vice-captain level to affect the soul of the world, and it is automatically branded on the body when passing through the world-transmitting gate.

Unless approved by superiors, even the [-]th Division, which controls its switch, has no right to cancel it.

Because of this limited spiritual seal, every time you go to the present world, it is equivalent to binding your hands and feet. For this matter, the captains and vice-captains of the Gotei [-]th Team often complained to Yamamoto, who is the captain.

It's a pity that the stubborn Yamamoto didn't know what the reason was, and rejected their proposal every time on the grounds of affecting the soul of the world.

If Masa Nagasawa really mastered the method of breaking through the limited spiritual seal on her own, it would undoubtedly greatly facilitate the actions of Death Gods above the vice-captain level.

Seeing this, Yadomaru Lisa couldn't help asking: "What method?"

Hearing this, Nagasawa Ya didn't continue to play tricks, and directly revealed the manuscript in her chest.

"The essence of restricting the spiritual seal is to restrict the spiritual pressure on the spirit body of the god of death."

"If you regard it as a negative force, then you only need to apply another negative force to the spirit body, and then use it in a multiplicative form with my Zanpakuto to make its own negative energy into a positive one. If you direct the energy, you will be able to achieve the effect of getting the negative and the positive, and lifting the limit."

"This kind of power, I call it the 'reversal technique'."

"As long as you can make good use of this power, it's not a problem to heal your physical injuries instantly, let alone lifting the restrictions."

"It's just a pity that I can't find a way to use it to treat others for the time being, and I don't know if I can continue to use this power when I free the Zanpakutō next time."

As she said that, Chang Zeya couldn't help raising her chin, and put on an appearance that she was coming to praise me.

In the end, he admired himself a little.

Not only was he able to think of using the "reversal technique" to lift the restriction, thereby killing Neutra and others in a flash, but he also thought of a reasonable explanation, which fooled his system ability.

The feeling was like Yasuo Tianxiu's five kills with remaining health, it was so exciting that I couldn't stop.

However, what puzzled him was that what responded to him was a long silence.

Kuchiki Byakuya:"???"

Ichimaru Gin: "???"

Yadomaru Lisa: "???"

Bee Shaoling: "???"

When he lowered his proud chin and looked at his companions, he found that Feng Shao Ling and others all slightly tilted their heads and looked at him with question marks on their faces.

The expression on that face seemed to be saying "I can understand everything you said, but I don't even understand what you're talking about".

Nagasawa couldn't help but gently touched her forehead: "Tsk... Forget it, I can't understand it with you scumbags."

Hearing this, Byakuya Kuchiki, who has been the chief student of the Shino Academy of Spiritual Art for six consecutive years, immediately refused to accept it, and prepared to start a heated academic discussion with Masa Nagasawa.

However, at this time, the six extremely powerful spiritual pressures appeared in vain within the perception range of several people.

Seeing this, Nagasawa couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

Because he felt that three of the six spiritual pressures were actually his old acquaintances.

"Are you here, the reinforcements from the Soul Realm..."

Looking from a distance, with just a few dodges, the six figures appeared in front of everyone.

The captain of the second squad, Yoruichi Shifengin, and the vice-captain Nozomi Ohmaeda.

The captain of the fourth division is Hana Retsu Uno, and the deputy captain is Yamada Seinosuke.

Mako Hirako, the captain of the [-]th team, and Soyousuke Aizen, the vice-captain.

Liu Dao exudes domineering spiritual pressure, constantly intimidating Xiaoxiao around him.

Thinking about it, he opened the boundary gate as close as possible to a few people and rushed over as quickly as possible.

What Masa Nagasawa didn't expect was that when the six people came to the scene, before Mako Hirako, the captain of the support team, had time to speak, Yoichi Sifengin over there suddenly came to his side, He put his arms around his neck and said in a very heartless and quick voice.

"Wow, Masami, it's great that you're okay. I just said there's no need to worry as long as you're here. Yuma seems to be in good spirits."

Yoruichi's words made Shiba Yuma, who just woke up, couldn't help but smile wryly.

Speaking of which, we really can't blame Yoruichi for being ruthless.

In the battle of the god of death, although there are not many cases where most of the body is cut off, it is not uncommon.

Unless he died suddenly on the spot, or activated some forbidden technique at the cost of his life, the level of medical treatment in the Soul Soul Realm was completely out of date, and he could be pulled back from the death line.

However, should it be said that Ye Yi is worthy of the title of "Shen Shen"...

Nagasawa had almost no defense against Ye Yi, and as a result, Ye Yi just took a shun step, and directly clamped his neck with his big arms.

Seeing the object of his admiration suddenly appearing, and the appearance of being very familiar with Nagasawa Ya as soon as he appeared on the stage, Feng Shaoling, who was originally very calm, was completely not calm.

"Ye Ye Ye Ye...Master Ye!?"

She waved her hands in a bewilderment, as if she wanted to kneel down and salute, and she seemed to want to cover her blushing cheeks with her hands.

All of a sudden, as if the brain was overloaded, he was in a hurry, and he looked really cute.

On the other hand, Nagasawa, feeling the softness from her cheeks, if it wasn't for the public, he accidentally caught Ye Yiyi, and really wanted to pat her ass and make her get up a little.

In the end, he was completely unable to break free from Yeyi's "guillotine" without hurting Yeyi, so he could only open his hands in a gesture of surrender.

...... cut......

PS. The fourth update is here!

Chapter 45 Facial Cleanser

However, although Nagasawa put on a posture of surrender, he still showed his demeanor of a king with a strong mouth, choking incessantly.

"Hehe, do you call Captain Shiba's appearance very energetic..."

"Also, you are obviously the captain of the secret mobile unit, right?"

"Why do you have your share every time the reinforcements are made? You are not worried about me, Ye Yichan?"

Just for a moment, Nagasawa felt that the strength of his neck seemed to be stronger, and it felt as if she wanted to crush him into this lump of softness.

Yoruichi could see a smile on his face, but his hands kept moving as he continued talking.

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