Zai Feng, who was standing next to him, scolded in a cold voice the elite criminal army members who had curious looks in their eyes, wondering what Kyōraku Shunsui and his own army commander had done yesterday.


"It seems that the work of the [-]th squad is still too easy for you. After you go back, all of you will go back to the blood mist and practice for a month!"

Hearing the broken bee's scolding, the elites of the Xing army shuddered in unison.

The so-called Blood Mist Shadow is a special base dedicated to training criminal troops.

Some Mao graduates who entered the second team, or noble children attached to the Sifengyuan family, will enter the blood mist to practice for a period of time.

That is a veritable devil training, and there is a death indicator, as long as the death indicator does not exceed 20%, it is a life-saving exercise.

Even those elites who have already completed their training from Blood Mist Shadow can't help but shudder when they hear these four words. Urahara Kisuke and Yoruichi, the two "serious criminals", pretended not to see them.

Seeing the reaction of his subordinates, Broken Bee nodded in satisfaction.

There is no way, she also had a share in yesterday's embarrassing scene, if Nagasawa Ya hadn't pulled her away quickly, she might have continued to embarrass herself with Jingle Chunshui.

The Eighth Division of Jingle Chunshui is an intelligence unit. It sorts and classifies the intelligence collected by the Second Division and makes the most accurate judgments. It can be called a civilian division among civilians.

As the team leader, Jingle Chunshui didn't mind if he lost face, after all, he was often lost on weekdays, and the team members respected and loved him very much.

But the second team she commanded was different.

As the commander of the secret mobile force, she has always restrained herself with the strictest requirements.

If her subordinates knew about her performance last night, how would she lead the team?

She will never let this kind of thing spread to the soul world.

Finally, seeing that his senior brother seemed to be talking more and more energetically, Nagasawa directly grabbed the other person's back collar and dragged Kyōraku Shunsui, who was still reluctantly waving goodbye to Urahara Kisuke, into the boundary crossing gate.


Due to the time difference in the world, it was already noon when everyone returned to Soul Society.

As if he had already gotten used to this time difference, Jingle Chunshui, who had just finished breakfast, patted his stomach and was ready to go back to the Eighth Division team building for lunch.

After all, since yesterday, he hasn't eaten a serious meal other than a large pile of wine and fruit plates. The only thing that counts as dry food is a roasted sweet potato that he brought in from the old man.

I have to say that it is pitiful for the captain to do this.

Coupled with the fact that the Eighth Division has no vice-captain so far, Masa Nagasawa is really worried about Jingle Shunsui's mental state.

I only hope that Shiba Yuma and Urahara Kisuke can bring him spiritual satisfaction.

At the same time, Broken Bee also led the elite criminal army back to their base.

Watching the other party's leaving figure, Nagasawa Masaru also secretly wondered whether the "Blood Mist Shadow" in the other party's mouth was serious, and whether there was an organization called "Seven Ninja Swordsmen" in it.

There were only himself and Muramasa left around the crowd just now, Nagasawa Masa didn't care too much, and led Muramasa to the first team to get him a residence permit in Seireitei.

Although Muramasa's identity is extremely "suspicious", it can't stand the high authority that Yamamoto gave him.

As long as the members of his special operations team do not involve the in-service god of death above the deputy captain, he, the commander-in-chief, can completely decide.

Even if he wants three seats from other divisions, as long as the other party agrees, they can directly poach them for him.

Apart from the number of people, there are almost no major restrictions.

At that time, he planned to dig out Madarame's corner, wipe off the opponent's eye shadow, and then put a pair of shit-yellow tights and cheap red rubber gloves on the opponent to see if there was a chance to evolve into Saitama-sensei.

In the end, considering that the addition of Madarame will inevitably lower the average appearance of the special operations team, he gave up.

When the captains of other divisions learned that he had poached Rangiku, who was still the third member of the [-]th Division at the time, many of them organized several team building sessions to increase the cohesion within the division. .

At this time, he didn't poach someone from the squad of the [-]th Guarding Team, but picked up a wild strong man from outside, which not only strengthened his own power, but also occupied the quota of the special operations team, and had not weakened the other squads. He couldn't think of any reason why Yamamoto would reject him.

Not to mention that this is not the first time he has set up an identity for someone.

Even Jiro Sparrow, who was in charge of helping him with his identity, was used to it.

But having said that, Muramasa's arrival still made the team flustered for a while.

"Team...captain level!?"

The person in charge of guarding the gate of the [-]st team today is still Michiko Mytsuma, but Nishikazu Sakurai, who is always inseparable from him, has disappeared today, replaced by a rather cute looking one who is still wearing Mao's school uniform. Female Death.

When Taoist Priest Tasuma sensed Muramasa's faintly powerful spiritual pressure, his eyes suddenly widened as big as a bull's eye.

If it wasn't for a smiling Nagasawa who was beside him, he might have raised the alarm and called for someone.

Seeing my wife Taoist who was a little panicked, Nagasawa couldn't help saying hello.

"Hey, Niuniu, is this the intern of the first team this year? I didn't expect the old guy to recruit such a cute girl. Is this a change of sex?"

Seeing Masahiro Nagasawa greeting me with a smile on his face, my wife Taoist priest also recovered from the panic.

He hurriedly bowed slightly to Nagasawa Ya.

It's just that he just recovered from the panic, and suddenly heard Nagasawa say "old guy" long and "old guy" short, but he let his heart that had just been let go once again raised it.

After can guess with your ass who the "old guy" Masa Nagasawa refers to.

My wife Daochang couldn't help feeling a little tingly, and responded in a somewhat unsmooth tone.

"Back... back to Mr. Nagasawa!"

"This... this is Ma An Yayin, the second daughter of the high-ranking noble Ma An family, she is... a sixth-generation student who is about to graduate from Mao this year, and she just came to the team for an internship today. Xi asked me to take care of her."

Hearing that the famous Nagasawa Masa actually asked about him, Ma Anmiyin, who had been nervous for a long time, saluted Nagasawa Masa repeatedly.

It's just that unlike my wife Daochang who was a little flustered, Ma An Miyin was nervous, but her beautiful eyes kept sneaking up on Nagasawa Ya in front of her, and her eyes were full of admiration and longing.

As Mao's current sixth-generation student who is about to graduate, she had participated in the open class four days ago.

Although she was just sitting in the distance and watching Nagasawa quietly, the figure who was handsome, powerful, and exuding the light of wisdom was engraved in her heart like a knife and an axe.

She originally wanted to go to the sixth division of the special operations team. After all, as the second daughter of the upper noble Ma An family, it is reasonable to join the sixth division.

It's a pity that the Ma An family is a high-ranking nobleman attached to the Tsunayashiro family, so it is naturally impossible for her to join the sixth team belonging to the Kuchiki family.

In the end, he can only join the most "complex" division like his sister.

However, perhaps thinking of her sister who "died" from a sudden illness yesterday, Ma An Miyin's eyes that had just lit up suddenly dimmed.

Seeing that Ma An Yayin's mood suddenly sank after greeting her, Nagasawa raised her eyebrows in confusion.

It's just that he is not a human-shaped succubus, and he didn't take the other party's performance seriously, but continued to ask my wife Taoist priest calmly.

"By the way, where is Jinhe? Why didn't you see him?"

In the battle with King Tsunayashidai Rei, before Muramasa succeeded, although he was quite heavy-handed, except for the "double bone" at the very beginning, which was aimed at the opponent's old life, he never hit it. mortal wound.

The purpose is to save Sakurai Nishikika's life as much as possible, and prevent Tsunayashiro Rei's "straw puppet" from transferring the damage.

However, although he avoided fatal injuries as much as possible, King Tsunayashiro Rei's almost reckless use of Yan Luo Jing Dian was very likely to take the lives of those possessed by "stand-in dolls".

At this time, he didn't see Sakurai Nishikiwa in the first team, so he naturally wanted to ask.

Fortunately for him, after hearing his question, my wife just smiled awkwardly, then scratched the back of her head and responded softly.

"Oh, that's what you're talking about."

"Well, when Sakurai-senpai went to fetch the whetstone from the attic for the captain at noon yesterday, he didn't know what happened, but suddenly fell down the stairs. When we rushed there, he had already fallen into a coma."

"Fortunately, after sending him to the fourth team, the diagnosis result was only a moderate concussion. He woke up last night, and he will probably recover after a few days of rest."

"It's just a little strange, I don't know why, his face seemed to be punched several times, and his whole face was swollen, obviously he was the only one in the attic saying..."

Listening to my wife Taoist's answer, although she was a little sorry, Nagasawa could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

It seems that his tactics were successful, and Sakurai Nishikiwa's life was saved.

It's just that my wife Daochang's voice had just finished, and Ma An Miyin, who had been silent at the side, raised his head with a surprised expression, and asked quickly in a somewhat eager tone.


"Is that the high-ranking nobleman Sakurai's family?"

"He also happened at noon yesterday!?"

...... cut......

PS. Jihu is almost over, and I feel a little bit of a feeling of driving high and low. I don’t know if the last few episodes can be saved.

Speaking of which, before I heard about Gochad's information, I really didn't want Jihu to end. When I heard that Brother Xiaoming was going to play Sanqi, I began to look forward to the new one. After all, this setting, the card player is ecstatic!


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

and also?

Hearing Ma An Miyin's question, my wife Dao Chang and Nagasawa Masa were all stunned.

Immediately, Nagasawa responded quickly and asked in a strange tone.

"The Ma'an family is a superior noble dependent on the Tsunayashiro family?"

Hearing this, Ma An Miyin was stunned this time.

After a night of fermenting, the news that Nagasawa Masahiro killed the former head of the Tsunayashiro family had already spread throughout the streets and alleys of Seireitei.

After hearing Nagasawa Masa's question, Ma An Yayin subconsciously thought that the other party did not want to see the Tsunayashiro family, and nodded sadly.

Seeing this, Nagasawa couldn't help but her heart sank, and she continued to ask.

"How is your family doing now?"

This time, Ma'an Miyin was even more confused.

She didn't say what was going on, and she didn't even mention her sister. Nagasawa concluded that something happened to her family, which made her frown.

Obviously, Nagasawa must know something, she hurriedly said.

"My elder sister, Ma An Mingli, fell into a coma without any warning at noon yesterday, and she was already sent to the Zhenyang Pharmaceutical Hospital before she even had time..."

"I heard from the chief representative (principal) that my sister must have suffered from some kind of highly contagious spiritual disease, and her vitality was lost along with the spiritual child at an extremely fast speed, so she was unable to recover. Many noble children have shown the same symptoms, and the whole noble street is panicked."

Speaking of this, it seemed as if he had gone through an extremely fierce psychological struggle. Ma Kuan Yayin hesitated for a long time before continuing to ask Nagazawa Ya.

"Mr. Nagasawa, do you...know something?" As she spoke, she seemed to be afraid that Nagasawa would misunderstand, and she quickly added, "My sister has always been in good health, and she doesn't like to go to those kinds of people. In such a noisy place, it’s so strange that the onset of symptoms is so fast that people have no time to react, isn’t it?”

Ma An Miyin's words were full of sadness, and it could be seen that the relationship between her and her sister should be very good.

According to the other party's description, unlike Sakurai Nishikiwa, who took the place of King Tsunayashiro Rei and endured his own boxing, her sister should have been emptied of vitality in a very short period of time, and then died suddenly.

This method of death is exactly the same as the side effects of Yanluo Jingdian.

Hearing this, Nagasawa couldn't help sighing slightly in her heart.

Sure enough, it was impossible to save everyone.

But after hearing the answer from the chief executive of Mao Shiyaoyuan, a frightening light flashed in Nagasawa Masa's eyes.

Is it a highly contagious spiritual disease...

If Squad [-] is a public hospital responsible for the treatment of Squad [-], then Shino Shiyakuin is a private hospital directly under the "Five Nobles".

Many members of the fourth team with great medical talents will receive poaching from Mao Shiyaoyuan.

As Masa Nagasawa knows, Seinosuke Yamada, who is currently serving as the vice-captain of the fourth squad, will be the general manager of Mao Shiyakuin in the future, that is, the dean.

Of course, as the captain of the [-]th Division, Uno Hana Ritsu has always turned a blind eye to Mao Shiyakuin's poaching behavior.

After all, he is a noble, so it is normal to have some privileges.

However, perhaps for the sake of winning people's hearts, or perhaps for the purpose of standing up and standing, the "five nobles" did not treat Zhenyang Shiyaoyuan as their own taboo domineeringly because it serves themselves, and do not allow others to touch it.

Instead, it was quite "generous" to take it out for the use of nobles in Noble Street. Even lower-level nobles, as long as they can afford the treatment fee, they can enjoy the treatment of Zhenyang Shiyaoyuan.

Of course, if you want the dean of Zhenyang Shiyaoyuan to step in, let alone the treatment fee, at least you must be a high-ranking noble who is attached to the "five nobles" to be eligible.

Fortunately, Ma'anjia has this qualification.

But unfortunately, the other party did not tell the truth.

Masa Nagasawa has reason to doubt... No, it should be said that she is 90.00% sure.

The dean of Mao Shiyakuin is trying to cover up this scandal for the Tsunayashiro family.

After all...the former head of the Tsunayashiro family went out to fight, but Krypton was killed by the subordinate family's children. Once such things were leaked, it would undoubtedly be a catastrophic blow to the Tsunayashiro family.

Nagasawa couldn't help lowering her eyes, and glanced at the Yanluo Jingdian hanging on her waist.

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