But... just this one glance caused all the people who were paying attention to this battle to look horrified.

Seeing King Tsunayashi Dairei, as if nothing had happened, still wearing that elegant smile, he walked slowly in front of everyone.

There were no missing arms or legs, no three liters of blood vomited, and even the clothes on his body were only stained with a little dust stirred up by the impact.

If the main building hadn't been opened with a big hole, and King Tsunayashirore was standing on the dilapidated courtyard wall at this time, everyone would probably think that the punch they saw just now was just a blow in their hearts. The hallucinations expected.

As if aware of the strange looks cast by the crowd, Tsunayashiro Rei's eyes showed a hint of apology.

"Sorry for disappointing you."

Listening to the other party's "sincere" words, Nagasawa was speechless.

You guy... how much do you like apologizing?

However, although the guy in front of him is a bit pretentious, Nagasawa Ya dare not underestimate him in his heart.

He believed that there might not be such a number one person in the whole world of corpses and souls who could take his "Double Sun Furnace·Double Bones" head-on without getting hurt.

But King Tsunayashiro Rei did it.

This made him can't help but speculate, what kind of ability the opponent used, or the opponent's Zanpakuto has the function of being immune to attacks from the physics department?


Thinking of this, Nagasawa felt irritated for no reason.

In the next second, he threw away the suit jacket he had taken off, carefully rolled up the sleeves on his arms, loosened the tie around his neck, and walked slowly towards King Tsunayashiro Rei.

He had not forgotten what the other party had just threatened him with.

If Nanao was caught by King Tsunayashiro Rei as a threat, let alone whether the uncle Jingle Shunsui would go into a rampage, he would be the first to refuse.

In just a split second, he completed the transition to the thug mode in a suit.

Since one attack can't hurt King Tsunayashiro, then use hundreds of punches, thousands of punches, and tens of thousands of punches until he is completely defeated!

At this moment, he is no longer alone, Saraki Kenpachi, Sin of Pride Escanor, Muscular Saint Matthew all seem to be with him at this moment.

The double solar furnace was ignited again, and under its blessing, Nagasawa Ya's figure completed the transformation from static to dynamic.

In just a blink of an eye, he suddenly appeared in front of King Tsunayashiro Rei.

However, this time, I don't know whether it was because he adapted to Nagasawa's speed, or because he didn't use the time stop. The moment he flashed in front of King Tsunayashiro Rei, the other party made an instant move. Urgent avoidance.

He turned quickly, and he didn't know what technique he used. In an instant, six Tsunayashiro Kings appeared in front of his eyes.

Looking at King Tsunayashiro Rei who looked like a shadow clone in front of him, Nagasawa Masa was a little dismissive at first.

This kind of technique similar to the "separation technique" has long been played badly by Suifeng, and he was able to quickly crack it 50 years ago.

However, the next second, he immediately realized something was wrong.

The six Tsunayashiro Rei-ohs in front of him can be said to be clones, or they can be said to be their true bodies.

Feeling the spiritual pressure emanating from each clone, Nagasawa Ya couldn't tell the truth from the fake for a while.

Is it similar to the secret technique of Sifengyuan family...

But soon, he had an idea in his mind.

Since you can't tell which one is the main body and which one is the clone, just blow them all up!

Obviously, King Tsunayashiro Rei couldn't guess Nagasawa Masa's heartfelt feelings.

But at the same time, he is even more unwilling to be the opponent's sandbag.

The conditions for immunity to damage are limited, and he doesn't intend to waste it on being beaten.

I saw him slowly pull out one of the Zanpakusao hanging from his waist, and said to Nagasawa Masa lightly.

"Then... next, it's my turn to attack."

"Drinking from all over the world, entrenched in the world, everything is full, overwritten and cut, and beautifully mirrored."

The appearance of the clone bought enough time for him to release the Zanpakuto.

Accompanied by the sound of the chant, a dazzling light was released from the Yanluo Jingdian in an instant.

The legendary Yan Luo Jing Dian finally completed its liberation after Nagasawa Ya destroyed the four clones.

I saw this Zanpakuto with a dark green handle, after the initial release, its blade began to disappear slowly from the tip until the entire blade disappeared completely, leaving only the blade held by King Tsunayashiro Rei in the palm of his hand. After the handle of the knife, he just stopped.

Looking at King Tsunayashiro Rei who was only holding a knife handle, and Jingle Shunsui not far away, he couldn't help showing surprise in his eyes.

"Yan Luo Jing Dian... Is this the legendary 'magic sword' handed down from generation to generation by the Tsunayashiro family?"

"But... why is there no blade?"

"With only one handle, how do you fight?"

Listening to the voice coming from her ear, Qi Xu couldn't help showing a look of astonishment on her face.

The leader of the Beijing Band... Can't he feel it?

During the liberation of Yanluo Jingdian, although the blade slowly disappeared from their eyes, she could clearly feel that a strange spiritual pressure like a vine was following the disappearance of Yanluo Jingdian's blade, Spread to all around.

The uneasiness in her heart prompted Qixiu to remind her loudly involuntarily.

"Ya! There is definitely a knife there, it's just invisible, and it definitely has weird abilities, don't be careless!"

And Jingle Chunshui on the side also guessed the same.

"At the moment when the Zanpakutō was released just now, it released a burst of dazzling light. Perhaps it was due to the interaction between the mirror and the light, which made the blade of the sword invisible. Junior brother, be careful!"

He had no intention of stepping forward to help the fist.

With 80% of his spiritual pressure suppressed by the "limited engraving", he can't exert his full strength at all, let alone his swastika, which is particularly dependent on spiritual pressure.

Instead of going up to add to the chaos, it is better to protect Nanao while quietly waiting for the best time to make a move.

...... cut......

PS. Recently, I have been writing until 3 or 4 o'clock every day. I feel that I am almost exhausted. Let's end this painful month quickly. I have to take a day off in early July.


Run went to bed, (?3[▓▓]Good night

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Listening to the reminder from her ear, although she was moved, Nagasawa did not take the "suggestion" of the two too seriously.

If King Tsunayashiroreo shouted other liberation words, he might still cheer up and face the opponent cautiously.

After all, Zanpakuto's abilities are all kinds of strange things. It's better to say that the direct attack type and the elemental type are. If it's a rule type, it's the most important thing to deduce its ability first.

But when the other party called out the words "Yan Luo Jing Dian", he was completely relieved.

Because it's useless to be cautious.

Different from Nanao and Kyoraku Shunsui who are unaware of Yanra Kadenori's abilities, as a time traveler, Nagasawa Masaru is very knowledgeable about this "magic sword" that has been passed down from generation to generation by the Tsunayashiro family, at least as far as what is shown in the plot is concerned. It's very clear.

This is a powerful Zanpakuto that can imitate the ability of any Zanpakutō that has been seen or fully understood as long as the holder's intelligence reserve is rich enough.

In terms of abilities, it is very similar to Luojia's anti-membrane silk spinning wheel, but unlike the spinning wheel that can only use one ability at a time, Yanluo Jingdian can use multiple different Zanpakuto powers at the same time.

Think about it, the 80-meter-high Black Rope Heavenly Wrath King Ming is wrapped in the prison clothes of the dying sun. While making up for the defensive power, he swings the [-]-meter-long machete. In addition to the ultra-high temperature flame damage, it can also be supplemented by a nuclear explosion blast from the Thunder Whip.

Or in the sensory deprivation enchantment of "Qing Chong Final Style: Yan Mo Cricket", relying on thousands of cherry blossoms and thousands of blades to frantically strangle the enemy, making him exhausted, a divine killing gun pierces the enemy from a long distance, and Leaves a deadly toxin in its body, disintegrating the enemy from within.

If it weren't for the fact that this knife consumes the life of the holder, it would have collided with the golden fingers of the protagonists of many "BLEACH" fan fictions.

Facing Yanluo Jingdian, the only thing that needs to be considered is how many Zanpakuto abilities the enemy wielder knows.

Although Nagasawa really hopes that the other party can imitate his ability.

After all, he boasted a lot on the bright side, coupled with his past achievements, and the attention paid to him by King Tsunaya on behalf of Rei, when he fought him in Kamigawa Rennosuke, he must have seen what he showed. "True" begins to understand.

If the other party really imitated his Narcissus, the fun would be great.

Narcissus' combat power is mainly reflected in the accumulation of spiritual pressure on weekdays. This is also the reason why he can use Zanpakuto as much as possible when he usually fights.

But the Yanluo Jingdian is different, the unexplained Yanluo Jingdian does not have the ability to automatically store spiritual pressure.

Once King Tsunayashi Dairei used Yanluo Jingdian to imitate Narcissus and opened up the field, if one did not control the size of the field, the huge spiritual pressure would directly drain the opponent dry.

At that time, not only the krypton life, but also the spiritual pressure was drained. The words "lay down and win" are not even enough to describe Nagasawa Masaru's mood.

It's a pity that if nothing else happens, he is [-]% sure that compared to the "willful Zanpakuto" with "random ability" in his mouth, Yamamoto's Liuren Ruohuo will definitely be the best for King Tsunayashiroreo choose.

Sure enough, the Tsunayashiro family's old guy who had served as the head of the Tsunayashiro family since the establishment of the Gotei [-]th Team gave Nagasawa Masa a ruthless blow at the beginning.

The blazing flames seemed to turn into a giant dragon that swallowed everything at this moment, and the flame tornado wrapped in endless power swept towards Nagasawa Masa crazily.


The flames burst out, just like the fire from heaven descending into the world, burning all the creatures in the world.

The sudden burst of flame tornado violently bombarded the position where Nagasawa was. In just a moment, the masonry on the ground was reduced to powder, revealing the parched and cracked earth that had lost all moisture. .

The aftermath of its impact even shattered the glass windows of the abandoned hospital.

Seeing that King Tsunayashirore just waved the handle of the knife lightly, and then erupted with such terrifying power, Nanao's eyes were full of horror and worry.

On the face of Jingle Chunshui, there was a shock that could not be concealed.

"This is... old man Shan's blazing blade!?"

His first reaction was, when did the old man's ruthless blade become so cheap?

This is already the third time in his short life of 780 years that he has seen a different person use the Fluttering Blade.

Especially in the last 50 years, he has seen it twice!

It was the two who were cutting each other at the moment.

The last time he saw someone other than Yamamoto using the blade, it was the first time he saw Masa Nagasawa at Mao's graduation ceremony.

The second reaction was to frown somewhat solemnly.

He was a little uncertain whether the Flowing Blade Ruohuo used by King Tsunayashirore was just like Masa Nagasawa, just a short-lived right to use it, or it could be manipulated at will.

If it can be used independently, how far has the ability been developed.

What you need to know is that if Yamamoto uses Ryuken Wakahu with all his strength, even if there are as many souls as Soul Society, all the water will be evaporated in a very short period of time until it dries up and collapses.

If Tsunayashiro Rei-oh's Ryuken Wakahara can reach Yamamoto's [-]%... no, even half of the level, with the strength of the soul and body of the human beings in this world, it will turn into a flying sword in an instant. Ash.

Thinking of this, he didn't know whether he was shocked by the terrible assumption in his heart, or because of the rising temperature around him, a big drop of sweat ran across his forehead.

He stared intently at the two people on the battlefield, and asked Nanao beside him without looking back.

"Xiao Qixu, haven't you contacted the corpse soul world yet?"

Hearing this, Nanao, who had been watching the battle situation worriedly, was taken aback for a moment, then quickly shook her head and said.

"No, it seems that the divine messenger has been disturbed by something, and there is no reply at all, let alone contacting the world of corpses and souls. Now even the application for 'restriction release' cannot be sent back."

At this time, Kuchiki Byakuya and Rangiku, who were attracted by the sudden burst of powerful Reiatsu, had been squatting on the east and west sides of the abandoned hospital, but couldn't contact their teammates for a long time, also flashed back to Jingle Shunsui's side.

Looking at the blazing flames in the field and the spiritual pressure belonging to Nagasawa Masa submerged in the flames, the two people's eyes were full of shock.

But before they asked anything, they suddenly noticed that the spirit pressure that was swallowed by the raging flames seemed to disappear in an instant.

In the next second, a space rift suddenly opened behind King Tsunayashiro Rei, holding Zanpakuto, Nagasawa Masa, who had no other emotions in his eyes except the purest killing accident, shot out of the space rift like an arrow leaving the string. The implosion shot out, and its blade pointed directly at the head of King Tsunayashiro Rei.

At the same time, the power of stoppage was activated again.

Smash Valudo!


However, just when his Narcissus was about to hit King Tsunayashiro's neck, countless dust floating in the air seemed to turn into an indestructible iron wall at this moment, blocking Narcissus and Tsuna for life. Between King Yadai Rei's neck.

Looking at the fine dust blocking her blade, Nagasawa recognized its ability at a glance.

It's Luanju's gray cat!

The ability imitated by Yan Luo Jing Dian, like Luo Jia's anti-membrane silk spinning wheel, is proportional to the strength of the holder's spiritual pressure.

In terms of spiritual power level, although King Tsunayashiro Rei is far inferior to Yamamoto, he is still a first-class spiritual power, even stronger than Jingle Shunsui, who is at the peak of second-class spiritual power.

Under the blessing of its Reiatsu, the performance and the quantity produced by the small dust-like blade far surpassed that of the original owner, Ranju.

Countless tiny, dust-like blades formed a natural protective clothing around King Tsunayashiro Rei's body, which was able to block Nagasawa Masa's surprise attack.

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