If, as Masa Nagasawa said, he could help the Shiba family return to the center of power, it would be difficult for him to refuse.

The only problem is...

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but look up at the house in front of him.

He has never forgotten what happened to the Shiba clan until now.

In order to preserve the only bloodline of the clan, Shiba Haiyan carried everything at a young age, almost giving up all the property of the Shiba family, and moved the whole family out of Seireitei to Ruukon Street.

Even after showing his extraordinary talent, he always rejected Ukitake's promotion and refused to take up the position of deputy captain of the [-]th Division.

To put it bluntly, there is a demon in Zhibo Haiyan's heart.

Shiba Haiyan, who doesn't want to see the Shiba family repeat the same mistakes, may not agree with Nagasawa Masa's proposal.

Thinking of this, Shiba Yuma's fiery mind suddenly died down as if a basin of cold water had been poured on it.

He is not the kind of selfish person, although in terms of seniority, he can be regarded as Zhibo Haiyan's uncle, but in terms of age, he treats the patriarch of the clan, who is about the same age as his own idiot, as his own son.

He respects Shiba Haiyan's choice.

For a moment, he couldn't help hesitating a little, wondering if he should step into this door with Nagasawa Ya and the others, to persuade the "child" who has undergone major changes since he was a child and has not yet come out of the pain.

However, just when he was thinking about it and didn't hear Nagasawa Masa's question at all, Zhibo Yixin who was on the side answered quickly on behalf of his father with a heartless face.

"Don't worry, I've helped deal with the affairs of the team in recent years. After Dad relaxed, his health is much better than usual. I heard that he often sneaks to a place called 'Shinjuku' in the present world. , I don't know what's good there..."

Shiba Isshin followed here on his own.

When Nagasawa "hijacked" Ukitake and rushed to the [-]th Division team building, he almost used the same method to "hijack" Shiba Yuma and left the [-]th Division team building.

Seeing this scene, Zhibo Yixin immediately "turned pale with shock", and said that he definitely did not want to join in the fun, so he came with him.

At the beginning, when Shiba answered Masa Nagasawa with all his heart, Shiba Yuma really didn't hear what his silly boy was saying.

He has been thinking about whether he should persuade Zhiba Haiyan, and fell into the vortex of self-doubt, and subconsciously ignored these words.

Until Shiba Yishin said the word "Shinjuku", he seemed to have been triggered by some "taboo word" and instantly came back to his senses.

For a moment, cold sweat instantly wet Shiba Yuma's back.

Back then, when he and Nagasawa were still sick friends, Nagasawa once described to him a health care "product" called "big health care".

Although Nagasawa didn't describe the details in detail at the beginning, the style revealed in just a few words made him fascinated and never forget.

It's a pity that before he was discharged from the hospital, Nagasawa was involved in the rift, and it was still a full 50 years.

This couldn't help but make Shiba Yuma, who had been looking forward to Nagasawa Masa taking him to "rehabilitate his health", beat his chest and felt heartbroken.

Finally, he could no longer restrain his longing, and took a sinful step.

When he followed Nagazawa Masaru's description and came to an area in the real world called "Shinjuku", he felt as if he was in heaven.

Because in that place, there is a rather famous "attraction".

Its name is Kabukicho.

What you need to know is that the era background of Soul Soul World is no different from Japan's Edo era.

However, the current era background has reached the end of the 21th century and even the beginning of the [-]st century in Nagasawa Masaru's previous life.

Don't say that ancient people were born with beauty and did not experience the devastation of chemical industrial products.

With the blessing of science and technology produced by the gap of the times, as long as the foundation is not too bad, as long as it is slightly modified, it can instantly become the existence of Sai Diaochan.

Do you understand the gold content of one of the "Four Great Magic in Southeast Asia"?

Shiha Yuma, who comes from the Soul Society, is like an ancient person traveling into the modern era, instantly feeling what is called "the impact of the times."

Since Zhibo's family encountered a catastrophe, he had almost stepped on the world-transmitting gate that had never been used.

However, this is not a glorious thing after all, especially when it is said from the mouth of my own son.

When Shiba Yuma came back to his senses, he suddenly walked behind Shiba Isshin.

Zhibo swears that since his father was seriously injured 50 years ago, he has never seen his father move so quickly.

And in the next second, an iron fist full of father's love fell heavily on his head.

"Shut up, Nizi!"

...... cut......

PS. The subway was being built near my home. As a result, there was a sudden heavy rain due to the typhoon today, which directly caused the drainage to be blocked. The surrounding area was flooded. When I went to work in the morning, it was like sailing a boat.

Here are two pictures for everyone to experience.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Masa Nagasawa did not judge that Shiba Yuma's experience in certain aspects had left him far behind just because of the simple word "Shinjuku" and Shiba Yuma's strange reaction.

After the episode of "Father's kindness and son's filial piety", several people stepped into the home of Zhibo's family.

Different from the dignity and grandeur of the Kuchiki family, the grandeur and luxury of the Tsunayashiro family, and the solidity and simplicity of the Sifengin family, the Shiba family, also one of the "Five Great Nobles", has a fresh feeling of Xiaojiabiyu.

Unlike Seireitei, where land is expensive and gold is high, although it is located in Rukon Street, the Shiba family's house does not occupy a large area, but it is comparable to Nagasawa Ya's expanded small courtyard.

Seriously speaking, it can even be said that it is a bit shabby, somewhat unworthy of the status of the "five nobles".

However, it is obvious that the owner of this house does not seem to be disheartened by the decline of his family. This can be seen from the well-trimmed landscape potted plants scattered in the courtyard, which are obviously carefully cared for.

The owner of this house must be very busy.

Although the door of Shiba's house was always open, after entering the door, Masa Nagasawa and the others did not swarm into the house, but waited at the door for a while.

After all, it is a door-to-door visit, which is the most basic respect.

He's not Yeyi, he doesn't have the habit of walking walls.

None of them hid their spiritual pressure, and after only a short while, a beautiful figure appeared in front of them with puzzled expressions on their faces.

"Eh!? It's Uncle and Isshin... Um, Captain Ukitake and Mr. Nagasawa are here too?"

"Are you...?"

It was a man with a turban on his head, dressed very boldly...

No, maybe bold and bold is not enough to describe this figure.

The young woman who appeared in front of several people could only use two pieces of cloth to describe the clothes she was wearing.

The looming white long skirt with slits directly to the waist gave people infinite room for reverie, highlighting a heroic beauty.

The most eye-catching thing was undoubtedly her right arm that was broken at the elbow.

The white strap tightly wraps the broken arm and the entire shoulder, and there is also a short knife that looks like a Zanpakutō tied to the broken arm.

Isshin Shiba seemed to be very familiar with the girl who greeted everyone, and immediately made a dissatisfied protest.

"Hey Konghe, although we are separated, I am still your uncle anyway, so calling him by my first name is a little too rude..."

However, before Shiba Yixin could finish his sentence, Shiba Kuzuru slapped him on the face, and pushed him aside with a look of disgust.

Immediately, I saw Shiba Kuzuru approaching Nagasawa Masa, looking up and down at Nagasawa Masa, as if he was meeting each other for the first time, with a curious look on his face.

At the same time, Masa Nagasawa is also looking at this girl who is bold in nature and looks five points similar to Kurosaki Ichigo.

This is not the first time he has seen Shiba Kuzuru.

When he and Shiba Yuma were hospitalized together 50 years ago, Shiba Kukaku and Shiba Haiyan came to visit Shiba Yuma.

It's just that apart from expressing gratitude to him, Shiba Kuzuru didn't have any in-depth communication between the two.

At this moment, seeing each other again after many years, they are a little more strange to each other.

It's just that he seems to have underestimated Shiba Kuzuru's social skills.

Just staring at Nagasawa Masa for a while, Shiba Kuzuru showed a big smile on his face, and glanced at Nagasawa Masa's Yanluo Jingdian hanging on his waist, with a playful tone asked softly.

"I heard...you killed that old fellow Tsunayashiroreo?"

"Is this the magic sword of the Tsunayashiro family?"

As the "Five Great Nobles", the Shiba family naturally has some understanding of the erotic mirror codes passed down from generation to generation by the Tsunayashiro family.

Hearing this, Nagasawa nodded in response.


He dared to walk around with Yanluo Jingdian hanging on his waist so blatantly, and he never thought about hiding it.

Unexpectedly, he had just agreed on his side, and before he had time to say anything more, Zhiba Konghe, who was standing in front of him, suddenly burst into applause.

"Good job!"

"I've long since disliked that old thing!"

Listening to the undisguised excitement in Shiba Kukaku's words, a look of embarrassment flashed across the faces of Shiba Isshin and his son, both members of the Shiba family.

Even Chang Zeya, an outsider, couldn't help but froze.

Is the relationship between your "five nobles" so rigid?

Didn't you even take the show?

When Byakuya Kuchiki saw Prince Tsunayashiro turned into ashes, he still pretended to be a quiet handsome man for a while.

But in the next second, Nagasawa Miyabi was keenly aware that a flash of "joy" flashed through Shiba Kukaku's eyes.

For a moment, he couldn't help but suddenly realized.

Perhaps, his conjecture was not wrong.

The massacre of the Shiba family back then was really the hand of Tsunayashiro.

Only in the face of the mighty King Tsunayashirore, the young Shiba Haiyan brothers and sisters were powerless to resist, so they endured the humiliation and have been lingering until now.

Thinking of this, Nagasawa couldn't help but feel a look of distress in his eyes.

The Shiba Konghe in front of him, including the Shiba Haiyan whom he met before, in his impression, are extremely sunny and cheerful people.

But if it is really what he thinks, even knowing who his enemy is, he can still hide all the pain in his heart.

How much perseverance it takes to suppress such sadness.

Nagasawa Masa hid her emotions very well, and Shiba Kuzuru didn't see any clues.

However, the other party's next speech was really beyond his expectations.

I saw Shiba Konghe crossing his waist, brought a heroic face in front of him, and whispered in a seductive tone.

"For the sake of killing that old thing, do you want to consider joining my Zhibo family?"

"Don't look at us moving out of Seireitei now, those guys who are stalking are secretly removing the Shiba family from the ranks of the 'Five Nobles', but a skinny camel is bigger than a horse, once you join my Zhiba family, as you With your strength, coupled with the title of 'Five Nobles', it won't take long for you to become one of the most powerful people in the world of corpses and souls."

"And...Although the Shiba family has been weak for a long time, at least on the surface it is still one of the 'Five Great Nobles'."

"At this moment, the Tsunayashiro family lacks the pillar of King Tsunayashiro Rei, so they don't dare to take action against us who are also the 'Five Great Nobles' in a short period of time."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Shiba Isshin: "!!!"

Shiba Yuma: "???"

Listening to Shiba Kuzuru's voice, Shiba Yixin was stunned by the silly father and son.

Shiba Kukaku was not the head of the Shiba family and had no authority to order the division of the family, so the marriage she was talking about could only refer to the Shiba family.

At this time, there were only three brothers and sisters in Zhibo Haiyan's family, so she was the only one who could meet the conditions.

Why, it was love at first sight, so you used Tsunayashiro Rei's old age as an excuse?

For a moment, the two pairs of bull's-eyes of the father and son almost popped out of their sockets.

Only Nagasawa Masaru and Ukitake showed thoughtful expressions.

Nagasawa Masa was not an idiot like Shiba Isshin and his son, he understood the meaning of the other party's words almost the moment he heard Shiba Kuzuru's proposal.

Of course, if the father and son think about it for a while, they should be able to understand the subtext of Shiba Kuukaku.

To put it bluntly, although Nagasawa is known as the commander-in-chief of the special operations team.

The cause of the incident was also a conspiracy first provoked by King Tsunayashiro Rei, and he, Nagasawa Masato, occupied the commanding heights of morality and laws and regulations due to emotion and reason.

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