After all, although they all knew that Nagasawa was found in Xuquan, they had no way of knowing what happened before she was found, and no one had ever delved into it.

Hearing Nagasawa mention the "secret" at this time, the two of them naturally pricked up their ears and listened carefully.

"Xiao Shuai, who got out of the predicament and came to the virtual circle, didn't know how long he had been sealed, but what he knew was that he had to do something."

"Because of his Zanpakuto, he saw a picture that he didn't know if it was the past or the future."

"His companions gather like-minded people by spreading ideas in order to rescue him."

"It's just that his thoughts are undoubtedly challenging the authority of the old class. In order to consolidate his own power, he will inevitably be ruthlessly clear about the punishment."

"If all this has not happened yet, he hopes that he can return to the Soul Realm in time to protect them from the wind and rain and escort them."

"If all this had happened..."

"He hopes to find a way out for these lovely guys, a way out even if they are abandoned by the entire Soul Soul World."

"So...he accidentally killed the former 'king of the virtual circle' and became the 'new king' of the virtual circle."

"Although there are still some areas and Daxu who are unwilling to obey the discipline, but for now, Xuye Palace has changed its surname to 'Shuai'."

Listening to Masa Nagasawa's eloquence, at the beginning, Nanao and Luanju were able to remain calm. Even when Masa Nagasawa said "shelter the wind and rain, protect the escort", I couldn't help feeling a little Warmth.

But as the story progressed, they suddenly realized that the hairpin twist in their minds seemed too big.

Why did he suddenly become the new king of the virtual circle?

What the hell, Xu Yegong changed his surname to "Handsome"!

Is there too much drama skipped in the middle?

For a moment, even as the actual founders of the Brotherhood of Death, Nanao and Ranju opened their mouths in unison.

Obviously, they were shocked by the facts they heard.

The virtual circle exists side by side with the corpse soul world. As long as the corpse soul world has existed, the virtual circle has a history of many years.

Although in the battle between the two sides, the Soul Realm is on the dominant side most of the time, but since the time when the Spirit King separated the Three Realms, it has never been heard of a death god ruling the Void Circle, or a big The false attack on Seireitei happened.

However, this guy Nagasawa "just" wanted to find a way out for them, and actually took Hueco Mundo directly...

But it's not over yet.

After announcing the results in advance so that the two of them could be mentally prepared, Nagasawa even told the two of them about the alliance with Harribel and Urahara Kisuke, except that Aizen was the mastermind behind the Hollowing of the Masked Legion. Except for this matter, he almost didn't hide anything.

after all......

Although he believed that as long as he said it, even if he didn't have any evidence in his hand, the two of them would believe his words, but unlike him, Nanxu and Luanju had already been [-]% caught by Aizen.

Once they know the truth, it will be easy to show their feet.

Aizen's insight is not hidden, and as a childhood playmate, Gin Ichimaru is still "lurking" beside Aizen, once Ranju reveals any flaws, Aizen will inevitably be forced to act first.

It is impossible for him to protect them all the time, let alone the randomness of the experience card is too great.

Before he had enough capital to challenge Ban Ranran, he decided to temporarily hide part of the information from the two of them.

Still, even that is surprising enough.

Even compared to the point of forming an alliance with Xu, the rebellion of joining forces with Kisuke Urahara seems a bit insignificant.

To Nagasawa's surprise, Nanao and Ranju accepted this fact extremely quickly.

In the final analysis, the thoughts in the hearts of the two are very simple.

First, they believe that Masa Nagasawa will never do anything that endangers the soul world.

Second, isn't Masa Nagasawa doing all this for them?

They didn't even peel off the window paper, and they didn't even mention whether the friend Chang Zeya was talking about was himself or not.

Thinking of this, both of them just felt warm in their hearts, and they didn't have any other thoughts.

Just pondering for a moment, as the wisdom of the two, Qi Xu gently pushed the glasses on the bridge of her nose, and then said softly.

"The original intention of the Brotherhood of Death was not only to gather more power and find you who were caught in the rift, but also to follow your footsteps and create a world where everyone is equal without oppression."

"This is the same for Xu."

"When imaginary reason outweighs devouring desire, they naturally also have the power to pursue the future."

"Of course, when facing Hollow who is still dominated by desire, we, as gods of death, will also not show mercy."

Listening to Nanao's answer, Masa Nagasawa nodded in satisfaction.

There is still a difference between Xu and Xu. He will not say something like "Isn't Xu's life life?", nor will he want all the things he wants just because he has won Xu's circle. Solve virtual problems alone.

Hollow dominated by the desire to devour is just a beast.

On this point, his point of view is consistent with Nanao.

Seeing that Nagasawa Yana's story about his friend seems to have come to an end, Nanao also stood up in a timely manner, with a familiar gentle smile on her face again.

"You must have been working very hard these days in Hueco Mundo, so Rangiku and I won't disturb your rest."

As he spoke, he saw Qixu stretch out her foot, lightly kicked Ranju's butt, and gave him a narrow look.

And after hearing Qi Xu's words, Luanju's face was obviously stunned.

"Eh? Just... just leave like this?"

After the short story just now, Luanju has already put the previous awkwardness behind her.

But in this way, her relationship with Nagasawa, which had finally made some progress, would return to its previous appearance, which made her feel a little disappointed.

In the end, because of the friendship between the sisters, Luan Ju could only stand up reluctantly, and left Nagasawa Ya's room with Nanao.

Looking at the figure of the two leaving, Nagasawa Ya, who was sitting on the tatami in a rare kneeling posture, couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

To be honest, if Qixu and Luanju don't leave, he will almost be overwhelmed.

He is lazy by nature, and he is not a person who likes to sit on his knees, but there is nothing he can do. He who just ate Luan Ju's "Taishan Overwhelming" has already responded with "Dragon Raises His Head".

In addition, after he simply tidied up the messy skirts for Luanju, Luanju seemed completely defenseless, and he hadn't carefully organized his clothes at all.

During the conversation, as the plot of his little story progressed, Luan Ju, who was sometimes shocked, sometimes amazed, and sometimes whispered, even revealed a pair of twin peaks that seemed to be hidden in the clouds, which attracted him to stop and admire.

If he presses the gun inappropriately again, he may only have to choose between shame and double kill.

The good thing is, I don't know if Nanao was keenly aware of this, or for some other reason, she dragged Luanju out of his room in time, which gave him a chance to "breathe".


Well, Nagasawa misses the days in Xuye Palace a little bit.

Fortunately, a certain guy also has a spirit pressure of the fourth-class spiritual power level. Although it is a bit uncomfortable, it still has a lot of achievements in calming the evil thoughts in his heart.

After a while, the evil thoughts in my heart were dispelled.

Immediately, Nagasawa stood up, walked slowly to the closet, and took out a change of clothes.

Although Siba has a self-cleaning function, taking a shower before going to bed to cleanse his tired body is a habit he has maintained since his previous life.

However, just when he was about to open the door and walk towards the bathroom, he was surprised to find that Luan Ju, who had just left for a short time, was the first to open the door from the outside, and then quickly Drilled in.

Looking at the chaotic chrysanthemum who went back and forth, Nagasawa's face was full of surprise.

But what surprised him even more was that Luan Ju was wearing a black cloak of the same style as him.

As if sensing the surprise in Nagasawa Ya's eyes, a sly look flashed across Luan Ju's bright eyes.

"Hey, while guarding your skeleton, I cleaned up the room for you by the way, but I didn't expect to find this black cloak at the bottom of the box."

Listening to Luanju's explanation, Nagasawa's eyes suddenly revealed a look of surprise.

Back then when he asked Urahara Kisuke to order a black cloak, he specially ordered one for Yoruichi, as a preparation for the convenience of the two of them sneaking away to the present world together.

After all, if you want to go to the present world, you can't do without the world-transmitting gate.

Compared to looking for the old man Kuchiki Yinling, the head of the Ye family who is obviously able to be the master of the house is more reliable.

It was only because he was involved in the rift in the boundary that he never handed over the black cloak to Yeyi.

He never thought that the small props that he had been pressing at the bottom of the box would be turned out by Luanju instead.

Apparently, after the other party left with Nanao, he put on the black cloak as quickly as possible and came back.


Looking at the bulging chamomile that was propping up the chest of the black cloak, he couldn't help but become more confused.

This is to? ? ?

But before he opened his mouth, he saw Luan Ju coming in front of him again, tiptoeing up slightly, leaning into his ear, asking softly in a playful and seductive tone.

"Ya, just now... you endured it very hard, didn't you?"

As he said that, the chaotic chrysanthemum in front of him slowly took off the black cloak on his body, revealing the messy skirt that was hidden under it and had never been tidied up.

Feeling the warm breath coming from her ears, Nagasawa felt that there was only a piece of white snow in front of her eyes, almost for a moment...

The mighty dragon breaks through the army, and the angry dragon pierces the heart.

Fulong soars to the sky.

Dragon look up!


Nagasawa couldn't remember when Luanju left his room, the only memory was the looming real dragon in the misty twin peaks.

...... cut......

PS. As you all know, I am a Ye Xiu fan. I was just reading the skill name.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

No matter what happens, the next day will always come as expected.

Masa Nagasawa, who got up early, wanted to pull Renji and Dongshiro out of the bed, and practiced after a long absence. Unexpectedly, he just came to the edge of the main house, and saw Renji and Dongshiro, Lu Qi Ya and Chu Sentao practiced white fights in pairs.

As for Qixu, holding a cup of hot tea, the old god was sitting beside the edge, guiding the training of the four.

"Oh, oh, oh, oh! Toshiro, you little monster, take a punch from Master Renji!"

"Hmph, I don't know who gets the punch."

Compared with the quieter girl group, Renji and Toshiro actually played a passionate and romantic sense of sight.

Just looking at the duel between the four, Nagasawa Masa couldn't help showing surprise in her eyes.

Others can say that even Hinata, who has not yet enrolled in Mao, has been able to support Rukia's hands after the initial guidance after the initial guidance.

What really surprised him was Toshiro.

Needless to say, Renji's talent is not to be overstated. He joined the special class halfway through the class, and it only took a very short time to conquer his classmates, making people dare not regard him as someone who relies on Nagasawa Masaru to enter Mao's relationship. .

But compared to Dong Shilang, his talent is somewhat insufficient.

Before he left for the virtual circle, Toshiro could only do his best to support Renji's men. If he fought with bare hands, he would be taken down by Renji with only half a hundred.

If it is a competition of chopping techniques, the time will be even shorter.

But after only three days, Toshiro was able to attack and defend back and forth with Renji.

This kind of talent, even Nagasawa Ya, who has a gold finger, would feel envious after seeing it.

If he is not a decent character, there is no such thing as a supreme bone on Dongshiro's body, otherwise if he is any villain, he may have to stage a master-student fight.


It's normal to think about it. In terms of age, Toshiro is much younger than Renji, but according to the timeline calculation, at the beginning of the main drama of "BLEACH", that is, not long after Renji became the vice captain, But Shiro Dong learned the swastika nearly 40 to [-] years earlier than him, and took the position of captain.

What you need to know is that even when the main drama begins, the combined age of the two is only in their early [-]s.

Of course, the talents of the Guarding Thirteenth Team are withered, and Dongshiro's Zanpakuto Hirinmaru is the strongest Zanpakuto of the Ice and Snow Department, so he quickly brought Dongshiro, who had just learned how to unravel, to Served as captain.

But what I have to admit is that his talent is so terrifying that it is definitely beyond the reach of ordinary geniuses.

As if he was aware of Nagasawa Masaru's arrival, Renji, who was holding hands with Toshiro, was agitated for no reason, and even the movements under his hands slowed down by half a beat.

Toshiro, who has extremely outstanding fighting talent, will naturally not let this opportunity pass him by.

A smirk immediately appeared on his face, he spotted Renji's gap, jumped up and stamped his straw sandals firmly on Renji's big face.

Renji's face was suddenly hit hard, and nosebleeds gushed out of his nasal cavity in an instant.

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