Hearing the sound coming from his ears, Jingle Chunshui's face couldn't help twitching slightly.

Just now, I was calling Yamamoto "senior brother" affectionately, but not long after leaving the butler's office, not only did he stop calling "senior brother", but "Yamamoto-sensei" was also demoted to "Old Man Yamamoto". The contrast is too great, right?

Also, what do you mean I'll just go?

After all, I, Jingle Chunshui, is the only third member of the thirteenth team of the Guarding Team to have been the captain for more than a hundred years, except for Old Man Shan.

In terms of qualifications, strength, and experience, they are all top-notch existences among the captains, mere Quenches, and I alone...

Eh, isn't it?

He seems to be... complimenting me?

The meaning seems to be that I can handle it all by myself, there is no need to bring him along, um... the younger brother is quite discerning.

Blame me, blame me, I was a little unconscious after being punched by the old man Shan, and I almost misunderstood my junior brother.

I have to say that although Jing Lechun was a bit lazy at the level, she was quite accurate in judging people.

After realizing self-understanding, Kyōraku Shunsui swallowed the lump stuck in his throat and his mood improved.

He rubbed his chin, pondered for a moment, and then spoke.

"Although you haven't been in the team for a long time, I heard from little Lisa that you used to spend time in the library. You should know something about Quincy, right?"

Hearing this, Nagasawa couldn't help but nodded.

The existence of the Quincy Division may be relatively unfamiliar to some Reapers who have just joined the [-]th Goutei Team.

But for Nagasawa Masa, who likes knowledge or has a lot of experience, it's no secret.

This is a special group with a history of thousands of years and their mission is to eliminate Xu.

They are very good at manipulating spirits, and they use spirits from the outside world as weapons to achieve the goal of destroying Xu.

On the surface, the nature of the work of the Quincy and the Reaper is very similar, but fundamentally speaking, the two are completely different.

Seeing Nagasawa nodding, Jingle Shunsui also omitted the science popularization work of Quincy Master, and started to talk about the key points directly.

"The job of the god of death is to guide the "body" that has become a soul to the world of corpses and souls, and complete the repeated cycle between the world of corpses and souls and the present world. However, the souls that have become "virtual" cannot return to the world of corpses and souls."

"Therefore, the gods of death stationed in various places must purify the 'virtual', and then guide them to the world of corpses and souls through the method of 'soul burial'. the 'reasons of '."

"But the Quincy Masters are different. They will destroy the soul of the 'Xu' and make it disappear completely. This will affect the balance between the present world and the Soul Soul World, resulting in conflict, causing the Soul Soul World to flow into the world. Causing irreversible damage to the present world."

"In order to stop the stubborn Quincy, about 150 years ago, the World of Souls declared war on the Quincy living in this world."

Listening to Jingle Shunsui's eloquent talk, Nagasawa Masa nodded slightly, as if she agreed with the other party's statement.

However, somewhere that Kyōraku Shunsui didn't notice, there was a glimmer of light in his eyes.

Everything that Jingle Shunsui said was almost exactly the same as what was recorded in the Mao Library, without any discrepancy, it could be called a standard answer.

If it was placed in the previous life, Nagasawa might really have believed that.

But as he learned more about the truth, the more he felt that there were many things that couldn't be explained.

After death, human beings will become souls, and then, as Jingle Shunsui said, they will either become "whole" and be introduced into the world of corpses and souls, or become "virtual" and be purified and then enter the world of corpses and souls.

But, there are three problems here.

First, in the world of "BLEACH", there is no such thing as reincarnation.

After the soul enters the world of corpses and souls, it dies when it dies. It will only turn into spirit sons and return to the land of the world of corpses and souls to become the nourishment of the world of corpses and souls, not like the underworld of the underworld and the underworld of the underworld that he said in his previous life. , can also enter the six realms of reincarnation and reincarnate back into the present world.

Second, souls that have become "virtual" in this world don't know how to open the dark cavity and go to the virtual circle.

They just mastered some kind of superficial space technology, and when they didn't find suitable "food", they hid in a small different space in order to avoid the pursuit of death.

In the virtual circle, there is no extradition person responsible for extraditing "Xu".

Because in the virtual circle, self-circulation can be realized.

This is what Nagasawa has experienced personally.

The dead Daxu will turn into spirit sons, condense into the "place of birth", and then give birth to new Xu, and the cycle repeats.

Only a very small number of souls who have become virtual in this world can go to the virtual circle by chance and coincidence.

Third, in the Millennium Bloody War chapter, because the invisible empire aggressively invaded the virtual circle, a large number of Daxu were wiped out by it. In order to ensure the balance between the soul world and the virtual circle, Nirvana directly wiped out [-] celebrities The lives of the residents of Soul Street.

At that time, the method used by Nirvana was to "destroy", not simply "kill".

Because if it is just a simple killing, when the spirit son returns to the land of the soul world, the soul world still cannot reach a balance with the virtual circle that has lost a large number of spirit sons.

So here comes the question, the reason why the soul world, which cannot form a cycle with the present world, is so hostile to the Quincy Master, is it to prevent the soul world from dominating the world?

Or are you worried that after the number of souls in Soul Society decreases, Hueco Mundo will overwhelm Soul Society?

After thinking about it carefully, is the world of corpses and souls a bit like a parasite that "parasitizes" in this world?

This is probably also one of the reasons why only the spiritual power in the present world is the thinnest in the Three Realms that were also created by the Spirit King.

Regardless of the reason, Seireitei launched a "just" war against the Quincy living in this world.

The content recorded in black and white is often the content that the person who wrote it wanted to let future generations see.

Although there is no detailed data to support it, it can be seen from the words "the last Quincy" that Ishida Uryu said every day in the original book.

Except for the Ishida family, in the "Battle of Justice" 150 years ago, the Gotei [-]th Team probably killed all the Quincy living in this world.

Even if there are other Quincy masters who survived, I am afraid that they have given up their identity as Quincy Masters and integrated into the real society as human beings.

But now, after 150 years, the Quincy Master, who has been passed down for countless generations with a human body, has once again entered the field of vision of Seireitei.

If there is nothing strange about it, Nagasawa would not believe it even if she was beaten to death.

...... cut......

PS. The above point of view is purely a brain supplement. After all, Kubo has eaten the setting more than once, so it can be regarded as a guess within a reasonable range.

The thirty-ninth fourth chapter of Jingle Chunshui

Regarding the "cleansing" against the Quincy 150 years ago, after Yamamoto issued an order to order Jingle Chunshui and Nagasawa Masa to deal with matters related to the current Quincy, Jingle Chunshui no longer continued to deal with Changzawa. Zeya's idea of ​​concealment.

Without exaggerating or beautifying, Jingle Chunshui told Nagasawa Ya about the "cleaning" in every detail.

Listening to Jingle Shunsui's narration, Nagasawa Masa couldn't help but nodded slightly.

And seeing that Nagasawa Masa still had a calm expression after listening to her narration, on the contrary, Jingle Chunshui showed a surprised look on his face.

"You don't seem surprised either?"

"No, I actually sympathize with those Quincy. After all, in their eyes, they are just protecting humans and doing what they think is not wrong."


This time, it was Jingle Chunshui's turn to be silent.

Although he knew it was not right to do so, in the world of adults, there is no right or wrong for everything.

The only thing that makes him feel a little sorry is that he thinks that if Yamamoto could have used more gentle methods back then, maybe he could have achieved the same goal.

The two just walked and chatted all the way, but after a while, they came to the gate of the first team's team building.

Noble Street and the Eighth Division are not on their way, and the two of them will part ways here.

Seeing that Nagasawa was about to leave, for some reason, Jingle Chunshui, who was always free and easy, felt a little awkward.

Looking at the strange appearance of her senior brother, Chang Zeya couldn't help raising her brows and asked aloud.

"I said...brother, do you know how old you are now?"

"This awkward look doesn't match you at all."

Listening to Nagasawa Ya's complaints, Jingle Chunshui, who is 780 years old this year, immediately scratched the back of his head embarrassingly, and did not speak until a while later.

"That... the younger brother is going to the world this time, which team members are you going to bring?"

"Don't get me wrong, I just agree with your point of view very much, and I think it's enough for the two of us to do this kind of trivial matter."

Hearing this, Nagasawa suddenly showed a look of surprise on his face.

It turned out to be waiting for him here.

According to the original historical trajectory, after Mao graduated, Nanao would be specially recruited into the Eighth Division under the care of Jingle Shunsui.

After all, although Nanao's various achievements are very good, but without Zanpakuto, she is obviously not in line with the mainstream of Goutei Thirteen.

What you need to know is that in the original work, the "volunteers" that Nanaolian filled out when she graduated were ghosts, so one can imagine her inferiority complex about whether she can enter the thirteenth team of the court.

However, in this life, because of the existence of Masa Nagasawa, Nanao is determined to join the sixth team. Even Jingle Shunsui, who is an uncle, can't change it, let alone he has never confessed to Nanao. the relationship between them.

At this moment, when I asked Nagasawa which team members were going to take to the present world, I guess I was a little worried about Nanao's safety.

After all, if Yamamoto could take the task of sending a combination like him and Nagasawa Masaru seriously, he was really worried about Nanao participating.

Obviously, Nagasawa heard the meaning of the other party's words, but he did not intend to "compromise" on this.

Nanao is no longer the submissive girl who needs to hide under his wings to seek shelter.

As the actual founder of the Brotherhood of Death, she has the power, the qualifications and the ability to face all of this.

I saw Masa Nagasawa whispering to Jingle Chunshui.

"Although I also feel that Old Man Shan is making a big fuss, this is the first memorable mission of the special operations team. If possible, I hope that all members can participate."

Nagasawa's tone was very soft, but there was a firmness that could not be rejected.

Seemingly hearing the subtext in Nagasawa's elegant words, Jingle Shunsui could only sigh softly in his heart.

Only very quickly, he reversed his mentality.

Although Nagasawa brought all the members of the special operations team to participate, if he didn't bring anyone with him, he would not need to be distracted to take care of his own team members when he was in danger.

You can devote yourself to the battle and the protection of Nanao.

Quite here, he immediately responded quickly.

"Speaking of which, I really envy you little junior brother."

"Although there are only a few people under his command, all of them have the strength of the vice-captain level."

"In terms of per capita combat power, the entire Goutei Thirteen Team can't pick out a single team that can be compared with your special operations team."

"Look at me, my brother. I can't even pull out a qualified vice-captain. It's really hard to compare people to others. I'm comparing goods and throwing them away."

"Since you plan to have everyone participate, I won't bring anyone with me."

Saying that, Jingle Chunshui didn't wait for Nagasawa to reply, and just dodged and yo-yoed.

Looking at the cheap senior brother who disappeared in front of her eyes, Nagasawa couldn't help scratching her nose.

He obviously didn't suffer much, but there is always a feeling of being calculated, what's the matter?

Shaking his head slightly, and dismissing the somewhat absurd thoughts in his mind, Nagasawa Ya was about to get up and return to the small courtyard.

However, just when he was about to lift his foot, a slightly anxious cry stopped him.

"Naga... Nagasawa-kun, please wait a moment."

Hearing some familiar voices, he couldn't help but look back.

"Oh!! It's Jinhe and Niuniu."

"Are you two on duty again today?"

I saw Sakurai Nishiki and my wife, Daochang, holding steel forks by the gate of the team building, dutifully guarding both ends of the gate.

Seeing Nagasawa Masa turning around, Sakurai Nishikiwa's face was happy at first, and then he looked around for a while as if he was guilty of guilt, until he was sure that no one would notice him, then he covered his mouth and spoke in a very low voice. said softly.

"Nagazawa-kun, please take a moment to speak. I have something very important to tell you!"

Hearing this, Chang Zeya couldn't help showing a strange look on her face.

Speaking of which, neither Sakurai Nishikiwa nor my wife Daozhang over there are characters that have ever appeared in the original novel.

Even if there is some friendship between each other, Nagasawa never thought about what kind of intersection the other party would have with herself.

Seeing that Sakurai Nishiki was in a hurry, as if he had something extremely important to tell him, his eyes couldn't help but a gleam of curiosity.

He nodded slightly, and then pointed to the training field of the first team's team building, signaling to the other party to meet in the training field, and then walked towards the training field first.

Seeing that Masa Nagasawa complied with her request, Nishiki Sakurai was overjoyed immediately.

Immediately, I saw him explain a few words to my wife Taoist priest on the side, then straightened his back, looked around with some sneaky eyes, and walked slowly towards the direction of the training place.

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