Just said something softly, and stopped talking to Nagasawa Ya, and went straight to strangling Xu Qun.

Although what Nagasawa just said was a bit annoying, it was not rough.

They were framed by Lan Ran, carried out the virtualization experiment, and were ruled by the Central Room 46 as "destroyed", "dead souls" that are not tolerated in the soul world.

Nagasawa Masahiro and Urahara Kisuke did a lot of tricks behind the scenes, but they didn't put it on the table after all.

Under the watchful eyes of Kyōraku Shunsui and others who are always paying attention to the battle situation, it is most likely that they will keep a low profile and not have too much contact with Nagasawa Masaru.

Seeing Mako Hirako leave with great interest, Masa Nagasawa couldn't help but nodded secretly.

As expected, he was the first to notice that there was a problem with Aizen. Although he was a rookie in terms of record, he had basically never won heads-up.

The seemingly heaven-defying 卍解 is only shown in the settings and spawning minions, but in terms of its wisdom and strategy, it is an underestimated existence.

With just a short conversation, he understood his intentions.

However, while he was talking with Heping Zizhen, Kuchimu Xianghe was not idle.

Knowing how powerful Nagasawa is, after abandoning Muramasa, he would not foolishly face Nagasawa with bare hands.

Almost at the moment Nagasawa sent Mako Hirako away, Kuchiki Xianghe, who seized the opportunity, picked up the spear that had sealed him on the ground in a blink of an eye, flashed behind Nagasawa Masa full of hatred, and put The spear stabbed fiercely at Masa Nagasawa who was greeting Mako Hirako.

I don't know if it was in order to retaliate against Masa Nagasawa's previous "export and hurt people". Mako Hirako, who was condescending and had a panoramic view of everything, did not say a word to remind her.

However, facing the sneak attack of Rotten Wood Xianghe, Nagasawa seemed to have eyes behind her back, she just raised the long knife in her hand and swept away behind her.


Although due to Muramasa's ability and Narcissus being busy dealing with King Tsunayashiro Rei, the Zanpakuto in his hand cannot be released for the time being.

But the power of Enma contained in the Zanpakuto has not disappeared.

The moment Nagasawa Ya swung the Zanpakuto in his hand, it seemed that the entire space was distorted at this moment. Countless slashes seemed to interweave a web of death behind him, and it was the last strike that came first. , not only resolved the sneak attack of Rotten Wood Xianghe, but also forced the opponent to abandon the attack and take up the defense.

After dodging the Rotten Wood Xianghe with a single blow, Nagasawa Ya didn't even move her feet.

However, after forcing the Rotten Wood Xianghe back, Nagasawa Ya did not choose to continue the pursuit, but asked softly in a somewhat playful tone, using the same words as the Rotten Wood Xianghe just now.

"If you are really confident about defeating me, you won't be reduced to the point where you need to rely on sneak attacks?"

Hearing the familiar words from Nagasawa Ya's mouth, Kuchimu Xianghe's haggard face couldn't help turning blue and turning red.

"Each each other!"

Kuchimu Xianghe, who knew he was inconsistent, didn't go to argue with Nagasawa Ya, but gritted his teeth, and let out a low growl with his dry throat like a ghost from the deep hell.

Only this time, he didn't fit in like before, and started a close combat with Nagasawa blindly.

Through the two confrontations just now, he has realized the gap between himself and Nagasawa Ya in close combat.

Although he was very reluctant, he had to admit that Nagasawa's accomplishments in melee combat were probably far superior to his.

If you rush forward to start a confrontation with Nagasawa Ya, you will only be the one who suffers.

Thinking of this, he immediately had an idea.

Kuchimu Xianghe swung the spear in his hand, and a strong spiritual pressure instantly condensed on the tip of the spear.

"The teeth are bright!"

Following a low shout, dozens of green rays of light shot toward Nagasawa like laser cannons.

Since you can't gain an advantage in melee combat, then use Ghost Dao to open up the situation!

As a commoner Shinigami from Liuhun Street, Kuchiki Xianghe was able to enter Kuchiki's house, which naturally has its own unique features.

Although he is very dependent on his own Zanpakuto, it does not mean that he has abandoned the four basic tactics of "Zhanpakuto".

Its original ghost way, in terms of power, is no less than No. 80 or above broken way.

Feeling the scorching power coming from the air, it feels like evaporating all the air passing by. Even if there is still some distance from Nagasawa Ya, you can still smell a burning smell from a long distance away. smell.

However, in the face of the burst of fire, as if the Freedom Gundam's entire cannon had launched a rapid attack, Nagasawa Masa remained motionless as before, as if she hadn't seen the fierce offensive of the dead wood at all.

Finally, when the dozens of bursting lasers were about to hit him, Nagasawa finally moved.

Light is distorted with the distortion of space.

Light travels in a straight line in normal space, but when space is warped, the light will be twisted in the direction of the space warp.

This is the knowledge learned in junior high school physics.

It's a pity that although Kuchiki Kayokawa went to Mao, he didn't study physics and suffered from knowledge.

I saw Nagazeya gently waving the sharp blade in her hand again.

This time, he deliberately controlled the direction of the wrist's force, and only slightly guided it. The distorted space in front of him made the dozens of high-intensity ghost paths that Kuchimu Xianghe shot towards him all change their trajectory. , have fallen into the empty space.

Seeing that Nagasawa did not dodge, did not parry, just waved the blade lightly, and dissolved all the self-created ghost ways that he was proud of, Kuchiki Xianghe immediately widened his eyes, and his eyes were full of disbelief look.

So, if you learn mathematics, physics and chemistry well, you will not be afraid to travel all over the world.

Taking advantage of the distorted light and shadow, and Kuchimu Xianghe's short-term stupor, Nagasawa once again bullied her.

This time, his Zanpakuto didn't fail, and directly chopped off Kuchiki Xianghe's head!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The sharp blade slashed across Kuanmu Xianghe's throat, missed the opponent's neck, and beheaded him in two.

However, after beheading Rotten Wood Xianghe's head, Nagasawa Ya didn't show the slightest joy on her face, instead she frowned and became more vigilant.

When his Zanpakutō slashed across the opponent's neck just now, he didn't feel the feeling of hitting a real object on the blade.

The tactile feeling as if hitting the air with all his strength made him realize instantly that he was probably bewitched by the other party's illusion and his five senses.

"Bingya Zhenglan!"

Sure enough, just when his blow missed, a loud shout suddenly sounded from his side.

In the next second, the overwhelming snow-type spiritual pressure swept towards him like a blizzard.

Feeling the bone-chilling chill in the air, Nagasawa couldn't help but feel a chill in her heart.

The ghost way this time is much stronger than the "Yaqi Lieguang" just now. Judging from its power alone, even if it is comparable to the No.80 No. [-] "Flying Dragon Striking Thieves and Shocking Thunder Cannon" It's not much better than that.

With this level of frost, if he hadn't known that Toshiro was just a little kid who could wet the bed, he would almost have thought that the one who unleashed this frost attack was the strongest Zanpakudao Hirinmaru of the Ice and Snow Department.

Only this time, Nagasawa no longer intends to use the power of Yan Mo to attack.

It is true that the "division" of Yan Mo's power can distort the space and form an extremely powerful dimension cut, but when the five senses are confused, what he needs more is to lock the dead wood Xianghe at this moment as soon as possible in a stable space environment. orientation.

However, although it is true to say so, Masa Nagasawa has no habit of being suppressed and beaten.

Since you want to fight ghosts, let me show you the super chef of Maou Academy of Spiritual Art... Ahh!The strength of a special lecturer!

Facing the rapidly sweeping frost, Nagasawa Ya casually threw the Zanpakuto aside, the sharp blade didn't stop until it sank two-thirds of the ground.

Immediately, I saw Nagasawa turn around in the direction of the blizzard, with her feet crossed, like a western cowboy preparing for a duel, she quickly put her hands into her trousers pockets.

The small pockets seem to be connected to the fourth dimension. When Nagasawa stretched out her hands again, on her palms the size of cattail leaf fans, there were many silver-colored palms filled with palms. steel ball.

"Broken Road [-]. Bai Lei. Infinitely reloading the super electromagnetic gun!"

In the next second, the thumbs of Nagasawa's hands seemed to have turned into phantoms at this moment. With the movement of the thumbs, the small silver steel balls in her palms seemed to turn into rainstorm pear blossoms, and the orange flashes were like bright lights piercing the night sky. The meteor shower swarmed into the engulfing endless frost with a devastating force!


At this moment, Masa Nagasawa seemed to have turned into a human-shaped self-propelled cannon. Thousands of small steel balls seemed to be endless. The direction of the river pours down.

All fear stems from lack of firepower.

Truth exists only under the cannon!

Looking at the bursting orange flashes, Rotten Wood Xianghe, who originally planned to use "Bingya Zhenglan" to make a combo, immediately realized that something was wrong, and quickly dodged to avoid it.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

And at the moment when he finished dodging with his front feet, the meteor shower poured down, like artillery fire washing the ground, leaving a huge deep pit on the ground where he just stayed.

Looking at the huge pit and the saturation blows that followed, Kuchiki Hibiki's eyes almost popped out of their sockets.

Is this him No. [-] Breakthrough "Bai Lei"?

I don't read much, so you have to have a limit to cheating!

However, Nagasawa's attack did not stop because he cracked his "Bingya Zhenglan".

Just after he dodged to dodge, Nagasawa Ya, who shot orange flames, was like a rapid-fire cannon with an automatic enemy tracking system, and kept roaring words he couldn't understand at all, as if he would never Knowing what it means to be tired, he pursued him endlessly.

"Ola Ola Ola Ola Ola!!!"

Tongues of fire that formed a silk thread in the air, accompanied by the slight swing of Nagasawa's upper body, quickly chased towards the Kuchimu Xianghe who kept dodging.

Facing Nagasawa Masa's fierce offensive, Kuchiki Xianghe's forehead couldn't help oozing fine sweat.

The flames that were constantly chasing after him seemed to be running over his buttocks, not allowing him to stop for a moment.

Because he knew very well that as long as he slowed down by half a beat, what would greet him would be endless saturated blows that would not stop until he died!

However, just as he was frantically dodging Nagasawa Ya's attack, another doubt suddenly surfaced in his mind.

He who was chased away by Nagasawa Ya like a wild dog, was roaring in his heart at the moment.

why! ?

why! ?

why! ?

His sense of distance and time should have been disturbed by my spiritual pressure, why can he judge the direction of my movement so accurately! ?

Kuchiki Hibiki's ability... No, to be more precise, it is the root of Muramasa's ability, which is a kind of hypnosis.

Muramasa uses the "suggestion" method in hypnotism to provoke the "crack" between Zanpakuto and its master, and expand it to the extent of rebelling against its master.

The power of this ability is that it can ignore the difference in spiritual pressure between the two parties.

Even in the face of Yamamoto, who is known as "the strongest god of death in a thousand years", as long as he is not aware of it for a while and does not open his spiritual defense in time, he will be hit.

And Kuchiki Xianghe uses this ability to interfere with the enemy's five senses with Reiatsu through blindfolding, confusing the enemy's sense of distance and time, thereby achieving an effect similar to illusion.

Just now, Nagasawa slashed through the sky with his sword, because he unknowingly fell into the path of rotten trees and rivers.

However, what Kuchiki Xianghe didn't know was that at the very beginning, Nagasawa Masa really fell for him, and was confused by his five senses by his hypnosis, resulting in a miss.

But he absolutely shouldn't, that is, he shouldn't rashly attack Nagasawa Ya without absolute certainty.

Although Nagasawa Ya at this moment has long lost the blessings of [Sasaki Kojiro Experience Card] and [Hungry Wolf Experience Card] for many years, the battle memories left by the two in his body have already been engraved into his bones.

When Kuchimu Xianghe attacked him, he quickly constructed an all-round scanning map in his mind through the direction of the attack and using "Wan Shou Wushuang".

Immediately afterwards, through the wild sense of "prediction" and the rational calculation of "unparalleled hands", the exact location of the Rotten Wood Xianghe was quickly deduced.

Once locked, even without "seeing" with his eyes, he can launch a fatal blow with great accuracy!

But when Kuanmu Xianghe fled in embarrassment, constantly avoiding the pursuit of the flames, he suddenly felt his neck stiffen.

When he realized something, Nagasawa grabbed his neck from behind him and pinned him to the ground.

The sharp blade shone with an icy cold light.

In the sharp eyes, there is the purest killing intent.

Looking at Nagasawa Masaru who is very close at hand, the rotten wood and the river's eyes are about to burst.




The fighting instinct screamed crazily in his body. He struggled to get up, but Nagasawa Miyabi, who was pressing on his back, seemed to weigh more than a thousand pounds. Not only was he unable to breathe at all, but he couldn't even move his body for half a minute. It's hard to do even an inch.

Realizing that something was wrong, he immediately erupted with the most intense spiritual pressure, and swiped the spear behind him with his backhand, trying to push back Nagasawa who was suppressing him.

However, in the face of Kuchiki Xianghe who was desperately resisting, Nagasawa Masaru seemed to be holding down a Kunzi, and with just a wave of his hand, he cut off the spear-wielding arm at the elbow.

Feeling the pain from his arm, an emotion called despair instantly floated into Kuanmu Xianghe's heart.



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