That figure is like a combination of Goukong and Enilo!

"An instant is called danger.

After Dang Yeyi's transformation, if it weren't for this training ground, which was jointly made by the former chief of the ghost road, Hishitsusai and Urahara Kisuke, the former director of the Technology Development Bureau, and constantly strengthened and strengthened its defensive barrier, I'm afraid it would have been just a training ground. It is the strong coercion created by its transformation, which is enough to instantly raze this underground training ground to the ground!

Looking at Nagasawa Ya's slightly surprised eyes, Yeyi's eyes revealed a look of satisfaction.

In the past 50 years, she has been devoting herself to finding Nagasawa Masa who was involved in the rift, but at the same time neglecting her own practice.

When she saw Nagasawa Ya again after 50 years, she found that the man she could barely walk side by side had suddenly opened up the distance between him and her.

This feeling made her feel both strange and scared.

At the same time, these 50 years of searching have also made her gradually understand her thoughts on Nagasawa. When she doesn't want to meet Nagasawa again, she can only become the other party's vassal, and she can't even see the other party's back. arrive.

So, she began to train desperately.

Kisuke Urahara, Harribel, Stark, and Ulquiorra all became her training partners.

Feeling the power coming from his body, the corner of Yeyi's mouth curled into a wanton smile, and whispered to Nagasawa Ya.

"Everyone's spiritual pressure has its own attributes. My spiritual pressure attribute is the 'thunder' attribute spiritual pressure."

"In order to be able to further improve the 'instantaneity', Γ, , page [-], , ping Miao, Lai neon,  せ,  live, , 粤檠檠檠匦匦, , potential,  [-]. !

"An instant is called danger.

Said, it seems that it has been a long time since I have trained with Nagasawa Ya, as if returning to Yeyi 50 years ago in the blink of an eye, I habitually introduced the process of developing this advanced form to Nagasawa Ya.

Listening to Ye Yi's description, Nagasawa nodded in admiration.

He had seen this advanced form before in the Millennium Bloody Battle chapter of the original plot.

Its power is not "instantaneous, stupid, stupid, stupid" at all.

If it is "Shun Yi North Throwing, Ji Badger Mu Ai, Knocking Bad Mi Ba Chuan·Thunder God's Battle Form", it is an existence comparable to that of Xie Jie.

He has also tried to integrate his own spiritual pressure attribute into the "instantaneous barium".

But it was probably because at that time he had not obtained Yamamoto's template, and with his limited talent, he couldn't touch the threshold of advancement at all, wasting a lot of effort in vain.

At that time, he couldn't help feeling that Ye Yi was truly an out-and-out genius.

Especially after he created the usage of "Double Sun Furnace", he even realized the "instantaneous energy".

If he only uses "Energy Liberation" to match "Instant Momentum", it will be better than the fat one.

However, in the battle with King Tsunayashiro Rei, even though he crushed King Tsunayashiro Rei in all directions, he discovered the problem after he activated the "Meteor Burst" form.

"Instantly..." is no longer enough to resonate with "Meteor Burst".

That battle was not so much a "Double Solar Furnace" as it was a battle that used "Meteor Explosion" as the main propulsion force, dragging "Instant Blast Paralysis".

"Instantly jumping up and down, the yellow cork descends the brain and shows up.

At that time, he was thinking, if he could put his "instantaneous benzene phenotype" into consideration, then he would be able to use his "instantaneous phenomenology" as an example.

Seeing Nagasawa Ya's expression of admiration, Yeyi also had a satisfied smile on his face.

But soon, a worried look appeared on her face.

"However, I have only just mastered this form, and I still have no way to control the strength well."

"You have to be careful, I don't want to beat you into four..."

She just completed this form in the virtual circle a few days ago. When Kisuke Urahara tried a move, she almost lost control of her strength and severely injured the opponent.

At this time, when discussing with Nagasawa Ya, it is natural to remind the other party as much as possible.

However, before she could finish her sentence, she saw a powerful spiritual pressure burst out from Nagasawa Ya across from her.

The next second, I saw two solid blue vortices surrounding Nagasawa's shoulders and arms. The power they exuded was not weaker than hers.

"Instantly ask the turning point!  

Looking at the scene in front of him and listening to the voice in his ear, Ye Yideng's eyes widened immediately, as if he was dreaming, and he looked like he had seen a ghost.

Are you kidding me?

I practiced for nearly half a year before I finally achieved a breakthrough.

Yami just listened to me explain the principle once, is this a breakthrough? ? ?

For a while, Ye had strong doubts about his talent.

The most talented patriarch of the Sifengyuan family in the past thousand years, is it the old guys in the family who deceived me? ? ?

Seeing Yoruichi's almost horrified look, a wicked smile suddenly appeared in Nagasawa's heart.

From Ye Yi's point of view, he just listened to the explanation once, and then completed the "Instant Barium Resistant Yellow Beer"

But only he himself knows that this is just a natural result of the accumulation of time.

When he heard Ye Yi's explanation, he suddenly felt enlightened.

Instead of incorporating the Reiatsu with its own attributes, it activates the "characteristics" of the Reiatsu attributes.

When he understood this, everything seemed logical.

For those who can break through the "instant barrier"

Don't talk about his "instantaneous げ ㄌ ask the turn, the stupid, the court, the proud, the latent, the dead weft, the tailor, the horseshoe crab, the sputum, the sputum, and the sputum.

At least without turning on the "Meteor Burst", his combat effectiveness can be greatly increased.

After all, compared to "Meteor Explosion", "Instantly Stupid"

I don't know if I'm used to the surprises from Nagasawa Ya. After being absent-minded for a while, Yeyi quickly calmed down, and said softly to Nagasawa Ya in a "don't care" tone.

"Now that you have also completed the 'instant 簟'

It's just that judging from the sound of her slightly clenching her back molars, it doesn't seem like she doesn't care.

Ye Yi stopped chatting with Nagasawa Ya, only to see a burst of dazzling thunder erupting from her body instantly.

In the next second, her figure disappeared from Nagasawa Ya's eyes in an instant.

What a great speed!

Looking at Ye Yi who suddenly disappeared, Nagasawa didn't dare to blink her eyes, and even narrowed her eyes slightly as if she was afraid of missing any details.

With the blessing of Thunder and Lightning, Yeyi's explosive power is simply not the same as before.

The speed that was already the best in the world of corpses and souls was promoted to the peak at this moment.


The straight and explosive right leg, like a scimitar cutting through space, quickly hit Nagasawa Ya's head.

Faced with Yoichi's "merciless" blow, Nagasawa Masaru relied on his wild intuition and "unparalleled" deductions to avoid Yoichi's whip leg with a distance as fine as a millimeter.

Looking at the toes that are so close at hand, the toes that can pass by in front of your eyes, the thunder and lightning that is as real as it is, even roasted a faint burning smell in the air.

Nagasawa couldn't help but her eyes lit up, and she couldn't help but feel admiration again.

So strong!

He had just ended the battle with King Tsunayashirore during the day, and he still had a fresh memory of the battle during the day.

Putting aside Yanluo Jingdian, Yoruichi at this time actually has the qualifications to challenge Prince Tsunayashiro Rei!

Of course, this is also because King Tsunayashirore's own Zanpakuto is more of an "auxiliary type" and cannot effectively improve the actual combat power.

But just relying on fighting for nothing, it is amazing enough to be able to rival the first-class Lingwei Tsunayashiro Rei.

However, this is not over yet. Yeyi didn't stop his attack after one shot was missed, but used his inertia to perform two somersaults in the air, and then used the reaction force formed by his feet on the ground when he landed, with A faster flying kick hit Nagasawa Ya's chest and abdomen again.

A set of movements is like flowing clouds and flowing water, which is pleasing to the eye.

Only this time, Nagasawa Ya did not choose to dodge.

Like Ye Yi, he also wants to try his new skills.

He suddenly crossed his hands in front of his chest, and the two vortexes wrapped around his forearm, unexpectedly forming a deep vortex in front of his chest in an instant.

Seeing that Nagasawa no longer dodged, but put on a posture of wanting to confront him head-on, Yoruichi also became interested.

She didn't stop on her feet, and even more dazzling thunder burst out during the flying kick.

She also wants to try, her "Thunder God Battle Form" and Nagasawa Masa's "Waves Messenger", which one is stronger and weaker!

Almost instantly, Yoruichi's "Knight Kick" hit Nagazawa's chest.

However, as soon as the long legs entwined with lightning touched the vortex on Nagasawa Ya's chest, the seemingly deep vortex seemed to have some magical power. The moment Yeyi's long legs touched, it turned out to be This caused her to fly diagonally sideways while spinning in the air at a faster speed than when she came.


A flying kick full of lightning directly blasted a huge hole in the ground.

When the smoke and dust dissipated, revealing Ye Yi who was hiding under it, he saw Ye Yi, who was just like the god of thunder, baring his teeth and constantly moving his right leg.

Looking down, he found that Yeyi's shoes, socks and trousers on his right leg had long since disappeared, revealing his long brown legs with a very sporty aesthetic.

Looking at Ye Yi who kept turning his right leg, Nagasawa hurriedly asked with concern.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's also the first time I use this power, didn't it hurt you?"

But, after hearing his concerned greeting, not only did Yeyi not show a happy expression, but a vein visible to the naked eye popped up on his forehead.

Just when her flying kick hit the vortex on Nagasawa's chest, she only felt a terrible suction sucking her right leg.

Immediately, the terrifying suction force spun even more rapidly, as if trying to smash it into pieces.

If she hadn't reacted quickly, and at the moment she sensed something was wrong, she crazily rotated her body in the direction of the vortex to reduce damage and get rid of the suction of the vortex, she would have been overwhelmed by that domineering force in an instant. The strength twisted into a twist!

However, the reason why she was angry was not that Zeya was too aggressive.

For this kind of moves mastered for the first time, no one can control the strength immediately, and she has a deep understanding of this.

What she was angry with was actually herself.

Recalling what she had just said, "I won't be merciful," "Don't blame her if you get beaten up," and "I don't want to put him in the fourth division," Yoruichi felt a flush.

Although she hasn't displayed the full strength of "Thunder God's Battle Form", presumably Nagasawa Masa's "Waves Envoy" is definitely more than that.

The impeccable defense alone was enough to give her a headache. If there were any other moves...

However, when Ye Yi was thinking about how to defeat Nagasawa Ya's "Waves Envoy", the scene in front of her made her eyes widen again.

The azure vortex wrapped around Nagasawa's arms and shoulders slowly dissipated in the air, and then he saw Nagasawa slowly closing his eyes.

Seeing this, Yoruichi couldn't help but asked in surprise: "Aren't you going to fight?"

However, after hearing her question, Nagasawa smiled and said.

"No, I just want to try another feeling."

"The Wavebringer... is not suitable for this place."

...... cut......

PS. The animated version of Luffy is about to open the fifth gear, and the figure circle also seems to have poked a Nika nest, and a bunch of Nika forms emerged in an instant.

As a fan of Dead Sea of ​​Fire, I must have Nika, it's so hard to choose...

But the god of death doesn't need to worry about it, after all, there are few figures, just buy the latest Ichigo, jie jie jie jie!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Through the brief fight just now, Nagasawa also has a certain understanding of her "Waves Envoy".

Different from Ye Yi's "Thunder God's Battle Form" Gao Mingao's outburst, his "Waves Messenger" ability can be simply summed up in three words.

Hair extensions.

That is, the three stages of "accepting moves", "defusing", and "strengthening power" in traditional martial arts.

At the moment Ye Yifei kicked, the continuously rotating vortex dispelled the subsequent impact, and then integrated this impact into the rotation of the vortex itself, completely strangling the opponent!

It can be said to be a combination of offense and defense.

In the previous confrontation, he was actually merciful.

After realizing the principle of "receiving hair", he directly shifted the angle and took Yoruichi's offensive aside.

Otherwise, Ye Yi might not be able to get rid of it so easily.

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